河越 麻佑 岡田 みゆき
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.66, no.5, pp.222-233, 2015 (Released:2015-05-14)

This study examined the self-affirmation of university students, and identified the factors which have a significant and influential connection on their self-affirmation. For the purpose of this research, we employed the following terminology: “school life,” “the paternal relationship,” “the maternal relationship,” “the parents marital relationship,” and “gender distinction.” The sample consisted of 539 students, 285 males and 254 females in a teacher-training university.   From exploratory factor analysis of the university students' self-affirmation, the results indicated seven factors which were named “nuisance,” “other people's evaluation,” “self-fulfillment,” “insistence,” “eagerness,” “personality,” and “anxiety.” “School life” had a significant influence on factors described as “nuisance,” “other people's evaluation,” “insistence,” “eagerness,” and “personality.” Furthermore, “the paternal relationship” had a significant influence on their self-affirmation. With regard to gender distinct results, in male students, “the parents' marital relationship” had a significant and positive influence on their self-affirmation. On the other hand, in female students, the negativity toward their parents had a significant and negative influence on their self-affirmation.
岡田 みゆき
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.41, no.3, pp.9-16, 1998-10-01 (Released:2017-11-29)

The objective of this study was to examine the paternal role that was conducted in the conversation between father and child at meal-time, and to clarify the educational significance at meals. The results are as follows: 1.Conversation at meals has much educational significance in the training for morality in connecting the child with society. The father has a great influence to socialize his child through their conversation. 2.The modern father cannot play his role sufficiently, because of his inability to have meals with his child.
岡田 みゆき 大橋 裕子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.71, no.10, pp.673-679, 2020 (Released:2020-10-28)

恋人と良好な人間関係が築けると, 二人にとって幸福であるが, 恋人との関係が過度な依存状態に陥ると, 自分も相手も苦しめてしまう. 恋人と適応的な依存関係を築くことが青年期の重要な課題である. そして, 恋人との依存性に影響を及ぼす要因として, 親子関係が考えられる. そこで, 本研究では, 大学生の恋人への依存の実態を明らかにするとともに, 親子関係が恋人との依存性に及ぼす影響について明らかにすることを目的とする. 596名の大学生を対象に恋人との依存性と親子関係に関するアンケート調査を行った. 因子分析の結果, 大学生は恋人との依存性を「信頼」, 「分離不安」, 「独立」, 「期待」, 「従属」の5因子に分けて捉えていた. 平均値が高かったのは「期待」と「信頼」であった. 親子関係から二人の関係性の違いを重回帰分析により検討した. 男子学生においては, 親子関係が依存している場合, 「従属」「分離不安」「信頼」「期待」に影響していた. 女子学生においては, 親子関係が依存している場合, 「信頼」と「期待」に影響を及ぼしていた. 親に依存する男子学生は適応的依存関係を恋人と築く場合と, 不適応的な依存関係を恋人と築く場合の二パターンがあると考えられる.
岡田 みゆき
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.54, no.1, pp.3-15, 2003-01-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

The objective of this study is to clarify how the nature as well as the contents of a dinner time talk between parents and their children has changed over the years. The children under study are those in elementary school and junior high school. For this purpose, the junior high school students' perception of dinner conversation was surveyed and compared to the results obtained of elementary school children. The results are as follows : 1) Junior high school students have conversation with parents less frequently than when they were elementary school students. The percentage of the students who feel happy or useful about dinner conversation is becoming lower. 2) Overall, the conversation seems to be centered around their entrance examinations; more specifically, their academic achievement and future aspirations. The subjects such as their school life, episodes in their younger days, and political and economic issues are less frequently taken up. 3) Among those students who feel happy and useful about the dinner time talk with parents, the junior high school students would want to talk more about subjects such as their academic achievement in connection with their future, social issues, and things about their parents. 4) There is more significant relevance between the children's image of their parents and the contents of conversation than when they were elementary school students.
本間 容子 岡田 みゆき
釧路論集 (ISSN:02878216)
no.37, pp.69-79, 2005

金城 拓人 粕山 達也 中川 和昌 猪股 伸晃 岡田 みゆき 中澤 理恵 坂本 雅昭 渋澤 克利 渡辺 英輔
社団法人 日本理学療法士協会関東甲信越ブロック協議会
関東甲信越ブロック理学療法士学会 (ISSN:09169946)
vol.28, pp.74, 2009

