大山 太 吉村 晶子 嶋田 淳子 小島 善和 杉田 学
一般社団法人 地域安全学会
地域安全学会論文集 (ISSN:13452088)
vol.22, pp.23-31, 2014-03-20 (Released:2017-08-02)

In this paper, we discuss a communication system for disaster relief medical teams. Usually, Japanese medical teams are not equipped with communication systems specialized for disaster operations. They can only rely on common-use mobile and landline phones during disaster events. However, public lines are reported to be out of function in disaster areas during the past major disasters. We conducted experiments to evaluate communication means that can holdmedical communication links during disasters, using the new Japanese two-way communication radio system,“Digital Convenience Radio: DCR”. Our results suggested that DCR can support medical activity at sites ofdevastating disasters.
田村 暢章 竹島 浩 谷口 展子 田草川 徹 山﨑 大輔 原口 茂樹 安田 治男 嶋田 淳
公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 (ISSN:09146695)
vol.20, no.3, pp.471-476, 2007-09-30 (Released:2014-04-10)

We report four cases whose implant fixtures were uncertainly placed and inserted into the maxillary sinus.The patients consisted of 2 males and 2 females whose ages ranged from 46 to 56 years. All cases were referred to us from private dental clinics. There were three cases of accidental insertion in the maxillary sinus on the left side and one case on the right side, but all of them had no symptoms at the first visit. All implant fixtures were surgically removed without any episodes, although one case was complicated with chronic maxillary sinusitis. It is considered that it is necessary to minimize invasion and time to remove the implant fixture in the maxillary sinus, and especially important to inspire the patient with confidence.
大竹 千尋 松田 哲 飯倉 拓也 草間 淳 飯塚 奈々 小澤 万純 嶋田 淳 下島 孝裕
日本口腔診断学会雑誌 (ISSN:09149694)
vol.31, no.2, pp.151-155, 2018 (Released:2018-06-29)

In cases where wisdom teeth approach the mandibular canal, attention must be paid to potential injury of the mandibular canal during extraction.The present patient was a 61-year-old woman, in whom bony impaction of tooth 48 was causing pericoronitis. Computed tomography examination revealed that the inferior alveolar nerve was passing between the tooth roots.We selected a two-stage tooth extraction method. As the first treatment step, we removed the crown of tooth 48. During the second treatment step, we confirmed slight movement of the root and an enlarged periodontal ligament cavity after a 6-month transition period. During extraction of the root, the periapical alveolar bone was first cut using an ultrasonic bone cutting instrument, and root partition was then performed. Surgical invasion into the inferior alveolar nerve and soft tissue was minimized through the use of an ultrasonic bone cutting instrument. In difficult extraction cases such as this, we believe that use of the two-stage extraction method and an ultrasonic bone cutting instrument is effective.
加藤 千津子 嶋田 淳子 林 邦彦
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.62, no.9, pp.548-555, 2015 (Released:2015-11-25)

目的 総合病院に勤務する看護職の眠気の実態を調査し,職業性ストレス簡易調査票を用い眠気に関連する要因を検討する。方法 北海道の 5 つの総合病院に勤務する看護職1,997人を対象に,自記式調査票による横断調査を実施した。調査票は 1)属性,勤務状況および睡眠状況調査票,2)Japanese version of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale(JESS),3)職業性ストレス簡易調査票を用いた。回答調査票が返送された926人のうち,調査項目に欠損値のない有効回答例837人(平均年齢±標準偏差36.0±10.1歳)を解析対象とした。 統計解析は JMP8.02を用い,有意水準は 5%とした。結果 837人の JESS の合計得点の平均値±標準偏差は10.9±4.3点であり,21~29歳は11.7±4.3点で30~39歳および50~59歳より有意に高い結果であった(P=0.021, P=0.006)。看護職経験年数においては,5 年未満は 5 年以上より有意に高く(P=0.002),交代勤務経験年数は有意差がなかった。JESS の合計得点が11点以上の日中の過度な眠気(Excessive Daytime Sleepiness:EDS)の有症割合は52.0%の高値であった。EDS の有無で職業性ストレス調査の得点を比較したところ,ストレス要因の心理的な仕事の質的負担,仕事のコントロール度,仕事の適性度,働きがい,ストレス反応の全項目(活気,イライラ感,疲労感,不安感,抑うつ感,身体愁訴),修飾要因の仕事や生活の満足度で,有意な差がみられた。EDS 有症との関連を検討した多重ロジスティック回帰分析では,職業性ストレス調査のストレス反応の疲労感,ストレス要因の職場環境によるストレスに有意な関連があった。結論 看護職の眠気は強く,EDS の有症割合が52%と高く,とくに30歳未満の若年者,看護職経験年数が 5 年未満の看護職で JESS スコアが高いことが示唆された。職業性ストレスの関連では,ストレス反応の疲労感が有意に高く EDS との関連が示され,医療の安全上重要な問題であり,憂慮すべき状況であることが示唆された。
小山石 隼 森 礼佳 山本 洋平 三浦 文武 嶋田 淳 北川 陽介 大谷 勝記 伊藤 悦朗 高橋 徹

