佐藤 隆之
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.2006, no.94, pp.114-121, 2006-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

批判も少なくないなか、それでも廃れることなく、いまなお個性教育をめぐる主張や解釈が連綿と繰り出されている。この現状をみるにつけ、「今日、 “個性” という言葉は麻薬のような働きをもっている」 (iii頁) という本書の冒頭を飾る一文に、共感を覚える読者も少なくないだろう。そのような状況において、「教育における個性尊重は何を意味するか」という問いに答えることは容易ではない。それでは、過去についてはどうか。とくにわが国に直接間接に影響を与えてきたアメリカの進歩主義教育における個性教育の遺産について、私たちはどこまで理解しているのだろうか。過去を清算しきれないままに新たな言説を上積みすることにより、個性教育をめぐる理解や事態をますます混乱させ、生産的な議論を難しくしてはいないか。その遺産から個性教育について示唆をえようとすることそれ自体は目新しい試みではないにせよ、多種多様なその改革の思想、目的、方法、実践、結果などを検討し、それらを総括して進歩主義教育ならではの特徴を解明することは、今なお課題として残されているといってよいだろう。本書の副題に掲げられる「教育における個性尊重は何を意味してきたか」という問いに答えることは、それが個性という「麻薬」に対する解毒剤を手にするうえでの鍵を握ることは重々承知していても、その対象の大きさやとらえ難さゆえに、やはり容易ではないのである。著者の宮本氏はこれまで、「個性尊重の教育」というテーマに、アメリカ進歩主義教育を主たる対象として一貫して取り組んでこられた。その研究成果の集大成として、二〇〇三年一二月、京都大学に提出された学位論文である本書は、その難問に真正面から挑んだ労作である。本研究の直接の課題は、「個性概念」の明確化と、「一斉授業の改革としての個別化・個性化の思想と実践の系譜」の解明にある (四頁) 。ここに示されるとおり、浩潮な本書の考察を貫く視点であり対象となっているのは、教育の個別化・個性化である。詳しくいえばそれは、「学年と学級を定め、一人の教師が多数の生徒を対象に、同一の教材を一斉に教授するという一斉教授の方法」 (=「学級一斉教授」) の画一性や受動性を批判し、個々の個人差や自発性に応えることをめざして開発が進められた方法である (五-六頁) 。そのうち、個別化とは、「ひとりひとりの個人差に応ずるために教育方法の画一性を打破する」方法であり、個性化とは、「子どもひとりひとりの能動性を保障する」方法と定義される (七頁) 。本書の内容やその特徴について解説をくわえる前にまず、課題とされる「個別化・個性化の思想と実践」について簡単にふれておきたい。それは長年の研究の蓄積から導出された著者ならではの着想に支えられており、本書のねらいや意義を体現していると考えられるからである。第一に、この簡にして要を得た独自の視点に考察全体が貫かれていることにより、多彩であるがゆえに錯綜している進歩主義教育における個性教育の理論や展開が、包括的に論じられている。第二に、個別化・個性化の「思想と実践」を考察の対象とするとあるとおり、教授理論の基底にある「思想」にまで踏み込む精緻な検討が展開されている。それにより、個性教育のルーツをひもとき、整理しながら、その原理や特質が照射されている。第三に、その「思想」とならんで重点がおかれている「実践」とは、授業実践ではなく、教育に関わる行政、政策、制度、理論などを包括している (v頁) 。本研究はこの広義の実践に注視した「教育実践学」の成果であり、教育現場を強く意識しながら、個性教育の実態について多面的に切り込む論考となっている。そのため、著者は安易に過去を現代に結びつけることはしないが、現代の教育実践にきわめて示唆的な内容となっている。最後に、その思想と実践の分析にあたっては、著作・論文以外に、統計、報告書、時間割、授業案などを含む膨大な史料が収集されている。それに基づいた実証的考察は、説得力に富んでいる。 (その一端をなす貴重な写真や雑誌は二〇頁にわたって巻末に掲載され、本書の論考を補完するとともに興趣を添えている。本文と併せてご覧いただきたい。) 以上の諸点に特徴が認められる課題について、次のような構成で考察が展開されている。紙幅の関係から節以下は省略して示す。
佐藤 隆之
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1997, no.76, pp.138-151, 1997-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

