福田 雅子 中森 正博 今村 栄次 小川 加菜美 西野 真佐美 平田 明子 若林 伸一
一般社団法人 日本臨床衛生検査技師会
医学検査 (ISSN:09158669)
vol.69, no.4, pp.527-533, 2020-10-25 (Released:2020-10-29)

認知症診療において臨床検査技師も積極的に神経心理学的検査を行うようになっている。その中に,軽度認知障害(mild cognitive impairment; MCI)の評価スケールとして開発された日本語版Montoreal Cognitive Assessment(MoCA-J)がある。今回,MoCA-Jの特性を検証するため,当院外来でMoCA-Jを施行した患者75名を対象とし,リスク因子との関連を頭部MRI所見を含めて後方視的に解析した。また認知症疾患ごとにMoCA-Jサブスコアでの検討を行った。平均年齢74.6 ± 9.1歳,MoCA-J中央値21(最小値8,最大値30)であった。認知機能正常者においてMoCA-Jと関連する因子の多変量解析を行ったところ,脳室周囲高信号域(periventricular hyperintensity; PVH)は有意に独立した相関因子であった。疾患毎のMoCA-Jサブスコアの比較を行ったところ,血管性認知症では注意・遂行において正答率の低値が認められた。また,記憶の正答率は認知機能正常者も含めてすべての群で低かったが,認知機能正常者,MCI,認知症の順で 顕著に低下していた。MoCA-Jは特に前頭葉機能を反映する注意・遂行の配点が高いことが特徴である。その点を踏まえて脳画像所見との比較や認知機能低下の鑑別に活用する意義は大きいと考えられた。
西野 真佐美 中森 正博 今村 栄次 小川 加菜美 黒瀬 雅子 平田 明子 三森 康世 若林 伸一
一般社団法人 日本臨床衛生検査技師会
医学検査 (ISSN:09158669)
vol.68, no.3, pp.424-429, 2019-07-25 (Released:2019-07-27)

時計描画テスト(Clock Drawing Test; CDT)は,検査に対する抵抗が少ないため認知症スクリーニングとして頻用されている。今回,CDTのスコアリングを行いその有用性を検討した。2016年10月~2017年4月に当院外来にてCDT,ミニメンタルステート検査(Mini-Mental State Examination; MMSE)ともに実施した,連続156名で検討した。スコアリングはFreedman法(15点満点)を用い2名で判定した。年齢78.2 ± 8.7歳,女性87名,診断はアルツハイマー型認知症(Alzheimer’s disease; AD)54名,レビー小体型認知症(dementia with Lewy body; DLB)6名,血管性認知症12名,混合型認知症15名,その他の認知症16名,軽度認知障害16名,認知機能正常者37名であった。CDT総得点とMMSEは有意な相関がみられた(r = 0.58, p < 0.001)。ROC解析では,CDT総得点に関して認知症とのカットオフ値11/10(感度50.5%,特異度96.2%,AUC 0.78,p < 0.001)であった。CDT下位項目で検討すると,ADでは針の記入で,DLBでは数字の記入で失点する傾向がみられた。CDTのスコアリングはMMSEを併用して行うことで感度を上げることができ,MMSEと有意な相関がみられ評価の妥当性が示された。また,疾患によって失点パターンに差異がみられることから診断の一助になりうる可能性が示唆された。
寺田 健太郎 横田 勝一郎 斎藤 義文 北村 成寿 浅村 和史 西野 真木
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

Oxygen, the most abundant element of Earth and Moon, is a key element to understand the various processes in the Solar system, since it behaves not only as gaseous phase but also as the solid phase (silicates). Here, we report observations from the Japanese spacecraft Kaguya of significant 1-10 keV O+ ions only when the Moon was in the Earth’s plasma sheet. Considering the valence and energy of observed ions, we conclude that terrestrial oxygen has been transported to the Moon from the Earth’s upper atmosphere (at least 2.6 x 104 ions cm-2 sec-1). This new finding could be a clue to understand the complicated fractionation of oxygen isotopic composition of the very surface of lunar regolith (particularly the provenance of a 16O-poor component), which has been a big issue in the Earth and Planetary science.
西野 真由美
倫理学年報 (ISSN:24344699)
vol.71, pp.203-217, 2022 (Released:2022-07-11)

