山崎 聡
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.43, no.43, pp.38-51, 2003 (Released:2010-08-05)

This paper is intended as an investigation of the relation between Pigou's ethics and his welfare economics. For this purpose, I shall introduce the basic ethical knowledge that originated with J. S. Mill. This knowledge provides the structure of ethics. On the whole, ethical theory has three elements, which include the facts about moral phenomena, fundamental principles, and practical principles (criteria). As it seems that the first does not require further explanations but the latter two do, some comments shall be appended to each of the latter. First, the fundamental principle is the ultimate grounds upon which all moral judgments will be prescribed. Because the fundamental principle supplies all concrete or applied practical criteria with their foundations of justification, its attributes must be quite abstract. At the same time, the fundamental principle is the ultimate end. That justification is based on usefulness to this ultimate end. Secondly, the practical criteria are concrete applications of the fundamental principle. The latter is so abstract that we cannot in practice use it as a criterion for moral judgment. The fundamental principle is, however, the ultimate criterion as well as the ultimate ground. Therefore we must embody the fundamental principle in some particular lines. There is, however, no absolute or unique embodiment (i. e., a practical criterion), for the best criterion may differ case by case.From my interpretation of Pigou, what corresponds to the fundamental principle explained above is Pigou's theory of value: welfarism (i. e., ideal utilitarianism). Pigou says that welfare is composed of states of conscious life, each of which has intrinsic value, and that welfare is a complex whole. What should be noted is that as Pigou's theory of value (the fundamental principle) abstractly defines ultimate ends and criteria of moral judgments, it is impossible for us to make any judgments in practical concrete cases according to the fundamental principle. Therefore we must substantiate the fundamental principle for practical circumstances. Pigou, recognizing that point sufficiently, embodies welfarism in his economic theory; he considers economic welfare to be a concrete goal and defines propositions of production and distribution as means to that goal. This is one type of practical criteria. I would like to emphasize that because Pigou's original intention was to promote each individual's welfare ultimately, maximizing the total social economic welfare (a typical utilitarian prescription) is no more than one expedient for the former. Accordingly, considering the ultimate end, we can see that it is possible to choose another practical criterion instead of economic welfare. For instance, justice in distribution could be fully supported by Pigou's fundamental principle (welfarism), to which little attention has been given. Put another way, in Pigou's system, the principle of justice or right is not independent of the principle of utilitarianism; more accurately, the former is subordinate to the latter. In fact Pigou's national minimum theory, which implies distributive justice, is prescribed from his utilitarian point of view.
山崎 聡
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.41, no.41, pp.35-47, 2002 (Released:2010-08-05)

This paper is intended as an investigation of A. C. Pigou's ethics. Thus far, few attempts have been made to investigate his philosophical (ethical) side. The point I want to make is that, contrary to the ordinary interpretation, Pigou's ethical idea does not belong to the traditional hedonistic utilitarian view espoused by Bentham, J. S. Mill, and Sidgwick, but to the ideal (i. e., non-hedonistic) utilitarian view originated by G. E. Moore.First, it is notable that Pigou, following Moore, recognizes that “good” is indefinable; he clearly makes a distinction between “What is good?” and “What is the good?” Pigou's response to the latter is as follows.In the hedonistic utilitarian view, the only intrinsically good thing is “pleasure.” Pigou, in his early article (1907), completely disagrees with this thesis. He asserts that pleasure is not the sole good, and that there are plural elements (i. e., not only pleasure but also love, good will, and so on) which are intrinsic goods; they compose a state of conscious life. A state of conscious life, Pigou says, is a complex of many factors such as those remarked above. In describing how a state of conscious life as a complex whole does have intrinsic value, Pigou relates that the goodness of conscious states is, to use a mathematical phrase, a function of several variables, some of which can be specified (i. e., pleasure, love, good will); the dependent variable represents the intrinsic value of the complex whole.In a later article (1932), Pigou discusses a problem quite different from that laid out above: what sort of actions ought to be performed? This is, to put it briefly, a problem of the relation between good and right. In short, Pigou defines right as “the cause of a good result”, which is thus identical with “useful”; he positively affirms that the end (i. e., the intrinsic good) always will justify the means, and any action that is not justified by its consequences can not be right. This is a typical teleological view.It follows from what has been said above that Pigou and Moore make use of the same ethical reasoning when answering two questions: “What is the good?” and “What kind of action ought to be performed?” That is to say, Pigou, as well as Moore, adopts teleology (consequentialism), plurality in the theory of value, and commensurability of plural goods. Further, the commensurability is based on the intuitive idea of good, and then this is a kind of idealism. On these grounds, I have come to the conclusion that Pigou is the ideal utilitarian.
山崎 好裕
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.33, no.33, pp.113-121, 1995 (Released:2010-08-05)