William Heard Kilpatrick's educational concept of 'cooperation' has been harshly criticized for the alleged effect of reinforcing conformity to industrial society and to 'other-directedness.' However, by claiming that education must be based, not on individualization, but on the 'cooperative purpose activity, ' Kilpatrick in fact criticized individualized methods of instruction and exerted influence on Helen Parkhurst. Parkhurst, originator of the Dalton Plan, argued for the necessity for each student to share the minimal essentials to live a cooperative community life. She proposed an individualized method of instruction in which she gave students assignments individually in view of greater attention to social efficiency. Kilpatrick has warned that, by presupposing that the basic knowledge thus taught by the individualized instruction had priority over social activities, Parkhurst unintentionally made 'cooperation' so static and exclusive that it could even be seen as a form of conformity or social control. In Parkhurst's scheme, the individual was treated as a passive organism. Being partly based on George Herbert Mead, Kilpatrick's theory claimed that 'cooperation' cannot be established simply by a unified linguistic community, but only by locating 'common ways of cooperating, ' which emerge from diverse points of view in which the self and others interact reciprocal ly, or, the 'self-other process.' According to Mead, Kilpatrick had asserted that 'cooperation' was the reciprocal relationship of the individual and society.
佐藤 由紀子
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1983, no.48, pp.60-73, 1983-11-05 (Released:2010-05-07)

The main purpose of M. Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology was to stop the fruitless dispute between materialism and idealism, to re-learn seeing the world, and to restore the naive contact with the world. Apparently this phenomenology suggests a unique viewpoint in understanding the existence of 'child'. We can find this viewpoint more directly expounded in his lectures on child psychology and pedagogy held at the Sorbonne. This paper, focusing on these lectures, examines the characteristic points and the meaning of these lectures.Merleau-Ponty proposes a phenomenological child psychology in contrast to child psychology as a positivistic science and he treats pedagogy also as synonymous with phenomenological child psychology. He emphasises the importance of the lived existential relation between the child and the adult which we are apt to miss by objectifying 'child' as the object of positivistic or scientific knowledge.If we dare to attach a name to attempt at phenomenology, we may call it phenomenology of 'child and adult'. It includes a notion of protest against the one-way theory of stages of development from child to adult, and it seems to suggest that human development should be considered only in terms of the structure of co-existence of child and adult.
佐藤 三郎
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1961, no.4, pp.31-45, 1961-04-20 (Released:2010-01-22)

佐藤 労
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.22, pp.77-83, 2004-10-18 (Released:2018-02-01)

The duty to be a good medical doctor is considered from a viewpoint of Kant's ethics. Consideration of this article is begun with the so-called "lie paper" of Kant. A consequentialism of utilitarianism in this paper is criticized as follows. Even if a goodness of means to lie is guaranteed by a goodness of an end to save a life of liar's friend, the connection between a means and an end is not necessary but rather contingency. A goodness of means is not always guaranteed. And an act which is performed out of duty is good by itself because the duty is affected with a sentiment. There are two kinds of duties, complete or incomplete. The former is legal duty, the latter virtuous. A virtuous act is recognized as an example that a man conducts morally, which is an expression of a moral law. This act is admirable and respectable because of an expression of a moral law. It compelles an observer to become good and to be a good doctor that a man observes those who conduct the virtuous act.
佐藤 拓司
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.19, pp.136-150, 2001-10-20 (Released:2018-02-01)

How should we treat intersexual individuals? It has been standard pediatric practice to recommend surgery for infants with ambiguous genitalia or loss of panis. In females, any large clitoris is to be reduced or removed. In males with less than an adequate penis, the preferred surgical approach is sex reassignment. This management philosophy is based on 2 beliefs: (1) individuals are psychosexually neutral at birth and (2) healthy psychosexual development is dependent on the appearence of the genitals. This philosophy was strongly supported by the classical and well-known "John/Joan" case. But reports of the success of John/Joan were premature and wrong. Diamond and Sigmundson recently reported that John failed to identify as a female, and she had in fact chosen to resume life as John. They conclude that the evidence seems overwhelming that humans are not psychosexually neutral. If they are correct, we need a new philosophy for dealing with intersexual individuals. I propose that we have to realise that there are several limitations in our capacity to clinically manage intersexuality. At first.it appears impossible to draw any distinct, line between males and females. And we are unable to predict with confidence the gender that an intersexed newborn will settle into during adulthood. And finally, it is unlikely that surgical reassignment will ever truly "normalize" an individual. In accordance with these limitations, we have to be more careful when undergoing gender reassignment for infants with traumatized genitalia.
佐藤 純一
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.13, pp.70-78, 1995-10-01 (Released:2018-02-01)

