濁川 孝志 満石 寿 遠藤 伸太郎 廣野 正子 和 秀俊
トランスパーソナル心理学/精神医学 (ISSN:13454501)
vol.15, no.1, pp.87-104, 2016 (Released:2019-08-06)

本研究の目的は、日本人青年層のスピリチュアリティ傾 向を測る尺度を作成することであった。スピリチュアリ ティの構成概念に基づいた質問紙調査が、271名の大学 生を対象に実施された。統計的に不適切な項目を除い た後、最尤法-プロマックス回転による因子分析を行っ た。その結果、最終的に5因子27項目が得られ、第1因 子より順に『自然との調和』『生きがい』『目に見えない 存在への畏怖』『先祖・ルーツとの繋がり』『自律』と 命名された。この5因子構造27項目の質問項目を、日本 人青年スピリチュアリティ評定尺度(JYS)とした。因 子抽出後の累積寄与率は、53.03%であった。尺度の信 頼性については、クロンバック(Cronbach)のα係数(α =0.89)で確認した。また構成概念妥当性はComparative Fit Index (CFI=0.91)、Goodness of Fit Index (GFI=0.86)、 Adjusted Goodness-of-Fit Index (AGFI=0.83)、そしてRoot Mean Squares Error of Approximation (RMSEA=0.06)な ど で判断した。さらに基準関連妥当性に関してはSTSと の相関( r =0.69、 p <.01)、PILとの相関( r =0.55、 p <0.001)、死生観尺度との関連性で確認した。以上の結 果を総合的に判断して、JYSは日本人青年のスピリチュ アリティ傾向を測定するのに有効な尺度であると判断 した。
神原 歩 満石 寿 原田 祐規
日本認知心理学会発表論文集 日本認知心理学会第20回大会
pp.7-8, 2022 (Released:2022-11-24)

竹中 晃二 大場 ゆかり 満石 寿
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.55, no.1, pp.157-168, 2010 (Released:2010-07-20)

The Relapse Prevention Model (RPM) has provided a framework for successful long-term maintenance of some types of health behavior. The purpose of this study was to identify high-risk situations for inducing exercise slip and lapse, which may lead to real relapse, and to clarify the coping strategies in this regard for Japanese regular exercisers, from the viewpoint of the RPM. We examined 677 regular exercisers by obtaining open-ended responses about 1) their typical high-risk situations as immediate determinants interfering with their planned exercise, 2) their coping responses to those situations, and 3) subsequent patterns of exercise outcome. High-risk situations included fatigue, bad weather, bad conditioning or injury, work or academic obligation, troubles in personal life, interpersonal relationships, and getting into a groove, although the frequency orders differed according to gender. Females were more aware that interpersonal relationships were associated with a higher incidence of exercise slip and lapse than did males, whereas males identified fatigue as the highest risk. Positive coping strategies as problem solving and behavior strategies as execution of routine work were most commonly employed, and were associated with positive exercise outcome for both females and males. On the other hand, the usage of negative coping strategies tended to lead to slip and lapse. These results suggest that adoption of coping strategies regarding high-risk situations is associated with exercise outcome, although the effects differ between males and females. These data demonstrate the importance of coping ability or strategy for exercise and suggest that slip and lapse may result from ineffective coping with high-risk situations. These findings confirm and extend previous work on the application of the RPM for examining exercise slip and lapse. Measurement issues and knowledge derived from this study are discussed in relation to future application to real practice.