千葉 徳爾
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.45, no.7, pp.461-474, 1972-07-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
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1) 八重山諸島のマラリアは3日熱のほか,わが国に稀な熱帯熱マラリアを含む.著者はその歴史的消長過程を手がかりとして,風土病についての地域の諸構成要素の連関を分析し,やや詳しい記述を試みた. 2) この地域では,日光の照射を必要とするnopheles minimusが,熱帯熱マラリアの強力な媒介者として山麓の渓流・湧泉に棲息し,近世の開墾の進展と津波災害にもとつく森林の減少にともなって,日光を忌む比較的弱い媒介者, Anopheles ohamaiと交代した.近世中期以後にマラリアによる廃村化が急速に進行した1因は,かような生態的作用系列によると推測される. 3) 八重山諸島のマラリアのEndemicareaに,あえて住民を立入らせ,Pandemicな流行を出現させた作用は,近世から明治中期までは人頭税,太平洋戦中の軍による疎開命令,その後には人口過剰による移民促進という,地域外から及んだ社会的作用系列に属する. Endemicareaの地域的構造は,薬品によるマラリア原虫駆除の完了によっても,なお厳存していて,将来何かの原因でマラリア原虫が導入されれば, Pandemyが再現される可能性がある.
千葉 徳爾
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.15, no.3, pp.292-305, 1963-06-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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千葉 徳爾
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.27, no.6, pp.255-262, 1954-06-25 (Released:2008-12-24)

In the documents which have been studied, it was noted, that there are more bare hills in the rural common forest than in the other lands of the Okayama district. There were two types of rural common forest, one was used by the families of only one village and the other was used by the people of two or more villages. The former is not such a big problem, but the latter is the very subject of this study. In this study the word “common forest” means this type. The common forest is usually located between settlements, on ridges of hills or on the borders of villages. Forestry experts say that the soils of the rounded ridges are clay which are eroded easily for morphological reasons. However, the soil of the ridges. are.not always naturally eroded but also have been devastated by man's activities. In the documents we see that many of the common forests have been in dispute between some of the villages. Soil erosion has been noted, because the use of the forest were so wasteful by digging of roots, or by the use of the moss surface. Some people says that the cutting of wood for fuel and timber is the reason for erosion. In fact the requirement for fuel for urban and rural settlement increased due to the growing population and the development of industry. However, the fuel sold commercially was obtained from the private forest, because the products of the common forest. could not be sold without compensation to the villages and such cases were very rarely mentioned in the documents. Thus the author concludes that as the poor class who have no private forest grew with the development of an exchange economy, the common forest were used for fuel by the poor class and much waste took place. Thus the forests are denuded and have not been replanted. The rain weathered the granite hills and the eroded soils made the stream beds higher and higher. This process began from the. 19th century near the salt farms and margins of the Setouchi lowland.
千葉 徳爾
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.16, no.5, pp.449-462, 1964

It is said that in the village communities of the Shima Peninsula, though they have similarity in natural conditions and historical background, their traditional folk-customs are varied in all aspects. I also had my own experience when I was a member of the research committee for folk-customs in the district. For instance, the customary abdication system of the headship of a family, found at Kou Village, in the eastern end of the Peninsula and famous in its separate type of each household, has not found its resemblance in any other place in the vicinity.<br>I have been interested in this problem from the geographical standpoint, and here present a preliminary essay which will explain some of it. I think that the regional differences in various phases of these customs have been made in comparatively recent times, and that before that they had been alike in any village of this Peninsula, because the fragments of the ancient customs in some villages have the common features with the other Japanese folk-customs. One of the causations would be the destructions of frequent typhoons and tsunamis. The detailed explanation will be given in my future report when I get more certain data. In this introductory report, accordingly, I have explained those which have been regarded as the instances of the compultion of the community are, in fact, those of the transformation of the age class system which was characteristic of the ancient community, by seeing the following examples: the abdication system in Kou Village, the ceremonies of the contracts between formal fathers and formal sons in Matsuo Community and the system of theocratic self-government in Tategami Village Block Association.<br>The origin of the age class system in this Peninsula is a historical problem still to be elucidated. But it may be an important geographical factor that these folk-customs passed through the Meiji Era, an age of great reforms, and was affected by the governing classes of the villages because of their remote locations.
千葉 徳爾
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.21, no.2, pp.90-94, 1969 (Released:2010-10-29)
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There are small mounds near the lake Tashiro-ike in the Kamikochi Valley of Central Mountain National Park. These mounds, over fifty in number, scattered across the valley from west to east on the north side of the lake. Fifty years ago, late Professor K. Oseki, a pioneer of Japanese glaciology, suggested that the mounds may possibly be glacial deposit, but it had not been examined since by any student. The distribution of the mounds is shown in Fig. 2.The author made a survey of the erosion process and alluvial deposits of this valley, and observed these mounds in autumn of 1968. Fortunately, he saw some cutting places of the mounds by a newly opened path, and collected many andesite gravels which in the same facies of rocks from Yake-dake Volcano. Thus, it will be concluded that the mounds are the landforms made by a mudflow from Yake-dake Volcano, because there are no sources of andesite in this valley except this volcano. The arrangement of are the mounds and the vegetation on them are other evidences. This mudflow once would have dammed the Azusagawa making a small lake. The-remains of this geomorphic episode are found in the shape of longitudinal profile of Azusa-gawa, which is shown in Fig. 1.
千葉 徳爾
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.27, no.4, pp.158-166, 1954-04-25 (Released:2008-12-24)

