麻植 久史 小池 克明 吉永 徹 高倉 伸一
一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.48, no.4, pp.180-191, 2007-10-10 (Released:2010-03-26)
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過去の活動記録が少ない活断層で大規模地震が発生していることから, 地震の発生メカニズムを理解するうえで, 活断層の深部構造の解明がますます重要になってきている. 本研究では, 地域により微小地震の発生頻度や傾向が異なる布田川-日奈久断層帯に注目した. その地域性の要因を明らかにするために, 深部探査に有効なMT法を用い, 比抵抗分布に基づく深部構造と微小地震分布との関係について検討した.まず, 日奈久断層の北部と中部におけるリニアメントの下部で比抵抗の不連続境界がほぼ垂直方向に見出せた. これは, 広範囲に低比抵抗帯を伴わないので, この地域のダメージゾーンは小さい. 一方, 日奈久断層の南部では断層沿いに低比抵抗帯が現れた. ここは日奈久断層と臼杵-八代構造線が交差する位置に当たるので, 大きなダメージゾーンが形成されたと考えられる. また, 1995~2005年の震源分布に基づくと, 布田川-日奈久断層帯は北からI~IVの四つの区域に分割できる. 各区域において, MT法深部比抵抗分布と震源分布とを重ね合わせ, 地震発生メカニズムについて考察した. これより, 布田川-日奈久断層帯は地形的には連続した同一断層系のように見えるにもかかわらず, 破砕構造, 力学的物性, 応力環境は大きく異なることが明らかになった.
廣岡 知 山口 達也 渡部 利文 山本 順也 城代 邦宏 保田 尚俊 塚田 和彦 小池 克明 朝倉 俊弘
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.133, no.5, pp.98-106, 2017-05-01 (Released:2017-05-31)

In addition to hydrological characterization of water-sealed type underground rock caverns, their mechanical stability is constantly monitored by measuring several properties, such as earthquake-induced vibration, strain, and tilt. Among them, tilt measurement is the most accurate monitoring method for rock deformation because of the tiltmeter's high resolution of 10-9 rad, which enables the detection of minute deformations caused by earth tide, rock responses to earthquake, change in atmospheric pressure, and artificial disturbance by operation. This study aimed to correctly extract these responses from long-term tilt data measured by a high precision tiltmeter at the Kushikino station and clarify the mechanism of tilt change as a result of deformation of rock mass. Tilt changes due to a small change in the gas phase pressure at the top of the rock cavern, approximately 10 kPa pressure fluctuation, were analyzed and discussed. The gradient response due to the gas pressure change was extracted from the measurement data by BAYTAP-G, and its magnitude was identified as 2 to 8 nrad, which was almost the same tilt response magnitude observed at an issuance of stored crude oil. This tilt response to the increase in tank gas pressure was numerically confirmed to originate from minute elastic deformation of rock masses, by using finite element method. Because fluctuation of the gas phase pressure can be continuously monitored, the effectiveness of tilt measurement was proved as a minute strain sensor for deformation of the water-sealed type underground rock cavern.
小池 克明 西山 孝 石田 志朗 藤田 和夫
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.29, no.5, pp.395-404, 1990
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Facies analysis of sediments based on the boring database systems of the Osaka, Kyoto, and Kameoka basins situated in the central part of the Kinki district, Japan, have been carried out to correlate their subsurface sediments. The analytical method is the one which calculates the appearance percentage of clay, sand, and gravel at the same elevations and at 0.5m intervals in each of the basins, and then smooths these data using the moving average method for 21 terms. As a result, it has been revealed that the fluctuations in the appearance percentage of clay in the Osaka basin occur with a frequency very similar to the fluctuations of oxygen-isotope ratio in the upper part of core V28-239 raised from the Solomon Rise at lat 3°15′N, long 159°11′E from a depth of 3, 490m. Furthermore, the fluctuation patterns of the appearance percentage of gravel in each of the basins are similar to one another, which suggests a common sedimentation related to the global paleoclimate in the basins of the same drainage system.<br>Spectral analysis using the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) reveals that the appearance percentage of clay and sand in the Osaka basin each have a preeminent period of about 30m, while gravels in the northern part of the Kyoto basin and the Kameoka basin have a 12-13m period in common.
大見 美智人 林 泰弘 北園 芳人 小池 克明
