松澤 芳昭 保井 元 杉浦 学 酒井 三四郎
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.55, no.1, pp.57-71, 2014-01-15

松澤 芳昭 酒井 三四郎
vol.2013-CE-119, no.2, pp.1-11, 2013-03-08

松澤 芳昭 保井 元 杉浦 学 酒井 三四郎
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.55, no.1, pp.57-71, 2014-01-15

近年,SqueakやScratchをはじめとするビジュアルプログラミング言語による入門教育の実践が広く行われている.しかしながら,既存の環境はCやJavaなどのテキスト型言語への移行が考慮されていないため,学習の発展性に課題がある.本研究では,OpenBlocksフレームワークを利用して,ブロック型ビジュアル言語とテキスト型言語(Java)の相互変換ができるプログラミング教育環境「BlockEditor」を開発した.文科系大学生向けプログラミング入門授業の学生約100名に対して実証実験を行った.15週の授業で課した36題の課題解答過程において,学習者に2つの言語を任意に選択できる環境を与え,言語選択率を測定した.その結果,プログラミング学習の進行に沿ってブロック言語からJavaへ緩やかに移行していくこと,およびそのタイミングには個人差があることが定量的に示された.プログラミングに苦手意識を持つ学生ほどブロック型言語の選択率が高く,言語の相互変換環境が言語の交ぜ書きを促進し,Javaプログラム構築能力習得の足場かけとなることが示された.In the past decade, improvements to the environment of introductory programming education by visual programming language have been made by Squeak, Scratch, etc. However, there is still a problem for migration to text-based programming languages such as C and Java. Hence, using the OpenBlocks framework proposed by MIT, we developed a system named BlockEditor, which has functions to translate block language and Java both ways. We conducted an empirical study of this system in an introductory programming course for approximately one hundred university students. When students were given opportunities to select the language to solve their programming assignments, we traced their selection by tracking working time with BlockEditor or Java for each individual student. As a result, we succeeded in illustrating the nature of the seamless migration from block language to Java, and found there is great diversity for timing and speed of the migration by each individual. Additionally, we found the selection rate of the block language by students with low self-evaluation for their skills was significantly higher than students with high self-evaluation. The BlockEditor could scaffold them by promoting mixed writing with block language and Java in their migration phase.
飯島 泰裕 伊藤 一成 香川 秀太 皆木 健男 村田 和義 勝谷 紀子 松澤 芳昭 吉田 葵 上野 亮
青山社会情報研究 (ISSN:18837638)
vol.8, pp.59-65, 2016

The School of Social Informatics at Aoyama Gakuin University has a course called PBL (Project-Based Learning), which is taught using an LMS (Learning Management System). However, difficulties are sometimes experienced in the course that sometimes inhibits the achievement of good results. One method to address potential problems is to encourage a sense of competition among the students. In addition, support is often necessary for the creation of cooperative relationships. Therefore, in 2014 we introduced a case management support system called Salesforce. The preliminary effects of Salesforce are presented in this study. The results revealed that instructors were able to respond more quickly to the students' questions. Furthermore, it was confirmed that competition among the students was greatly enhanced using the Salesforce system.
町田 賢司 菊池 正紀 澤 芳昭 Fu-Pen CHIANG
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.60, no.573, pp.1294-1299, 1994-05-25
7 1

Two-dimensional Fourier transform analysis is presented as an advanced method for numerically processing the Young's fringes diffraction pattern from a double-exposure speckle photograph. The fringe spacing and orientation are determined using only one Young's fringes pattern without any other diffraction halo patterns. This algorithm is based on the 2-D FFT of the fringe pattern with 256×256 pixels. Therefore, it has enabled automatic analysis to be performed with noisy and poor fringe patterns. The measurement of deformation field by the laser speckle method can be carried out with higher accuracy, reliability and speed.
平山 雅樹 新野朝丈 児玉 公信 松澤 芳昭 太田 剛
研究報告情報システムと社会環境(IS) (ISSN:21862583)
vol.2011, no.3, pp.1-7, 2011-03-07