1. It is held that bare hills result from two primary causes: one is a natural cause rooted in geological and climatological conditions while the other is cultural in origin and related. to forest denudation. for purposes of salt and china manufacturing. Natural conditions should be considered as a constant for a period of a few hundred years, hence only cultural factors are considered here. 2. China manufacturing prospered in the 18th century but after that time it declined and denudation of forests was largely halted. As a result, forests which had been cutover became relatively thick. 3. Based on manuscripts dating back to the 18th century, it may be presumed that salt manufacturing started at that time. Since 1840 or 1850, coal has been used for fuel in salt manufacturing, however before that time, twigs provided the bulk of the fuel used. These were obtained from shoots growing in the neighboring private forests rather than from public ones. As the twigs cut in the district were not sufficient to meet the demand of salt manufacturers. along the Okayama coast, prior to 1790, they were brought down from the northern mountains and from the west by river craft and used in the manufacture of salt and in other local industries. Since that time, hilltops along the coast began to become bare. 4. Most of these hills were originally covered by commonly-owned forests from which the people in the community gathered their fuel needs. Ho-wever, they were prohibited from gathering fuel for the production of salt, china, charcoal, fish fertilizer etc. without pern-fission. In the prohibition had been violated, disputes would have occurred and recorded bemuse the Okayama clan recorded a great many cases of such disputes over forest right. But, since no such case can be found concerning commonly-owned forests, it is believed that the regulations were followed. 5. The above-mentioned points way be summarized as follow: Forests where fuel for manufacturing was gathered are not now denuded, but the commonlyowned forests from which domestic fuel needs were gathered are bare. It is concluded that bare hills may not have originated froin the supply of fuel needs to salt and other industries, but rather should be attributed to faulty control of the commonly-owned forest.
千葉 徳爾
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.43, no.11, pp.686-691, 1970-11-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

