尾熊 隆嘉 矢野 義孝 財前 政美 牡丹 義弘 伊賀 立二 全田 浩 奥村 勝彦 安原 眞人 堀 了平
公益社団法人 日本化学療法学会
日本化学療法学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407007)
vol.45, no.12, pp.987-994, 1997-12-25 (Released:2011-08-04)
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メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌感染症の治療時におけるバンコマイシンの有効性, 安全性に関与する要因を統計的に検討する目的で, Therapeutic Drug Monitoringの対象となった患者の背景, 病態, 投薬履歴, 血漿中濃度等の要因と, 有効性, 安全性の臨床評価のデータを集積した。有効性としては効果の有無を, 安全性としては副作用として比較的報告例数の多かった腎機能, 肝機能を対象とし, その検査値異常の発現を採用した。患者背景, 病態, 治療履歴, 体内動態の各要因について, さらに項目ごとに有効性, 安全性との関連性を直接確率計算法, ロジスティック回帰分析法にて検討した。有効性に関しては高齢患者におけるアミノグリコシドの先行投与が有効率の向上に対し, 有意な関連性を示した。安全性に関しては肝機能, 腎機能の検査値異常発現率に対する1日投与量の関連性が強いことが示された。特に, 高齢患者においては血清クレアチニン値, 重症度, 総ビリルビン濃度が影響要因になることが明らかとなった。さらに, 腎機能異常値発現率の影響要因となることが示されたトラフ濃度とその発現率についてノンパラメトリックな2値回帰分析により解析したところ, アミノグリコシドとの併用により発現率が高くなることが示されたが, いずれの場合においてもトラフ濃度を10μg/ml以下にコントロールすることにより, 発現率を15%以下に抑制できることが示された。バンコマイシンの適正使用を推進するうえで, 今回の検討において有効性, 安全性に関与する要因を明らかにできたことは意義深いものと考えられるが, 今回の検討によって, 必ずしも十分な結論が得られたとは言い難く, 今後さらに臨床データを蓄積し, より精度の高い検討をする必要があると思われる。
栄田 敏之 中村 任 奥村 勝彦 栃尾 信治 長田 俊治
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.6, pp.594-598, 2002-12-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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Dissolution tests of acetaminophen filled into the gelatin capsules (SHIONOGI QUALICAPS, Japan) and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) capsules (SHIONOGI QUALICAPS, Japan) were performed after the cap-sules were stored under conditions of 30°C/60%RH for one year, 40°C/75%RH for 6 months, or 60°C for one week. The Japanese Pharmacopoeia 1st fluid, acetic acid buffer (pH4.0), Japanese Pharmacopoeia 2nd fluid and purified water were used as dissolution media. The dissolution profiles of the gelatin capsules changed significantly in comparison to those of the initial profiles after the capsules were stored at 40°C/75%RH for 6 months or 60°C for one week. On the other hand, no delay in dissolution was observed for the HPMC capsules.Dissolution tests were additionally conduced using three commercially available HPMC capsules (SHIONOGI QUALICAPS, Japan ; CAPSUGEL, USA ; SHOGHUN, Korea), and the dissolution profiles of the HPMC capsules of SHIONOGI QUALICAPS were thus found to be independent of the dissolution medium, while the others showed different dissolution profiles depending on the dissolution medium.
船越 順子 濱名 則子 岩城 晃一 松林 照久 西庄 京子 栄田 敏之 奥村 勝彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.6, pp.548-552, 2001-12-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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Follow-up case by telephone was conducted for the discharged patients, who had received the medication consulting services from clinical pharmacists of Kobe university hospital. In this trial, we focused on the patients in the Department of Circulation and Respiratory Diseases. The follow-up case by telephone was carried out from the time of discharge until the next visit (almost 2 weeks after discharge). The patients consisted of 30 men and 17 women (average age was 66.9 years old). By telephone, the following issues were questioned; 1 : medication compliance, 2 : side effects and/or the changes of physical condition, 3 : other issues (such a when an inappropriate use of medicine had been suspected during hospitalization). When the patients so desire they could come in for a check-up anytime. More than about 90% of patients reported to keep good medication compliance and to have no significant side effects. However, 34% of patients claimed a slight of change in their physical condition including dropsical swelling, boiling and gasping. The claims were found more frequency in patients who had been suspected of inappropriately taking their medication. Follow-up care by telephone was found to be an effective way to avoid any kind of risks including the discontinuation of medicine. As a result, although further examinations should be addressed, follow-up care by telephone appears to be a good way to ensure the appropriate use of medicine.
奥村 勝 本山 聡 三河 邦夫
情報処理学会研究報告情報システムと社会環境(IS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.92, pp.17-24, 2006-08-25

福岡大学では,これまで学内の情報システム毎にに認証システムを構築し,運用を行ってきた。しかしいながら、情報システムの増加に伴い,個別認証システムでは、利用者や運用部門の負担の増加が問題となっていた。これの問題を解決すべく,認証データを一元化する総合認証システムを新たに構築した。本稿では認証データの一元運用を実現する上で問題となった事項について報告を行う。In Fukuoka University, the authentication system of each information system is constructed, and has been operated. However ,an increase in the load of the user and the operation section became a problem in an individual authentication system as the number of information systems increased. To solve these problems, a common authentication system that unified the authentication data was constructed.This paper reports the matter which became a problem when realizing unitary operation of authentification data.
高橋 悠子 中村 任 守屋 友加 白木 孝 林 伸英 熊谷 俊一 岡村 昇 八木 麻理子 竹島 泰弘 松尾 雅文 栄田 敏之 奥村 勝彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.11, pp.1111-1116, 2006-11-10

Recently, high dose gentamicin (GM) has started to be used for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Previously, since the intravenous infusion of GM for 1h once a week at a dose of 7.5mg/kg/day had caused no significant adverse events in a course of therapy lasting 6 months, we decided to try conducting such therapy for four courses in the present study. We continuously assessed renal function by monitoring serum creatinine, serum cystatin C (Cys-C), serum urea nitrogen (BUN), urinary β_2-microglobulin and urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) activity. Serum creatinine levels were found to be much lower than the normal range, while, at 0.65 to 0.78μg/mL, serum Cys-C levels, were within the normal range and so was BUN, suggesting that the glomerular filtration rate in the DMD patients receiving GM therapy was being maintained in the normal range. Therapeutic drug monitoring of GM indicated that it was being rapidly eliminated from the systemic circulation though a slight elevation of urinary NAG activity in 1 patient indicated the possibility of impaired renal proximal tubules. It will thus be necessary to optimize our patient management strategy.