勝田 茂 高松 薫 田中 守 小泉 順子 久野 譜也 田渕 健一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.34, no.2, pp.141-149, 1989-09-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

Attempts were made to clarify whether or not fiber composition of the m. vastus lateralis could be predicted with running performance. Biopsy samples from 32 well-trained and 17 untrained adult males were examined for the percentage area of fast-twitch (FT) and slow-twitch (ST) fibers which might be related to the physical performance better than the fiber type distribution. In addition, each subject completed 50-m sprint and 12-min run tests. A multiple regression analysis revealed that in the trained males predictive accuracy (R^2) for the percentage area of FT fibers (% areaFT) from the ratio of a 50-m sprint speed to a 12-min run speed (50 m・S/12 min・S) was higher than that from most of other variables,e.g. 50 m・S, 12 min・S, or the combination of 50 m・S and 12 min・S; R^2 of 50 m・S/12 min・S was 80.3%(p&lt0.05). A positive correlation between 50 m・S/12 min・S and %areaFT also existed for the untrained subjects (R^2=63.7%, p&lt0.05). The linear regression equations of %areaFT (Y) on 50 m・S/12 min・S (X)were Y=-68.6 + 76.2X (r=0.896, p&lt0.05) and Y=-47.5 + 61.1X (r=0.798, p&lt0.05) for the trained and untrained males, respectively. There was no significant difference in the regression equations between the trained and untrained males. For all subjects, the equation was Y=-59.8 + 69.8X (r=0.876, p&lt0.05) and the standard error of estimate of %areaFT on 50 m・S/12 min . S was 8.86%. These results suggest that the performances of a 50-m sprint and a 12-min run are valuable indicators in, accurately, easily and noninvasively, predicting the percentage area of FT and ST fibers of the m. vastus lateralis from adult male.
小泉 順子
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.43, no.4, pp.437-466, 2006-03-31 (Released:2017-10-31)

This essay examines the historiography of Chinese society in Thailand, focusing on the idea of “assimilation.” Post-WWII scholarship on the Chinese in Thailand has been strongly influenced by what Jennifer Cushman called the “Skinner ‛assimilation paradigm’.” G.W. Skinner, in his Leadership and Power in the Chinese Community of Thailand (1958), predicted a rapid assimilation of the entire Chinese community; subsequent scholarship, negatively or positively, made its arguments by referring to this paradigm. However, many scholars have found ethnicity to be tenacious or ethnic identity to be arbitrary, and various Chinese factors and elements have come to be manifested more openly in Thai society in response to the (re)emergence of China as an economic and political power since the 1990s. In recent years, therefore, there has been a growing tendency to question this paradigm. By re-reading Skinner's various works written from as early as 1950, tracing relevant works done by other contemporary scholars in the same field, and placing them in historical and geo-political contexts, this essay explores why such emphasis was given to the idea of assimilation and how it persisted in subsequent years. It argues that assimilation was a response to “political” needs in the era of Cold War and emergent nationalism in Southeast Asia and that studies of overseas Chinese societies in Thailand and Southeast Asia were created as an integral part of the “area studies” strongly advocated in the U.S. since the 1950s.
小泉 順子
Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies
東南アジア -歴史と文化- (ISSN:03869040)
vol.1993, no.22, pp.36-66, 1993-06-01 (Released:2010-02-26)

