小原 哲郎 大八木 重治 高藤 亮一 蔡 品
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.67, no.659, pp.1680-1686, 2001-07-25 (Released:2008-03-28)

Experiments are carried out to investigate behavior of shock wave diffraction from a safety-engineering point of view. Because, once the shock wave is released into an ambience, high pressure and negative pressure lasting for relatively long period have possibility to cause serious damages against human bodies as well as general buildings. Therefore, it should be one of the most significant subjects to attenuate the shock wave efficiently within a short distance from the source. In this report, a cavity is installed at an open end of a shock tube and flow-fields behind diffracted shock wave are visualized using schlieren photography. In addition, piezo-electric pressure transducer is flush mounted on the surface of reflector, which is installed at test section, and pressure histories are recorded with wide frequency response. Lastly, numerical simulation using the TVD finite difference scheme is performed to compare with the experimental results. As a result, (i) the pressure histories on the reflector coincides well between the numerical and experimental results, (ii) flow-fields behind the shock wave are clarified, (iii) maximum pressure behind reflected shock wave can be attenuated by installing several cavities inside the open end of the shock tube.
高藤 亮一 山中 昭央 小原 哲郎 蔡 品 大八木 重治
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.65, no.639, pp.3602-3607, 1999-11-25 (Released:2008-03-28)
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As is well known when a shock wave is emitted from an open end of a tube, an expansion wave and a vortex ring are generated behind the shock wave. Furthermore, a contact surface, slip line and these wave interactions may cause considerably complicate flow-fields. In this study, shock waves of Mach number 1.3, 1.6 and 2.2 are produced utilizing diaphragm-less shock tube of 50 mm diameter and c. a. 10 m total length, and the flow-fields are visualized with an aid of schlieren optical techniques. A cylindrical reflector is installed at test section and stagnation pressure behind reflected shock wave is measured with wide frequency response. A numerical analysis is also carried out to investigate these flow-fields using Predictor-Corrector TVD finite difference scheme. As a result, (i) the contour of diffracted shock wave is well coincided between experimental and numerical results, (ii) pressure histories behind reflected shock wave are clarified, (iii) an empirical formula is obtained between Mach number, non-dimensional distance from the open end of the tube and non-dimensional pressure just behind reflected shock wave.
高野 克己 鴨居 郁三 小原 哲二郎
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.33, no.5, pp.310-315, 1986-05-15 (Released:2009-04-21)

米糠中の脂質分解機構に関する基礎的知見を得るため,米糠の貯蔵試験を行い,各脂質成分の変化ならびに脂質分解酵素の存在について検討した.1. 米糠100g中にトリアシルグリセロール約11.5m mol,糖脂質(グルコースとして)約0.85m molおよびリン脂質(リンとして)約0.7m mol含有されていた.2. 米糠貯蔵中における各脂質成分の変化を詳細に知るため,米糠を31℃で貯蔵し,経時的にその変化を調べた.その結果,各脂質の分解速度はリン脂質>トリアシルグリセロール>糖脂質の順であり,トリアシルグリセロールの分解に先立ちリン脂質の分解が起こっていることが認められた.3. 米糠を貯蔵すると,まずリン脂質の分解が起こるので,米糠中の主要リン脂質であるホスファチジルコリン,ホスファチジルエタノールアミン,ホスファチジルイノシトール,ホスファチジン酸およびリゾホスファチジルコリンの経時的変化について検討した結果,ホスファチジルコリン,ホスファチジルエタノールアミンおよびホスファチジルイノシトールは貯蔵初期に急速な減少を示したが,ホスファチジン酸およびリゾホスファチジルコリンの分解はやや緩慢であった.4. 米糠中の主要糖脂質であるトリグリコシルジグリセリド,ジグリコシルジグリセリド,モノグリコシルジグリセリド,アシルステリルグリコシドおよびステリルグリコシドの貯蔵中における経時的変化について調べたところ,各成分共にリン脂質成分に比べ,初期における分解速度は小さかった.5. 米糠の脂質分解酵素活性について検討したところ,米糠中に初めてホスホリパーゼCおよびホスホリパーゼDの存在を認めた.また,米糠100g中にはリパーゼ34 Unit,ホスホリピトアシルヒドロラーゼ8 Unit,ホスホリパーゼC 12 UnitおよびホスホリパーゼD 13Unitが存在し,その活性比は100:24:35:39であった.6. 米糠貯蔵中における各脂質分解酵素活性の変化について調べた結果,リパーゼ,ホスホリピドアシルヒドロラーゼ,ホスホリパーゼCおよびホスホリパーゼDは貯蔵60日目でも約30~60%の活性が残存し,これら酵素は米糠中において比較的安定であった.
諸角 聖 和宇慶 朝昭 一言 広 小原 哲二郎
食品と微生物 (ISSN:09108637)
vol.2, no.2, pp.80-87, 1985-08-20 (Released:2010-07-12)

