5 0 0 0 OA 運搬

矢野 寿文 渡辺 千典 紫雲 千鶴雄 赤祖父 辰夫 鳥栖 四郎 佐藤 俊一 佐藤 久 寺田 義久 末広 正己 倉山 俊 村尾 尚彦 岩沢 栄 河口 琢逸 岸 功 須賀 清勝 川内野 隆 渡部 稔 立山 正 久保 藤雄 武安 義勝 木村 伊和夫 安永 哲雄 野見山 栄 野上 辰之助
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.74, no.843, pp.669-714, 1958-09-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

One of the essential problems of the Japanese coal mining industry is how to elevate its productivity. This is why we have been exerting ourselves to proceed concentration of working places.places. It goes without saying that the most important way to concentrate working places is to improve transportation services.This report was intended to show recent development of transportation equipment in and out of Japnanese coal mines. It will also give a forcast what type of development in future.All the transportation equipment which are refferrel to in this report show the top level techniques of this country.As a whole, it may be said that the Japanese transportation devices have been taking and will eakea straight way toward larger scale and automation running.
平川 俊介 案部 雄一郎 山下 珠希 内野 隆一郎 丸田 英基 才本 明秀 石松 隆和
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.20, no.2, pp.125-140, 2015 (Released:2015-07-17)

Handgun bullets fired toward the windshield of an automobile sometimes ricochets. In such a case, we must estimate the type of bullet and direction of shooting from the damaged windshield. The purpose of this study is to obtain a method to estimate the fired direction of a handgun bullet from the fractured windshield. We test fired bullets to an automobile windshield with various incidence angles. The thickness of the windshield is slightly different from model to model of the automobiles. In the beginning, we examined the strength of the automobile windshield of various car models. First, we examined the static failure strength of the windshield by an indentation test. In this test, fracture load and the amount of indentation were measured on windshield samples cut from ten models of Japanese automobiles. Next, we test fired a handgun in order to examine the relation between the trajectory of a bullet and the collision marks on the windshield. The cartridges used in these test firings were 38SPL. lead round nose (LRN) bullet and full metal cased (FMC) bullet. In the results of static indentation test for different car models, there was found to be almost no differences in the relationship between fracture load and indentation depth. With the LRN bullet, bullets perforated the windshield when the incidence angle was less than 45 degrees and ricocheted when the incidence angle was greater than 60 degrees. In these cases, a characteristic damage was left on the windshield. On the other hand, FMC bullets of 38SPL. perforated the windshield when the incidence angle was less than 60 degrees and ricocheted when the incidence angle was greater than 70 degrees. Based on these results, we proposed a method to estimate the direction of shooting in criminal cases in which a bullet was fired on an automobile windshield.
内野 隆之 坂野 靖行
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.128, no.1, pp.1-6, 2022-01-10 (Released:2022-02-01)

An exotic block of garnet-bearing schist has been found at the boundary between the Early Triassic Takinosawa Unit of the Nedamo Belt and the Early Jurassic Nakatsugawa Complex of the North Kitakami Belt, NE Japan. This is only the second discovery of exotic schists in the Nedamo Belt; the previously identified schists occur at the boundary between the Takinosawa and early Carboniferous Tsunatori units of the Nedamo Belt. The garnet-bearing schist is characterized by a mineral assemblage of garnet + phengite + epidote + albite + quartz + titanite. Phengite with Si of 6.51-6.66 atoms per formula unit (O = 22) and the mineral assemblage suggest that the schist underwent high-P/T metamorphism prior to emplacement into its current position. The schist yields a phengite K-Ar age of ca. 290 Ma (late Paleozoic), suggesting a correlation with high-P/T schist of the Yamagami Metamorphic Rocks from the Motai-Matsugadaira Belt. This finding supports the extension of late Paleozoic high-P/T metamorphic rocks (i.e., the Renge Belt of SW Japan) to NE Japan.
内野 隆之
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター
地質調査研究報告 (ISSN:13464272)
vol.72, no.2, pp.109-118, 2021-05-19 (Released:2021-05-26)
2 2

付加体中の玄武岩は沈み込む海洋地殻断片の一部であると一般に考えられている.北上山地の北部北上帯ジュラ紀付加体中の玄武岩も,主に海洋島起源と考えられているが,その研究は少ない.本研究では北部北上帯南西縁部に分布する前期~中期ジュラ紀付加体中の玄武岩6 試料の全岩化学組成を分析し,その起源を推定した.地球化学判別図や微量元素のスパイダー図から,4試料が中央海嶺玄武岩(MORB)の特徴を,2試料が海洋島アルカリ玄武岩の特徴を示す.つまり,北部北上帯南西縁部には海洋島型のみならず,MORB型の玄武岩が一定量存在することが明らかになった.
内野 隆之 工藤 崇 古澤 明 岩野 英樹 檀原 徹 小松原 琢
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター
地質調査研究報告 (ISSN:13464272)
vol.73, no.2, pp.67-85, 2022-08-29 (Released:2022-08-31)

盛岡市薮川地域,外山川沿いの谷底低地を埋める第四紀堆積物から80 cm厚の降下火砕堆積物を発見し,薮川テフラと命名した.本テフラは発泡した軽石を多く含み,中性~珪長質火山岩,トーナル岩,チャートなどの石質岩片を少量伴う.また,テフラ中には高温型石英・長石・普通角閃石・直方輝石・チタン鉄鉱・黒雲母が含まれる.テフラに含まれる火山ガラスの組成は比較的高いSiO2・K2Oと低いCaO・MgO・TiO2で特徴づけられ,またその屈折率は1.495 – 1.498である.軽石中のジルコンからは0.24 ± 0.04 Maのフィッション・トラック年代が得られ,本テフラはチバニアン期後半に堆積したと判断される.そして,記載岩石学的特徴,火山ガラスの屈折率,ジルコン年代などから,岩手山東麓に分布する大台白色火山灰に対比できる可能性がある.
平川 俊介 案部 雄一郎 山下 珠希 内野 隆一郎 丸田 英基 才本 明秀 石松 隆和
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
pp.687, (Released:2015-05-08)

