福田 アジオ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.2, pp.p41-81, 1983-03

This chronological table was compiled to indicate the development of Japanese Folklore Studies since the Meiji era. Important literature related to Japanese Folklore, significant events and activities in the Japanese Folklore Society are arranged in chronological order and divided into two columns: (1) Matters related to Yanagita Kunio, and (2) Others.Principal events and related items were included in the table to illustrate the interrelation between events, e.g.: criticism and refutation passed upon articles, publication of monographs and research papers based on field work.
福田 アジオ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.43, pp.p195-227, 1992-03

本稿は、今回の研究計画の定点調査地の一つである静岡県沼津市大平において継続的な調査を行なってきた結果の報告である。個別地域の個性は、自らの地域の歴史認識によって大きく支えられ、あるいは形成されるものと予想しつつ、調査を行なった。人々の自分たちの社会に対する認識が歴史を作り出すと言ってもよいであろう。史実としての歴史だけでなく、意識される歴史、あるいは時には作り出される架空の歴史的世界も含めて、民俗的歴史世界を文字資料と現実の民俗事象の双方から追いかけることを意図した。幸いにして大平には前者の問題を究明するに適う年代記という興味深い人々の作り出した歴史書がある。大平を対象村落としたのも、この年代記が存在したからである。調査はこれを基点にして、その内容と現実の豊富な民俗との関わりを考察することに主眼を置いた。なお、大平の民俗については、本調査とほぼ同じ時期に並行して別の調査が実施され、民俗誌の形式での調査報告書が刊行されている(静岡県史民俗調査報告書『大平の民俗』)。本稿では、それとの重複をできるだけ避けて、大平の民俗的な特質を把握すべく内容を絞ったので、大平の具体的な民俗については網羅的には記述していない。大平の民俗的特質は以下のように理解することが可能であろう。大平の開発過程とその後の狩野川との戦いの連続が、大平の現在まで伝承されてきた民俗を作り出したと言えよう。道祖神祭祀自体は駿東から伊豆に大きく展開しているものであり、大平もその分布地域内の一村落に過ぎない。また道切り行事も全国的に行なわれているもので珍しいものではないし、大平のように札を笹竹に挟んで立てることもごく一般的な姿である。しかし、その道祖神祭祀や道切り行事を夏に重点を置いて行なっているのは必ずしも一般例とは言えない。大平が開発形成過程で背負った条件がこのような特色ある領域をめぐる民俗を作り出し、維持させてきたものと理解できる。そして、その歴史の重みが現在なお近隣の諸村落では見ることのないほどの熱心さでこの二つの民俗を保持しているのであろう。This paper reports the results of investigations continuously carried out at Ohira in Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, which is one of the fixed investigation points of this research project.The investigation was conducted with the presumption that the individuality of an area should have been strongly influenced or formed by its people's historical consciousness of the area; in other words, people's consciousness of their society should have created their history. The author aimed to approach the world of folk history, including not only history as historical facts, but also history as it exists in people's consciousness, or sometimes the fictional world of created history, from the viewpoints of both written documents and actual folklore. Fortunately, there exists at Ohira an interesting historical document compiled by its people, which is a chronicle appropriate for clarifying the above problem. It was because this chronicle exists that Ohira was designated for investigation. Based on the chronicle, the investigation focused on an examination of the relationship between its content and the many actual folk customs. Almost at the same time, another investigation was carried on in parallel on the folk customs of Ohira, the results of which were compiled and published as an monographical investigation report (Shizuoka Prefectural History, Folk customs Investigation Report entitled "Folk customs of Ohira"). In this paper efforts have been made to avoid duplicating the above report, and the content has been limited to focus on an understanding of the characteristics of the village; so the present report does not describe the folk customs of Ohira in comprehensive detail.The folk characteristics of Ohira may be understood as follows; Its process of development and subsequent continued struggle against the Kano River created the folk customs which have been handed down to the present. The worship of Dôsojin (the quardian deity at the village borders) itself has developed widely from Eastern Suruga to Izu, and Ohira is just one village within this area of distribution. The Michikiri (boundary-marking) ceremony, which has spread nationwide, is not rare, either. The custom of erecting a charm clipped between a split bamboo stalk, as seen at Ohira, is also a normal style. Nevertheless, it is not usual for these religious services toward Dosojin and Michikiri ceremonies to be held mainly in the summer season, as in the case in Ohira. It can be considered that the circumstances under which Ohira has developed and formed have created and maintained the characteristic boundary-marking folk customs described above. The weight of history may still preserve these two customs with a zeal that cannot now be seen in neighboring villages.
福田 アジオ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.18, pp.35-54, 1988-03-30