生および焙煎コーヒー豆におけるカビの増殖および毒素産生の相違がいかなる原因によるものかを明らかにする目的で, コーヒー豆成分のカビに及ぼす影響を検討し, 以下の結論を得た.1) 蒸留水またはYES培地を用いて水分含量を50%に調整した生および焙煎コーヒー豆粉末にA. flavus, A. ochraeusなど6種のカビを接種し, 発育と毒素産生の有無を調べた. その結果, 生豆粉末においては全菌種が発育し, ochratoxin A産生もみられたのに対し, 焙煎豆粉末においてはYES培地を添加した条件でA. ochraceusの発育が認められたのみで, 他の菌の発育は全くみられなかった.2) 焙煎コーヒー豆成分中には抗カビ物質の存在が示唆されたため, その単離を試み, 活性物質本体としてカフェインを得た.3) カフェインはA. flavusおよびA. versicolorの発育をいずれも2.5mg/mlで, P. glabrumおよびC. cladosporioidesの発育を5.0mg/mlで, F. solaniの発育を10mg/mlで完全に阻止したのに対し, A. ochraceusの発育は10mg/mlの濃度においても阻止しなかった. また, カフェインは生豆中にも存在することから, そのカフェインを単離し焙煎豆由来カフェインと抗菌活性を比較したところ, 両者の活性に差は認められなかった.4) 生および焙煎豆からの温湯抽出画分についてカフェイン含有量および抗菌活性をそれぞれ比較した. その結果, 両画分中のカフェイン含有量に差が認められなかったにもかかわらず, 抗菌作用は焙煎豆由来画分のみに認められ, 生豆由来画分には全くみられなかった.5) この結果から, 生豆由来温湯抽出画分中にカフェインの抗菌作用を不活化する物質の存在が疑がわれたため, その物質の単離を試み, 最終的にクロロゲン酸を得た.6) クロロゲン酸はカフェイン2.5mgに対して15mg, 5.0mgに対して30mgと, カフェインの3倍のモル量で最も顕著にカフェインの抗菌作用を不活化した. このクロロゲン酸は生豆中でカフェインと複合体を形成して存在し, 焙煎によりその含有量が半減することから, カビが生豆において発育可能であるのに対して焙煎豆で発育できない理由が, 主として両者におけるクロロゲン酸含有量の差であることが明らかとなった.
前田 慎市 倉持 悠希 小野 涼 小原 哲郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.850, pp.17-00049-17-00049, 2017 (Released:2017-06-25)