学生が初めてのソフトウェア開発プロジェクトを経験する中で直面した問題について報告する.対象とする開発プロジェクトは,企業が実際のシステムを外注する際に使用した仕様書を基にしており,企業のソフトウェア開発と同程度の品質を目指すものである.プロジェクトの規模は10人月程度で,アジャイル開発プロセスが試みられた.現在進捗している段階まで,生じた問題について記述して種類を整理した結果,作業の目的の理解不足とリスクの意識不足に起因する問題であることが分かった.In this paper, we report our experience that students faced in the first IS (Information Systems) development project. The project was driven by the RFP (Request For Proposal) which was used in the real situation when the project owner ordered to developers. Although the developers were not students, students tried to develop the system as the same quality as professionals do. Agile process was applied to the project, and the size of the project is approximately ten man-months. Now the project has proceeded to the middle of the goal, and problems that were happened in the project until now were described and classified. Then we have found that the problems are caused by "losing the objective of the work" and "lack of focusing the risk management".
松澤 芳昭 酒井 三四郎
vol.2013, no.2, pp.1-11, 2013-03-08

近年,ビジュアル型プログラミング言語による入門教育の実践が広く行われているが,CやJavaなどのテキスト記述型言語へのシームレスな移行が考慮されていないという問題がある.本研究では,筆者らがCE113で提案したビジュアル記述型言語とテキスト記述型言語の併用開発環境「BlockEditor」について,Java言語習得を目的とした文科系大学生向けプログラミング入門教育全編での使用実験を行った.本実験では,15週の全ての課題解答過程において,学習者がビジュアル言語(BlockEditor)とテキスト言語(Java)を任意に選択できる環境が与えられた.採取したシステム記録,および質問紙調査の結果から,プログラミングの学習が進行するにつれて,BlockEditorからJavaへ徐々に移行していくこと,およびそのタイミングには個人差があることが定量的に示された.プログラミングに苦手意識を持つ学生ほどビジュアル型言語の選択率が高く,言語の相互変換環境が言語の交ぜ書きを促進し,Java言語習得の足場かけとなることが示された.In the past decade, improvements to the environment of an introductory programming education by block-based programming language have been made by Squeak, Scratch, etc. However, there is still a problem for migration to text-based programming languages such as C and Java. Hence, using the OpenBlocks framework proposed by MIT, we developed a system named BlockEditor, which has functions to convert block language and Java both ways. We conducted an empirical study of this system in an introductory programming course for one hundred and ten university students. When students were given opportunities to select their language to solve their programming assignments, we traced their selection by tracking working time with BlockEditor or Java for each individual student. As a result, we succeeded in illustrating the nature of the seamless migration from block language to Java, and found there is great diversity for timing and speed of the migration by each individual. Additionally, we found the selection rate of the block language by students with low self-evaluation for their skills was significantly higher than students with high self-evaluation. The BlockEditor could scaffold them by promoting mixed writing with block language and Java in their migration age.
井庭 崇 中鉢欣秀 松澤 芳昭 海保 研 武藤佳恭
情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM) (ISSN:18827780)
vol.44, no.14, pp.20-30, 2003-11-15

本論文では,エージェントベースアプローチによって,社会・経済のモデルを作成するためのフレームワークを提案する.このフレームワークによって,「複雑系」(構成要素の振舞いのルールが状況によって動的に変化するシステム)のモデルを記述し,シミュレートすることが可能となる.提案フレームワークは,概念モデル・フレームワークとシミュレーションモデル・フレームワークの2つで構成され,モデル化からシミュレーションまでの一貫した支援を行う.提案フレームワークの特徴は,エージェント間の相互作用を,財(および情報)のやりとりとして明示化する点にある.また,エージェントの行動を,エージェントとは別のモデル要素として外部化し,オブジェクトコンポジションによって付加する点にも特徴がある.本論文は,社会・経済システムをオブジェクト指向でモデル化するための1つのパターンを提示するだけでなく,モデルを作成・実行する環境もあわせて提供することで,シミュレーションを行う仕組みも実現する.In this paper, we propose a framework of agent-based models for economies and societies.This framework allows us to describe and simulate the complex system where the rules of the behavior for each elements change dynamically through out the simulation.The proposed framework is based on a set of two models.One is for building the conceptual models and the other for executing the simulation.Two models together are able to process consistently from modeling to execution.One of characteristics in the proposed framework is that interactions between agents are clearly declared as the exchange of goods (with information).Also, a behavior is defined as a different object from each agents in the model to realize flexible design by using the object-composition technique.This paper not only provides a pattern of modeling the socio-economic system by using object-oriented methodology, but also is able to analyze the state of the system using simulation by providing the environment to build the model and execute the simulation.
保井 元 松澤 芳昭 酒井 三四郎
vol.2012-CE-113, no.11, pp.1-8, 2012-01-28

