今宿 裕 朝倉 雅史 作野 誠一 嶋崎 雅規
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18078, (Released:2019-05-10)

The present study had 3 objectives. First, we aimed to categorize the effectiveness of participation in school athletic clubs in accordance with findings from preceding studies (study 1). Second, studies on the effectiveness of athletic club activities were to be organized by generation with the changes observed in each generation also described with a view towards clarifying research tasks (study 2). Third, we aimed to clarify the effectiveness of athletic club activities that had not yet been demonstrated in previous research (study 3). In study 1, when we categorized the effectiveness of athletic club activities, we confirmed the construct, the subscale, and the observable variable that determined effectiveness in each study. Each concept was grouped based on similarity and made types having higher degree. The categories we derived were "school adjustment"; "scholastic ability"; "character"; "stress and mental health"; "psychosocial development"; "physical growth and development"; "sport as a habit"; "attitude towards sports"; "fatigue"; "lifestyle"; and "others". In study 2, when we investigated the transition of studies on the effectiveness of athletic club activities, we focused on the problem establishment in these studies. This was considered while examining the association between each problem establishment and social background or policies of the day. As a result, at first, researchers continued selecting students who participated in athletic clubs as appropriate subjects for examining the effectiveness of physical exercise or sports activity. Second, researchers are also interested in the negative effectiveness of participation in athletic clubs. Positive trends are particularly strong for "school adjustment" and "stress and mental health" studies conducted after 1998. Third, studies that demonstrated significance or effectiveness of athletic club activities increased after 1983, and the effectiveness that were determined diversified since that time. Researchers found out various significance and effectiveness of athletic club activities, and recognition of the potential for athletic club activities to address issues also increased. It can be said that we researchers don’t reach a common understanding on the significance and effectiveness of athletic club activities. In study 3, we brought attention to the effectiveness of athletic club activities that had been overlooked in previous studies by comparing effectiveness as determined in empirical studies how it had been determined in theoretical studies. Unnoticed effectiveness of athletic club activities was the acquisition of abilities and attributes necessary for developing sports society and culture.
今宿 裕 朝倉 雅史 作野 誠一 嶋崎 雅規
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.1-20, 2019-06-17 (Released:2019-06-25)
11 1

The present study had 3 objectives. First, we aimed to categorize the effectiveness of participation in school athletic clubs in accordance with findings from preceding studies (study 1). Second, studies on the effectiveness of athletic club activities were to be organized by generation with the changes observed in each generation also described with a view towards clarifying research tasks (study 2). Third, we aimed to clarify the effectiveness of athletic club activities that had not yet been demonstrated in previous research (study 3). In study 1, when we categorized the effectiveness of athletic club activities, we confirmed the construct, the subscale, and the observable variable that determined effectiveness in each study. Each concept was grouped based on similarity and made types having higher degree. The categories we derived were "school adjustment"; "scholastic ability"; "character"; "stress and mental health"; "psychosocial development"; "physical growth and development"; "sport as a habit"; "attitude towards sports"; "fatigue"; "lifestyle"; and "others". In study 2, when we investigated the transition of studies on the effectiveness of athletic club activities, we focused on the problem establishment in these studies. This was considered while examining the association between each problem establishment and social background or policies of the day. As a result, at first, researchers continued selecting students who participated in athletic clubs as appropriate subjects for examining the effectiveness of physical exercise or sports activity. Second, researchers are also interested in the negative effectiveness of participation in athletic clubs. Positive trends are particularly strong for "school adjustment" and "stress and mental health" studies conducted after 1998. Third, studies that demonstrated significance or effectiveness of athletic club activities increased after 1983, and the effectiveness that were determined diversified since that time. Researchers found out various significance and effectiveness of athletic club activities, and recognition of the potential for athletic club activities to address issues also increased. It can be said that we researchers don’t reach a common understanding on the significance and effectiveness of athletic club activities. In study 3, we brought attention to the effectiveness of athletic club activities that had been overlooked in previous studies by comparing effectiveness as determined in empirical studies how it had been determined in theoretical studies. Unnoticed effectiveness of athletic club activities was the acquisition of abilities and attributes necessary for developing sports society and culture.
朝倉 雅史

山崎 準二 高谷 哲也 三品 陽平 濱田 博文 田中 里佳 高野 和子 高野 貴大 朝倉 雅史 山内 絵美理 村井 大介 長谷川 哲也 栗原 崚

藤村 祐子 佐藤 仁 朝倉 雅史 岩田 昌太郎 川口 広美

日本では,教員の養成・採用・研修を連続体と捉えた上での「教員が学び続けることので きる環境整備」が提案され,専門職基準の策定とそれに基づく教員制度の全国的整備が進められている。米国ではすでに,教師教育のあらゆる場で専門職基準が活用され,専門職基準の制度化が進められてきた。専門職基準は,他律的活用と自律的活用の双方が想定されるが,米国では,その双方で機能している可能性がある一方,日本では,他律的活用が強調され,自律的な「能力参照枠」としての専門 職基準の活用は十分に検討されていない。本研究では,自律的・他律的な「能力参照枠」としての専門職基準の「内面化」の方略を提案することを目的とする。
朝倉 雅史 清水 紀宏
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.1, pp.29-51, 2014 (Released:2014-06-13)

The professional development of a physical education (PE) teacher occurs within a variety of experiences that become resources for the teacher to learn from. However, to gain experience does not necessarily mean development. Development through learning by experience is influenced by the beliefs that the person has. The purpose of this study was to determine the composition and function of PE teacher beliefs—especially “image of what a teacher is” and “vocational beliefs” that influence their professional development. In addition, we classified PE teachers by their beliefs, and examined their development status with a focus on the relevance of experiences for changing a teacher's ideals. A questionnaire survey was conducted. Data were collected from a sample of 634 junior high school and high school PE teachers. The main findings are summarized below.   1)  Factor analysis of data revealed that the PE teachers' image of what a teacher is comprised 4 factors: “leader”, “supervisor”, “supporter of learning” and “team member”, and vocational beliefs comprised 7 factors: “emphasizing public values”, “self-actualization”, “pursuit of pioneering teaching practices”, “emphasizing students”, “professional exclusiveness”, “exercise of autonomy” and “research orientation”.   2)  The teachers were classified by image of what a teacher is into 2 types: “supervisor” and “supporter”. The teachers were classified by vocational beliefs into 5 types: “self-actualization”, “emphasizing students”, “open-minded beliefs”, “self-righteous” and “close-minded beliefs”. The ratios of young teachers classified into “supervisor” and “emphasizing students” were significantly larger than that of experienced teachers. The ratios of experienced teachers classified into “supporter”, “self-actualization” and “self-righteous” were significantly larger than that of young teachers.   3)  Factor analysis of data revealed that experiences comprised 5 factors: “reflecting on teaching practice”, “knowledge acquisition”, “conversing with fellow teachers”, “observing and opening up one's own teaching practices” and “hard experiences”. Experienced teachers were more passive in their experiences, except “knowledge acquisition”, than younger teachers. For more experienced teachers, having positive experiences was more effective for changing ideals.   4)  Teachers classified as the “open-minded beliefs” type were more willing to experience a variety of things than the “close-minded beliefs” type teachers. Regression analysis of data revealed that “emphasizing public values”, “pursuit of pioneering teaching practices” and “research orientation” correlated significantly and positively with experience. But “professional exclusiveness”, “exercise of autonomy” and years of service correlated significantly and negatively with experience.