4 0 0 0 OA 大日本古文書

東京帝国大学文学部史料編纂所 編
vol.家わけ十二ノ一, 1935
宮坂 覺 Satoru Miyasaka フェリス女学院大学 文学部(教員)
フェリス女学院大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:09165959)
no.46, pp.451-477, 2011-03

井本 英一 Eiichi IMOTO 桃山学院大学文学部
no.14, pp.77-100, 1996-09-30

The Aramaic version of the story of Ahikar; The story of Heykar (Ahikar) in the Arabian Nights; Ahikar in the Book of Tobit; Ahikar in the Aesop's Fables as a Babylonian vizier; Ahikar in the Old Turkish and the Mongolian versions; custom of killing old men; sheltering of the escaped old men in the cellars; the story of Cyrus the Great of the Persian Empire; abandonment of old men in Korea; an obedient son took back an abandoned old man home; a neighboring king made unreasonable demands upon the king who had ordered to abandon an old man; an old man's wisdom helped the king solve the demands; no mention about the neighboring king making unreasonable demands; Ahikar in the Buddhist versions; Ahikar in the Chinese versions; Ahikar in the Japanese versions; addenda and corrigenda to AT 922A and 981.

3 0 0 0 OA 大日本古文書

東京帝国大学文学部史料編纂所 編
vol.家わけ第7 (金剛寺文書), 1920

3 0 0 0 OA 大日本古文書

東京帝国大学文学部史料編纂所 編
vol.家わけ第14 (熊谷家文書,三浦家文書,平賀家文書), 1937
福田 稔 Minoru FUKUDA 宮崎公立大学人文学部 Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities (ISSN:13403613)
vol.29, no.1, pp.157-177, 2022-03-10

This study assumes that the focus interpretation is involved in the major subject of multiple subject constructions of Japanese and argues that the focused elements with phonetic effects cannot be dropped and must be phonetically externalized. In doing so, it draws on three studies, namely Kuno (1973a, b), which focused on the interpretation of the nominative case marker gain standard Japanese, Miyagawa (2010), which focused on the Feature Inheritance analysis for the focus interpretation, and Nishioka (2013, 2018), which focused on case markers such as ga and no in the dialect used in Kumamoto Prefecture of Japan. If the subjects fail to receive a focus interpretation, the omission of ga and no is allowed because they circumvent the externalization condition on focused elements. The same analysis can be extended to the focused accusative case marker. It 1s inferred from our proposal that the fact that case markers aside from the nominative and accusative ones cannot be dropped is arguably connected with the availability of the focus interpretation induced by feature inheritance.
大賀 郁夫 Ikuo OHGA 宮崎公立大学人文学部 Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities (ISSN:13403613)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1-31, 2021-03-10

幕末期、諸藩にとって他藩の動向を正確に掌握することは、自藩の取るべき道を決定する指針になる最重要課題であった。 本稿では日向延岡藩を対象に、同藩が作成した文久二年の「風聞書 乾坤」の内容分析を通して、藩の探索システムを明らかにした。延岡藩では城附西方の高千穂・飛地宮崎郡・豊後にそれぞれ役所(代官所)が置かれ、そこを拠点に周辺諸藩の探索が行われた。各役所から届く風聞書の内容は多岐にわたり、情報提供者も上級武士階級から一般庶民に至るまでさまざまであった。 延岡藩が特に重視した探索対象藩は、薩摩藩・熊本藩それに豊後岡藩であった。「風聞書 坤」には九州諸藩の諸侯の評価が記されているが、評価が高いのは唐津藩世子小笠原長行・蓮池藩主鍋島直紀であり、岡藩主中川久昭や熊本藩主細川韶邦・久留米藩主有馬頼咸の評価は低い。この時期藩主の資質が求められていたことがわかる。文久二年という限定した期間の風聞書ではあるが、当時の民衆が諸侯や藩のあり方をどのように捉え評価していたかは、幕末期の地域社会を知る上でも重要である。
見城 育夫 けんじょう いくお Kenjo Ikuo 沖縄大学人文学部福祉文化学科
沖縄大学人文学部紀要 (ISSN:13458523)
no.22, pp.51-59, 2019-03