【はじめに】褐色細胞腫(pheochromocytoma:PCC)はカテコールアミン産生能を有する腫瘍で,主な症状の高血圧や頻脈は心疾患の症状と類似している.PCCを合併した成人先天性心疾患患者の2例を経験したので報告する.【背景】近年,チアノーゼ性先天性心疾患とPCCの合併の報告が散見され,慢性的な低酸素とPCCの関連が示唆されている.【症例】症例1は両大血管右室起始の女性,乳児期よりEisenmenger症候群の病態を呈し酸素飽和度70%台で推移していた.20歳台に糖尿病と診断され,高血圧,発作性の頻脈を呈するようになっていた。30歳時に腹痛の精査で左副腎腫瘍を認められ,左副腎のPCCと診断した.腫瘍摘出術は周術期のリスクから適応外とされ内科的治療を継続した.32歳時に心不全進行し死亡した.症例2は両大血管右室起始,肺動脈閉鎖の男性で,4歳時にleft original BT shunt(BTS),15歳時にright modified BTS(35歳時に閉塞確認)が行われた.36歳時に左肺梗塞発症し再度のright modified BTSが行われ,酸素飽和度80%台で推移していた.46歳時に喀血の精査で偶然に左副腎腫瘍が認められ,左副腎のPCCと診断した.【考察】慢性的な低酸素や先天性心疾患とPCCの発症には低酸素誘導因子の活性化の関与等が推測されている.症例1,2とも乳児期からチアノーゼが持続しており,長期の低酸素がPCC発症の誘因になった可能性がある.【結語】PCCはチアノーゼを呈する成人先天性心疾患患者における全身合併症の一つとして認識することが重要である.
大塚 雄一郎 藤田 昌樹 江川 広人 三條 恵介 藤本 舞 龍田 恒靖 松井 成幸 嶋田 淳 須田 直人
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.25, no.1, pp.32-41, 2015-04-15 (Released:2015-04-27)

The osteotomy line in sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) has a wide variation among surgeons. Recently, short lingual osteotomy (SL), in which the lingual split is limited up to the area near the mandibular foramen, is performed in many facilities. The reason for this is that SL can reduce the amount of interference between the proximal and distal segments, and shorten the operation time compared with Obwegeser osteotomy (Ob). However, since medial pterygoid muscles (MPM) are included in the proximal segments, SL is prone to induce backward rotation and distal positioning of the mandibular ramus due to the interference between MPM and distal segments when mandibular setback is performed.The purpose of this study was to compare the postoperative outcome of SL and Ob for mandibular prognathism. Twenty-two skeletal Class III cases without lateral deviation treated by SSRO in Meikai University Hospital, were examined. Among the 22 cases, 15 and 7 cases underwent SL and Ob, respectively. The postoperative changes of the proximal and distal segments were evaluated in lateral and postero-anterior cephalograms taken immediately before the surgery (T1), immediately after the surgery (T2), and one year after the surgery (T3). At T1, there was no significant difference in SNB, FMA, or gonial angle between the SL and Ob groups. No significant difference in the amount of mandibular setback was found between the two groups. Comparing values at T1 and T2, the proximal segments tended to rotate backward in the SL group, but there was no significant difference in the anterio-posterior position of proximal segments between the two groups. Comparing values at T2 and T3, counter-clockwise rotation of proximal segments was seen in the SL group but not in the Ob group. It is likely that this rotation of proximal segments in the SL group was caused by the muscular strength of MPM attached mainly to the proximal segments. Moreover, a significant negative correlation in the amount of rotation of proximal segments was detected between T1-T2 and T2-T3 in the Ob group, but not in the SL group.These findings indicate that special attention to the rotation in SL cases is important since a wider variation in the rotation of proximal segments may occur compared with the Obwegeser method.
佐野 哲文 立花 太陽 小出 明子 渡邊 淳一 龍田 恒康 佐野 正之 嶋田 淳
一般財団法人 日本小児歯科学会
小児歯科学雑誌 (ISSN:05831199)
vol.52, no.4, pp.487-492, 2014-11-25 (Released:2015-11-25)

