佐藤 順子
聖隷クリストファー大学社会福祉学部紀要 = Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University
no.18, pp.23-31, 2020-03-31

研究ノート本稿は、社協による地区社協等づくりが果たしてきた歴史的役割を正しく評価することを目的に取り組んできた研究の第三報であり、社会福祉基礎構造改革以降2010 年代半ばまでの社会福祉政策、地域福祉政策と社会福祉協議会及び地区社協の位置づけについてまとめたものである。 2000 年代初頭に行われた社会福祉基礎構造改革により、社会保障の縮小が促進され、互助・共助の強化が公助を補完するものとして期待されるようになった。こうした中、あらためて社協の役割が内外で検討された結果、80 年代から90 年代にかけて軽視されてきた地区社協等が、地域におけるつながりづくりや住民主体のインフォーマルサービス開発などを実現するものとして再評価され、その推進が一層求められるようになった。もとより、社協の地区社協等づくりは政策側からの期待に応えるために取り組まれてきたわけではなく、社協創設以来、住民主体の地域福祉の実現のために取り組まれ、その結果生み出された諸活動がインフォーマルサービスとして地域の中で資源化してきたと考えるべきであり、2006 年、2008 年に提出された地域の福祉力や小地域福祉活動の活性化に関する調査報告で示された方針は、社協による地区社協等支援において基盤とすべきものとして重要である。 またこの間の社会福祉、地域福祉政策においては、コミュニティ政策の影響も認められ、地区社協以外の地域福祉推進基礎組織、社協以外の支援機関が出現するなど、この面でも多元化がみられる。そうした中、社協の専門性、相対的独自性を明らかにし、住民がイニシアティヴをもって活動を展開し、自治体統治に参画する、という側面を重視し、多様な地域福祉推進基礎組織に対して支援していくことがますます求められる。
武田 十季 新島 有信 佐藤 隆
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.25, no.4, pp.319-325, 2020-12-25 (Released:2020-12-25)

Enhancing a user’s sense of presence and immersion with haptic technologies has recently been getting increasing attention in virtual reality. Yet while several devices that use wind as a haptic modality have been proposed, it is difficult to precisely and quickly control the stimulation of the wind. In this study, we tackle creating an illusion of wind blowing with multiple air cannons that provides low-latency tactile sensations based on the perception of apparent tactile motion. We conducted an experiment to investigate the occurrence of the wind blowing sensation and the optimal parameters. Based on the results, we have exhibited a demonstration by synchronizing with the sound source movement to show the possibility of creating a sense that virtual objects passed in front of the participants.
谷口 (山田) 亜樹子 栗 彩子 佐藤 祐子 風見 真千子 野口 治子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.70, no.3, pp.133-139, 2019

<p> 鎌倉産, 仙台産, 佐渡産の産地の異なるアカモクの一般成分を測定し, 成分の比較を行った. 鎌倉産アカモクは灰分が最も多く, 仙台産はタンパク質が多く, 佐渡産は炭水化物, 食物繊維が多かった.</p><p> 各産地のアカモクのミネラル量を測定した結果, 鎌倉産はカルシウム, 鉄が多く, 仙台産はナトリウム, カリウム, マグネシウム, 鉄, 銅が多く, 佐渡産は亜鉛が多かった. アカモクのポリフェノール量は仙台産が最も多く102.3 mg/100 g含まれており, 鎌倉産, 佐渡産は各々95.2 mg/100 g, 76.3 mg/100 gであった. アカモクは他の海藻よりポリフェノール量が多く, 抗酸化作用などの機能性が期待できた.</p><p> アカモクを用いて食品を製造し, 栄養計算を行った. 鎌倉産アカモクを食品に使用することで, 食品のカルシウム, 鉄のミネラルの栄養価が高くなり, ミネラルが豊富な食品となった. また, アカモクを添加することで, 食物繊維の多い食品となった.</p>
東原 貴志 佐藤 ゆかり 永井 克行
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
日本科学教育学会年会論文集 (ISSN:21863628)
vol.44, pp.617-618, 2020

<p>新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)感染症の拡大防止のために実施された小中学校の臨時休校や博物館等の社会教育施設の臨時休業の結果,子どもたちに対する科学教育の機会の喪失が社会問題となっている。そのため,上越科学館では子どもたちが大人と一緒に自宅で科学遊びや工作を楽しむことを目的として,「おうちでサイエンス」と題した科学実験の動画配信を2020 年5 月から行っている。これらの動画を教員養成系大学の学部生に視聴させた結果,自宅で科学遊びや工作を行う内容について評価する意見が多く,科学教育に寄与するのではないかと考えられた。</p>
佐藤 文子
駒澤大學北海道教養部論集 (ISSN:09136509)
no.7, pp.15-26, 1992-10