This paper attempts to reconsider the etiology of modern medicine (or bio-medicine) from the view points of medical anthropology and medical sociology. The discussion of causality in modern medicine fundmentally depends upon biological factors and theories, and seems to neglects socio-cultural factors and theories. At first in this article, the another criticizes the origin of modern medicne, emphasizing the importance of the viewpoint of socio-cultural contexts. Next, based on historical-theoretical-anthropological studies of modern medicine and non-western medicine ("traditional medicine"), it is strongly proposed that the origins of both traditional medicine, and also modern medicne, derive from theories bound with the respective culture. Therefore we can think the modern medicine as a kind of traditional medicine. A tentative theoretical model of origins in order to inquire into all origins is proposed. In the kind part of this article, after describing the new concept of the origins of modern medicne, which depends upon probability and epidemiology, the new concept is examined with this tentative thoretical model.
佐藤 純一
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.10, pp.136-142, 1992-10-23 (Released:2018-02-01)

"Doing Better and Feeling Worse." This phrase is the title of a book which criticized modern American medicine in the nineteen-seventies, and it means that the better the medical personnel do, the worse the patients feel. Now in Japan, many people, not only patients and laymen but also medical personnel, may be discontented with modern medicine in the same way. This paper was prepared for discussion in the symposium titled "Concerning the Humanism of a Medical Environment in Transition". It emphasizes the importance of the socio-cultural viewpoint in inquiring into medicine, for medicine is a socio-cultural system and ideology. Using the key concept "medical pluralism", this pape tries to describe the diversity of patients' (laymen's) concepts of disease, the variety of their illness-behaviors, and the relativity of patients (laymen) and medical systems.
佐藤 純一
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.9, pp.68-82, 1991-07-31 (Released:2018-02-01)

Recently many publications in socio-culture and medicine have come out which assert the importance of "iyashi (healing)" in medical settings in Japan. Especially among traditional medical practitioners and their clients, such an assertion has been emphasized in connection with criticisms of modern medicine. They insist that there is not "iyashi (healing)" in modern medicine, but in their traditional medicine, although they never mention what "iyashi (healing)" is. This paper tries to clarify what "iyashi (healing)" means. It also argues against the view there is no "iyashi (healing)" in modern medicine. For this purpose, it describes the care given to patients having terminal cancer in modern Japanese medicine, by way of providing some "Medical Anthropology". Even today Japanese physicians deem it fatal and unethical to tell the truth about a diagnosis of terminal cancer to the patient. Instead, physicians give the patient a false diagnosis. For example they say that he has a benign ulcer when he has stomach cancer. Some physicians never give the patient any diagnosis of malignancy, just saying "No problem". But some members of the patient's family, usually elderly male members, are told the true diagnosis and are asked to conceal the truth from the patient. They are asked to support him by reassuring him that he will" recover, by physicians in charge. Nurses in charge obey the physicians' order to keep silence about the diagnosis. In this way, the dying patient is surrounded with "the lie" of his entourage, physicians, nurses and his family members, and goes without recognizing the terminal time and the true diagnosis. Focusing on this situation of patients having terminal cancer, this paper argues about Japanese "iyashi (healing)."
桐山 孝司 佐藤 雅彦
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.46, no.2, pp.65-70, 2019 (Released:2019-05-22)

This paper discusses two interactive exhibits in the perspective of design and behavioral analysis. The first exhibit, Pool of Fingerprints, was created for the exhibition of The Definition of Self. The second exhibit, Arithmetik Garden, was exhibited at Mori Art Museum in 2007 and NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] in 2008.
佐藤 暁
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.42, no.1, pp.1-17, 2014-12-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

In The Origins of Analytical Philosophy, Dummett criticized the philosophy of Husserl for being a Humpty-Dumpty theory. We reconstruct this criticism into a more general argument that shows that the idea of meaning as a type entails the Humpty-Dumpty theory. In interpreting Dummett's text, we show that the criticism of the Humpty-Dumpty theory is a criticism of "associating expressions with meanings" in an attempt to explain linguistic significance, and that types are not objects, but rather equivalence relations. In addition, we demonstrate that tokens are not concrete, but theoretical objects, and thus should be distinguished from bearers of tokens, which are bare physical objects.