上顎前歯部埋伏過剰歯は比較的遭遇する機会の多い疾患で,多様な障害を引き起こすことが知られている。一方で,適切な抜歯時期などについては明確な見解が得られていない。今回著者らは,2005 年1 月から2012 年12 月までの7 年間に小児歯科専門医院である当院を受診し,抜歯が必要と診断され外科処置を施行した132 例を対象として臨床的検討を行った。その結果,当院で扱った上顎前歯部過剰歯は男女比は2 対1 で男児に多く,部位は上顎前歯部正中が10.9%,上顎前歯部右側が44.9%,上顎前歯部左側が44.2%であった。また,萌出方向は順生が23.1%,逆生が71.4%,水平が5.5%であった。埋伏過剰歯数は1 歯が82.5%,2 歯が16.7%であり,3 歯は0.8%であった。さらに,パノラマエックス線写真上の埋伏過剰歯の位置については,鼻腔底下縁から歯槽骨頂までの距離に基づいて鼻腔底からそれぞれTypeⅠ~Ⅲとして垂直的深度を評価した。過剰歯の深度分類と手術時の平均年齢を比較すると,TypeⅠは全体における19.9%で平均年齢は7 歳7 か月,TypeⅡは全体における49.4%で平均年齢は6 歳3 か月,TypeⅢは全体の30.7%で平均年齢は6 歳5 か月であり,全過剰歯数の約80%がTypeⅡとTypeⅢに位置していた。これらの結果より,低年齢ほど浅い深度にある傾向が認められることが分かった。
島原 政司 有吉 靖則 今井 裕 水城 春美 嶋田 淳 古澤 清文 森田 章介 上山 吉哉
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.53, no.10, pp.594-602, 2007-10-20
32 12

Bisphosphonates are used for the management of bone metastatic disease and hypercalcemia caused by malignancy, as well as the treatment of osteoporosis. Recently, a number of patients with bisphosphonate-associated osteomyelitis and osteonecrosis of the jaws have been reported in the English-language literature. This report describes patients with bisphosphonate-related osteomyelitis and osteonecrosis of the jaws in Japan. The subjects were enrolled using questionnaires sent to 239 institutions certified as training facilities by the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in 2006. Thirty patients (4 men and 26 women) from 18 different institutions (mean age at diagnosis, 66.9 years) were studied. As for local features, pain with or without swelling was the most common symptom and sign. The mandible was affected in 22 patients, the maxilla in 6, and both jaws in 2. Twenty patients received intravenous bisphosphonates, 8 received only oral bisphosphonates, and 1 received both types of treatment. The reasons for bisphosphonate treatment were bone metastasis from breast carcinoma (13 patients), multiple myelomas (6 patients), osteoporosis (8 patients), and hypercalcemia related to malignancy. More than 50 % of the patients underwent oral surgery including tooth extraction just before or during treatment with bisphosphonates, while 5 patients received no dental treatment. In addition to antibiotic therapy, surgery, including sequestrectomy and curettage, was performed. As for outcome, 8 of the patients were completely cured, while 17 patients remained under treatment at the time of this writing.