高野 雅典 和田 計也 福田 一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
pp.30-6_JWEIN-D, (Released:2016-01-28)

Cooperative behaviors are common in humans and are fundamental to our society. Theoretical and experimental studies have modeled environments in which the behaviors of humans, or agents, have been restricted to analyze their social behavior. However, it is important that such studies are generalized to less restrictive environments to understand human society. Social network games (SNGs) provide a particularly powerful tool for the quantitative study of human behavior. In SNGs, numerous players can behave more freely than in the environments used in previous studies; moreover, their relationships include apparent conflicts of interest and every action can be recorded. We focused on reciprocal altruism, one of the mechanisms that generate cooperative behavior. This study aims to investigate cooperative behavior based on reciprocal altruism in a less restrictive environment. For this purpose, we analyzed the social behavior underlying such cooperative behavior in an SNG. We focused on a game scenario in which the relationship between the players was similar to that in the Leader game. We defined cooperative behaviors by constructing a payoff matrix in the scenario. The results showed that players maintained cooperative behavior based on reciprocal altruism, and cooperators received more advantages than noncooperators. We found that players constructed reciprocal relationships based on two types of interactions, cooperative behavior and unproductive communication.
高野雅典 和田計也 福田一郎
vol.2013-MPS-95, no.20, pp.1-6, 2013-09-19

最近のソーシャルゲームでは,ユーザはギルドというチームを組み協力して課題を達成することを目的としたものが多い.このとき,同じギルドのユーザは基本的には協力関係にあるが,他方の振る舞いが必ずしももう一方にとってプラスになるとは限らず,複雑な社会関係が存在している.本稿ではそのような社会構造を持つソーシャルゲームの特定の状況に焦点を当て,ユーザの関係性や振る舞いを分析する.その状況を分析した結果,その特定の状況におけるユーザ間の関係は SnowDrift ゲームに類似しており,そこでのユーザの振る舞いに基づきユーザを利他的・非利他的という性質で分類できた.また,利他的なユーザ同士はある程度固まってギルドに所属しており,利他的なユーザ同士で協力し合い,効率のよいゲームプレイをしていることがわかった.
高野 雅典 和田 計也 福田 一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)

Cooperative behaviors are common in humans and are fundamental to our society. Theoretical and experimental studies have modeled environments in which the behaviors of humans, or agents, have been restricted to analyze their social behavior. However, it is important that such studies are generalized to less restrictive environments to understand human society. Social network games (SNGs) provide a particularly powerful tool for the quantitative study of human behavior. In SNGs, numerous players can behave more freely than in the environments used in previous studies; moreover, their relationships include apparent conflicts of interest and every action can be recorded. We focused on reciprocal altruism, one of the mechanisms that generate cooperative behavior. This study aims to investigate cooperative behavior based on reciprocal altruism in a less restrictive environment. For this purpose, we analyzed the social behavior underlying such cooperative behavior in an SNG. We focused on a game scenario in which the relationship between the players was similar to that in the Leader game. We defined cooperative behaviors by constructing a payoff matrix in the scenario. The results showed that players maintained cooperative behavior based on reciprocal altruism, and cooperators received more advantages than noncooperators. We found that players constructed reciprocal relationships based on two types of interactions, cooperative behavior and unproductive communication.
平野 雄一 鳥海 不二夫 高野 雅典 和田 計也 福田 一郎
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.31, 2017

大郷 貴之 東 隆介 宇津木 一弘 福田 一郎
公益社団法人 日本コンクリート工学会
コンクリート工学 (ISSN:03871061)
vol.47, no.11, pp.11_42-11_49, 2009 (Released:2012-03-27)

高野 雅典 福田 一郎
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.31, 2017

ヒトは多様なコミュニケーションシステム(社会的グルーミング方法)を使いこなす.それは複雑な社会において効率的に社会関係を構築維持するためである.本研究では,ヒトはどのように多様な社会的グルーミング方法を使い分けているか? それによって社会構造はどのような影響受けるか? を説明するモデルを提案する.それは13個の多様な社会データにもとづいて構築される.
関 喜史 福田 一郎 松尾 豊
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.26, 2012

SNSなどのWebサービスにおいて、ユーザ同士の交流を活性化させるためにユーザ推薦機能がある。 過去提案されてきた手法は既存の友人関係ネットワーク全体を利用するものがほとんどだが、本研究では多くのSNSに存在するコミュニティ機能のネットワーク構造を利用し、関係の属性を生かしたユーザ推薦手法を提案する。
引地 謙治 森野 祐直 福田 一郎 松本 壮樹 瀬崎 薫 安田 靖彦
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MVE, マルチメディア・仮想環境基礎 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.100, no.413, pp.17-24, 2000-11-02