近年,ブロック型言語による初等プログラミング教育の環境の提案と改善が行われている.その代表として Squeak や Scratch などがある.しかしながら,それらは構造化技法をサポートしておらず,C,Java などのテキスト記述型言語への移行も考慮されていないため,次のステップへの発展が難しいという問題があった.そこで我々は,OpenBlocks フレームワークを利用して,構造化技法をサポートし,Java 言語と相互変換できるブロック型言語を開発した.文科系の大学生 1 年生 107 名に本システムの使用実験を実施し効果の検証を行った.
松澤 芳昭 大岩 元
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.8, pp.2767-2780, 2007-08-15

人間と調和する情報システムを構築できる創造的な技術者が求められている.我々は,そのような人材を育成する環境として,産学が協同してソフトウエア開発PBL(Project-Based Learning)を遂行する,「コラボレイティブ・マネジメント型情報教育」を提案している.この教育環境は,1) 学生プロジェクトのPM(Project Manager)を若手企業人が務め,企業人もプロジェクトマネジメントの学習をする,2) 実際の顧客・エンドユーザを設定し,実用に耐える製品の開発を目標とする,3) 多様なプロジェクトを並行して進め,成果を共有する,4) 学生が反復して履修できる,5) 成果を産学の第三者が評価する,という特徴を持つ.我々はこの教育環境を大学学部生を対象として構築し,2005 年度秋学期に1 回目を試行し,その成果と課題をふまえて2006 年度春学期に2 回目を試行した.筆者らはアクションリサーチャとしてプロジェクトに介入し,その過程で環境の改善を試みた.その結果,a) 企業人PM のマネジメントが学生プロジェクトの足場組みとして機能すること,b) 顧客満足度を最終評価とすることが重要であること,c) 反復履修が可能なことによって学生は失敗経験とその克服ができ,螺旋的に学習が進んでいくことが分かった.We need creative software engineers who can develop information systems that harmonize with system users and other relevant persons. To develop such engineers, we proposed a PBL (Project-Based Learning) course named "Software Development through Collaborative Management", where university students and young engineers in industry collaboratively learn construction of information systems. This course has following characteristics: (1) an undergraduate students' project is managed by an IT company's engineer who also acquires project management skills through this experience, (2) this project tries to develop a tiny information system for real customers and users, (3) different projects run at the same time in the course, (4) students can take the course repeatedly, (5) projects are evaluated by leaders of IT industry and academia. We have tried the course twice in our university. As a result of an action research, we have found the following three things: (a) a project manager from an IT company scaffolds a students' project, (b) the final evaluation of the project is best done by monitoring customer-satisfaction, (c) students can learn engineering processes spirally, because they can take an opportunity to overcome failures made in the previous project of repeated study.
澤 芳昭 豊田 兼昭 池内 和雄 片寄 益巳
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.59, no.567, pp.2575-2580, 1993-11-25

In turbine design, because the joint between the turbine blade and the rotor bears the largest stress, it is important to study the stress at this position. The fir-tree type is one of the most efficient joint configurations for blade fastenings. Many papers have reported on the fir- tree turbine blade, but these mostly dealt with experiments using two-dimensional analysis. We therefore experimented with three-dimensional stress analysis in frozen photoelasticity. In this examination, the study was made of characteristic occurrences under centrifugal force produced by rotation simulating an actual turbine. The analysis of the fir-tree joint was performed for two tests. One was for straight entry and the other was for curved entry. Photographs were obtained for the photoelastic fringe, stress distribution, and stress concentration factors. The results were as follows radially, in both the straight and curved entry types, the highest stress concentration occurred at the tip serration. Axially, in the curved entry type, the highest stress concentration point was the axial center, and in the straight entry type, the distribution was uniform.