This particular novel, The Fox (1912) has showed its theme most beautifully and somewhat psychedelically. In this paper, I would like to consider the author's feeling toward woman that is running beautifully in this novel, consulting his works, Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious (1921), Fantasia of the Unconscious (1922). The story begins in this way. Two women, both of them are around thirties, are working in the country of England, making their living by poultry. One is Banford and the other is March. Both are called by their surnames and both are spinsters. Banford is a small, thin delicate girl wearing spectacles. She, however, was the principal investor of the farm, because her father gave her the capital to make the farm, for she was not likely to get married. Lawrence insisted that the spectacles symbolized intelligence and knowledge and knowledge was the cause of destruction of women's happiness. Lawrence hated this type of overknowing women. On the other hand, March was more feminine, although she was wearing a linen tunic coat buttoned up to her throat and putting gaiters on her legs like men, she, herself was a woman. March was an androgyny that is, she was female inside and Lawrence wanted this kind of woman, here. Lawrence described Banford and March as follows; Aha, there went March, striding with her long, land stride in her breeches and her short tunic. Banford would have little iron breasts, he said to himself. For all her frailty and fretfulness and delicacy, she would have tiny iron breasts. But March, under her crude, fast workman's tunic, would have soft, white breasts, white and unseen. Soft, white tender breasts symbolizes life and tiny iron breasts symbolizes death. March was taciturn and was always paralized by the unconsciousness that comes from her inner self. This constant attitude of her characterized March. Since Banford was a principal investor of this farm, March took the man's role, that means, March had to work three-fourths of the work and that kept her tired and hystellic sometimes. One evening, a young soldier named Henry appeared in this farm. To march, he seemed to be a fox because he was quite similar to the fox which she saw in the field a year ago. The boy started talking with them and approached especially March. Why did he approach? March was attractive and described as an ideal woman, androgyny. Here, the author, disguised as Henry rushed into the female homestead and directed this story and had it developed. That is, a sexally capable male is to interfere with a lesbian couple's relationship and to dominate one of the partners. In this way, a story of the psychological relationship, a triangle mating complex of love and hatred begins. Henry proposed marriage to March. Banford was bewildered to hear the story and the conflict with March was deepened. As the three people's relationship got into more deeper antagonistic situation, March was compelled to a situation that she had to put herself to the side of Banford as a partner of the community in the farm and the side of Henry. After having made the procedure of marriage, Henry promised March to take her to Canada. However, the Henry's train started to leave for Salisbury Plain, March's heart was again returned to the sane and safe Banford. March broke off the engagement. Henry got an antagonistic feeling against Banford. In his mind was one thing-Banford.…One thorn rankled, stuck in his mind. Banford. In his mind, in his soul, in his whole being, one thorn rankling to insanity. And he would have to get it out. He rushed to the farm after receiving the letter. He met March at the farm and helped her with the work of chopping off a big dead branch. He concentrated on his mind to hit Banford who had been watching his cutting underneath. It was his consciousness that had worked to its extremity and had splitted a branch. Henry killed Banford. He won. However, the love between the two peorle got an dark shadow and it could not be what it had been. Poor March, in her goodwill and her responsibility, she had strained herself till it seemed to her that the whole of life and everything was only a horrible abyss of nothingness. …You pluck flower after flower-it is never the flower. The flower itself-its calyx is a horrible gulf, it is the bottomless pit. They pushed happiness and both were failed. When he picked the flower, it's not a flower anymore. Even after the Banford's death, March could not submit herself to Henry, for she had been taking the man's rote in the community life and could not quite get rid of the way. The crux of this novel is that March was caught between assertion of self and submission of self, that is total consciousness or total lack of consciousness. And her dillenma is left unresolved. Lawrence stressed his opinion that women should submit themselves to men. Even if they worked to their uppermost, they can't defeat men. Suppose men are the oak trees stretching their branches on the earth, women should be like the seaweeds swaying forever under the water and should never get their heads above water, only when they died, as a washing corps they come upon the surface. As far as they are in the water, they are green and what's more, seaweeds are stronger than the oak trees on the earth. These oak trees will die in the severe sunshine or a terrible wind or rain. Women should be like these seaweeds. And women should be married. Both sexes should give life each other and women should create a new life and that is a most essential and supreme life of female. Humanbeing should have the eternal renewal of like, recurring life and death by the mystical sexual life. Lawrence insisted that humanbeing can receive the unconsciousness through the touch of both sexes, and people can create a definite and stable daily activity through their eternal life. Accordingly, in the modern intellectually civilized society, people should recover life by restoring the suppressed intuition, instinct and the unconsciousness.
岩田 遼 佐藤 啓央 中山 恵介
公益社団法人 土木学会
vol.75, no.2, pp.I_769-I_774, 2019