In this paper, we consider the influence of econometrics as a tool on macroeconomics as a vision focusing on the disturbance term in econometric and theoretical models.Keynes rejected Tinbergen's method. The reason is that Keynes's views on probability conflicted with the concept of probability expressed in the disturbance term of Tinbergen's model.In macroeconometrics the disturbance term was interpreted as the influence of omitted variables and was viewed as caused by measurement error at the earlier stage and by sampling error at the later one.After the attack on Keynesian theory and simultaneous equation models by the rational expectations school and by proponents of vector autoregressive models, a disturbance term came to be introduced into theoretical models. They are interpreted as shocks caused by a shortage of information or by a fluctuations of productivity.
大西 晶子 諸頭 三郎 前川 圭子 山崎 朋子 玉谷 輪子 藤井 直子 藤原 敬三 内藤 泰
一般社団法人 日本聴覚医学会
vol.63, no.6, pp.531-538, 2020-12-28 (Released:2021-01-16)

要旨: 人工内耳 (CI) 装用小児の装用状況と音環境についての知見を得ることを目的とし, 18歳未満の CI 装用小児100例のデータロギングから得られたログデータについて, 各項目の分布を調べ, 就学前群, 小学生群, 中高生群で3群間の比較を行った。 CI 装用時間は, 年齢が高くなるごとに装用時間が長くなり, 中高生になると送信コイルの装用が安定した。音環境は, 雑音下の話声の方が静寂下よりも高い割合を占め, ログデータからも情報保障のための環境調整の重要性が示唆された。 CI データロギングは, 一定数の結果を集積した値と, 個々の小児の経時的変化を医療者が把握し, 保護者や関連機関と共有することで, より個々の小児に即したハビリテーションを行うことを可能にすると期待される。
山崎 哲生
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ : journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (ISSN:18816118)
vol.124, no.12, pp.829-835, 2008-12-25

Japan has a manganese nodule mining claim in the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zones, the Kuroko-type massive seafloor sulfide deposits (SMS) and cobalt-rich manganese crusts (CMC) in Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and the continental shelves. Japan needs to use these deep-sea mineral resources as future strategic metal and rare earth element supply sources. Furthermore, the development technologies have wide variations in applying for the other food and energy supply targets in EEZ and continental shelves and the same-type resources of Pacific island nations'.<BR>Some current topics in deep-sea mineral resources development and the development technologies are introduced. Possibility and necessity of deep-sea mineral resources development for Japan are discussed.
山﨑 遼 山崎 遼
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.44, no.3, pp.535-556, 2020

Scottish Travellers are an ethnic minority in Scotland who are knownfor their nomadic lifestyle. The sedentary society has dealt with them as anexotic and threatening "internal other." This is largely due to them notbeing adequately self-represented in public media. They have publishednearly forty books about their lives and oral traditions since the 1970s butthere has been no substantial research into their writings. The presentresearch is designed to distil an emic (i.e., insiders') Traveller image fromone of the most influential Traveller writings, Exodus to Alford (1988) byStanley Robertson (1940–2009), which will contribute to the constructionof a fairer Traveller representation.The first part focuses on the depiction of travelling life in the Exodus toAlford and argues that the Travellers' nomadism is not described as mereentertainment, but as an essential tradition for them to regain their Travelleridentity by fleeing from the city where they are oppressed. The second partturns to their storytelling tradition, as introduced in the book, and examineshow Traveller characters communicate their distinct worldview and valuesystem by telling stories. Finally, the third part investigates literary elementsin the book, namely the structure and language. These elements areidiosyncratic and present Travellers' nomadism and storytelling not as separateactivities but as one package. The book, thus, portrays Travellingpeople as nomadic storytellers.スコティッシュ・トラベラー(以下トラベラー)とはスコットランドの移動民族である。偏見に基づいた報道などにより,彼らは定住社会から「内なる他者」として扱われている。一方,トラベラーも自伝などを通して自らの生き方や文化を伝えようとしてきたが,それらは研究者の関心を集めてこなかった。そこで本研究は代表的なトラベラー作家Stanley Robertson(1940–2009)の自伝小説Exodus to Alford(1988)に注目し,トラベラー本人によるトラベラーの自己表象を抽出することを目的とする。 第1 章では作中における移動生活の描写に着眼し,街で抑圧されるトラベラーにとって移動生活が彼らのアイデンティティを取り戻す貴重な機会として描出されていることを検証する。第2 章では作中で紹介されるトラベラーの物語に焦点を当て,トラベラー独自の世界観や価値観を物語が伝達していると論じる。第3 章では本書の構成と言語に光を当て,それらの文学的装置を用いることで本書が移動生活と物語る伝統を一体の伝統として提示し,トラベラーを「旅する語り部」として表象していることを解明する。