清水 習 Shu SHIMIZU 宮崎公立大学人文学部 Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities (ISSN:13403613)
vol.29, no.1, pp.67-92, 2022-03-10

川瀬 和也 Kazuya KAWASE 宮崎公立大学人文学部 Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities (ISSN:13403613)
vol.25, no.1, pp.37-50, 2018-03-09

岩下 俊治 Shunji IWASHITA 明星大学人文学部英語英文学科
明星大学研究紀要 人文学部 (ISSN:03881318)
no.41, pp.111-121, 2005-03

人間の会話は言葉による伝達によってなされるが、実際には、言葉によって意味されること以外のことも伝達される。例えば、次の発話について考えてみる。A:It's hot, isn't it?(今日は暑いですね。)これは単に知り合いに会って、会話を始める挨拶として発話されたという場合であれば、余り重要な意味はない。いきなり会話を始めるのは唐突なので、前置きのようなものとして発話されたと解釈される。しかし、場合によっては、「暑いからエアコンのスイッチを入れてほしい。」とか、「暑いから何か冷たい飲み物がほしい。」とか、「この飲み物熱くて飲めないよ。」といった意味の伝達と解釈できる場合もある。人間は、相手の発話をその場の状況や文脈に応じて、いつも最もふさわしく解釈しようとする。それによって自然な会話の流れが生まれる。この「最もふさわしく解釈する」にはどのような原則が関係しているのか。Sperber&Wilson(19952)が提唱している関連性理論が、この問題に対する一つの答えを与えている。本研究は、この関連性理論の有効性にっいて検証する。結論からいえば、関連性理論は、発話の解釈という点では、有効である。また、関連性理論が主張する、「人間は最小の労力で最大の認知効果を得ようとする」という原則は、Chomsky(1995)に代表される生成文法が提唱する普遍文法の原則であるEconomyPrinciple(経済性の原則)と一致すると考えられる。即ち、人間の言語活動を含む認知過程(Cognitiveprocess)は、この経済性の原則に従っていると考えられる。本研究を通して以上のようなことが明らかになった。
寺町 晋哉 Shinya TERAMACHI 宮崎公立大学人文学部 Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities (ISSN:13403613)
vol.27, no.1, pp.103-119, 2020-03-06

本稿は、女子の友人関係トラブルに対する教師の介入を検討することで、友人関係というインフォーマルな関係性が教師の介入に影響を受けること、そうした介入にジェンダー・バイアスが存在し、結果的に女子の関係性が劣位に置かれることを明らかにする。 先行研究は、ジェンダーの視点、インフォーマルな関係性、教師と児童生徒の再帰的関係のうち、いずれか一つが欠けている。これらの課題を克服するために、本稿では、女子の友人関係トラブルに対する教師の介入に着目する。分析に際して、Francis・Paechter(2015)が提示する三つの視点を用いている。 分析の結果、以下の三点が明らかになった。第一に、児童の関係性にかかわる教室秩序の形成にとって教師たちの理念や介入が重要であることである。第二に、児童間関係に対する教師たちの認識や介入に、ジェンダー・バイアスが歴然と存在し、女子たちは「関係性を重視する」という認識が、教師たちの介入を方向づけていたことである。また、教師たちは女子たちの関係を「ドロドロしたもの」と認識し、解決すべき課題にしているからこそ、何らかのトラブルが発生した場合、「トラブルの発端である関係性」そのものに焦点を当て、トラブルだけでなく女子たちの関係性にも介入していく。第三に、教師たちはケアの倫理が立ち現われやすい関係性に焦点化した介入を行いながら、その解決には自律的な主体であるという捻れた責任を女子に負わせていたことである。

18 0 0 0 OA 大日本古文書

東京帝国大学文学部史料編纂所 編
vol.家わけ 三ノ七, 1911
川瀬 和也 Kazuya KAWASE 宮崎公立大学人文学部 Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities (ISSN:13403613)
vol.26, no.1, pp.53-68, 2019-03-08

本稿では、マイケル・トンプソンが Life and Action (2008)において展開した「素朴な行為論」について、その全体像を明らかにした上で、検討を加える。トンプソンの議論はその独創性から高い評価を受けているが、他方でその独創性ゆえに、現代の行為論にとってどのような意義を持つのか、正確な評価が進んでいないという状況がある。本稿では、彼の議論を整理し、フレーゲ的方法の当否、行為間の類種関係の扱い、行為説明における心的状態の役割という三つの観点から検討する。