The unity of virtue thesis, which states that the various virtues only hold different names for the same concept, has a long history of controversy and is among the most debated issues in contemporary virtue ethics. This idea, and especially when interpreted as implying that an individual cannot possess a virtue without possessing all the other virtues, sounds implausible from common experiences. One dominant interpretation is that various virtues originate from the same state of soul, from a sort of perceptual capacity. McDowell, one of the leading advocates for the traditional Aristotelian formulation of the thesis, holds that each virtue is a form of reliable sensitivity to a certain sort of requirement from situations. This article aims to explore the role of practical wisdom(phronesis)upon the unity of virtue(s)in contemporary discussions. By showing how the unity of virtue is compatible with the plurality and diversity of virtues under the direction of practical wisdom, I intend to clarify the issue surrounding the unity of virtue from a new perspective, thereby paving a way toward re-constructing a new foundation for moral education, focusing on moral virtues as an integrated entity, rather than as discrete dispositions. First, upon more closely examining the conundrums that the unity of virtue thesis poses for virtue ethics, I identify the problems which may put the feasibility of the virtuous person, the central feature of virtue ethics, at stake. Second, I examine the ideas of two main contemporary virtue-ethicists, Russell and Annas, focusing on their views of the nature of practical wisdom and its relation to the virtues as clusters. Third, I indicate the unity as a unified, open whole, involving practical wisdom which integrates the different moral requirements of a concrete context with the agent’s appreciation of the situation’s features. In conclusion, by drawing from the implications that the advocates of the unity of virtue thesis in contemporary virtue ethics agree that the moral virtues are closely connected, it is worthwhile to conceive virtue cultivation as being based upon the developing of practical wisdom, which involves reflection and insight on how to live well.
中森 正博 蛯子 裕輔 立山 佳祐 小川 加菜美 黒瀬 雅子 西野 真佐美 平田 明子 林 有紀 松島 勇人 今村 栄次 若林 伸一
Neurosonology:神経超音波医学 (ISSN:0917074X)
vol.31, no.3, pp.125-129, 2018 (Released:2019-01-31)

Purpose: This study is to assess the clinical utility of jugular venous flow pattern by evaluating ultrasonography. Methods: Consecutive 438 patients who underwent carotid artery ultrasonography were enrolled. They were evaluated jugular vein flow patterns and divided into three types: orthodromic, to-and-fro and antidromic. All of them were received MRA and compared to the flow patterns of ultrasonography. The relationship of jugular venous flow pattern and dural arteriovenous fistula (dAVF)/transient global amnesia (TGA) was also assessed. Results: The to-and-fro or antidromic pattern was significantly associated with older age, but not heart failure, in 81 patients, which was more frequently found on the left side. On MRA, venous flow signals were observed in 28 patients. The to-and-fro or antidromic pattern were more frequently observed on ultrasonography and was significantly associated with venous flow signals on MRA. Four patients who were diagnosed as dAVF showed the orthodromic flow pattern. Twelve patients who were diagnosed as TGA, and five of them showed a to-and-fro or antidromic flow pattern, which was a significantly high frequency. Conclusions: Assessment of jugular flow patterns by ultrasonography and/or MRA can help the diagnosis of diseases which are supposed to jugular venous flow abnormality.
西野 真由美
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1998, no.77, pp.51-64, 1998-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

This paper explores the possibility of reconstructing a theory of moral education in a pluralistic society, on the basis of the discourse ethics of Jürgen Habermas. Toward this end the author examines the “moral point of view” in discourse ethics in order to grasp clearly the idea of morality as the rational procedure of conflict adjudication.Discourse ethics represents an attempt to elucidate the rational basis of consensus formation on moral problems through practical discourse. From the universalistic structure of moralpractical discourse, Habermas sheds new light on the abstractive and co-operative features of the point of view of morality.However, his attempt has given rise to much debate in moral theory. This paper deals with the following issues; first, the conflict between ethics of justice and ethics of care, then, second, the differentiation of justice from good life, and lastly, the elimination of the fruitfulness of plurality by the consensus-focused discourse.By identifying the moral point of view with impersonal perspectives that regulate fair social co-operation in the public sphere, Habermas strives on the one hand, to retrieve the critical power of morality against reality, and, on the other hand, to reconcile the fragility of the human beings as individuated, through socialization.This dual function of morality indicates that moral education has to face two tasks at once. Namely, moral education has to provide children with the moral basis in multicultural society by both developing a moral point of view as a transcendental perspective and by nurturing practical reason, or phronesis, which will pave the way for reconstructing the life-world permeated with justice and solidarity.
西野 真由 大島 一二
vol.60, no.2, pp.63-78, 2018-10-17