【目的】<BR>我々は,群馬県高等学校体育連盟バスケットボール専門部との連携により,高校バスケットボール競技に対してメディカルサポート活動(以下,サポート)を行った.我々は,以前より高校野球競技,中学・高校サッカー競技にサポートを行っているが,初めて女子の競技も対象となった.今回,その内容をまとめ,傷害傾向を把握し,今後の方向性を検討した.<BR>【方法】<BR>サポートは,全国高等学校選抜優勝大会群馬県予選会(以下,選抜大会)の準々決勝以降(出場16校,14試合),群馬県高等学校バスケットボール新人大会(以下,新人大会)の決勝リーグ(出場8校,12試合)に行った.スタッフは,理学療法士をボランティアとして参加を募り,会場に4名以上配置した.<BR> サポート内容は,理学療法ブースを開設し,再発予防や疼痛等の症状軽減目的の処置,応急処置を行った.また,コート内にもスタッフが待機した.<BR>【結果】<BR>参加したスタッフは,選抜大会延べ8名,新人大会延べ10名であった.<BR>サポートを依頼した学校数は,選抜大会5校,新人大会6校であった.<BR>依頼件数は総件数52件のうち,選抜大会21件(男子11件,女子10件),新人大会31件(男子19件,女子12件)であった.<BR>対応部位は総件数52件のうち,足関節19件,膝関節14件,手指10件であった.傷害内容は捻挫20件,靭帯損傷9件,突き指9件であった.男女の内訳は,男子の総件数30件のうち,足関節14件,手指10件であった.女子は総件数22件のうち,膝関節13件,足関節5件であった.傷害内容は男子が捻挫15件,突き指7件であった.女子は靭帯損傷7件,捻挫5件であった.応急処置依頼は9件で,うち2件(全て女子)は膝関節靭帯損傷の疑いにて,医療機関への受診につなげた.<BR>対応内容は,テーピング34件,ストレッチング4件,止血処置3件,アイシング3件であった.<BR>【考察】<BR>初めての試みだったが,依頼件数は大会毎に増えていることから,選手や指導者の潜在的なニーズは存在し,今後も増加することが考えられた.<BR>対応部位は下肢関節に多く,ジャンプやカッティング動作の多い競技特性を示した結果となった.対応内容は足関節捻挫に対する,再発予防や症状軽減目的の依頼が大半を占め,不安感や疼痛を抱えている選手が多いことが感じられた.今後のサポートでは,単にテーピング等の技術提供にとどまらず,エクササイズやケアの方法等を積極的に指導することも必要と考えられた.また女子においては,膝関節への対応が多く,靭帯損傷を疑う傷害も高頻度で発生しており,発生予防策の検討も今後の課題と考える.
岡田 みゆき
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.54, no.1, pp.3-15, 2003

The objective of this study is to clarify how the nature as well as the contents of a dinner time talk between parents and their children has changed over the years. The children under study are those in elementary school and junior high school. For this purpose, the junior high school students' perception of dinner conversation was surveyed and compared to the results obtained of elementary school children. The results are as follows : 1) Junior high school students have conversation with parents less frequently than when they were elementary school students. The percentage of the students who feel happy or useful about dinner conversation is becoming lower. 2) Overall, the conversation seems to be centered around their entrance examinations; more specifically, their academic achievement and future aspirations. The subjects such as their school life, episodes in their younger days, and political and economic issues are less frequently taken up. 3) Among those students who feel happy and useful about the dinner time talk with parents, the junior high school students would want to talk more about subjects such as their academic achievement in connection with their future, social issues, and things about their parents. 4) There is more significant relevance between the children's image of their parents and the contents of conversation than when they were elementary school students.
岡田 みゆき
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.54, no.1, pp.3-15, 2003-01-15

The objective of this study is to clarify how the nature as well as the contents of a dinner time talk between parents and their children has changed over the years. The children under study are those in elementary school and junior high school. For this purpose, the junior high school students' perception of dinner conversation was surveyed and compared to the results obtained of elementary school children. The results are as follows: 1) Junior high school students have conversation with parents less frequently than when they were elementary school students. The percentage of the students who feel happy or useful about dinner conversation is becoming lower. 2) Overall, the conversation seems to be centered around their entrance examinations; more specifically, their academic achievement and future aspirations. The subjects such as their school life, episodes in their younger days, and political and economic issues are less frequently taken up. 3) Among those students who feel happy and useful about the dinner time talk with parents, the junior high school students would want to talk more about subjects such as their academic achievement in connection with their future, social issues, and things about their parents. 4) There is more significant relevance between the children's image of their parents and the contents of conversation than when they were elementary school students.