黒木 義彦 高橋 春男 日下部 正宏 山越 憲一
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会誌 (ISSN:13426907)
vol.67, no.8, pp.J340-J346, 2013 (Released:2013-07-25)

The human electroencephalographic (EEG) spectra when looking at the stimuli of a real motion image and motion images at 60- and 240-fps were investigated. The EEG spectra in response to the 240fps stimuli showed a greater level of similarity to those of the real motion image stimuli than to those in response to the 60fps stimuli. This high frame rate image is considered to provide perceptions of motion image quality which are close to the impression gained when looking at real world scenes.
山越 憲一
一般社団法人 日本生体医工学会
BME (ISSN:09137556)
vol.10, no.5, pp.30-38, 1996-05-10 (Released:2011-09-21)
3 11
清野 公宏 鈴木 郁斗 野川 雅道 五十嵐 朗 内藤 尚 小川 充洋 山越 憲一 高田 重男 田中 志信
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.55Annual, no.5PM-Abstract, pp.460, 2017 (Released:2017-09-13)

これまで我々は腎・尿路系疾患発見に重要な指標である尿成分を全自動で計測可能なトイレ内蔵型尿成分計測システムの開発を最終目的として,近赤外光を用いた尿糖計測法について基礎的検討を続けてきた.具体的には糖尿病の早期発見に有用なグルコースをメインターゲットとし,蛋白摂取量の指標である尿素,塩分摂取量の指標である塩化ナトリウム,尿中成分の排出量測定に有用なクレアチニンの4成分について,糖尿病が疑われる成人男性等から採取した尿(高尿糖随時尿)などを対象に各4成分の濃度推定を行ってきた.その結果計測波長範囲(750-2500nm)の中から各成分の感度波長を4種類選定し重回帰モデルを構築することで,実用に供し得る精度で濃度予測が可能であることを確認した.今回は実用化に向けて,多波長LEDを光源とした場合の測定精度を次のような方法で検証した.すなわちFT-IRで得た透過光強度スペクトルに対して,中心波長の重みを1,半値幅を200nmとしたガウス関数を乗じることで,LEDのブロード状の発光特性を模擬し,上述の重回帰分析を行った. その結果,グルコース,クレアチニンについてはγ=0.7前後で濃度予測精度の更なる向上を要するものの,尿素,塩化ナトリウムについてはγ>0.8以上となり,多波長LEDを光源として用いることの妥当性が確認できた.
本井 幸介 中村 心也 田中 直登 山越 憲一
Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering = 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 = Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering : 日本エム・イー学会誌 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.51, no.4, pp.268-275, 2013-08

Recently, the freak accidents in home have been increased and they are caused by the asphyxiation, drowning, falling, fire, and toxicosis. Especially in bathroom, the accident frequently arise and thus the healthcare monitoring and the accident detection system can be useful for attainment of safe and untroubled daily life. While some monitoring systems for moving state using infrared ray and ultrasonic wave were already developed, these methods distinguish only whether or not a bather is moving. Also, detailed motion analysis using CCD camera has the problem of privacy for the practical use. From these viewpoints, we designed the monitoring system for the electrocardiogram and respiration signal using bathtub-installed electrodes, showing its usefulness for the healthcare and the drowning alarm during taking a bath. However, the range over which this method is possible is limited in the bathtub and thus the detection in washing place are impossible. To solve this drawback, we developed a new system capable of detecting the accident in the washing place together with the pulse and respiration rate using a bath mat type multipoint pressure sensor located in washing place of bathroom. From the results of the accuracy evaluation in 20 healthy subjects, it is demonstrated that the present system can accurately detect the accident [60/60, 100%] and show the good correlation between the pulse [r=0.99] and respiration [r=0.95] obtained from the system and those obtained from the conventional methods using the sensors attached to the body surface.
田中 志信 本井 幸介 野川 雅道 山越 健弘 山越 憲一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.44, no.3, pp.467-474, 2006 (Released:2008-05-01)

