清水 祐一郎 土斐崎 龍一 坂本 真樹
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.1, pp.41-52, 2014-01-05 (Released:2014-01-07)
13 6

In Japanese, onomatopoeia (i.e., imitative or mimetic words) is frequently used in daily life conversation to express one's intuitive and sensitive feelings. Many onomatopoeic expressions are very similar to each other and their meanings seem to be vague and ambiguous so that it is hard to catch minute semantic differences among onomatopoeic expressions. However, we use onomatopoeia, even novel onomatopoeia, to express our subjective, intuitive and sensitive feelings in daily language use. Therefore, estimating information conveyed by onomatopoeia is inevitable in constructing a human-like intelligent communication system. In this study, we propose a system to estimate information conveyed by onomatopoeia based on Japanese sound symbolism. The existence of synesthetic associations between sounds and sensory experiences (sound symbolism) has been demonstrated over the decades. It is also known that the sensory-sound correspondence can be found not only in words referring to visual shapes, but also in those referring to tactile sensations. So our system quantifies images of inputted onomatopoeia using 43 adjective pair scales related to visual and tactile sensations. Our method hypothesizes that the impression created by an onomatopoeic expression could be predicted by the phonological characteristics of its constituent phonemes. To collect phonemic image data, we conducted a psychological experiment where 78 participants were asked to evaluate the impressions of 312 onomatopoeic expressions, which cover all kinds of Japanese phonemes, against 43 pairs of adjectives in seven-points SD scales. We applied the phonemic image data to our model, and calculated the impression values of each phoneme by making use of a mathematical quantification theory class I. This system estimates rich information conveyed by not only conventional but also newly created onomatopoeic expressions and differentiates among a variety of onomatopoeic expressions, which are frequently similar to each other. We conducted another psychological experiment in order to confirm the effectiveness of our system. Results showed that our system succeeded in evaluating information conveyed by onomatopoeia.
仲村 哲明 内海 彰 坂本 真樹
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.27, no.3, pp.163-175, 2012 (Released:2012-03-27)

Various methods for music retrieval have been proposed. Recently, many researchers are tackling developing methods based on the relationship between music and feelings. In our previous psychological study, we found that there was a significant correlation between colors evoked from songs and colors evoked only from lyrics, and showed that the music retrieval system using lyrics could be developed. In this paper, we focus on the relationship among music, lyrics and colors, and propose a music retrieval method using colors as queries and analyzing lyrics. This method estimates colors evoked from songs by analyzing lyrics of the songs. On the first step of our method, words associated with colors are extracted from lyrics. We assumed two types of methods to extract words associated with colors. In the one of two methods, the words are extracted based on the result of a psychological experiment. In the other method, in addition to the words extracted based on the result of the psychological experiment, the words from corpora for the Latent Semantic Analysis are extracted. On the second step, colors evoked from the extracted words are compounded, and the compounded colors are regarded as those evoked from the song. On the last step, colors as queries are compared with colors estimated from lyrics, and the list of songs is presented based on similarities. We evaluated the two methods described above and found that the method based on the psychological experiment and corpora performed better than the method only based on the psychological experiment. As a result, we showed that the method using colors as queries and analyzing lyrics is effective for music retrieval.
坂本 真樹
ドイツ文学 (ISSN:03872831)
no.115, pp.95-109, 2004-03-15
1 1

