大谷 順子 Otani Junko
九州大学アジア総合政策センター紀要 (ISSN:18814220)
vol.3, pp.23-37, 2009-03

The Wenchuan Earthquake occurred in Sichuan Province of P.R. China at 14:28 of 12th May 2008. The earthquake brought various social issues to surface for the rapidly changing P.R. China where receiving attentions from international society. Sichuan is located in Western China and is known for its recent rapid economic development as well as ancient civilization and world heritage. The timing of the earthquake was critical as it occurred three months before the 2008 Beijing Olympics. This article describes the influence of earthquake, government response including rescue action, media policy, reconstruction plan, as well as international and Chinese people's response including internet opinion, humanitarian aid and volunteerism. This article also analyses the changes and highlight issues in modem Chinese society.2008年5月12日午後2時28分に、四川省の?川県を震源地として発生した四川大地震は経済発展目覚しい現代中国の抱える課題を表面に浮かび上がらせた。中国内陸部の四川省は、経済開発重点区として急発展をしており、少数民族や世界遺産も多く、観光地として栄える一方で、核関連施設を持つ中国政府としては神経を尖らせる地域でもある。本稿では、国際社会の注目を集める北京オリンピック開催直前という四川大地震が起きたタイミングと中国全体への影響、メディア政策などの政府の対応、インターネットやボランティアなど中国社会の反応を経時的に整理、分析し、四川省被災地域に縮図として浮かび上がる現代中国の抱える課題を考察する。
尾原 祐三 大谷 順 椋木 俊文 佐藤 晃 山田 文彦 麻植 久史

田中 仁 許 衛東 宮原 曉 山田 康博 堤 一昭 秋田 茂 青野 繁治 片山 剛 三好 恵真子 今泉 秀人 大谷 順子 竹内 俊隆 高橋 慶吉 木村 自 思 沁夫 西村 成雄 丸田 孝志 江 沛 許 育銘 周 太平 李 朝津

(1)統合後の大阪大学における現代中国研究の部局横断的プラットフォームとして、中国文化フォーラムを改組した。(2)中国南開大学・台湾東華大学との研究セミナーの共同開催をふまえて、東アジア学校間交流の定例化をめざした。(3)『大阪大学中国文化フォーラム・ディスカッションペーパー』を刊行した。(4) 本研究の成果を、時間軸・社会空間軸・日中関係軸の三部構成とし、各部で歴史学と諸ディシプリンとの対話を提示する『共進化する現代中国研究』としてとりまとめた。
大谷 順子
大学院教育学研究紀要 (ISSN:13451677)
vol.10, pp.97-116, 2007

Smoking is a disease of substance abuse called nicotine addicts. Smoking rate among Japanese men is declining in the recent years, however, smoking rate of women, especially young women, is increasing in Japan. As the health education is strengthened at primary, secondary and high schools, smoking rates among high school students and graduates are declining. 90% of smokers start to smoke by age 20. If they did not start smoking by age 20, most people can select their life without nicotine dependency. Japan has signed and ratified the World Health Organization (WHO)'s Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC) in year 2004 but has been very slow in actually implementing it within the nation. Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT) continues to promote smoking with strategy targeting young people, especially women. Now it is the time to implement health education such as smoking impact on health, social and economic costs. Japan is most behind in actual implementation of tobacco control policy in the so-called advanced countries. Central Asia is among the most behind in tobacco control policy in the world. The Republic of Kazakhstan has signed and ratified FCTC in 2007, and most advanced among the region. The Republic of Uzbekistan has even not yet signed nor ratified, that is among the few most behind countries in the world. This paper looked at the college students of Japan, Republic of Kazakhstan, and Republic of Uzbekistan. Awareness of college students, mainly the first and second grades, of three countries, Japan, Republic of Kazakhstan and Republic of Uzbekistan, were studied using embedded mixed methods with an instrument called the Kano Test for Social Nicotine Dependence (KTSND). Participants were undergraduate students of various departments of Kyushu University for Japan, as well as international graduate students including those from Uzbekistan at the Graduate School of Law of Kyushu University; medical students at the Kazakhstan National Medical Academy (Astana Medical University) in Astana, and Japanese major students at the Kazakhstan State University in Almaty for Republic of Kazakhstan; Japanese major students at the University of Oriental Studies in Tashkent for Republic of Uzbekistan. The KTSND questionnaire survey consists of 10 questions rating from 0 to 3 each, Total full score 30. A few demographic questions and a question on smoking history as well as an open-ended question to ask what was the most impressive stories in the lecture. The questionnaire was carried out before and after the health education lecture on smoking. The lecture introduced world tobacco atlas with country statistics of smoking rates, non-smoking education materials in several countries, as well as summary of medical research of nicotine effects on people's health. Visual slide such as sperm of smokers vs. non-smokers as well as non-smoking posters were shown. At Kyushu University, additional open-ended data of 193 essays were collected and analysed. At all the university in all three countries, the total score of KTSND declined, that is improved, after the health education lecture. In each group, the score for the smokers were higher than that for non-smokers, but it declined in all groups. The score of smokers of Kyushu University undergraduates were much worse than the score of smokers in other studies in Japan and that of smokers in this survey of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan college students. This is a worrisome result. Students answered as the most impressive issues in the health education lecture was that it made them aware of health harm of smoking, not only on throat and larynx but also for the whole body including sexual organs and fetus, hazardous impact of second-hand smoking (passive smoking). Many students in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan were interested in the statistics of world atlas such as the smoking rates of countries, as well as the actual example of non-smoking campaign posters in foreign countries especially Europe. Qualitative analysis of 193 essays showed that more than 90% of students at the Ropponmatsu Campus think that this kind of health education is welcome and concerns were expressed for the risk of second-hand smoking of those who smoke while walking on campus. Stronger measures should be taken for tobacco control policy at the Kyushu University, especially at the Ropponmatsu campus where most students are under age 20. The current situation is against the law to protect minors from smoking. Given the Ropponmatsu situation, tobacco control policy at the new Ito Campus, after the campus move in the year 2009, where will host large number of older students as well, would be a great challenge.
大谷 順子 大杉 卓三

中央アジアを調査地域として、社会開発の現状と課題の調査をおこなった。人間の安全保障の概念を取り入れ、特に、保健分野、教育分野、災害、ICT(情報通信技術)の利活用促進による社会開発、地域コミュニティ開発とマイクロファイナンスの取り組みについて調査をおこなった。これらは国連ミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)を達成するための課題でもある。本研究は、先行研究である九州大学教育研究プログラム・拠点形成プロジェクト(P & P)アジア総合研究「アジア地域における人間の安全保障の観点による社会開発に関する新たなフレームワークの研究(研究代表:大谷順子)」の成果を踏まえ発展させて調査をおこない、先行研究において調査が困難であった地域を中心に調査を実施した。