田口 敬太 石崎 直人 蘆原 恵子 伊藤 和憲 福田 文彦 下村 伊一郎 林 紀行 前田 和久 伊藤 壽記
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.60, no.7, pp.489-497, 2017-07-30 (Released:2017-07-30)

糖尿病性神経障害を有する患者に対する鍼治療の効果について検討した.治療は,1週間に1回の頻度で合計7回の鍼治療を行った.初回は置鍼のみとし,2診目からは低周波鍼通電治療を15分間行った.治療部位は下腿に位置する経穴,陽陵泉(GB 34)―太衝(LV 3),陰陵泉(SP 9)―太渓(KI 3)の計4箇所とし,左右に行った.1診目のしびれの平均VASは46.4 mm(95 %CI;36.7-56.1 mm),8診目のしびれの平均VASは24.7 mm(95 %CI;14.5-34.9 mm)であった.鍼治療前後でしびれの自覚症状に有意な改善が認められた(-22.0,95 %CI;10.6-33.5,p=0.001).また,2診目と8診目のこむら返りの回数についても鍼治療を行ったことでこむら返りの回数に有意な改善が認められた(Wilcoxonの符号順位和検定 p=0.045).以上のことから,鍼治療は副作用も少なく,一定の効果が期待できる為,糖尿病性神経障害を有する患者の治療法の一つとして有用な手段となりうることが示された.
富丸 慶人 後藤 邦仁 小林 省吾 永野 浩昭 森 正樹 土岐 祐一郎 江口 英利 伊藤 壽記 野口 洋文 宮下 和幸 川本 弘一 岩上 佳史 秋田 裕史 野田 剛広
一般社団法人 日本移植学会
移植 (ISSN:05787947)
vol.54, no.4, pp.217-222, 2019

<p>Total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation is an ideal surgical procedure used to relieve chronic pain derived from the pancreatitis, while insulin-dependent diabetes is inevitably induced after the surgery. Islet autotransplantation combined with a total pancreatectomy can reduce the risk of severe diabetes by preserving available islet cells. We experienced a case with hereditary pancreatitis, which is a rare inherited condition characterized by recurrent acute pancreatitis and/or chronic pancreatitis. The case was that of a female in her thirties who was introduced to our hospital due to treatment-refractory abdominal pain derived from repeated pancreatitis even after surgical treatments. At the introduction, the pain was uncontrollable even by opioid use, and oral intake was impossible due to increase of the pain after the intake. She was genetically diagnosed with hereditary pancreatitis. For relieving the pancreatitis-derived pain, total remnant pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation was planned. After the pancreatectomy, islet cells were extracted from the excised remnant pancreas, and injected into the portal vein for liver autotransplantation. The pain was completely relieved for her after the surgery, suggesting improvement of her quality-of-life. A glucose tolerance test and glucagon loading test performed one month after the surgery showed C-peptide secretion as the blood glucose rose. However, the serum c-peptide level and SUIT index had been gradually decreased after the surgery, and she is now treated with insulin. The case suggested that total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation is useful for improvement of the patient's quality of life by controlling the pain in cases with hereditary pancreatitis.</p>
伊藤 壽記
一般社団法人 日本移植学会
移植 (ISSN:05787947)
vol.50, no.4-5, pp.378-386, 2015-09-10 (Released:2015-10-30)

In terms of absolute shortages of donors, organ transplantation in Japan is in a more serious position than in Europe or the United States. In Japan, a law allowing organ transplantation from brain-dead donors finally came into force in October 1997. The first pancreas transplantation (PTx) was successfully performed at Osaka University Hospital in April 2000. Since then, however, only 86 cases of procurement have occurred over the approximately 13 years after introduction of the law; it was very strict and limited to organ procurement from donors who had provided prior written consent. The law was eventually revised in July 2010 to more closely resemble laws in Europe and the U. S.After this revision, the number of donations has increased approximately seven-fold. The number of such procedures totaled 146 (33.0/year, as of December 31, 2014) after the revision, compared to 64 (4.9/year) before the revision. However, the rate of marginal donors is 67.1%, which is still high.Although the number of donors increased, donor shortages and severe environment surrounding donors still exist in our country. Transplant outcomes, however, are comparable to those in Europe and the U. S.This report examines the present status and problems of PTx in Japan from the perspective of “marginal donors.”
伊藤 壽記 井倉 技
日本補完代替医療学会誌 (ISSN:13487922)
vol.3, no.1, pp.27-31, 2006 (Released:2006-03-09)
1 1

2005 年 5 月と 9 月の 2 度にわたり,米国の補完代替医療施設を訪問する機会を得た.訪問先はメリーランド州の NIH にある CAM の National Center (NCCAM) と NCI でがんの CAM に特化した OCCAM, さらにがんセンターとして,カリフォルニア州デイビス校 (UC Davis) とテキサス大学 MD Anderson Hospital である. また,同年 11 月にがんに対する統合医療 (Integrative Oncology) に関する 2 回目の国際会議がサンディエゴで開催され,その内容についても紹介する.
水島 恒和 伊藤 壽記 竹田 潔 中島 清一

炎症性腸疾患(IBD)患者の炎症部では、マクロファージ様の形態を呈し、単球系マーカーのCD14 と樹状細胞マーカーの CD11c 両者が陽性である CD14+CD11c+細胞が増加していた。IBD 患者の非炎症部において、CD14+CD11c+細胞は非 IBD 患者と著変を認めなかった。CD14+CD11c+細胞は、腸管粘膜固有層において CD14-CD11c+細胞,CD14-CD11c-細胞に比し、有意に Th17 細胞を誘導していることが明らかになった。