高橋 睦子 小川 富之 メルヴィオ ミカ 立石 直子 片岡 佳美 藤田 景子 渡辺 久子 酒井 道子 平井 正三 中島 幸子 栄田 千春 岡田 仁子 手嶋 昭子 長谷川 京子 吉田 容子 可児 康則

手嶋 昭子
神戸女学院大学論集 (ISSN:03891658)
vol.55, no.1, pp.77-88, 2008-06

The purpose of this paper is, through showing an overview of the Sexual Assault Services (SAS) conducted in BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre in Canada, to present some implications that will make an effective program for victims of sexual assault in Japan. This paper's author participated in the training program against sexual violence held in Vancouver, Canada, in August 2007. The paper is mainly based on the findings obtained in that program. We Japanese gradually began to recognize the prevalence of sexual assault for these days, but regrettably we don't have any sufficient programs for providing services and social support to victims of sexual assault. I suspect that services providing for the victims have been varied according to the personnel of health care professionals and law enforcement agencies, and such difference may lead to inconsistent response toward the sexual assault cases and victims' emotional trauma. On the contrary, the SAS provides patient-centered, comprehensive health care and support services for sexual assault survivors, and with patients' consent, obtains standardized forensic evidence for legal purposes. The SAS constructs a specially trained team of female nurses, nurse examiners, doctors, and counselors. The team members collaborate with other health care facilities, community support services, and police and prosecutors. Their approach is, so to speak, the women's-centered. They are struggling to maintain their feminist perspective within the social system which is tolerant of sexual violence against women. The feminist approach, in other words, the survivors' centered approach is very suggestive because it has not been paid much attention in Japan before. Professionals that face sexual assault cases such as doctors, nurses, lawyers, counselors, and researchers, should be careful not to be paternalistic and should take survivors' needs first. In this context it is desirable that our society think seriously to introduce a pilot program like the SAS as soon as possible.
澤 敬子 手嶋 昭子 藤本 亮 TEJIMA Akiko 藤本 亮 FUJIMOTO Akira 南野 佳代 MINAMINO Kayo 三輪 敦子 MIWA Atsuko
現代社会研究 (ISSN:18842623)
vol.7, pp.131-150, 2004-11

本稿は、科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)( 1 )「ジェンダー法学のアカウンタビリティー ―アメリカの先駆者たちに見るその軌跡―」の2003年度の成果の一部であり、現実の法実施状況のなかで、ジェンダーをめぐる理念、法理論、問題設定などが持ちうる具体的な射程、可能性、問題性について、法社会学研究者を中心とした研究者らが各人の研究領域に引き寄せて検討し確認するための予備的研究である。第Ⅰ章は、女性の地位の向上やジェンダー平等に向けた取り組みのなかで、条約が大きな役割を果たしている状況を概観する。第Ⅱ章は、日本における強姦罪の問題点のうち、被害者の「抵抗」の問題を取り上げ、日米を比較しつつ検討する。第Ⅲ章は、労働規制法が暗黙に想定する労働者像を明らかにしたうえで、「人たるに値する生活」の現代的意義の考察の基礎づけを行う。第Ⅳ章は、アファーマティヴ・アクションが持つ一側面を米国大学スポーツのあり方を手がかりに検討する。