16 0 0 0 OA 大日本古文書

東京帝国大学文学部史料編纂所 編
vol.家わけ十一ノ二, 1927
藤森 かよこ Kayoko FUJIMORI 桃山学院大学文学部
no.15, pp.91-117, 1997-02-20

There is fairly general agreement that Sue Harrison's trilogy published from 1990 to 1994 is one of the literary fruits that multiculturalism has fostered. Harrison vividly and impressively represents the life and culture of the ancient Alute people, ancesters of Native Americans, based on her research and field work over many years, supported and stimulated by her own rich imagination. But it is not my present purpose to explore this area. My concern is in a feminist approach to this trilogy. Today's writers who try to create feminism-conscious stories confront much more sensitive and challenging problems than before. Liberal feminism originated from Europe in the 18th century. In the United States, in response to the civil rights movement in the 1960's, it developed into women's liberation movement in the 70's. However, with the permeation of multiculturalism in the 80's, propelled by the current of postmodernism, black feminists (womanists), lesbians and other minority groups' feminists have been criticizing the Caucasian/West/Judeo-Christian/middle-class/heterosexual-centerdness of liberal feminism. Nowadays feminists are expanding their argument into investigating the origins and structures of various discrimination systems, with and beyond the inquiry about how to reduce or end sexual discrimination. Some feminists fear that the present feminism agenda may neglect the problems peculiar to women and may result in delaying the dissolution of social unfaireness about women. Yet most feminists realize that it is one of their tactics, as well as one of their imperatives, to emphasize and promote their relationships and cooperative efforts with other discriminated groups. Thus contemporary writers must incorporate the above-mentioned feminist problems into their works if they want to satisfy feminist readers. We can safely state that Sue Harrison has achieved this challenge in writing Mother Earth Father Sky, My Sister the Moon, and Brother Wind. This trilogy is classified as a traditional and popular happy-ending fiction for women, in which a young heroine finally attains happiness through a series of torturous experiments and disasters; in the end she gets her own special protector, in most cases, her husband. Harrison's books also end with the heroine's delightful marriage or long-waited reunion with their family. In addition to this, we should note that the setting is in the prehistoric era, from B. C. 7056 to 7023. This means that Harrison's fictions have the advantage of being completely invulnerable from feminist critics' attacks. Criticizing the sexual dichotomy in the prehistorical setting is useless. Because writers must represent the factual aspects of their subjects in their realistic novels, even if some descriptions are offensive to feminists. Above all it is unfair to reproach the defects of past ages from a contemporary view point. But we are mislead if we regard this trilogy as a mere prehistory Harlequin Romance. Interestingly Harrison's books can satisfy not only non-feminist readers but also feminist ones. A close reading of these three books leads us to find many devices and episodes to demistify and invalidate patriarchism. In authentically traditional fictions, heroines cannot be really happy without being bound to some patriarchal family ststem. Harrison's heroines, even though they finally return to their male-dominated families and communities, are clearly characterized by a self-independence, self-respect and aggressiveness that we rarely see in women in the fictions with today's setting. Under the disguise of an obviously gender-biased traditional story, Harrison has inserted some unforgettable gender-free characters, female and also male, into her fictions. Harrison succeeds in fictionizing her materials from the standpoints of multiculturalism and feminism which the literary critics in the present postmodern era are ready to find in new novels. At the same time, Harrison fulfills the contradictory desire of conservative readers, who are in the majority, to consume their familiar plots in unfamiliar sceneries.
大賀 郁夫 Ikuo OGA 宮崎公立大学人文学部 Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities (ISSN:13403613)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1-26, 2018-03-09

小林 信彦 Nobuhiko Kobayashi 桃山学院大学文学部
vol.31, no.3, pp.199-215, 2006-03-15

According to the ancient Japanese, women can never be happy during their lives nor can theyget peace after death, because their minds are full of inborn defects such as jealousy, frivolity orcaprice. These defects are said to be sins, to which women themselves are solely responsible.The Japanese ascribed the authority of this view to Buddhist scriptures. However, descriptionsof such female defects are not found in Buddhist texts. Instead, female bodies are said there tobe disadvantageous to preparation for becaming Buddhas, because of physiological phenomenaconnected with generative function, such as menstruation, morning sickness and labour.Having read a Buddhist reference to disadvantages of female bodies, the Japanese of the ninthcentury mistook it for a reference to defects intrinsic to women's minds. And the well-knownJapanese proposition, "Women are naturally sinful and therefore quite hopeless," was thus establishedto justify the Japanese society in tormenting women for more than 1000 years.
藤森 かよこ Kayoko Fujimori 桃山学院大学文学部
英米評論 (ISSN:09170200)
no.21, pp.55-82[含 英語文要旨], 2007-03