<p> 湖沼や沿岸域で密度差や水温の違いから生じる密度成層場において,風や潮汐などの外力が作用することで内部波が発生する.特に安定して進行することが知られている内部ソリトン波では,plunging breaker,collapsing breaker,surging breaker,fission breakerの4つの砕波形態があることが知られており,各砕波形態によって物質輸送の特徴が異なると考えられている.これまでの研究で,密度界面が薄い場合における砕波形態の分類指標は示されているため,本研究では密度界面が厚い場合においても現在の指標が適用可能かどうかについてFantomを用いて解析を行った.その結果,collapsing breaker,surging breakerではほぼ変化はなく,残りの2形態でも大きな変化は見受けられなかった.砕波位置においては,層厚変化に伴う変位は微小である一方で,遡上距離はfission breakerにおいて違いが見られた.以上のことから層厚が変化しても現在の砕波指標は適用可能な一方,変化する点も存在することが結論として導かれた.</p>
佐藤 洋行
一般社団法人 プロジェクトマネジメント学会
プロジェクトマネジメント学会誌 (ISSN:1345031X)
vol.12, no.4, pp.9-13, 2010

今野 暁子 大出 京子 佐藤 玲子 佐々木 ルリ子 松本 まりこ 佐藤 真美 青柳 公大
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.1, pp.48-53, 2012

&nbsp;&nbsp;To investigate the optimum reheating conditions, we carried out physical measurements and a sensory analysis of the flavor characteristics and quality changes that occur during reheating of grilled miso-marinated chicken.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;Compared with an ordinary oven, the loss of mass (weight loss) was reduced when reheating was carried out in a convection oven. The chicken meat was significantly tougher when reheated in an ordinary oven at 150&deg;C than when reheated using the Cook-Serve system. The toughness of the meat was the same when reheated in a convection oven at 130&deg;C and 150&deg;C as when reheated using the Cook-Serve system. The meat exhibited less chewiness when reheated in a convection oven compared with an ordinary oven.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;The sensory analysis revealed that when reheated in an ordinary oven at 150&deg;C, the color of the chicken meat was significantly browner. The meat was considerably tenderer when the Cook-Serve system was used, and less tender when reheated in an ordinary oven at 150&deg;C. When reheated using the Cook-Serve system, the chicken was significantly juicier. The Cook-Serve system resulted in a notably high overall evaluation.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;In conclusion, reheating in a convection oven required less time and resulted in reduced loss of mass (weight loss) in comparison with reheating in an ordinary oven. When using a convection oven, a temperature of 150&deg;C resulted in a shorter reheating time compared with 130&deg;C and reduced loss of mass. Thus, reheating grilled miso-marinated chicken in a convection oven at 150&deg;C is the optimum method of reheating.
佐藤 恵
びぶろす = Biblos (ISSN:13448412)
no.64, pp.2-6, 2014-04

飛田 護邦 佐藤 道哉 北原 哲 中島 英之
特定非営利活動法人 日本口腔科学会
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.50, no.1, pp.35-39, 2001-01-10 (Released:2011-09-07)

Traumatic facial emphysema is rare in facial trauma. There are various case reports regarding this kind of injury and the route of air intrusion. For diagnosis and treatment, the cause of traumatic facial emphysema must first be considered. We report three cases of traumatic facial emphysema. The first patient, a 16-year-old male, had buccal swelling caused by a facial bruise, and he was diagnosed as having buccal emphysema. The second case, a 21-year-old male, had palpebral swelling and double vision after suffering a facial bruise, and he was diagnosed as having palpebral emphysema. The third case, a 37-year-old male, suffered from double vision and orbital swelling, and he was diagnosed as having orbitopalpebral emphysema accompanying a fracture of the orbital floor. With conservative non-surgical treatment, these symptoms were improved.
苗代 弘 和田 孝次郎 魚住 洋一 小林 弘明 竹内 誠 長谷 公洋 川内 聡子 佐藤 俊一
一般社団法人 レーザー学会
レーザー研究 (ISSN:03870200)
vol.40, no.4, pp.265, 2012 (Released:2020-07-16)

Positive behavioral improvement has been observed following transcranial near-infrared light therapy in humans with chronic traumatic brain injury and acute stroke. We first examined the effect of 808 nm laser diode irradiation on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in mice. An 808 nm CW diode laser was applied to the hemisphere transcranially. Transcranial near-infrared laser irradiation increased rCBF by 30% compared to control value in mice. Near-infrared laser irradiation also provoked a significant increase in cerebral nitric oxide concentration. In the clinical setting, transcranial near-infrared lightemitting diode irradiation to the forehead in a patient with persistent vegetative state following head injury was done. rCBF showed focal increase of 20%, compared to the pre-treatment value. The patient showed some improvement in his neurological condition after light-emitting diode therapy. Transcranial near-infrared irradiation might increase rCBF with some improvement of neurological condition in patients. Further study is warranted.
山口 麻子 日山 邦枝 上杉 雄大 野末 真司 丸岡 靖史 佐藤 裕二 弘中 祥司 高橋 浩二
一般社団法人 日本老年歯科医学会
老年歯科医学 (ISSN:09143866)
vol.32, no.1, pp.8-16, 2017-06-30 (Released:2017-07-26)
