高橋 睦子 小川 富之 メルヴィオ ミカ 立石 直子 片岡 佳美 藤田 景子 渡辺 久子 酒井 道子 平井 正三 中島 幸子 栄田 千春 岡田 仁子 手嶋 昭子 長谷川 京子 吉田 容子 可児 康則

吉田 容子
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.46, no.6, pp.559-580, 1994-12-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
7 1

An elucidation of the labor market's structure has been one issue under debate in textile industry studies in economic geography in Japan. Many reports explain socio-economic attributes including sex, age and pay from detailed investigation, and define the labor force in the labor market. It goes without saying that the textile industry is typically labor-oriented, in that it employs a younger female labor force which is placed at the bottom of the pay scale. And textile studies have pointed out the structure of the labor market, paying attention to this younger female labor force, however, but have not yet examined the discussion that labor quality, which is related to gender difference, is an important factor that places female labor force in such a position within the labor market. Moreover, there is a growing need for consideration of labor quality in the context of a new production system, that is ‘flexible production’, therefore it is thought that in the complicated and multiplied labor structure today, an examination from the standpoint of gender is important.This article attempts to examine the male and female labor force in the textile industry placed in the labor market, focusing on their labor quality. Currently, technological innovation and restructuring are also under way in the textile industry in Japan. There have, however, been few detailed reports of the topic of gender difference in the labor market, that is to say, about how these factors affect the supply structure of male and female workers in the labor market and the gender division of labor. The subject hitherto has received but scant attention even in foreign countries irrespective of differences in industrial sector. Worthy of note in our country is that since the 1980's, sociologists and economists have been engaged in exploring macro aspects such as nationwide trends of division of labor by sex. Nonetheless, they have neither dealt with the spatial dimensions of the trends nor have they made an exhaustive study of a particular industry or region. Thus it cannot be denied that their studies are far from satisfactory especially at meso or micro levels. Needless to say, these problems must be solved through geographical investigations.Keeping in mind the status quo of research, the second section of this paper examines spatial dimensions of gender difference in the local labor market of each manufacturing sector in Aichi Prefecture, which shows one of the highest rates of manufacturing workers in Japan. A difference of dependence on female labor force between manufacturing sectors, and the changing of dependence on their labor force from the transition period (1970) to recent years (1985) were clear. The following shows that concretely. A higher female employment rate (60∼68%) in the textile sector in both 1970 and 1985 suggests that this sector depends on female labor forces. However, contrasting to this sector, steel, general machinery and transportation machinery have a lower female employment rate (10∼30%). This suggests the existence of a sector-specific gender division of labor. Moreover, a remarkable reduction of the female employment rate in the textile sectors observed in two regions, both the western part of Owari and the southwestern part of Mikawa. The former region, which is a traditional textile district and has a high rate of industrial added-value, is selected as the study area here.The third section is devoted to exploring a changing source of labor force supply in this region. Examination is made for two separate periods: from the special procurement boom of the Korean War (1950∼53) to the first oil crisis in 1973, young female workers (especially new school leavers) were dominant, while, after the crisis, middle-aged and old workers have played a major role.
吉田 容子
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.69, no.4, pp.242-262, 1996-04-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

本稿は,欧米において近年議論が活発になってきたフェミニズム地理学に触れるものである.フェミニズム地理学は,現実世界のあらゆる局面において生じる性差に起因した不平等的・抑圧的関係を疑問視し,このような関係がいかに社会空間に反映され,強化されていくのかを把握する学問である. 本稿では,1970年代中頃から現在までのフェミニごム地理学の展開過程をフェミニズム理論の流れと関連づけながら整理するとともに,今日の人文・社会科学全体で盛んに議論されているポストモダニズムやポストフォーディズムとの間で共有する論点についても,関連諸文献をもとにまとめた.また,フェミニズム地理学が抱える問題点にも言及した.
吉田 容子
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO
no.1, pp.22-29, 2006

吉田 容子
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.1, pp.22-29, 2006 (Released:2010-06-02)
1 1

吉田 容子
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.65, no.4, pp.245-265, 2010-10-28 (Released:2017-04-14)

