田中 美央 西方 真弓 宮坂 道夫 倉田 慶子 住吉 智子
新潟大学保健学雑誌 = Journal of health sciences of Niigata University (ISSN:21884617)
vol.14, no.1, pp.69-78, 2017-03

田口 めぐみ 宮坂 道夫
公益社団法人 日本看護科学学会
日本看護科学会誌 (ISSN:02875330)
vol.39, pp.350-358, 2019

宮坂 道夫
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.28, pp.58-65, 2010-09-24 (Released:2018-02-01)

This paper analyzes how discourse ethics and narrative ethics contribute to resolve ethical questions in the context of clinical ethics. Jonsen et al. present a practical approach to ethics case analysis in medicine. Their approach has universal value, but at the same time has some defaults: culture-specific aspect to USA, lacking perspectives of time/process, prospective guide, and communicational aspects. Habermas' discourse ethics supplies some of the deficiencies, but will hardly handle cases in which (A) the patient is lacking competence to participate in the discourse, and, (B) the patient has the ability to participate in the discourse, but at an insufficient level to perform fully rational discussion. Narrative ethics, on the other hand will sophisticate clinical ethics by supplying norms such as "Take into account the process of formation of individual's values and that of norms in a group of people," and "Compare cases and stories." It will enable clinical ethics to handle the case of patients lacking the ability to make rational discussion. Although incompetent patients cannot be handled with that meta-ethical sophistication, the question can be reset as follows: "Can we determine the story of an incompetent agent via discourse in which the agent does not participate?" By resetting this way, narrative ethics may open new horizons to consider this sort of question in the light of normative argument.
宮坂 道夫
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.22, pp.59-68, 2004-10-18 (Released:2018-02-01)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a motor neuron disease which evokes complicated questions in the Japanese health care system. In order to address these questions, we must analyze a wide range of ethical, legal, and social issues, paying special affention to the ethics of withholding and withdrawing mechanical ventilation. In the first section of this paper I provide a brief review of the facts concerning Japanese patients with ALS: (1) the effect of the patient's own wishes on choices concerning mechanical ventilation; (2) the barriers to home care, especially the burden placed on the families taking care of patients on ventilation, e.g. removing sputum from patients' tracheas; (3) the barrier for institutional care, e.g. the limitation of health care resources; and (4) the limited range of choices at the end stage of a patient's life. The second section is an ethical analysis of the preceding issues: (1) the relation between autonomy and dignity, which have been dissociated in recent ethico-legal arguments regarding end of life issues; (2) Consideration of the justice of allocating resources which may empower patient's autonomy and dignity. In conclusion, Sen's ideas on capability will be used as the foundation of arguments for increasing the allocation of resources to care for patients with ALS, and to expand the range of choices patients can make as to living with or without mechanical ventilation.
宮坂 道夫
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.20, pp.67-79, 2002-11-10 (Released:2018-02-01)

In this paper, I will inquire about justice theories with regard to the public policy of assisted reproduction (AR). In the first part, I will criticize the classic four-principle-based frameworks of American bioethics. Firstly, it is not all-embracing, because it rejects any "communitarian" argument dependent on substantial common values such as human dignity. Secondly, it is not neutral, because practical advantage is given to liberal argument that permits any kind of AR. These liberal points of view are further analyzed as follows. (1) They impose empirical demonstrations on the autonomy-based negation of AR, (2) They permit the harm/benefit-based argument dependent on medical habits which are basically affirmative for AR, (3) They have traditionally concentrated on distributiv e justice, that is, nothing is discussed about newly developed AR, until it becomes a social resource. I will then introduce categorical and methodological expansions of justice theory as follows: (1) When we establish another category, which I call 'resourcification justice', in justice theory by questioning 'on what basis the health care service is justifiable', it will allow us to identify the nature of the conflict over AR. (2) When we adopt the two Rawlsian principles of justice only formally, rejecting any material premise, they require us to identify justly who is the worst off in the context of AR. Furthermore, the only guiding principle of fairness requires us to adopt a methodological justice, which I call 'narrativejustice', in that identification. This does not allow us to take ourselves only in the public context of policy makers and the worst off. It requires us to take ourselves at the same time in the private context of the narrator and the narratee.
宮坂 道夫 鳥谷部 真一 山内 春夫 栗原 隆 後藤 清恵 坂井 さゆり 細見 博志 田澤 立之 足立 智孝 中田 光 甲斐 克則

宮坂 道夫 藤野 豊

ハンセン病問題を「物語的正義」論の観点から再検討することが、本研究の目的である。そのために、(A)資料・文献研究と(B)聞き取り調査を併用しながら、以下の点について理論構築を行った。1)パターナリズムとしての絶対隔離政策、2)患者団体による患者の権利運動の展開とその社会的受容、3)<語り手>としての患者と<聞き手>としての知識人の乖離と責任の所在、4)<伝え手>としてのマスメディアの責任、5)病者に対する社会的な<無関心>と<偏見>の形成と存続、6)医療についての<正義>に求められるべき特質(<語り手><伝え手><聞き手>それぞれの立場の責任、および公正な意思決定の手続きとはいかなるものか)。本年度の実績としては、理論研究と資料研究の双方で順調な成果を見た。研究代表者の宮坂は、単著『ハンセン病重監房の記録』を来年度初め(平成18年4月14日予定)に刊行する予定である。これは、本研究で行った聞き取り調査、資料調査などの結果を盛り込み、特にハンセン病療養所に設けられていた懲罰施設(とりわけ収監者が多数死亡した過酷な懲罰施設であった栗生楽泉園の「重監房」)に焦点を当てて概説したものである。そのような施設において、患者に保障されるべき裁判を受ける機会が与えられず、療養所職員の裁量罰として不当な監禁が行われた実態を明らかにし、さらには、それらがメディアや国会等でいかに論じられ、廃止に至ったかを検証した。患者らは、こうした不当な人権侵害について、戦前から訴え続けていたのだが、保健医療などの専門職、マスメディア、国会議員、および一般国民が、それを聞き入れるまでに長い時間がかかった。共同研究者の藤野は、『近現代日本ハンセン病問題資料集成 補巻』(全8,9巻)を刊行した。これは、『近現代日本ハンセン病問題資料集成 戦前編』(全8巻)および『同 戦後編』(全10巻)に引き続き、ハンセン病問題研究の一次資料の集成であり、この問題を研究する上での重要な基礎的資料となるものと考えられる。