現在, 触覚フィードバックデバイスの開発が盛んに行われており, 今後は, 触覚メディアも徐々に普及していくものと思われる.我々は, 触覚を含むマルチメディアをネットワークを通じて取り扱う方法について検討し, ネットワークを通じて共有する環境の構築を目指している.現在, 我々は触覚メディアを含んだネットワークサービスに対してのネットワークの影響について議論するための基礎実験の一環として, 触覚や視覚メディアの遅延やパケット損失, 同期の乱れがQoS(Quality of Service)に与える影響を調査している.本稿では, これらの調査の結果をもとに触覚ディスプレイ(PHAMToM)をネットワーク応用するにあたってのシステムの構成を提案し, 持に遅延に対する影響について考察する.
菊地 秀彦 片柳 幸夫 樋口 正史 福田 一郎 佐藤 孝子
映像情報メディア学会冬季大会講演予稿集 (ISSN:13434357)
no.2006, pp."8-1-1", 2006-11-20

We carried out oversea real-time HDTV-IP transmission experiment of the NFL Super Bowl XL. We compressed the HDTV video into 60Mbps of IP stream and transferred it from N.Y. to Tokyo by using NTT communications' MPLS lines.
福田 一郎
Science reports of Tokyo Woman's Christian University
vol.34, no.3, pp.741-762, 1984-03-20

The Japanese Expedition of Nepalese Agricultural Research (Captain: I. FUKUDA, Members: E. YAMAMOTO, T. KONISHI, M. KIMATA and H. SATOWA), sponsored by the Ministry of Education, the Japanese Government in 1983, visited the villages of Imadol (Lalitpur District), Hille (Sunsari District) and Namche (Solukhumbu District) from September to October in 1983. There is collected spice specimens and made inquiries regarding their utilizations. The following specimens were collected. 1. METHI (Fenugreek: Trigunella foenum-graceum L.) Fig. 6. 2. BESHAR (Turmeric: Curcuma domestica VALET.) Fig. 7. 3. JEERA (Cumin: Cuminum cyminum L.) Fig. 8. 4. DHANIYA (Coriander: Coriandrum sativum L.) Fig. 9. 5. JWANO (Lovage: Levisticum officinale KOCH) Fig. 10. 6. TEJPAT (Indian Cassia Leaf: Cinnamomum tamla NEES et EBERM) Fig. 11. 7. LAHSUN (Garlic: Allium sativum L.) Fig. 12. 8. ADUWA (Ginger: Zingiber officinale ROSCOE) Fig. 13. 9. TILL (Sesame: Sesamum indicum L.) Fig. 14. 10. NEPALI SUNP (Dill: Anethum graveolens L.) Fig. 15. 11. TIMMUR (Chinese Pepper: Zanthoxylum armatum DC.) Fig. 16. 12. ZIMBU (Nepal Aromatic Leaf Garic: Allium hypsistum STEARN.) Fig. 17. 13. KOMA (unpublished: Umbelliferae) Fig. 18. 14. KHURSANI (Chilli Pepper: Capsicum frutescens L.) Fig. 19 & 20. a. DHOKRE KHURSANI (Long Pepper: Capsicum frutescens L. var longum BAILEY) b. JYANMARA KHURSANI (Cherry Pepper: Capsicum frutescens L. var cerasiforme BAILEY) c. CHUCHCHE KHURSANI (Cone Pepper: Capsicum frutescens L. var. conoides BAILEY) d. JIRE KHURSANI (Bird's Eye Chilli: Capsicum microcarpum DC.) Utilizations for spices by the Nepalese Tribe people: 1. The CHHETRI people usually use METHI, BESHAR, JEERA, JWANO, TEJPAT, LAHSUN, ADUWA, KHURSANI and RAYO. 2. The NEWAR people use METHI, BESHAR, JEERA, DHANIYA, JWANO, LAHSUN, ADUWA, KHURSANI, NEPALI SUNP, and TEJPAT. 3. The TAMANG people use METHI, BESHAR, JEERA, DHANIYA, JWANO, LAHSUN, ADUWA, and KHURSANI. 4. The SHERPA people use LAHSUN, ADUWA, KHRUSANI, DHANIYA, JEERA, and METHI, and also the wild spices ERMARG
福田 一郎
Science reports of Tokyo Woman's Christian University (ISSN:03864006)
vol.34, no.3, pp.741-762, 1984-03-20