This study addressed a deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) process after interaction of the convex flame with a planar shock wave. High-speedvideo cameras and schlieren optical technique were utilized to observe the DDT as well as shock-flame interaction processes. A double-diaphragmshock tube was used to produce the shock wave, while the flame was produced by igniting a premixed gas of stoichiometric methane-oxygenat the observation section. Experiments were conducted by changing Mach number of the incident shock wave, Ms and a distance of flame front from the end wall, x0. As a result of schlieren photographs, flame propagation behaviors at initial stage were classified into four patterns, named as (a) coupling, (b) concave, (c) partial coupling and (d) convex type. The propagation patterns of flame were highly dependent on the initial position of flame front, x0. Under the experimental conditions, DDT was not observed when the flame had been propagated revealing (a) coupling (observed with the conditions of x0 > 110 mm) and (d) convex type (x0 < 50 mm). However, the DDT was observed following that the flame had been propagated revealing (b) concave or (c) partial coupling (50 < x0 < 110 mm). Furthermore, it was elucidated that DDT was typically caused through the following processes. (i) When the convex flame interacted with planar shock, the unburned gas was penetrated into burned gas inducing Richtmyer-Meshkov instability. (ii) The flame was highly accelerated at boundary layers behind the reflected shock. (iii) After accelerated flame propagated through the unburned shocked region, local explosion was occurred on the wall followed by detonation onset.
永井 厚司 岡部 俊彦 キム ギョンミン 吉橋 照夫 小原 哲郎 大八木 重治
一般社団法人 日本燃焼学会
日本燃焼学会誌 = Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan (ISSN:13471864)
vol.52, no.159, pp.86-93, 2010-02-15

<p>Pulse detonation engines (PDEs) are expected to be the next-generation engine systems, and are expected to have applications in various fields. One of the fundamental problems faced during the development of PDEs is the deflagration to detonation transition (DDT). In order to realize a PDE, it is essential to shorten a parameter of detonation transition called a detonation induction distance (DID). However, the mechanism underlying the DDT process and methods to shorten DID in narrow channels have not yet been understood. An experimental study on DDT process in a narrow rectangular channel with a height of 1-5 mm and a width of 8 mm was carried out by employing pressure transducers, ionization probes, and sooted plate technique in oxyhydrogen mixtures. The effects of the tube height and equivalence ratio on pressure detonation limits were discussed. Detonation velocity, DDT process, and DID were discussed on the basis of pressure history and soot track record. Overdriven detonation and attenuated detonation were observed in the narrow channel. The DID value measured on the basis of the soot track record in the present study was in the range of the empirical formula obtained by the other researchers.</p>
谷村 和八郎 鴨居 郁三 小原 哲二郎
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.27, no.5, pp.245-251, 1980-05-15 (Released:2010-01-20)
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枝豆のTIを調べる目的で大豆を播種後栽培111日より165日まで毎週経時的にTI活性を測定した。(1) 枝豆中のTIは栽培日数116日までは認められず, 123日の豆粒よりTIがみられた。枝豆として利用出来る粒長1.2~1.4cmの成熟豆は130日より収穫できた。 TI量は127日のものが最高で生豆粒1g中に17.92mgであった。この時の比活性は168である。枝豆の粒長により含まれるTI量は異なり,生豆粒1g中のTIは粒長0.8-1.0cmでは6.91mgが最高であった。粒長1.0-1.2cmは14.7mgで成熟豆に近い値である。(2) Sephadex G-75によるTIのゲル濾過では粒長1.2-1.4cmの豆粒では4~6種のTIピークがみられ,主要ピークはNo.3, No.4であった。栽培日数の増加と共にNo.3, No.4のピークが占める割合が大きくなる。粒長の短かいものは6種のTIピークがみられた。その主要ピークはNo.3, No.4であった。(3) Sephadex G-75でゲル濾過したNo.3, No.4のTIピークについてDEAEセルロースによるクロマトグラフィーを行った。粒長1.2~1.4cmでは123日が7種, 159日が5種, 165日が4種と栽培日数が長くなるに従いピーク数が減少する。また粒長が大きくなるに従いTIピーク数が減少した。(4) 枝豆の加熱によるTIの変化は市販枝豆の生豆1g中のTI量は19.7mgであった。100℃, 5分間煮沸の枝豆は1g中に13mgであった。この時のTIをSephadex G-75でゲル濾過を行ったところ,生豆のピークは2種であったが,加熱により9種のピークがみられた。
谷村 和八郎 鴨居 郁三 小原 哲二郎
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.27, no.5, pp.240-244, 1980-05-15 (Released:2010-01-20)