Die vorliegende Untersuchung hat ihren Ausgangspunkt in der Feststellung, dass Rezeptionsprozesse von Dichtung auf einer Reihe von kognitiven Kompetenzen basieren, die auch fur andere sprachliche Vollzuge von Bedeutung sind. Zu den Grundannahmen dieser Untersuchung gehort, dass das metaphorische Sprechen eine Erscheinungsform der kognitiven Kompetenzen darstellt. Die Entwicklung der Metapherntheorie beginnt mit dem aristotelischen Theorem, und die dort beschriebene Tendenz von Isolierung und Absonderung der Metapher von der "normalen" Sprache findet bis heute Beachtung. Daneben gibt es auch eine Reihe von Forschungen, die in der Metapher eine konstitutive Form sprachlichen Ausdrucks sehen. Eine dieser Forschungsrichtungen ist die kognitiv-linguistische Analyse der Metapher von Lakoff/Johnson (1980). Lakoff/Johnson bemerken, dass die Sprache im Mechanismus der Metapher begrundet sei, wie die "konstitutive Metapher," die "orientierende Metapher" und die "ontologische Metapher". In dieser Arbeit soil anlehnend an die Untersuchung englischer Gedichte von Lakoff/Turner (1989) eine Analyse metaphorischer Ausdrucke in deutschen Gedichten vorgenommen werden. Gegenstand der Arbeit sind Gedichte von Georg Trakl. In vielen literaturwissenschaftlichen Forschungen wurde festgestellt, dass in Trakls Gedichten Kunstfertigkeit und Anhaufung metaphorischer Ausdrucke, die sich auf "Tod", "Verfall" oder "Angst" beziehen, auffallig sind. In dieser Arbeit soil nachgezeichnet werden, dass solchen Metaphern allgemeine, nicht dichtungspezifische Kompetenzen zugrunde liegen, die beim Verfassen und beim Verstehen von Metaphern der Gedichte in Kraft treten. Kapitel 3 beschaftigt sich mit einem reprasentativen Werk von Trakl, mit dem Gedicht "Verfall". "Verfall" grundet z.B. auf der konstitutiven Metapher "Leben als Reise" und der orientierenden Metapher "Heiliges oben, Tod unten", die auch fur die Alltagssprache von groBter Bedeutung sind. In "Verfall" findet sich auch eine Art von ontologischer Metapher, die Metapher Personifikation, die man auch in der Alltagssprache finden kann. In anderen Gedichten Trakls werden verschiedene Metaphern betrachtet, die auch der Alltagssprache zugrunde liegen. Bin anderes zentrales Anliegen dieser Arbeit gilt der Klarung der Frage, warum man Trakls Dichtung kreativ, ungewohnlich und manchmal unverstandlich findet. Zur Klarung dieser Frage soil in Hinsicht der kognitiven Fahigkeiten die Sprache in Trakls Gedichten mit der Alltagssprache verglichen werden. In Kapitel 4 soil gezeigt werden, dass metaphorische Ausdrucke als kreativ und ungewohnlich erscheinen, wenn sie vom kognitivregelgeleiteten Mechanismus abweichen, welcher der Alltagssprache zugrunde liegt. Die Metapher Personifikation z.B. ist zwar ein ubliches sprachliches Verfahren, aber die Personifikation von Farben, die Trakl gepragt hat, widerspricht dem ublichen sprachlichen Verfahren. Diese Abweichung ist ein Beispiel fur die Besonderheit von Trakls Gedichten. Der Gebrauch der Farbworter in Trakls Gedichten ist auffallig und charakteristisch. In dieser Untersuchung sollen der metaphorische Gebrauch der Farbworter im Zusammenhang mit der synasthetischen Metapher uberlegt und auffallige Abweichungen vom kognitivregelgeleiteten Mechanismus betrachtet werden. Gegen die kognitive Regel der synasthetischen Metapher, die in der Alltagssprache erscheint, werden in Trakls Gedichten verschiedene Farben verwendet, um das Horen und andere korperlichen oder psychologischen Erfahrungen zu erfassen. Auch diese synasthetische Abweichung lasst Irakis Gedichte ungewohnlich und manchmal unverstandlich erscheinen.
上田 祐也 清水 祐一郎 坂口 明 坂本 真樹
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.18, no.4, pp.455-463, 2013-12-31 (Released:2017-02-01)