The Japanese Expedition of Nepalese Agricultural Research (Captain: I. FUKUDA, Members: E. YAMAMOTO, T. KONISHI, M. KIMATA and H. SATOWA), sponsored by the Ministry of Education, the Japanese Government in 1983, visited the villages of Imadol (Lalitpur District), Hille (Sunsari District) and Namche (Solukhumbu District) from September to October in 1983. There is collected spice specimens and made inquiries regarding their utilizations. The following specimens were collected. 1. METHI (Fenugreek: Trigunella foenum-graceum L.) Fig. 6. 2. BESHAR (Turmeric: Curcuma domestica VALET.) Fig. 7. 3. JEERA (Cumin: Cuminum cyminum L.) Fig. 8. 4. DHANIYA (Coriander: Coriandrum sativum L.) Fig. 9. 5. JWANO (Lovage: Levisticum officinale KOCH) Fig. 10. 6. TEJPAT (Indian Cassia Leaf: Cinnamomum tamla NEES et EBERM) Fig. 11. 7. LAHSUN (Garlic: Allium sativum L.) Fig. 12. 8. ADUWA (Ginger: Zingiber officinale ROSCOE) Fig. 13. 9. TILL (Sesame: Sesamum indicum L.) Fig. 14. 10. NEPALI SUNP (Dill: Anethum graveolens L.) Fig. 15. 11. TIMMUR (Chinese Pepper: Zanthoxylum armatum DC.) Fig. 16. 12. ZIMBU (Nepal Aromatic Leaf Garic: Allium hypsistum STEARN.) Fig. 17. 13. KOMA (unpublished: Umbelliferae) Fig. 18. 14. KHURSANI (Chilli Pepper: Capsicum frutescens L.) Fig. 19 & 20. a. DHOKRE KHURSANI (Long Pepper: Capsicum frutescens L. var longum BAILEY) b. JYANMARA KHURSANI (Cherry Pepper: Capsicum frutescens L. var cerasiforme BAILEY) c. CHUCHCHE KHURSANI (Cone Pepper: Capsicum frutescens L. var. conoides BAILEY) d. JIRE KHURSANI (Bird's Eye Chilli: Capsicum microcarpum DC.) Utilizations for spices by the Nepalese Tribe people: 1. The CHHETRI people usually use METHI, BESHAR, JEERA, JWANO, TEJPAT, LAHSUN, ADUWA, KHURSANI and RAYO. 2. The NEWAR people use METHI, BESHAR, JEERA, DHANIYA, JWANO, LAHSUN, ADUWA, KHURSANI, NEPALI SUNP, and TEJPAT. 3. The TAMANG people use METHI, BESHAR, JEERA, DHANIYA, JWANO, LAHSUN, ADUWA, and KHURSANI. 4. The SHERPA people use LAHSUN, ADUWA, KHRUSANI, DHANIYA, JEERA, and METHI, and also the wild spices ERMARG, KOMA, and ZIMBU. It is pointed out that all Nepalese people use the same kinds of spices but different tribes use them in different ways. For example, the NEWAR and TAMANG people always use METHI and DHANIYA for Tarucurry. However, the SHERPA people use METHI for Chan drinking and young DHANIYA for fresh salads. The SHERPA have also introduced potatos with Chilli peppers. The Chilli pepper modifies the uniform taste of the potato. It is interesting that such patterns of food preparation change gradually according to the spice use, although each tribe has a conservative life style. As a future problem of the Nepalese spices, it is considered that the Nepalese people themselves can produce the above spices, but each spice needs to do the breeding especially with each utilization in mind. Nepalese cooking combined Indian and Chinese cooking. Spices from both types of cooking can use in more than many different ways.
高野 雅典 福田 一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第31回 (2017)
pp.4N1OS01a2, 2017 (Released:2018-07-30)

ヒトは多様なコミュニケーションシステム(社会的グルーミング方法)を使いこなす.それは複雑な社会において効率的に社会関係を構築維持するためである.本研究では,ヒトはどのように多様な社会的グルーミング方法を使い分けているか? それによって社会構造はどのような影響受けるか? を説明するモデルを提案する.それは13個の多様な社会データにもとづいて構築される.
福田 一郎 堀井 雄治郎
分類 (ISSN:13466852)
vol.4, no.2, pp.117-123, 2004-08-31 (Released:2017-03-25)

About 1,000 plants of Trillium camschatcense (2n=2x=10) are growing well in the Sashimaki marshland (5 hectare area) near Lake Tazawa in Tohoku district. These plants are located in the most southern limit of their distributions (Trillium camschatcense). 13 plants of Trillium apetalon (2n=4x=20) also grow there. Only 3 plants of Trillium yezoense (2n=3x=15) have been found growing in this area. By means of chromosome analysis of cold-induced banding karyotype, it has been confirmed that their plants are hybrid between T. camschatcense and T. apetalon.