Through out the 16th century and into the 17th century, Japan went through a period of a historic upheaval. Opinion is divided as to how to interpret this upheaval, but the dominant view is that the political power arriving afterwards established feudalism. During this period of great change, revolts called “ikki” broke out in various parts of the country. They arose especially in remote mountain areas and for this reason it has long been thought that these revolts were retarded ones caused by old rulers who mobilized peasants under their rule in order to maintain their retarded society, and that, in this sense, there is not much historical significance in these revolts. This paper intends to challenge thus accepted notion, focusing our attention on the fact that these revolts broke out in deep mountains and examining their historical significance.The paper has considered the cases of the Kitayama ikki in 1614, Shiibayama ikki in 1619, and lyayama ikki in 1620 as revolts in deep mountains in the early 17th century. What is common to all these theaters of revolt is, in the first place that the areas' economy was based on non-paddy farming, especially on slash-and-burn farming, in deep mountains. In the second place, these areas had been politically independent, considered as “area having no ruler”. Another common factor is that all the revolts were armed and ended in massacres.All these points suggest that these 17th century revolts were not the revolts of old rulers in retarded regions, but rather were an inevitable result of the process of ruling non-paddy cultivators of mountains by the unifying powers based on paddy cultivation in plains shown in the term “Kokudaka system”. Thus we can see the historical significance of these uprisings in the fact that they represented the resistance of mountain people to protect their own society.
福田 アジオ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.21, pp.p13-40, 1989-03

It has often been pointed out that YANAGITA Kunio sympathized with Japanese women. It is said that he attached much importance to the role Japanese women had played in the history of Japanese society and that he attempted to estimate it positively by investigating varied facets of their activities within the local folklore. Believing that women's own history should be elucidated by women researchers themselves, Yanagita held many study meetings only with women, furthermore, he spared no effort for them to organize their own study groups or to publish their own periodicals. Most women folklorists hold him in high regard and are thankful to him. But it shuld be noticed here that they have acceded to his points of view the role in the folk society of Japan, without even daring to criticize or to review his viewpoints. But are not there many problems in Yanagita's understanding of the role and situation of women throughout the folk history? This paper attempts to review the place he gave to women in his individual studies and to clarify the limits of his perception of women's role.It is a fact that YANAGITA Kunio appraised the role of Japanese women from diverse standpoints. But, on the one hand, in the case of women in a settled agricultural society, their role as assumed by him is limited to that of supplementary members in the male-oriented Japanese society. The women as seen by him did not act independently, but rather as supporters of men being always beside or behind them. From this standpoint he emphasized the role of women as a working force. On the other hand, in the case of itinerant women, he stressed that they were bearers of faith and culture. His achievements are great in that he highlighted the raison d'être of these women which had long been forgotten or neglected, and the social structure in which they appeared. What is most important is that Yanagita treated them as suppoters of a settled society where they are supposed to have played predetermined roles. In this regard, their situation is no different from that of women living in a settled agricultural family, in that they hold a subordinate existence in the society. In conclusion, we can only say that Yanagita's understanding of women was narrowly limited.
福田 アジオ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.2, pp.41-81, 1983-03-15

This chronological table was compiled to indicate the development of Japanese Folklore Studies since the Meiji era. Important literature related to Japanese Folklore, significant events and activities in the Japanese Folklore Society are arranged in chronological order and divided into two columns: (1) Matters related to Yanagita Kunio, and (2) Others.Principal events and related items were included in the table to illustrate the interrelation between events, e.g.: criticism and refutation passed upon articles, publication of monographs and research papers based on field work.
福田 アジオ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.54, pp.145-162, 1993-11-10

福田 アジオ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.49, pp.237-272, 1993-03-25

福田 アジオ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.50, pp.p263-278, 1993-02