In medical interviews, Japanese patients often use onomatopoeia such as "zuki-zuki" and "gan-gan" to express their pains or medical conditions. Using onomatopoeia when expressing pain enables simpler and more direct expressions than normal language as well as expresses the quantity (level/intensity) and quality (location/depth) of the pain. However, the subtle differences in characteristics of pain (such as quality), for example between "zeh-zeh" and "zero-zero", are difficult to grasp accurately. Although grasping these differences accurately is said to be critical, it depend on the level of skill of a doctor. So in this study, we constructed a system which supports communication between patients and doctors by evaluating meanings expressed by onomatopoeia. When a user inputs Japanese onomatopoeia, our system estimates quantities and qualities of pains using the relationships between the sounds used in the onomatopoeia and meanings expressed by 35 rating scales such as "sharp - dull", "strong - weak", and "deep - shallow". Visualizing of pains will help to compare between conventional onomatopoeic words such as "zeh-zeh" and novel words such as "zero-zero".
土斐崎 龍一 飯場 咲紀 岡谷 貴之 坂本 真樹
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.1, pp.124-137, 2015-01-06 (Released:2015-01-06)
1 1

With the widespread use of online shopping in recent years, consumer search requests for products have become more diverse. Previous web search methods have used adjectives as input by consumers. However, given that the number of adjectives that can be used to express textures is limited, it is debatable whether adjectives are capable of richly expressing variations of product textures. In Japanese, tactile and visual textures are easily and frequently expressed by onomatopoeia, such as ``fuwa-fuwa'' for a soft and light sensation and ``kira-kira'' for a glossy texture. Onomatopoeia are useful for understanding not only material textures but also a user's intuitive, sensitive, and even ambiguous feelings evoked by materials. In this study, we propose a system to rank FMD images corresponding to texture associated with Japanese onomatopoeia based on their symbolic sound associations between the onomatopoeia phonemes and the texture sensations. Our system quantitatively estimates the texture sensations of input onomatopoeia, and calculates the similarities between the users' impressions of the onomatopoeia and those of the images. Our system also suggests the images which best match the input onomatopoeia. An evaluation of our method revealed that the best performance was achieved when the SIFT features, the colors of the images, and text describing impressions of the images were used.
坂本 真樹
一般社団法人 言語処理学会
自然言語処理 (ISSN:13407619)
vol.17, no.5, pp.5_75-5_98, 2010 (Released:2011-04-15)

現在共有されている日本人の子供の書き言葉コーパスは非常に少ないが,子供の書き言葉コーパスは,日本語の使用実態の年齢別推移の分析や,子供の言葉に特徴的に現れる言語形式の分析,国語教育・日本語教育への活用など日本語研究での利用はもちろんのこと,認知発達,社会学など,さまざまな分野での応用の可能性がある.そこで本研究では,全国 4,950 校の小学校の Web サイトを調査し,公開されている作文について,各テキストが子供の書いたテキストであることや学年などの情報を確認の上,作文データの収集を行った.収集したテキスト総数は 10,006,語数は 1,234,961 である.本研究では,大人よりも子供の言語使用において豊富で多様な使用が観察されると予想されるオノマトペに着目し,その学年別の使用実態の推移について調査した.その結果,オノマトペの出現率は学年が上がるにつれ減少していくことが確認できた.さらに,社会学的応用例として,子供と父母との関係性について調査し,父母とのやりとりとそれに対する子供の反応との関係性が,母親の場合の方が強いことを示し,本コーパスのさまざまな応用の可能性を示した.
鍵谷 龍樹 白川 由貴 土斐崎 龍一 渡邊 淳司 丸谷 和史 河邉 隆寛 坂本 真樹
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.28, 2014

清水 祐一郎 土斐崎 龍一 鍵谷 龍樹 坂本 真樹
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.1, pp.319-330, 2015-01-06 (Released:2015-01-06)
1 2