The daily monitoring of health conditions at home is a very important subject not only as an effective scheme for the early diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular and other diseases, but also for the prevention and control of such diseases. From this point of view, we have been developing a fully automated “non-conscious” monitoring system for home healthcare. In this paper, we describe the structural details of a newly developed blood pressure (BP) measurement system built into a toilet seat and some results obtained using the system. The principle used for BP measurement was the volume-oscillometric method. A reflectance-type photoplethysmographic sensor was installed in an appropriate position on the toilet seat, and it was automatically lifted and lowered using a newly designed helicoid-type actuator. Systolic (SBP) and mean BP (MBP) were obtained using the arterial volume pulsation signal obtained by the sensor. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the BP measurements, simultaneous measurements were carried out using two types of commercially available BP monitors (upper arm and wrist). Simultaneous measurement using an “invasive technique” via catheterization to the right brachial artery was also conducted. From the results obtained (bias[s.d.] for SBP; Upper arm: -1.20 [7.90] mmHg, Wrist: 0.44 [7.28] mmHg, Invasive: -0.41 [4.91] mmHg, bias [s.d.] for MBP; Upper arm: 4.40 [6.91] mmHg, Wrist: 5.07 [8.04] mmHg, Invasive: 3.68 [5.69] mmHg), reasonable accuracy of the present system was clearly demonstrated. This system, which requires no cumbersome procedures for BP measurement such as cuff setting, proper positioning of measuring site and so on, appears to be a useful means for long-term home healthcare monitoring.
山越 憲一 戸川 達男 神谷 瞭 藤井 禎三 土屋 喜一
一般社団法人 日本生体医工学会
医用電子と生体工学 (ISSN:00213292)
vol.14, no.4, pp.296-302, 1976-08-30 (Released:2011-03-09)

From the point of the optimal theory, the relationship between the branching structure and the mechanical characteristics of a tree was analysed in reference with such parameters as circum-ference, weight, bending moment, branch length and-branching angle, The study was based on a hypothesis that the optimal structure of a tree agrees the minimum energy loss.The total energy loss is the sum of the energy required for the construction which is proportional to the wood' volume of the branches and the energy consumption for supporting the weight of the branches and leaves which is equal to the elastic. strain energy. Results derived theoretically from the hypothesis are as follows : 1) The Maximum bending stress at each branching point is constant.2) The relation between the circurmference (C) at some point and the bending moment (T) acting on the branch is, T∝C3. 3) The relation between the weight (W) of all the parts of the tree peripheral to some branching point and C is, W∝C2.5. 4) The relation between T and W is, W∝T5/6. 5) The relatlon between the branch length (l) and C is, l2 ∝C. 6) When C0, C1, C2 are the circumferences of the mother and daughter branches and θ1, θ2 are their branching angles, the following optimal conditions for a dichotomy are derived;C02.5= C12.5+C22.5 and C13/ sinθ2=C23/ sinθ1.These relations were examined, by measuring the varying size of branches, 76-286 in all, on seven different kinds of trees, and the very good agreements between the theoreiical and actual relations were confirmed.
山越 健弘 小川 充洋 松村 健太 板坂 優希 宮崎 慎平 山越 康弘 ROLFE Peter 廣瀬 元 山越 憲一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.50, no.2, pp.237-247, 2012-04-10 (Released:2012-07-13)

In this preliminary study, we examined in human volunteers the performance of the developed prototype device for non-invasive quantification of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) by near-infrared light which is highly transparent to the body. We aimed at applying the results to the final goal of developing a novel alcohol-based vehicle ignition-interlock device. Accumulating evidence shows that one of the ethyl alcohol absorption peaks in the near-infrared region is present at 1,185 nm. We combined this with our recent development of a non-invasive optical method for blood glucose measurement, which we call pulse glucometry, using blood volume pulsations in a finger within a cardiac cycle. Thus, we developed a novel method, pulse alcometry, for non-invasive measurement of BAC. We calculated second derivative values of optical density (ODλ”) to remove baseline over a band including three wavelengths, 1,150 nm, 1,185 nm, and 1,220 nm. Then, a simple linear regression analysis was performed with the measured ODλ” to predict BAC levels. In 3 healthy male volunteers, during alcohol intake and washout, periodic optical measurements using the present device were made simultaneously with collection of blood samples for in vitro BAC analysis. In leave-one-out cross validations within an individual, the measured BAC and the predicted BAC correlated well (r = 0.773∼0.846, mean absolute error = 0.134∼0.333mg/ml). We conclude that, from the results of this preliminary study, the new method appears to be able to estimate BAC levels non-invasively. However, further investigations in a larger group of subjects will be needed in order to determine fully the operational performance of this new measurement system.
山越 康弘 小川 充洋 山越 健弘 田村 俊世 山越 憲一
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.46, no.1, pp.49-57, 2008-02-10

