中村 光 岩永 可奈子 境 泉洋 下津 咲絵 井上 敦子 植田 健太 嶋田 洋徳 坂野 雄二 金沢 吉展
こころの健康 : 日本精神衛生学会誌 (ISSN:09126945)
vol.21, no.2, pp.26-34, 2006-12-30

本研究の目的は, ひきこもり状態にある人を持つ家族の受療行動に影響を及ぼす要因を明らかにすることであった。ひきこもり親の会 (セルフヘルプグループ) に参加している家族153名から自記式質問紙による回答を得た。その結果, 以下のことが明らかにされた。(1) 家族の85.6%がひきこもり状態を改善するために相談機関を必要としている。(2) 精神疾患に対する偏見が家族の受療行動を阻害する可能性がある。(3) 相談機関の存在や所在地を知っていることが, 家族の受療行動を促進する可能性がある。(4) 家族にとって保健所や精神保健福祉センター, 電子メールによる相談は利用しにくく, 反対に電話相談は利用しやすい可能性がある。(5) ひきこもり状態にある本人が相談機関来所を拒否すると, 家族の受療行動を阻害する可能性がある。調査結果の検討を通して, ひきこもり状態にある人を持つ家族の受療行動を促進する方法が議論された。
境 泉洋 中村 光 植田 健太 坂野 雄二
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.47, no.10, pp.865-873, 2007-10-01

目的: ひきこもり状態にある人の活動範囲に影響を与える要因を明らかにすることを目的とした.対象・方法: ひきこもり状態にある人の家族473名を対象にひきこもり状態にある人の活動範囲とひきこもり行動チェックリストに回答を求めた.結果: (1)活動範囲をカテゴリカル主成分分析によって「対人交流のある場所」と「利用自由な場所」に分類したところ,「利用自由な場所」への外出頻度が高かった.(2)1日あたりの外出時間が長く抑うつが強いほど「対人交流のある場所」への外出が多い.(3)1カ月あたりの外出日数が多いほど「利用自由な場所」への外出が多く,家族回避行動が強いほど「利用自由な場所」への外出が少ない.(4)攻撃的行動が多いほど1カ月あたりの外出日数が多く,生活が不規則であるほど1カ月あたりの外出日数が少ない.結論: ひきこもり状態にある人と家族の関係や攻撃行動に焦点を当てた介入によって,ひきこもり状態にある入の利用自由な場所への外出が促進される可能性が示唆された.
浅田 みちる 境 泉洋
徳島大学総合科学部人間科学研究 (ISSN:09199810)
vol.16, pp.125-143, 2008

This study investigated how parental attitude affects young people in thestate of "hikikomori". Thirteen mothers of "hikikomori" children wereinterviewed at the Clinical Psychology Counseling Service established in theUniversity of Tokushima .The thirteen cases divided into four groups . Type 1 :"Hikikomori" causedby hating school during teenage years, Type 2 :"Hikikomori" caused bystudent apathy,Type 3 :"Hikikomori" caused by frustration with work andType4 :" Hikikomori" caused by other reasons.Results of the data analysis by the KJ method show that parents considergood attitudes to include getting support from specialists, accepting"Hikikomori" completely,encouraging "Hikikomori" to be active (for instanceby giving them allowances) and showing gratitude for help offered by"Hikikomori". Patients consider bad attitudes to include ignoring theopinions of"Hikikomori", getting angry, forcing "Hikikomori" into actionand the self-righteous nurture manner for children.Accordingly this study, the recommendable attitude of patents toward"Hikikomori" is showed to a certain extent. I hope this study couldcontribute to"Hikikomori" getting out their difficulties.
森 由起 境 泉洋 山本 真由美 佐野 勝徳
徳島大学総合科学部人間科学研究 (ISSN:09199810)
vol.15, pp.69-79, 2007

The purpose of this study is to understand in a practical sense the etiologicalbackground of social withdrawal and to find some clues on how to present itsoccurrence. We hypothesized that a lack of group experience and/or the disturbance ofthe daily rhythm including the sleep'wakefulness cycle at an early age might beinfluential factors for social withdrawal.To examine this hypothesis,we designed a questionnaire containing items aboutthe clients' experiences in nursery schools and kindergarten,the clients' bedtimes,wake times, playing hours, helping at home and other activities during theirelementary and junior-high school years and at the point of this survey. Forty-onesocial withdrawals with an average age of 27,85 and 172 students were participating inthis survey.In case of those 41 social withdrawals,their mean age of showing for the first timesymptoms of social withdrawing is 19.25土4.72.About half of the clients are the oldestchild in their family. The ratio of persons with group experience in nursery school wassignificantly lower in the social withdrawal group (χ2(1)ニ9.400,pく.05). The ratio ofpersons with group experience in nursery school from an early age(below age 3) and inkindergarten also tends to be lower in the social withdrawal group,although notsignificantly.As to the sleep-wakefulness cycle,the social withdrawal group tends to go to bedearlier and to rise later than the participants of the control group when they were inthe middle grades of elementary school and the second grade of junior high school,although again not significantly. On the other hand,at the point of this survey thesocial withdrawal group gets up significantly later than the controls.The ratio of persons who had breakfast every day when they were attending juniorhigh-school was lower among the withdrawals than the controls. The socialwithdrawals were playing less and hardly helped at home when they were in themiddle grades of elementary school and the second grade of junior high-school.These results were discussed in relation with the findings of our previous studyand others.