The present study proposes a method which generates Japanese onomatopoeia corresponding to impressions inputted by users. Japanese onomatopoeia is frequently used in comics and advertisements. Effective onomatopoeia in those fields are directly associated with sensuous experiences of readers or consumers, but it is very difficult to create such expressions. Therefore, the system which generates effective novel onomatopoeia corresponding to the impression specified by users has been expected to be as a technology which supports creators. Our system uses 43 SD scales as those expressing our intuitive impressions. These scales consist of scales expressing impressions of a haptic senses, visual senses and affective senses. Users of the system can choose the kinds of SD scales to be used to create onomatopoeia among from 1 to 43 SD scales. The system uses the genetic algorithm (GA) to create onomatopoeia corresponding to inputted impressions. We consider onomatopoeic expressions as a individuals of GA, which are expressed by an array of numerical values. Namely, each numerical value of an individual denotes each phonological symbol in Japanese. By comparing impressions inputted by user with those of each generated onomatopoeia, the system proposes onomatopoeia corresponding to impressions of users. The system evaluation showed that impressions of onomatopoeic expressions generated by our system were similar to the impressions inputted by users.
熊谷 太州 坂本 真樹 野々村 美宗
一般社団法人 色材協会
色材協会誌 (ISSN:0010180X)
vol.93, no.1, pp.2-8, 2020-01-20 (Released:2020-01-28)

坂本 真樹 田原 拓弥 渡邊 淳司
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.21, no.2, pp.213-216, 2016 (Released:2016-09-09)

Although many studies have addressed the issue on tactile perceptual space, very few studies have paid attention to individual differences. In this study, we propose a system to visualize individual differences in tactile perceptual space using a map of onomatopoeia. The system visualizes the relationship on the map between onomatopoeic words that can express tactile sensations and basic tactile materials. In addition, it allows users to move onomatopoeic words to locations they feel more appropriate on the map. As a result, the difference in the configuration of the words on the map shows the individual differences of how tactile sensations are categorized. This system can be used for visualizing trends of differences in tactile perception, for example, between young and old people, and between male and female.
宮林 卓郎 原 夏未 飯場 咲紀 坂本 真樹
研究報告 エンタテインメントコンピューティング(EC)
vol.2011-EC-19, no.15, pp.1-6, 2011-03-19

坂本 真樹 小野 正理 清水 祐一郎
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.26, 2012

坂本 真樹
vol.31, no.3, 2016-05-01
飯場 咲紀 土斐崎 龍一 坂本 真樹
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.18, no.3, pp.217-226, 2013

We propose a method of recommending colors and fonts appropriate for texts based on the associations between words and colors. Colors and fonts were evaluated by SD scales using affective words in psychological experiments. First, our system estimates colors suitable for the mental representations of the inputted text. Then, the colors are described by affective words. Next, we obtain the degree of similarity between the colors and fonts, whose mental perceptions were evaluated by SD scales in the psychological experiments. Finally, our system recommends colors and fonts that are most appropriate for the inputted text. We verified the validity of our method for selecting appropriate text fonts and colors.
吉野 淳也 屋形 叡 清水 祐一郎 萩野谷 雅春 坂本 真樹
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.27, 2013

坂本 真樹
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第9回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.D-1-4, 2018 (Released:2018-11-10)

The current artificial intelligence is good at object recognition with high accuracy and high speed. However, it is still difficult to perceive things in the same way as the perception of human beings through touching things and feel from them because artificial intelligence does not have a body or sensory organs. However, “kan-sei” cannot be ignored in order to get close to people, strongly support people. Through this presentation, we think about what “artificial intelligence” is about “kansei” and what can be done and what is not likely to be expected to see in coming super smart society.
坂本 真樹 服部 兼敏 大内 潤子

飯場 咲紀 志賀 彩乃 坂本 真樹
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第26回全国大会(2012)
pp.1M2OS8b4, 2012 (Released:2018-07-30)