大豆もやしのTIを製造経過に従って測定し,その消長をみた。(1) 大豆もやしおよび各部の1g中のTIを比較すると,生もやしには68.7mg~61.9mgのTIが存在した。この99%以上が豆部に残余が根部にある。生もやしの豆部と根部のTIは2日目もやしは70.2mg, 14.3mg, 4日目もやしは64.6mg, 0.83mg, 6日目もやしは73.7mgで根部にはTIがみられなかった。(2) Sephadex G-75によるTIのゲル濾過を行ったところ,原料大豆,もやし豆部のTIパターンには2種のピークがみられた。根部は2日目もやしは1種, 4日目もやしは2種みられた。(3) DEAE-セルロースによるTI画分のクロマトグラフィーを行った。主要ピークは8種より成っていた。豆部TIは日数の長くなるに従いピークは接合分画が難しかった。6日目もやしは2種のピークが消失した。根部のTIは2日目もやしが1種, 4日目もやしが2種であった。(4) もやしを熱湯で5分間加熱したとき,豆部のTIは消失したが,根部のTIは残存していた。
前田 慎市 吉木 一秀 菅野 祥一郎 冨田 啓太 小原 哲郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.852, pp.17-00019-17-00019, 2017 (Released:2017-08-25)

Shock-induced combustion around a spherical body was experimentally investigated by launching the projectile at supersonic speed into a combustible mixture. This study focused on occurrence conditions for an unsteady combustion which was characterized as combustion instabilities with an oscillating combustion front. A spherical body of 4.76 mm dimeter was used as the projectile, and its flight Mach numbers were ranged from 3.5 to 7.5. Four types of combustible mixtures, which were stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen and ethylene-oxygen mixtures diluted with argon or nitrogen (2H2 + O2 + 3Ar, 2H2 + O2 + N2, C2H4 + 3O2 + 12Ar, C2H4 + 3O2 + 2.5N2), were used and their initial pressures were varied between 25 and 100 kPa. The combustion regimes around the projectile were observed by using a schlieren optical system and high-speed camera. The combustion regimes generally varied from the steady combustion with smooth combustion front to the unsteady combustion with oscillating combustion front, when the projectile Mach number or the initial pressure increased. The occurrence conditions for the unsteady combustion were expressed by the two dimensionless parameters; dimensionless heat release rate, q*t* and dimensionless induction length, lind*, which were defined by the post-shock state and flow velocity on the stagnation streamline of the projectile and by assuming the chemical reaction as a constant-volume explosion. The q*t* included a temperature gradient in a reaction zone, and represented the strength of the pressure wave driven by the heat release reaction. The lind* included an induction time, and represented the distance between the shock wave and the location where the heat release reaction started. The unsteady combustion occurred when these two dimensionless parameters were above the critical values, and the trend of occurrence condition of the two combustion regimes could be explained by introducing the parameters.
前田 慎市 及川 陽介 星野 隆介 小原 哲郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.852, pp.17-00039-17-00039, 2017 (Released:2017-08-25)