金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科An optical method recently proposed for non-invasive in vivo blood glucose concentration (BGL) measurement, named "Pulse Glucometry", was combined and compared with four multivariate analyses for constructing calibration models: Principal Component Regression (PCR), Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machines Regression (SVMsR). A very fast spectrophotometer for "Pulse Glucometry" provides the total transmitted radiation spectrum (I_λ) and the cardiac-related pulsatile component (ΔI_λ) superimposed on I_λ in human fingertips over a wavelength range from 900 to 1700 nm with resolution of 8 nm in 100 Hz sampling. From a family of I_λs measured, which include information relating to blood constituent such as BGL values, differential optical densities (ΔOD_λs, where ΔOD_λ=Log(1+ΔI_λ/I_λ)) were obtained and normalized by the ΔOD_λ values at 1100 nm. Finally, the 2nd derivatives of the normalized ΔOD_λs(Δ^2OD_λs) along wavelengths were calculated as regressors. Subsequently, calibration models from paired data sets of regressors(the values of Δ^2OD_λs) and regressand (the corresponding known BGL values) were constructed with PCR, PLS, ANN and SVMsR. The results show that each calibration model provides a relatively good regression with a modified 5-fold cross validation for total 95 paired data, in which the BGLs ranged from 100.7-246.3 mg/dl. The results were evaluated by the Clarke error grid analysis and all data points obtained from all calibration models fell within the clinically acceptable regions (region A or B). Among them, ANN and SVMsR calibration provided the best plot distributions (in ANN; Region A: 77 plots (81.1%), B: 18 plots (18.9%). in SVMsR; Region A: 78 (82.1%), B: 17 (17.9%)). Total calculation time of SVMsR is about 100 times shorter than ANN. These results suggest that a calibration model using SVMsR is highly promising for "Pulse Glucometry.
田中 茂雄 野川 雅道 山越 憲一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.44, no.4, pp.582-587, 2006 (Released:2008-05-29)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the optical absorbance spectrum of bone tissue in the near-infrared region for the development of bone densitometry using near-infrared light. Using bone samples from a bovine femur, optical absorbance spectrums were measured between 750∼2500 nm. With high bone density, the absorbance increased beyond 1400 nm. To predict bone density from the spectrum data, pairs of wavelengths with absorbance ratios or differences having a high correlation coefficient (r>0.99) with bone density were identified. One of the best results was shown by a pair of 1200 nm and 1550 nm with coefficients(r) of 0.994 and 0.996 for absorbance ratio and difference, respectively. Even in thedensity range of the trabecular bone, the coefficients were 0.892 and 0.881 for absorbance ratio and difference, respectively. The results suggest the possibility applying near-infrared spectroscopy to bone densitometry.
山越 健弘 山越 憲一 松村 健太

光電容積信号を用いた容積振動法に基づき,血圧,脈圧,心拍数,血管緊張度,および血管弾性度の5生理指標を,指一本から同時かつ簡便に取得可能なプロトタイプを開発した。そしてこの動作性能評価を行い,次いで上記5指標から体調の善し悪しを判別可能かどうかのパイロット・スタディを行った。また,飲酒運転防止を目的とし,光電容積信号を利用した血中アルコール濃度計測の可能性をin vitro(アルコール吸光特性試験)及びin vivo(飲酒負荷試験)下で予備検討した。
本井 幸介 中村 心也 田中 直登 山越 憲一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.51, no.4, pp.268-275, 2013-08-10 (Released:2013-12-11)

Recently, the freak accidents in home have been increased and they are caused by the asphyxiation, drowning, falling, fire, and toxicosis. Especially in bathroom, the accident frequently arise and thus the healthcare monitoring and the accident detection system can be useful for attainment of safe and untroubled daily life. While some monitoring systems for moving state using infrared ray and ultrasonic wave were already developed, these methods distinguish only whether or not a bather is moving. Also, detailed motion analysis using CCD camera has the problem of privacy for the practical use. From these viewpoints, we designed the monitoring system for the electrocardiogram and respiration signal using bathtub-installed electrodes, showing its usefulness for the healthcare and the drowning alarm during taking a bath. However, the range over which this method is possible is limited in the bathtub and thus the detection in washing place are impossible. To solve this drawback, we developed a new system capable of detecting the accident in the washing place together with the pulse and respiration rate using a bath mat type multipoint pressure sensor located in washing place of bathroom. From the results of the accuracy evaluation in 20 healthy subjects, it is demonstrated that the present system can accurately detect the accident [60/60, 100%]and show the good correlation between the pulse [r=0.99] and respiration [r=0.95]obtained from the system and those obtained from the conventional methods using the sensors attached to the body surface.
戸川 達男 斉藤 浩一 大塚 公雄 山越 憲一 小川 充洋