2018 年度介護保険制度改正に伴う自立支援・重度化防止に向けた取り組みについては,ここに至る過程において様々な議論が行われてきた。今改正のこれまでの議論の整理及び改正の論点と今後の課題について文献分析を基に考察することにしたい。
永野 芳郎 Yoshio NAGANO 桃山学院大学文学部
英米評論 = ENGLISH REVIEW (ISSN:09170200)
no.9, pp.5-33, 1994-12-20

The modern history began with the revolt of individual selfconsciousness against social pressure, which in turn led to the development of new types of unfettered thinking and behaviour. Thus, one way or other, language art was to go parallel with it: namely, increasing efforts came to be made toward the possible way individual consciousness should be communicated verbally. It is the so-called psychological novel that was then timed to meet the deeply-felt desire. Itself a product of new ages, however, the attempt to introduce the unmasking of innermost reality like 'mental movement' into the province of literature may well largely depend upon the progress in the world of science, particularly of the human mind. Yet it should be noted that most of the psychological novels in the earlier stage dealt with the human mind not so much in the light of its mobile proceeding as in the classical way of thought according to which 'mind' is left to its natural inclination and, not infrequently, an extreme manner to take the human mind as something predetermined in its course was no doubt enforced by the naturalistic view at its best. The course of time, meanwhile, came across an American psychologist at the end of the last century whose penetration was, far from being fin-de-siecle, quite fresh in that he compared the dynamic continuity of consciousness to a flowing state, thus putting forward the 'stream of consciousness' theory: William James was his name. The turn of the century found out a French philosopher who tried to raise the concept of consciousness up to the metaphysical level by calling it the 'pure duration' (duree pure) in his own fashion. Here we see that this theory of Bergson's is literally epoch-making on account of his attempt to get insight into, and cognition of, reality in its phase of duration, not in the static phase, which is in diametrical opposition to a majority of philosophical views since Plato's. It is equally worthy of note that the cognition of psychic reality, especially of consciousness, was more substantialised by two of his contemporaries, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, both of whom, being psychiatrists, carried out fruitful investigations into the human subliminal world by means of psychoanalysis. Consequently, the impact of their thoughts upon the world of letters was of such particular significance that without calling their achievements to mind, many modern psychological fictions would remain mere puzzles to decipher. Then what matters most for men of letters, in so far as they are more or less aware of it, will be the question if they could be bold enough to disclose all the undercurrent of private consciousness by casting off the yoke of linguistic convention. Nevertheless, such an undertaking admittedly forces them to defy it at the cost of intelligibility. At this point they are brought between the horns of dilemma, but they must needs break the deadlock. It will stand to reason that endless difficulty is involved in the linguistic presentation of such polydimensional reality with temporal continuity and spatial expanse as the stream of consciousness. In reference to this type of fiction, all the possible devices have been ever since invented by many writers to find their way through that language barrier, of which the most popular is a technique called the 'interior monologue'. Setting aside everything about such formal contrivances, of great importance, in terms of what matters linguistically, is the proper use of the verbal tenses which may be considered ultimately contingent upon a speaker's mental attitudes. The present tense invariably stands for the psychological present, and the past, including the pluperfect and others serves for a medium by which to picture consciousness in the form of recollection. The differentiation between the 'progressive form' (to be better termed 'imperfect' or else 'expanded') and the simple form in the English verbal system may be considered to be of great utility for a writer in that language. In this monograph more than three score of apt instances are given to illustrate the possible extent to which the progressive form was employed by the British writer, Virginia Woolf in two of her fictions, Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse. It will be seen clearly how this unique verbal form is, so to speak, sensitive to the writer's strong desire to bring the dynamics of mind into bold relief.

3 0 0 0 OA 楽浪

東京帝国大学文学部 編