森本 光彦
山梨英和学院 山梨英和大学
山梨英和大学紀要 (ISSN:1348575X)
vol.9, pp.A1-A15, 2010 (Released:2020-07-20)

森本 光
アメリカ文学研究 (ISSN:03856100)
vol.53, pp.5-20, 2017 (Released:2018-05-18)

Edgar Allan Poe’s “Never Bet the Devil Your Head: A Tale with a Moral” was first published in Graham’s Magazine in September 1841 under the name “Never Bet Your Head: A Moral Tale.” This short story has been regarded as a literary satire that clearly attacked on the prevalence of transcendentalism and didacticism at the time. From the mid-thirties to the early forties, when Poe worked as a magazine editor and writer, the Transcendental Club held meetings for the northern intellectuals and writers, and the transcendentalist magazine The Dial began publication in 1840. Transcendentalism had much influence then, and the American literature of the time was guided by didacticism. Critics had a tendency to evaluate a literary work based on its moral, and readers demanded to read moral tales. Poe criticized the two currents of literature several times in his career; this short story can be thought as one of them.This view is supported by some references in the work to the transcendentalist magazine The Dial and by Poe ostensibly mentioning the transcendentalist Emerson by name. However, this is not enough to claim the work to be a literary satire with the singular purpose of criticizing prominent figures and schools of thought; the short story also contains some strange descriptions that are not explicable in terms of any satirical aims, and Poe himself claimed in a letter that it was not his design to ridicule any targets in particular. What, then, is the chief aim of this work? The fact that Poe called this short story an “Extravaganza” gives us a hint; an extravaganza is a large, extravagant show or spectacle in general, but in the U. S. in the early 19th century, it denoted a short skit particularly in the form of the minstrel show. The minstrel show was a popular American form of entertainment with performers in blackface who would dance, sing, and play the fool. It is possible that Poe made use of this piece of contemporary popular culture in his writing; in fact, this short story and the minstrel show have some characteristics in common, for example, the protagonist’s blackened face, his funny foolish gestures, and his habit of talking about bets. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze “Never Bet the Devil Your Head” by examining several commonalities between it and the minstrel show, and to make it clear how Poe adapted this form of contemporary popular theater for his original short story.
森本 光明

森本 光生
一般社団法人 日本数学会
数学 (ISSN:0039470X)
vol.38, no.4, pp.350-354, 1986-10-30 (Released:2008-12-25)
森崎 重規 蔵本 千夏 木津 康博 森本 光明 外木 守雄 山根 源之
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.54, no.3, pp.206-209, 2008-03-20
1 1

Aplastic anemia is a blood disease characterized by pancytopenia due to a decrease in hematopoieticstem cells. We describe a patient who presented with submucosal hematoma of the tongue and was given a diagnosisof aplastic anemia. The patient was a 24-year-old man who visited our department because of a hematoma ofthe tongue. Two days before presentation, a dark reddish tumor with a diameter of 1-2mm was noticed at the leftmargin of the tongue. At presentation, a 20×11mm dark reddish elevation was seen at the left lateral margin ofthe tongue. On the basis of the above course and findings, a hematoma was diagnosed, and blood tests were conducted.A blood disease was suspected. The white blood cell count was 500/μl, the red blood cell count was320×104/μl, the Hb was 11.2g/dl, the Ht was 31.1%, the MCV was 96.9 fl, the MCH was 35.0 pg, the MCHCwas 36.1%, and the platelet count was 0.3×104/μl, indicating pancytopenia. A submucosal hematoma of thetongue accompanied by pancytopenia was diagnosed, and detailed examinations were performed at the hematologydepartment. A bone marrow puncture test showed that the bone marrow cell count was 4, 000/μl and themegakaryocyte count was 0/μl; aplastic anemia was thus diagnosed, and the patient received immunosuppressivetherapy. Even when the onset is gradual, aplastic anemia can be lethal if detection is late and appropriate therapyis not administered. Therefore, if the regional cause of an oral hematoma is not clear, close follow-up is necessary.If systemic factors are suspected, blood tests should be promptly performed.
森本 光昭 辻 義明 原 靖 古閑 敦彦 牛島 正貴 田口 順 吉村 文博
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.38, no.2, pp.163-168, 2005-02-01

患者は68歳の女性で,主訴は腹部腫瘤.身体所見では左側腹部に弾性硬,可動性良好な約15cm大の腫瘤を認めた.腹部CT所見では胃小彎側前壁に接して11.5×9.0cmの腫瘍を認めた.手術所見では腫瘍は約15cm大,胃体中部小彎側に一部癒着し胃体部前壁に騎乗していた.腫瘍および胃部分切除を行い,腫瘍は完全切除された.摘出標本では腫瘍は13.5×10.0×9.0cm凹凸不整,弾性硬で,大部分は出血壊死を伴う嚢胞性腫瘍であった.病理所見では紡錘形腫瘍細胞が密に錯綜して増殖していた.免疫組織染色にてKIT(CD117), CD34, Vimentinが陽性,Desmin, S-100 proteinが陰性のためGISTと診断した.術後1年たった現在,再発の兆候はない.