A detonation wave propagating in a straight tube (detonation tube) was reflected off the end wall of the tube, and the pressure profile produced by the propagation of the reflected shock wave was experimentally investigated. The detonation wave was initiated at the opposite end of the reflection end, and two ignition conditions were tested. First, ignition at the closed end of the tube (called as “closed ignition end condition”), where the fluid motion was negligible, was evaluated. Second, ignition at the open end of the tube (called as “opened ignition end condition”), where the burned gas flowed toward the vacuum tank attached to the detonation tube, was evaluated. Karnesky et al. (2013) suggested the empirical model in order to represent the pressure profile near the reflection end in the closed ignition end condition. In this paper, the empirical model of Karnesky et al. was modified in order to represent the pressure profile in the opened ignition end condition, and the effect of two ignition conditions on the pressure profiles was discussed. In these models, the pressure profile at the reflection end was empirically formulated by using two empirical parameters, and a uniform pressure distribution between the reflected shock wave and the reflection end was assumed. In this paper, the empirical parameters were normalized by the characteristic parameters for the propagating reflected shock wave. These parameters expressed the conditions of the combustible mixture and the length of the detonation tube. In the opened ignition end condition, the model well represented the measured pressure profile created by the propagating detonation wave and reflected shock wave in the entire length of the detonation tube because the rarefaction wave existed in the entire region behind the detonation wave, and the pressure behind the reflected shock wave had an approximately uniform distribution. Conversely, the model was applicable for a limited duration for the closed ignition end condition because a pressure gradient gradually developed behind the reflected shock wave when the reflected shock wave began to propagate in the plateau region behind the rarefaction wave.
前田 慎市 青島 亮太 黒澤 哲朗 小原 哲郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.846, pp.16-00269-16-00269, 2017 (Released:2017-02-25)

Detonation transition was experimentally investigated using flame jetting through the orifice of a small sub-chamber, which was equipped on the side wall near the closed end of the main channel (square inner closs section, 50 mm on a side) filled with a stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen mixture at an initial pressure of 80 kPa. The number of sub-chambers and orifice diameters were changed as 1, 2, 4 (called as FJ1, FJ2, FJ4, respectively) and 3, 5, 7 mm, respectively, and the facing flame jets were collided with each other in FJ2 and FJ4. Two regimes of detonation transition were observed: (i) deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) accompanied by flame acceleration process and (ii) direction initiation of a detonation near the flame jetting section. The flame propagation distance required for detonation transition was one-half to one-third for regime (i) compared to single-spark ignition without flame jet, and below one-sixth for regime (ii). Except for the case of regime (ii), observed for an orifice diameter of 5 or 7 mm of FJ4, the detonation transition distance had no significant effect on the types of flame jetting and orifice diameters. Time-resolved schlieren recordings showed that the choked jet of combustion products drove the shock wave preceding the flame front, and induced multi-dimensional flame motion and repeated shock-flame interactions in the confinement. These behaviors enhanced flame velocity at the ignition end by a factor of 4 to 7 in FJ1 and FJ2, compared to single-spark ignition. The effect of these enhanced flame velocities on DDT distances was consistent with the semi-empirical model of flame acceleration process in a smooth tube. The schlieren recordings and pressure measurements at the closed end indicated that the possible factors for the initiation of detonation in regime (ii) were the mixing of reacted and unreacted gas induced by the repeated strong shock-flame interaction and the hot spot formed by shock-shock interaction driven by the facing flame jetting.
前田 慎市 菅野 祥一郎 古藤 亮平 小原 哲郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.14-00332, (Released:2015-01-16)

The gaseous detonation driven gas gun was developed for accelerating the projectile to a supersonic speed. The gas gun was simply consisted of two straight stainless-steel tubes. The one was the detonation tube and the other was the launch tube. The detonation tube was 50 mm inside diameter with 2180 or 4280 mm long, and the launch tube was 5 mm inside diameter with 1040 mm long. Chapman-Jouguet detonation wave was initiated in the detonation tube, and the projectile was accelerated in the launch tube via combustion products behind the detonation wave. The spherical projectile of 4.76 mm diameter was made of high-density polyethylene with 52 mg mass. The driver mixture was stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen premixed gas with initial pressure ranging from 120 to 450 kPa. The gas gun was successfully operated, and the maximum projectile velocity of 1400 m/s was obtained for the conditions that the detonation tube was 4280 mm long and the initial pressure of the driver gas was 450 kPa. The results of the longer detonation tube demonstrated that the projectile velocity was 1.15 - 1.25 times higher than the case of shorter detonation tube. This velocity change of the projectile could be explained by the pressure increase at the inlet of the launch tube by using longer detonation tube. The reason of the pressure increase has a possibility that the length of Taylor wave behind the detonation wave becomes longer for the case of longer detonation tube.
小原 哲郎