What is called "American feminism" in this article means liberal feminismor radical feminism. Many critics, especially French ones such as ElizabethBadinter and Emmanuel Todd, underestimate American feminism in the pointthat its pro-violence tendency hinders feminism from its mature developmentand further prevalence. This article does not share their view. As explainedlater, the pro-violence attitude of American feminism might be able to present aprototype of "a citizen of the world" in the coming (?) borderless, post-nationstatesworld promoted by globalization. Here "globalization" does not mean thelatest stage of American imperialism. Here globalization is "the process of increasinginterconnectedness between societies such that events in one part ofthe world more and more have effects on peoples and societies far away."It is true that not a few of American feminists regard violence as one of theiroptions to protect themselves. American radical feminists such as Naomi Wolfand D. A. Clarke assert that women should not hesitate to counterattack againstdomestic violence and other sexual violence. Paxton Quigley recommendswomen's owing guns against crimes. Martha McCaughey, a physical feminist, advocateswomen's going into training in martial arts for self-defense. The NationalOrganization for Women (NOW), which is a representative of liberal feminists inUSA, is positive about woman soldiers' service in war battles for national defense.Yet they are not especially pro-violent, because their attitude is necessarilyresulted from American core values.Some American feminists regard their position as "militia" or contemporarycitizen soldiers. Militia is a military force that engages in a rebel or terrorist activitiesin opposition to a regular army. Militiamen, ordinary people with theirown guns used for their hunting for food (never for pleasure) won the victory inthe American War of Independence, though some researches say that it is nothingbut a myth, not a historical fact. Myth or fact, in this point, militia symbolizesAmerican core values : freedom, independence, individualism, equality and democracy.Once American people feel that their "unalienable Rights, that amongthese are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" are threatened by others,governments or any organizations or individuals, they might be ready to use theirown weapons. Weapon ownership is a key aspect of citizenship under democraticgovernment for some American people. They believe that the Constitution ofthe United States of America supports their view.Certainly Amendment 2 of Bill of Rights enacted in 1791 says "A well regulatedMilitia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the peopleto keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The survey of ABC News in2002 shows that seventy three percent of the American citizens think thatAmendment 2 guarantees their right to keep and bear weapons for self defense.American people against gun control are not only what antigun critics call "gunenthusiasts." According to one research, gun owners believe that society is aviolent place; so they prepare for the possibility of doing violence themselves ;they view this position to be the most responsible one they have to take in relationto their own safety ; they are also aware that many oppressive governmentsdo not permit firearms to be owned by the general people, because gun ownershipcan potentially threaten the government through a citizens' revolt. SomeAmerican feminists share this view with gun owners.This article does not mean that American feminists' pro violence attitudeshould be positively considered because their views are resulted from Americancore values. Even if American feminists regard themselves as militiawomen,contemporary citizen soldiers, such kind of attitude can be called caricatural.There is a hypothesis that the peripheral members in a given society try to moreradically embody the society's most sweeping ideologies than the central members.American feminists who try to be regular citizens, never "second citizens",may be more stimulated to achieve American core values as completely as possible.We should notice that this kind of caricatural American feminists providesus with a prototype of a citizen of the coming world developed by globalization,where order in world politics emerges not from a balance of power among nationstatesbut from the interactions between many layers of governing arrangements.Nation-states demand its constituency to be subject to their policies andlaws, and in exchange for its subordination, they are supposed to offer their peoplebenefits and protection. But history has been showing the examples thatnation-states could be the worst oppressor and violator for people. However,globlization might permit people to traffic the many layers of governing institutions,depending on their own needs and profits. Then, nation-states will be ableto be optional, not fatal.The political philosophy of the coming, globalized world is the most radicalform of republicanism, also called civic humanism. The coming world might beable to be the most expanded republic, a new world order governed by and forthe people. Then, people will not be able to rely on nation-states as their protectors,if people don't want state interference. In other words, future citizens ofthe world must be ready to be citizen soldiers, caricatured form of militia,"American feminists." As citizens of a republic, American feminists who premisethat they can't trust the government and its agents, do not invite the state to beresponsible for their safety, even though dependency is so seductive.Some people wonder if such a world can be the greatest prison, the mostelaborate "Matrix" controlled by invisible power. Whether the biggest republic,the new world order may be utopian dystopian, a pro-violent, pro-counterattackAmerican feminist is a prototype of a citizen of the post-nation-states world.