日本の民俗学研究は従来集落その他の景観を資料として活用してこなかった。村落内部で伝承されてきた民俗事象のみに関心を集中させてきた。そのため,外見として示される景観のもつ意味については検討されることなく放置されてきたと言える。しかし,日本の中央部でも,関東・中部地方と近畿地方では東の緑,西の黒というように集落景観に大きな相違があり,さらに村落が作り出したさまざまな事物においても相違がある。この相違が民俗学にとっても重要な研究課題であることを主張した。東西の村落景観の相違を対比的に整理すれば,東の緑,西の黒という集落景観の印象の相違を作り出しているのは,家々の集合状況としての集村か小村かの違い,屋敷周囲の施設である屋敷林,垣根,塀等の有無の相違である。そして,それを基礎に,個別屋敷の様相,小祠や墓地の配置などにおいてもそれに対応した相違がある。その外見としての村落景観が示すものは,その社会の内部秩序の反映であり,家を強調する東とムラを強調する西をそれぞれ示している。東の村落景観は個別屋敷を閉鎖的な空間として示し,生活に必要な装置をその屋敷内外に揃えておこうとしてきた。単に生産・生活という現世の装置だけでない。神仏を祭る施設,あるいは墓地という他界につながる施設まで屋敷内あるいは屋敷続きに設けている。屋敷を拠点とした家の独自性,個別性,完結性を強調する社会が作り出した景観と言ってよいであろう。それに対して,西の村落景観は個別の家が明確ではなく,集落全体としてひとまとまりになっていて,ムラとしての結集を家々の密集と個別の家の開放性で表示していると言えそうである。個別屋敷は居住用であり,その他の生活・生産に必要な施設は村落として設定している。この家中心社会としての東を象徴する村落組織が「番」組織であり,ムラ中心社会の西を象徴する村落組織が「衆」組織である。以上のことを論じることによって,民俗学研究にとっても景観が重要な資料となり得ることを述べたものである。Conventional Japanese folklore studies have not made full use of the outward appearance of villages as data material. Attention has been concentrated only on the folklore phenomena handed down in the villages. This being the case, it can be said that the meaning of landscape, expressed as the outward appearance, has been neglected, and left unexamined. However, in the central part of Japan, village landscape is very different in the Kanto and Chubu Districts, and the Kinki District ; for example, green in the east and black in the west. Furthermore, there are also differences in the various customs generated by the villages. In this paper, the author gives his opinion that these differences are an important subject of study in folklore.A comparative arrangement of the differences between village landscape in the east and west shows that the different impression of village landscape, that is, green in the east and black in the west, is caused by the way the houses are gathered together (whether they are organized into concentrated villages or small villages) ; and by the existence or otherwise of hedges, fences, walls, etc. enclosing the houses. On this basis, there is a corresponding difference in the aspects of individual homesteads and the location of small shrines and cemeteries. What the village landscape shows is a reflection of the internal order of the society ; this is shown in the east where the "ie"(family) is stressed, and the west where the "mura" (village) is stressed. The village views of eastern Japan show the individual houses as closed spaces, where facilities necessary for daily life have tended to be set up in or near the house. These facilities are not limited to the tools of this world, which are used for production and living ; facilities related to the other world, for example, facilities for the worship of gods and Buddha, as well as cemeteries, are set up in or adjacent to the homestead. This may be regarded as a view generated by a society that attaches importance to the independence, individuality, and completeness of the ie (family). Village landscape in the west, on the other hand, do not show individual houses clearly. The village as a whole is one entity, and concentration as a mura (village) is shown by the density of the village and the openness of individual houses. Individual homesteads are merely places to live in, and facilities necessary for other living and production activities are set up by and for the whole village. The village organization that represents eastern Japan as a family-oriented society is the "ban", or "turn", type of organization, and that representing western Japan as a village-oriented society, is the "shu", or "multitude", type of organization.By the above discussion, the author has described how landscape can become important data material for folklore study.
福田 アジオ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.43, pp.195-227, 1992-03-31

福田 アジオ 周 正良 朱 秋楓 白 庚勝 巴莫曲布む 劉 鉄梁 周 星 陶 立ふぁん 張 紫晨 橋本 裕之 福原 敏男 小熊 誠 曽 士才 矢放 昭文 佐野 賢治 小林 忠雄 岩井 宏實 CHAN Rohen PAMO Ropumu 巴莫 曲布女莫 陶 立〓

小林 忠雄 篠原 徹 福田 アジオ

福田 アジオ 津田 良樹 安室 知 徳丸 亜木 菅 豊 中野 泰 安室 知 津田 良樹 菅 豊 徳丸 亜木 中野 泰 小熊 誠 向 雲駒 劉 暁路 馮 莉 陳 志勤 王 悟 崔 成志
