岩垣 博巳 淵本 定儀 松原 長秀 赤在 義浩 須崎 紀一 渡辺 哲也 野中 泰幸 木村 臣一 折田 薫三 米山 勝 万代 隆彦 阿賀 創 藤井 和子 堺 修造
The Japan Society of Coloproctology
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.44, no.4, pp.426-430, 1991 (Released:2009-12-03)
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難消化性糖質であるラクトスクロース(Lactosucrose; LS-98)を健常成人および大腸疾患術後患者に投与し,光岡の方法に準じて腸内細菌叢の変化を検討した.その結果,ラクトスクロースは健常成人に対してビフィズス菌増殖因子として作用し,また大腸疾患術後患者に対しては,ビフィズス菌パランスが低下している腸内環境を早期に改善する傾向が明らかとなった.難消化性糖質であるラクトスクロース投与は,術後の腸内環境を改善し,手術侵襲からの早期回復をはかることが示唆された.
吉田 正昭 藤井 和子 栗田 淳子
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.37, no.4, pp.195-203, 1966

The purpose of this report is (I) to factor-analyze the structure of concept "on", from the data obtained in our previous survey, and (II) to examine the customs (not abstract ideas) based on "on" or "giri".<br>(I) <i>Method</i>. Three factors were extracted from the correlation matrix of attributes of "on", for each of the three groups, (i.e, younger males, younger females, and older people. <i>Results</i>. Factor matrices are shown in Table 1. For younger males, factor i represents a conflict between affective area (true love, gratitude) and social and political area (mutual dependence, social coercion, etc), factor ii represents the conflict between economic area (benefit, etc) and rational area (voluntariness, obligation), while factor iii represents the conflict between economic area and political power area (traditional, authoritalian, etc). Correspondence among the three groups ranged 0.5-0.6. Although "taimen" or appearances, indebtedness, or fictitious love were regarded as essential attributes of "on" by Benedict, Fukuba, and Kawashima, these are no longer essential for the concept "on". In present day Japan, "on" has more rational elements in it, and functions as a lubricating oil of community, whereas "giri" is still regarded as a feudalistic human relation, and tends to disappear.<br>(II) Survey of customs based on "on" or "giri". <i>Method</i>. Enquêtes concerning "Chugen" or summer gift, "Seibo" or year-end present, New year cards, etc. were distributed, sometimes supplemented by interviews. <i>S</i>s were male and female adults living in Tokyo, two farming villages (Shizuoka and Hiroshima), and a fisherman's island (Hiroshima), totaling 464. <i>Results.</i> (1) Urban people regard these customs as a chance to express their gratitude, affective indebtedness, etc., but rural people (especially those in fishery) regard them as a duty based on "universal humanism", not necessarily specific in their own community. (2) Importance of human relation (3) main family-branch family, (5) boss-henchman, (8) master-servants, (9) guild master-apprentice, shows fairly marked urban-rural difference. Of course, urban people do not feel them seriously, but rural people feel them considerably. Most important relations in three districts are (1) parent-child, and (4) ancestor-descendant. <i>Conclusion</i>. Differences due to generations and districts indicate that for present day Japanese people, the concept "on" tends to lose its traditional meaning and change to a more rational moral standard based on universality of human nature, inner conscience, sense of obligation, etc.
吉田 正昭 藤井 和子 栗田 淳子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.37, no.2, pp.74-85, 1966-06-10 (Released:2010-07-16)
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Purpose. “On” is a very difficult concept to translate into foreign languages. Japanese English dictionaries assign kindness, favor, love, obligation, or indebtedness to this word, but they are not broad enough to cover all the forms of “on”. Before the termination of Pacific war, loyalty towards emperor and filial piety supported the every structure of Japanese community, and authoritarian attitude among the Japanese. But since the new Constitution become effective, these concepts have changed drastically, and the contents of “on” also is expected to change, because it has very close connection with them. With these considerations, two surveys were planned.(I) Method. Free associations and semantic differential ratings concerning “on”, were obtained from 215 adults (male and female, their ages ranging 17-50) in Tokyo. Results. Clearly “on” has two aspects, the one is based on old-fashioned, feudalistic, one-way devotion, etc., and the other is based on universality of human nature. Older people recognize the former aspect, but regard it as more “beautiful” because of the latter aspect, and highly esteem it as a moral standard, In contrast with this, younger people show fairly negative attitude towards the former aspect.(II) Method. Costant sum method. 100 points were assigned to 22 attributes of “on” for 19 human relations listed below. Enquetes were presented to three groups of Ss, (i) younger male, (ii) younger female, and (iii) older people. Number of Ss in each group was about 50, all living in Tokyo. Attributes were (1) true love, (2) gratitude, (3) tradition, (4) “taimen” or appearances, (5) human obligation, (6) “girl”, (7) fictitious love, (8) voluntariness, (9) social coercion, (10) friendship, (11) comradeship, (12) expectation of future guarantee, (13) benefit of others, (14) dependence on authority, (15) conscience, (16) indebtedness, (17) reverence, (18) pursuit of own benefit, (19) mutual dependence, (20) social courtesy, (21) contract, and (22) feudally. Human relations used were (1) parent-child, (2) main family-branch family, (3) parent and child in law, (4) ancestordescendant, (5) boss-henchman, (6) landlordtenant, (7) emperor-subjects, (8) masterservants, (9) guild master-apprentice, (10) trader-consumer, (11) employer-employee, (12) senior-subordinate, (13) capitalist-laborer, (14) parent company-subsidary company, (15) neighbourhood, (16) individual-society, (17) friendship, (18) teacher-pupil, and (19) godhuman beings.Results. Data for only younger males are shown in Table 2. They are the most radical of the three groups, older people being the most conservative, and younger female lying between the two Items which were accepted positively were based on true love, gratitude, friendship, obligation, conscience, voluntariness, mutual dependence, and items which were accepted negatively were based on authority, feudality, tradition, “girl”, etc. These results are in marked contrast with the pre-war concept of “on”.