The purpose of this paper is to examine people's views on "panpans" (prostitutes), pimps, and the American soldiers who frequented the amusement street neighboring the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center, which was established on May 1, 1952, for American soldiers returning from the Korean War. The paper also presents the negative effects of the panpans, pimps, and soldiers on the local residents and Nara, an ancient city and a tourist destination, and clarifies how the local residents, Nara city, Nara Prefecture, and the Japanese government handled these effects. The amusement street appeared as soon as the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center was set up in the former town of Yokoryou-chou in Nara city. Two main local newspapers reported that some groups of pimps and their panpans tempted American soldiers in the amusement street, and then the local residents thought pimps and panpans were immoral. It can be said that the amusement street was a place where panpans sold themselves to American soldiers. The local residents became anxious about the amusement street, because in addition to causing educational problems for their children, it spoiled the image of Nara as an age-old and a tourist city. The local residents blamed the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center for the presence of the amusement street and demanded the relocation/abolition of the center. It is interesting to note that the Nara UNESCO cooperation meeting assumed a leading role in the demand for the relocation/abolition of the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center, citing the effect of the amusement street, with its panpans and pimps, on the children's education as the main reason. The cooperation meeting was originally a civic organization that strived to preserve and protect the culture and natural heritage of Nara, and so it emphasized the necessity of protecting the old culture of Nara. It demanded that the center not be relocated but abolished. It can be said that some of the activities in the demand for the relocation/abolition of the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center were done in the different context, protecting the old culture, from the practices at Yokohama and Kokura. From a viewpoint of gender, it should be pointed out that the problem which panpans could not but sell themselves to American soldiers was not discussed in the activities that demanded for the relocation/abolition of the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center. The local residents of the amusement street as well as its managers, panpans, and pimps were deceived when the Japanese government and U.S. Forces authorities suddenly changed their manner of dealing with the center. Soon after the official announcement that the Rest and Recuperation Center was moved from Yokoryou-chou in Nara to the city of Kobe, it was decided that the U.S. Armed Forces Marine Corps be stationed in Nara city for a while. The marines in Nara actually went to private houses and hospitals at midnight and asked for women. This suggests that so long as an army exists, the problems of gender over violence and sex, which military affairs contained, cannot be solved.
吉田 容子
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.65, no.4, pp.245-265, 2010-10-28

The purpose of this paper is to examine people's views on "panpans" (prostitutes), pimps, and the American soldiers who frequented the amusement street neighboring the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center, which was established on May 1, 1952, for American soldiers returning from the Korean War. The paper also presents the negative effects of the panpans, pimps, and soldiers on the local residents and Nara, an ancient city and a tourist destination, and clarifies how the local residents, Nara city, Nara Prefecture, and the Japanese government handled these effects. The amusement street appeared as soon as the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center was set up in the former town of Yokoryou-chou in Nara city. Two main local newspapers reported that some groups of pimps and their panpans tempted American soldiers in the amusement street, and then the local residents thought pimps and panpans were immoral. It can be said that the amusement street was a place where panpans sold themselves to American soldiers. The local residents became anxious about the amusement street, because in addition to causing educational problems for their children, it spoiled the image of Nara as an age-old and a tourist city. The local residents blamed the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center for the presence of the amusement street and demanded the relocation/abolition of the center. It is interesting to note that the Nara UNESCO cooperation meeting assumed a leading role in the demand for the relocation/abolition of the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center, citing the effect of the amusement street, with its panpans and pimps, on the children's education as the main reason. The cooperation meeting was originally a civic organization that strived to preserve and protect the culture and natural heritage of Nara, and so it emphasized the necessity of protecting the old culture of Nara. It demanded that the center not be relocated but abolished. It can be said that some of the activities in the demand for the relocation/abolition of the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center were done in the different context, protecting the old culture, from the practices at Yokohama and Kokura. From a viewpoint of gender, it should be pointed out that the problem which panpans could not but sell themselves to American soldiers was not discussed in the activities that demanded for the relocation/abolition of the Nara Rest and Recuperation Center. The local residents of the amusement street as well as its managers, panpans, and pimps were deceived when the Japanese government and U.S. Forces authorities suddenly changed their manner of dealing with the center. Soon after the official announcement that the Rest and Recuperation Center was moved from Yokoryou-chou in Nara to the city of Kobe, it was decided that the U.S. Armed Forces Marine Corps be stationed in Nara city for a while. The marines in Nara actually went to private houses and hospitals at midnight and asked for women. This suggests that so long as an army exists, the problems of gender over violence and sex, which military affairs contained, cannot be solved.
松本 博之 内田 忠賢 高田 将志 吉田 容子 帯谷 博明 西村 雄一郎 相馬 秀廣