The purpose of this paper is to understand the diffusion of maize in the Mainland China. The hypothesis which was proposed by the author is that maize was brought by Pacific seafarers from South America to Asia in the Old World. Data for this paper were collected from local gazetteers edited in the Ching Dynasty. No field study has yet been made on this problem. However, some researchers have made studies on the introduction of maize by using the historical approach. But the writer adopts here the biogeographical approach which was initiated by N. Vavilov. Main contents are as follows: 1) Some of the crops which were introduced from the New World have played an important role in reorganizing the agricultural system in the Old World. It has been pointed out that several exotic crops were cultivated as subsistence and/or commercial crops and contributed much to the support of a dense population in hilly areas and valleys of China. Maize is today among the most important exotic crops in that country. 2) A comparative study of historical documents supports the statement of Bencao gangmu written by Li Shi Zehn. The first reference to maize in Chinese documents is in Tiannanbencao written by Lan Mao who lived in the earlier half of the 15th century. It also provides evidence that maize was widely cultivated in the western Yunnan Highlands fifty years after the Portuguese' arrival in Canchow and Foochow. At that time, there were no places where the crop was cultivated in a considerably vast area. 3) It is interesting and important to learn that various varieties of maize are found in the Yunnan and Kweichow Highlands where evidence suggests that the cultivation of maize is the oldest in China. These facts together point out that maize was introduced not from the coast of China directly but from west to this part of Kweichow and Yunnan. 4) This inference is also supported by the following additional evidences: a) The changing colours of kernels (Fig. 1) show the long establishment of maize cultivation in Yunnan and Kweichow. b) Numerous ways of maize cooking (Fig. 2) show that maize is one of the older foodstuffs in Yunnan and Kweichow districts. This follows the general rule that the longer a crop is used as a foodstuff, the more varied are the methods of cooking. 5) The dispersal route of maize to the Yunnan and Kweichow Highlands may be related to the methods of maize cultivation and cooking. A study of the cultivation and Booking customs of grain amaranthus in connection with maize may provide the most effective solution to the problem of maize dispersal. The plant is more often cultivated on newly cleared mountain slopes as well as maize, or cultivated in rotation with maize in the Himalayan Highlands and is therefore in many ways related to maize. The amaranthus is a South American plant but is not eaten there. However, in the Central Himalayan Highlands, it is cooked to make cake for a ritual purpose and the people of Yunnan and Kweichow eat this grain in the same way. Assuming that neither the Portuguese nor the Spanish brought the amaranthus to the Old World, the present writer proposes that amaranthus was brought to the Old World in the pre-Columbian times by some seafarers in the Pacific similar to the Polynesians. This may support the author's hypothesis that maize was also introduced to mainland China in pre-Columbian times.
千葉 徳爾
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.32, no.9, pp.468-480, 1959-09-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

野生大型哺乳類の分布は,それらを人類の居住空間における競争者とみなすとき,地理的に意義がある.動物を熊・羚羊・鹿および猪に限り,地域的には最も資料の豊富な九州島の北半においてこれを検討した.とくに,国東半島については種々の資料と実地調査とにもとづいて,野獣の生態と環境の歴史的変遷の吟味を行なつた. 得られた成果を要約すれば,銃器の進歩によつて人類の攻撃による個体の減少が,その増殖数を上回つてきた場合には,地形的にこの地方で人類が農耕によつて生活しうる限界(距離1kmにつき起伏量300m)以上の急峻な部分の存在すること,およびそのような地域に生活しうるか否かの生態的条件を各動物がもつかどうかの2つが,最も重要な分布決定要因となることが確認された.急峻な地形に生存し,かつ分布の最も広いのは鹿であり,この限界以下の緩傾斜地のみに生態的条件によつて居住を制約される猪は,居住空間が人類と完全に重復するために,量的ならびに面積的減少の速度がいちじるしい.
千葉 徳爾
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.17, no.3, pp.167, 1965

The author investigated the relation between insolation and settlement in the Hida mountainland, Central Japan. The distribution of long insolated area on the day of winter solstice in the Azusa Ravine, the head water of the Shinano River. The result is shown in Fig. 1 (white parts are the longest, 8 to 9 hours.). Table 1 tells us the relation between insolated hours and the number of houses in these settlements.
千葉 徳爾

千葉 徳爾
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.59, no.1, pp.21-30, 1986-06-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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本研究で取扱う地域は,中国中南部の揚子江流域と南嶺以南の南海岸に至る流域を含む.これらの地域の河川の水は黄土色か赤茶色で,山腹や山麓にはほとんど緑の森林がみられない.これらの現象ははげしい土壌侵蝕によるものである.本論文ではこれら地域での侵蝕の過程について考察する. この地方の加速的土壌侵蝕のはじまりは,ほぼ16世紀ころにさかのぼる.それは耕地が丘陵の斜面へと拡大したことに起因する.侵蝕の原因と影響については中国方志に記録されかつ説明されている. 耕地の加速的侵蝕の原因は,特に新しい作物として新大陸(アメリカ)から導入された玉蜀黍・落花生・甘藷・タバコなどの商品作物の作付である.これらの商品作物の耕作方法は,丘陵の斜面を伐採し,肥沃な土壌の侵蝕を防ぐことなく,これらの作物を植えつける。これら中耕作物の丘陵斜面への作付方式は,この地方の伝統的農法に存在しないものであった.はげしい雨は新しい農地の表土を容易に侵蝕してしまったのである. 玉蜀黍のある品種はコロンブスの時代以前から中国南西部雲南省には栽培されていた.ところが新らしい玉蜀黍栽培の方法は,伝統的な農法を無視し,加速的な土壌侵蝕の原因となった.このことは重大な文化的誤りの一例である。