Handgun bullets fired toward the windshield of an automobile sometimes ricochets. In such a case, we must estimate the type of bullet and direction of shooting from the damaged windshield. The purpose of this study is to obtain a method to estimate the fired direction of a handgun bullet from the fractured windshield. We test fired bullets to an automobile windshield with various incidence angles. The thickness of the windshield is slightly different from model to model of the automobiles. In the beginning, we examined the strength of the automobile windshield of various car models. First, we examined the static failure strength of the windshield by an indentation test. In this test, fracture load and the amount of indentation were measured on windshield samples cut from ten models of Japanese automobiles. Next, we test fired a handgun in order to examine the relation between the trajectory of a bullet and the collision marks on the windshield. The cartridges used in these test firings were 38SPL. lead round nose (LRN) bullet and full metal cased (FMC) bullet. In the results of static indentation test for different car models, there was found to be almost no differences in the relationship between fracture load and indentation depth. With the LRN bullet, bullets perforated the windshield when the incidence angle was less than 45 degrees and ricocheted when the incidence angle was greater than 60 degrees. In these cases, a characteristic damage was left on the windshield. On the other hand, FMC bullets of 38SPL. perforated the windshield when the incidence angle was less than 60 degrees and ricocheted when the incidence angle was greater than 70 degrees. Based on these results, we proposed a method to estimate the direction of shooting in criminal cases in which a bullet was fired on an automobile windshield.
内野 隆之 栗原 敏之 川村 信人
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.111, no.4, pp.249-252, 2005 (Released:2005-08-01)
22 27

Early Carboniferous radiolarians were newly discovered from siltstone of the Nedamo Complex in the Hayachine Terrane, Northeast Japan. This siltstone and other clastic rocks along with greenstone and chert are the components of an accretionary complex. Radiolarian fauna contains Palaeoscenidium cladophorum Deflandre that ranges in age from Early or Middle Devonian to Early Carboniferous. Since the Fe-Mn chert intercalated in a MORB-type basalt of the Nedamo Complex was assigned an age of Late Devonian (Hamano et al., 2002), the accretionary age of the Hayachine Terrane is no older than Late Devonian, most probable Early Carboniferous. This is the first report of an Early Carboni-ferous accretionary complex recognized by biostratigraphic data in Japan.
内野 隆之 鈴木 紀毅
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.123, no.12, pp.1015-1033, 2017-12-15 (Released:2018-03-28)

志摩半島の秩父累帯北帯の南東部に分布する白木層群の泥岩から放散虫化石を初めて見出した.Minutusolla cf. micheleiやStriatojaponocapsa synconexaなどの放散虫化石群集から,本層群の泥岩は中期ジュラ紀のバッジョシアン期~バトニアン期前半に堆積したことが判明した.本層群の南西延長部には,これまで黒瀬川帯の白滝層群が分布するとされていた.しかし,両層群の境界域を調査・研究した結果,岩相・地質構造・微化石年代の共通性が認められ,少なくとも本研究地域では白滝層群は北帯の白木層群に統合できる.それは,北帯と黒瀬川帯の境界が従来の見解よりも南に位置することを意味する.日本列島における秩父累帯北帯の基準ユニットである上吉田ユニット・住居附ユニット・遊子川ユニットの岩相と陸源性砕屑岩年代を整理・比較した結果,白木層群は上吉田ユニットに対比できる蓋然性が高い.
内野 隆之 石田 直人
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター
地質調査研究報告 (ISSN:13464272)
vol.68, no.2, pp.25-39, 2017-04-05 (Released:2017-04-12)

平川 俊介 案部 雄一郎 山下 珠希 内野 隆一郎 丸田 英基 才本 明秀 石松 隆和
Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)

Handgun bullets fired toward the windshield of an automobile sometimes ricochets. In such a case, we must estimate the type of bullet and direction of shooting from the damaged windshield. The purpose of this study is to obtain a method to estimate the fired direction of a handgun bullet from the fractured windshield. We test fired bullets to an automobile windshield with various incidence angles. The thickness of the windshield is slightly different from model to model of the automobiles. In the beginning, we examined the strength of the automobile windshield of various car models. First, we examined the static failure strength of the windshield by an indentation test. In this test, fracture load and the amount of indentation were measured on windshield samples cut from ten models of Japanese automobiles. Next, we test fired a handgun in order to examine the relation between the trajectory of a bullet and the collision marks on the windshield. The cartridges used in these test firings were 38SPL. lead round nose (LRN) bullet and full metal cased (FMC) bullet. In the results of static indentation test for different car models, there was found to be almost no differences in the relationship between fracture load and indentation depth. With the LRN bullet, bullets perforated the windshield when the incidence angle was less than 45 degrees and ricocheted when the incidence angle was greater than 60 degrees. In these cases, a characteristic damage was left on the windshield. On the other hand, FMC bullets of 38SPL. perforated the windshield when the incidence angle was less than 60 degrees and ricocheted when the incidence angle was greater than 70 degrees. Based on these results, we proposed a method to estimate the direction of shooting in criminal cases in which a bullet was fired on an automobile windshield.<br>