Taiwan has been accepting foreign labor forces since early 1990’s.Studies related to foreign workers in Taiwan so far are mainly analyzinghistory of acceptance, current state and background of the acceptingsystem, changes in the number of workers, and influences on Taiwaneseworkers and the industrial structure there. Meanwhile, recent studies havenot accumulated enough data to clarify the actual state of foreignemployment and companies accepting them. Considering the fact thatTaiwan has many similar problems to what Japan has now such as adeclining birthrate and an aging population, the author infers that beneficialsuggestions can be gained from the case in this study to consider changesto Japanese policy for accepting foreign workers in the future.In this study, it examined the actual state of accepting foreign workersfor unskilled labor in Taiwan by using various statistical data and theresult of the field research at a Japanese company A in Taiwan, whilefocusing on an outline of foreign workers for unskilled labor in Taiwan,background for accepting them by companies, their employment situations,and processes for them getting employed.From the result of this study, it is evident that the number of foreignworkers for unskilled labor has been rapidly increasing in Taiwan since the1990’s to supply serious labor shortages, mainly in the constructionindustry, the manufacturing industry and the service industry. Japanesecompanies there are not exceptions and it is inevitable that company A,the research object, has to accept foreign workers to continue theirproduction. It has been revealed that these foreign workers are consideredto be an important labor force to solve the severe labor shortage problemrather than an inexpensive labor force because a wage level for theseworkers is not much different from Taiwanese workers in a same industry.While expecting that dependency on foreign workers for unskilled laborwill continue to increase in Taiwan, it isn’t certain if enough workers willbe found as had previously been the case. Whether or not Taiwan will bechosen as a destination country for emigration is a subject for futureexamination, with changes of economic circumstances in countries, mostlyin Southeast Asia where countries send out workers, or with changes ofpolicies for accepting foreign workers for unskilled labor in countrieswhere there is a short fall in the labor force such as South Korea.The number of foreign workers in Japan has been increasing due tosimilar problems such as a declining birthrate, an aging population and alabor shortage as previously mentioned. In Japan, however, it is notpermitted to accept foreign workers for unskilled labor and as a result thenumber of international students or technical interns is increasing sincethis is a mechanism being used to bypass this current restriction. This gapbetween the principle and the reality causes various problems particularlyover technical interns. A labor shortage is not a peculiar problem only toJapan, as examined in this study, Taiwan has been short of unskilledlaborers for a long period of time. In conclusion, Japanese government,companies, employers, and communities will have to be together as oneand work immediately on creating a new system, preparing an appropriateframework for accepting and supporting foreign workers to be chosencontinuously on a long-term basis as a destination country to emigrate to,while a scramble for unskilled labor among Taiwan, Japan and South Koreais becoming more obvious.
大島 一二 西野 真由
vol.46, no.2, pp.1-13, 2020-12-10

In this paper, we examined the actual situation of accepting foreign workers in Taiwan fromvarious statistical data.In recent years, Taiwan’s declining birthrate, aging population, and declining population haveincreased the working conditions demanded by domestic workers, and have caused a seriouslabor shortage, particularly in the construction, manufacturing, and service industries. Therefore,the number of foreign simple workers is increasing rapidly to compensate for the labor shortage. These circumstances have much in common with Japan.The wage levels of foreign single workers are not significantly different from those of Taiwanese workers in the same industry. In other words, Taiwan is recognized as an important workforce to solve the labor shortage more serious than hiring cheap labor.Dependence on foreign unskilled workers is expected to increase in Taiwan in the future,but there are also some issues that we are facing. First, it is uncertain whether it will be possible to secure a labor force as before. Increasing crime and disappearance by foreign workersis also a major issue.