This article examines the manpower control administration in Nakhon Ratchasima, an important first-class township located at the entrance to Northeast Siam, in the middle of the nineteenth century.A census taken in the 1850's suggests that more than 28, 000 adult-males both commoners and minor officials, were registered in Nakhon Ratchasima. They were classified under several categories: 14, 575 were registered with the chaomuang of Nakhon Ratchasima and its local officials; 6, 851 were registered with a dozen of its dependent townships; 1, 706 under kong nok of Nakhon Ratchasima paying suai (the head capitation tax) in kind; 1, 025 under kong nok raising cattle and elephants for the crown; almost 1, 000 registered with different nobles and officials in Bangkok; and 2, 192 under the Front Palace. There were also 1, 094 adult-males on the list who were registered with other townships, but were recorded as residing in Nakhon Ratchasima.Besides these adult-males on the registration list, ‘slaves’ are also found serving local elites perhaps as both a domestic and agricultural labor force. We also find several hundred of Chinese in Nakhon Ratchasima and its dependent townships paying the phuk-pi tax every three years.To consider the pattern of distinction in terms of duties owed by the various groups registered in Nakhon Ratchasima, a rather distorted picture emerges. It was those who were registered with eight particular dependent townships and under kong nok, whether phrai luang or phrai som, that regularly paid suai to the crown. They were also subject to conscription in the war with Vietnam during the third reign, with suai exemptions for their period of military service granted. On the other hand, commoners registered under the chaomuang and township officials of Nakhon Ratchasima, who are thought to be a township version of phrai luang, were not obliged to render any regular services to the crown. They were just occasionally conscripted during the war with Vietnam and sent at times to the construction works at Lop Buri and Phraphutthabat during the fourth reign.The division of interests between the crown and the local authorities over manpower resources in this township was extremely uneven. Since the number of adult-males who were placed under the local officials, and were thus not obliged to pay any regular services to the crown, preponderated, the king could control only a small part of the population there, i, e., those in kong nok and several dependent townships, through the suai imposition. The portion of the commoners who were obliged to send suai to the royal coffers was curtailed to one-third of the total registrees of each kong nok, since exemption was generously given for such reasons as being disabled or being a minor official.The control over manpower exercised by the crown in Nakhon Ratchasima remained peripheral. As indicated by the word ‘nok’ meaning “outside” “outer”, kong nok was a unit of manpower control established outside of the administrative body of the township. Its leaders stood outside of the main administrative hierarchy of the township officials. Very few among them, and among the chaomuang of the dependent townships subject to suai tax, were close relatives of the chaomuang of Nakhon Ratchasima.
勝田 茂 高松 薫 田中 守 小泉 順子 久野 譜也 田渕 健一
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.34, no.2, pp.p141-149, 1989-09

Attempts were made to clarify whether or not fiber composition of the m. vastus lateralis could be predicted with running performance. Biopsy samples from 32 well-trained and 17 untrained adult males were examined for the percentage area of fast-twitch (FT) and slow-twitch (ST) fibers which might be related to the physical performance better than the fiber type distribution. In addition, each subject completed 50-m sprint and 12-min run tests. A multiple regression analysis revealed that in the trained males predictive accuracy (R^2) for the percentage area of FT fibers (% areaFT) from the ratio of a 50-m sprint speed to a 12-min run speed (50 m・S/12 min・S) was higher than that from most of other variables,e.g. 50 m・S, 12 min・S, or the combination of 50 m・S and 12 min・S; R^2 of 50 m・S/12 min・S was 80.3%(p&lt0.05). A positive correlation between 50 m・S/12 min・S and %areaFT also existed for the untrained subjects (R^2=63.7%, p&lt0.05). The linear regression equations of %areaFT (Y) on 50 m・S/12 min・S (X)were Y=-68.6 + 76.2X (r=0.896, p&lt0.05) and Y=-47.5 + 61.1X (r=0.798, p&lt0.05) for the trained and untrained males, respectively. There was no significant difference in the regression equations between the trained and untrained males. For all subjects, the equation was Y=-59.8 + 69.8X (r=0.876, p&lt0.05) and the standard error of estimate of %areaFT on 50 m・S/12 min . S was 8.86%. These results suggest that the performances of a 50-m sprint and a 12-min run are valuable indicators in, accurately, easily and noninvasively, predicting the percentage area of FT and ST fibers of the m. vastus lateralis from adult male.
小泉 順子
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.159, pp.190-218, 2011-03-28

The Agreement between the Government of Thailand and the Government of the United States of America for Financing Certain Educational Exchange Programs, or what is known as the Fulbright Agreement, was signed on July 1, 1950, after more than two years of negotiation. By examining the process of those negotiations between the two countries against the background of the Cold War, this paper looks into the meaning of the agreement to both Thailand and the United States at its inception. It is revealed that Thailand was initially not very interested in the conclusion of the agreement as it saw little benefit in it mainly due to its institutional limitation that for the Thai citizens only transportation cost to study in the U.S. could be funded. The U.S., on the other hand, was eager to strengthen its "friendship" ties with Thailand, which the U.S. came to regard as an important supporter of the U.S. policies against Communist forces in Asia, particularly after 1949. The U.S. therefore wished to promote the exchange of students and experts in order to help the Thai public understand the U.S. policies. In the end, Thailand accepted the agreement as they wished for the smooth realization of other military and economic assistant programs that the U.S. was planning to extend to Thailand, which were important for the Phibun regime to strengthen its position within the domestic political situation. Such situations conditioned the early operation of the exchanges initiated by the program.