田中 志信 村田 和香 山越 憲一

1. 生体情報の宅宅収集壮置の試作: 既に開発済みの心拍出量と血圧の無拘束同時計測システムに被測定者の姿勢状態を記録する簡易行動シナリオ計測を組み合わせたシステム(生体情報の在宅収集装置)を試作した。姿勢計測の角度分解能は約3゜、測定間隔は0.1,0.2,0.5秒で静止画表示・アニメーション表示・ヒストグラム解析などのが可能である。循環生理情報に関しては血圧・心拍出量と共に末梢循環抵抗、心拍数、一回拍出量が演算処理され24時間分のデータがトレンド表示される。健常成人を対象としたフィールド試用の結果、無拘束下で得られた循環動態の24時間計測値と被験者の各種行動・姿勢変化との詳細な対応付が可能であることが確認された。2. スペクトル析による循環生理機能の日内変動の解析: 健常成人を対象に1日目は通常の日常生活、2日目は終日ベッド安静という条件下で連続48時間の無拘束循環生理機能計測実験を行い、日常生活における行動様式が各パラメータに及ぼす影響を検討した。その結果、各パラメータともに概ね12時間及び24時間を主な周期とする日内変動が存在し、行動様式の違いは12時間周期に対してはあまり影響を及ぼさないものの概日周期に対しては大きく影響することが確認された。3. 高齢者を対象とした日常生活下における姿勢解析: 生活環境の異なる高齢者を対象とし日中約10時間の無拘束姿勢計測を行った。対象者は年齢71〜83歳の女性8名で、日常生活下における行動や活動性というものが客観的に評価可能であることが確認されるとともに、生活環境の違い、すなわち在宅か施設や病院で生活しているか、さらには同じ在宅でも単身か家族と同居かといった違いで、日常取る姿勢の種類や頻度、活動性に大きな差が見られることが客観的に示された。これらの結果から、何らかの障害を持つ高齢者の治療に際して「寝たきり」状態を惹起させないためには、障害の快復状況に応じて患者の生活環境をも考慮すべきであることが確認され、機能面の評価に加え、生活スタイル、生活信条をも把握したリハビリテーションプログラムの必要性が示された。
田中 志信 本井 幸介 野川 雅道 山越 健弘 山越 憲一
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering : BME (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.44, no.3, pp.467-474, 2006-09-10

The daily monitoring of health conditions at home is a very important subject not only as an effective scheme for the early diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular and other diseases, but also for the prevention and control of such diseases. From this point of view, we have been developing a fully automated "non-conscious" monitoring system for home healthcare. In this paper, we describe the structural details of a newly developed blood pressure (BP) measurement system built into a toilet seat and some results obtained using the system. The principle used for BP measurement was the volume-oscillometric method. A reflectance-type photop-lethysmographic sensor was installed in an appropriate position on the toilet seat, and it was automatically lifted and lowered using a newly designed helicoid-type actuator. Systolic (SBP) and mean BP (MBP) were obtained using the arterial volume pulsation signal obtained by the sensor. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the BP measurements, simultaneous measurements were carried out using two types of commercially available BP monitors (upper arm and wrist). Simultaneous measurement using an "invasive technique" via catheterization to the right brachial artery was also conducted. From the results obtained (bias [s.d.] for SBP; Upper arm: -1.20 [7.90] mmHg, Wrist: 0.44 [7.28] mmHg, Invasive: -0.41 [4.91] mmHg, bias [s.d.] for MBP; Upper arm: 4.40 [6.91] mmHg, Wrist: 5.07 [8.04] mmHg, Invasive: 3.68 [5.69] mmHg), reasonable accuracy of the present system was clearly demonstrated. This system, which requires no cumbersome procedures for BP measurement such as cuff setting, proper positioning of measuring site and so on, appears to be a useful means for long-term home healthcare monitoring.
横串 算敏 成田 寛志 山越 憲一 内山 英一
