崎田 嘉寛
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.2, pp.729-742, 2016 (Released:2016-12-14)

This study attempted to identify initiatives regarding content and implementation of school physical education policies during March-August 1945, using data from Ministry of Education circulars. Its findings were as follows:  1. The historical development of school physical education administrative functions during the Asia-Pacific War was clarified. These functions were enhanced by establishing the Physical Education Bureau (January 1941). After 1942, these functions gradually diminished, and the Physical Education Bureau was absorbed into another department by July 1945. However, its functions did not become obsolete, and the policy planning and implementation initiatives were not suspended.  2. Regarding physical education policies after March 1945, the study first examined “Special Measures and Guidelines for Students' Physical Training” and “Special Measures and Guidelines for Students' Military Education” implemented in April 1945, and found that differences in content between the 2 reflected the degree of military involvement. The Course for Communication of Content to Local Regions as part of the former was also examined. Its characteristic features included nationwide implementation and dispatch of instructional officers to local regions to provide coaching and implement policy.  The study also examined the “Ministry of War and Ministry of Education Discussion Memorandum Regarding Deployment of Active Military Officers in School and the Wartime Special Measures for Regulation of its Enforcement” issued in July. This was construed as an amendment of previously stipulated regulations in accordance with circumstances at the time. School training measures were being continuously negotiated between the Ministry of Education and the military until just before the defeat. The “Special Measures and Guidelines for the Implementation of Female Students' Naginata (Pole Swords) and Self-Defence Methods” implemented in August were also examined. This confirmed that these guidelines constituted the last school physical education policy during the Asia-Pacific War.  3. The study re-examined the “Guidelines for Training of People's Fighting Power” (Kokumin Toryoku Rensei Youkou) established in May 1945, which previous studies had deemed the last school physical education policy during the Asia-Pacific War. This was a private recommendation based on martial arts created by Muneo Shiotani, and not an official Ministry of Education policy.  4. The present study has revealed details about school physical education policies during March-August 1945, which have not been examined previously. The findings are significant because they reveal that school physical education policies developed continuously during this late period of the Asia-Pacific War.
崎田 嘉寛 寳學 淳郎 藤坂 由美子 近藤 剛 田邊 圭子 津内 香
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.311-326, 2021 (Released:2021-05-20)

The purpose of this study was to acquire historical insights into women’s football in prewar Japan. The study had 2 specific aims: 1) to analyze the origin and development of women’s football in Japan through information gathered at higher educational institutions for women (The Girls’ Higher Normal School, Nara Women’s Higher Normal School, Japan Women’s College, Tokyo Women’s School of Gymnastics and Music) and 2) to analyze the growth of women’s football using information collected at public high schools for girls. To achieve this, the historical records of 422 school were reviewed. To address the first question, it was investigated whether instruction and guidance were available at higher educational institutions for women, and whether football was an extra-curricular activity. The data suggested that while football might have been taught both as part of the regular curriculum and as an extra-curricular activity, none of the institutions played a key role in the shift from casual to competitive play or in the growth of football throughout Japan. Analysis of the expansion of football revealed that, of the 286 girls’ public high schools surveyed, 53 offered football; these institutions were broadly distributed from Kyushu to Hokkaido. Evidence of women’s football was confirmed from 1902 to 1940, most instances being in the Taisho era (1912–26), followed by the Meiji era (1868–1912) and the Showa era up to 1945 (1926–45). Football was played mostly during free time and athletic meetings, but it was also sometimes played during class, as a club activity, and during excursions. In some cases, football was played regularly and school competitions were held; however, there were no confirmed examples of inter-school competitions. The involvement of instructors, uniforms, equipment, and rules at the 53 schools was established. The data suggest that instructors, including principals, were involved to some extent, and that football was made more accessible by the provision of appropriate uniforms and equipment. There were mixed results for rules; in some cases, football was played casually with relaxed rules, while in other cases, female students played more competitively and organized association football like their male counterparts. This study is significant in being the first attempt to empirically examine the history of women’s football in Japan.
寳學 淳郎 近藤 剛 藤坂 由美子 崎田 嘉寛
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.97_3, 2019

<p> 日本における体育・スポーツ分野の歴史的研究において、サッカーを対象としたものは限定的にしか分析されておらず、女子サッカーを対象としたものは管見の限りない。</p><p> 本研究では、戦前日本における高等女学校の女子フットボールの様相を実証的に明らかにすることを目的とする。その際、学校史などの紙資料と聞き取り調査から研究目的にアプローチする。</p><p> 研究の結果、主に次が明らかになった。1902(明治35)年から1940(昭和15)年頃まで、青森から熊本までの高等女学校においてフットボールは行われていた。女子フットボールは、主に運動会や昼休み・放課後に、簡易なルールで行われ、実証では1916(大正5)年の大分第一高等女学校の「アッソシエーション・フットボール」が最古の画像である。高等女学校の校友会としての部活動や他校との対戦などは確認されず、高等女学校のフットボールは、組織化・競技化までには至らなかったと考えられる。</p>
崎田 嘉寛
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第69回(2018) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.72_1, 2018 (Released:2019-01-18)

崎田 嘉寛
広島体育学研究 (ISSN:1340377X)
vol.36, pp.69-75, 2010

This study analyzes "The materials for the responses to questions in the first Diet" stored in the Kyuzo Takenoshita Collection, and discusses the selected contents concerning physical education at schools.Firstly,this study describes in detail how "The materials (final draft)" was prepared by Physical Education Bureau in 1947 and the overall composition of them. Secondly,by examining the final draft,this study reveals a part of historical facts on the then physical education at schools and policy intentions in the Bureau.The findings are as follows;1) In regard to the title,"Guide to Physical Education" promulgated in August 1947,highly-suggestive information was obtained in the final draft,i. e.,the comparison with previous studies shows that it was titled between May 21 to Jun 21 in 1947.2) It was revealed that the Bureau, disagreeing with GHQ/SCAP/CIE,reflected its policies in the final draft. Specifically, I it stated the revival of martial art education while eliminating social dances at schools. This can afford an insight in search for the key agent for physical education reform in the early postwar years.3) It is inferred that the Bureau,displaying policies for health education at schools in the final draft,promoted it without any consultation with other departments or agencies in the Ministry of Education.
崎田 嘉寛
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.86_2, 2016

<p> 第10回オリンピック競技大会(1932、ロサンゼルス)は、国内外の情勢変化を背景に、オリンピックに対する日本社会の意識が変化する起点として位置づけられている。そのため、この変化に深く関与したメディアを視点とした先行研究が包括的に蓄積されている。ここでの主たる資料は、新聞や雑誌等の印刷メディアである。一方で、国内の映像会社やフィルムライブラリーには大会に関する動的映像(以下、映像)が散逸的に蔵置されている。また、今日では典拠を不問にすれば、インターネットを介して簡易に映像を視聴できる。そして、これらの映像からは、印刷メディアによる記述を上回る情報を導出することができよう。しかし、体育・スポーツ史研究において、映像資料を活用する方法論および史料批判に関する知見は十分に確立されているとは言い難い。そこで本研究は、第10回オリンピック競技大会に関する市販のニュース映画「キネマニュース」を対象として、フィルムの復元から映像処理過程を報告し、資料批判について試論を提示するとともに、映像内容を分析する際の歴史的視点について検討することを目的とする。</p>
楠戸 一彦 中村 哲夫 鈴木 明哲 崎田 嘉寛 孫 喜和
