森丘 保典 杉田 正明 松尾 彰文 岡田 英孝 阿江 通良 小林 寛道
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.3, pp.414-421, 2000-05-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

This study was conducted to clarify the relationship between features of change in velocity and performance of world class athletes in the men's 400-m hurdle race(400mH).Nine final races of 400mH were videotaped with several video cameras panning from the start to the finish at 60 fields/s.After the time indication had been superimposed on each field of the VTR images, the time at touchdown immediately after hurdling was obtained.Using the flash of the starter's gun recorded on the VTR image, each hurdle touchdown time from the start, and each section thme(from each hurdle to the next)was obtained.The results of regression analysis showed a significantly high correlation (r=0.90, p<0.001)between 400mH performance and mean section velocity from the 5th to the 8th hurdle(H5-8), and a significant correlation(r=-0.61, p<0.05)between 400mH performance and te rate of deceleration in H5-8.These results indicate that in 400mH it is important to avoid decreasing velocity and to maintain a high velocity in H5-8 of the race in order to attain a high performance.
狩野 豊 高橋 英幸 森丘 保典 秋間 広 宮下 憲 久野 譜也 勝田 茂
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.41, no.5, pp.352-359, 1997-01-10

The relationship between the thigh muscle composition and the sprinting performance was investigated in 11 male adult sprinters (age/20.8±0.9 yrs, 100 m sprint time/11.20±0.33 sec). Axial images of the thigh muscle were taken by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at upper (70%) and middle (50%) position in femur. From these images, cross-sectional areas (CSA) of the quadriceps femoris, the hamstring and the adductor muscles were measured. The results of the regression analysis showed significant correlations between 100 m sprint time and both CSA of adductor and hamstring muscles at 70% position (r=-0.72 and r=-0.67, respectively). There were no significant correlations between 100 m sprint time and CSA of adductor or hamstring muscles at 50% position, and neither quadriceps femoris mudcles at 70 nor 50% positions. These results suggest that greater muscle volume of hamstring and adductor at upper position affect sprinting performance.
岡田 英孝 阿江 通良 藤井 範久 森丘 保典
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.13, pp.125-139, 1996-07-25 (Released:2016-12-05)
63 91

In the analysis of human movement, it is significant that appropriate parameters of the inertia property of body segments should be used because they will affect various computed kinetic variables. When analyzing the movement of elderly people, it is also desirable to use the inertia parameters of the body segments suitable for the elderly. Although there are appropriate sets of inertia parameters of the body segments for children (Yokoi et al., 1986) and young adults (Ae et al., 1992) of Japanese, no report exists on those for Japanese elderly. The purposes of this study were to determine the mass, the location of the center of mass (CM) and the principal moments of inertia about three axes of the body segments for Japanese elderly males and females by using an elliptical zone model (Jensen, 1978; Ae et al., 1992), and to develop a set of regression equations to estimate inertia parameters of the body segments using simple anthropometric measurements as predictors. Subjects were 90 Japanese elderly males aged 62 to 86 yr. (mean 75.1 yr.) and 89 Japanese elderly females aged 61 to 83 yr. (mean 73.0 yr.). Each subject, wearing swimming suit and cap, was photographed in a standing position in the measurement frame with a thin mirror mounted at an angle of 45° to the subject. Body segments were the head, whole torso, upper arms, forearms, hands, thighs, shanks, feet, upper torso and lower torso. They were modeled as a stacked system of elliptical zones 2cm in thickness. Segment density was assumed to be uniform and selected from 26 sets of segment densities after Dempster (1955) and Chandler et al. (1975). The mean errors in the estimation of total body mass were -0.07±0.54% (maximal error: -2.03%) for the males and -0.01±0.45% (maximal error: -1.27%) for the females. Equations for the estimation of the body segment inertia parameters were determined using a stepwise multiple regression with age, standing height, body weight and segment length as predictors. The results obtained could be summarized as follows: 1) There were significant differences in many body segment inertia parameters between the elderly males and females. The percent mass ratios of the forearm, hand, foot and upper torso for the elderly males were significantly larger than those for the elderly females, but the thigh, shank and lower torso ratios for the elderly females were significantly larger than those for the males. 2) There were significant differences in many body segment inertia parameters between the elderly and the young adults (Ae et al., 1992) and between the Japanese elderly and the Canadian elderly (Jensen et al., 1993; 1994). 3) The correlation coefficients between the body segment inertia parameters determined and estimated from the regression equations were all significant (0.328-0.979; p<0.01). The equations determined in this study should be valid for estimation of the body segment inertia properties for Japanese elderly.
柴山 一仁 貴嶋 孝太 森丘 保典 櫻井 健一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18120, (Released:2019-07-05)

The present study aimed to define the phases of the 110m hurdle race and to clarify the relationship between the race pattern and performance of elite hurdlers. Seventy-six male hurdlers (groups: G1, 12.94–13.38 s, n = 24; G2, 13.40–13.68 s, n = 26; G3, 13.70–14.16 s, n = 26) participating in official competitions were videotaped using high-speed video cameras panning from start to finish (239.76 or 299.70 Hz). The landing step after hurdling was defined as the first step, and the take-off step was defined as the fourth step. The timing of each step and each interval (from touchdown on the landing step to the next landing step) were calculated. Intervals were divided into the acceleration phase (G1: from 1st to 2nd, G2 and G3: 1st), maximum velocity phase (G1: from 3rd to 5th, G2 and G3: from 2nd to 5th) and deceleration phase (G1, G2 and G3: from 6th to 9th). The results obtained were as follows: 1) Faster hurdlers sprinted with a shorter time and a larger mean interval velocity in all phases; 2) G1 had longer acceleration segments and larger acceleration from the acceleration phase to maximum velocity phase than G2 and G3 because of the larger increase in the frequency of the second step; however, deceleration from the maximum velocity phase to the deceleration phase showed no significant difference according to performance; and 3) the pattern of change in the mean interva3l velocity during the race was similar between G2 and G3. These results indicate that athletes in G2 need to improve their race pattern to achieve a larger acceleration in the 2nd interval by sprinting with a larger increase in the frequency of the second step. Improvement of the race pattern is less important for G3. Additionally, G2 and G3 need to improve their sprinting velocity to obtain a higher frequency at the fourth step.
上地 広昭 森丘 保典 尾山 健太
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.2, pp.455-469, 2012 (Released:2012-12-05)
1 1

This study sought to develop an instrument for assessment of motivation for exercise, the Exercise Orientation Scale, and use it to examine the relationship between exercise orientation and use of a behavioral change technique in an exercise setting. In Study 1 designed to develop the scale, we employed 204 elementary school students, 310 junior high school students, and 252 university students. Factor analysis of the 18-item Exercise Orientation Scale revealed a six-factor structure comprising (1) relatedness orientation, (2) discipline orientation, (3) fulfillment orientation, (4) practice orientation, (5) reward orientation, and (6) superiority orientation. The scale was found to have reliability and validity. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to examine differences in exercise orientation by sex and developmental stage. The scores for fulfillment orientation, reward orientation, and relatedness orientation differed significantly between boys and girls: boys had significantly higher fulfillment and reward orientation scores, while girls had significantly higher relatedness orientation scores. Almost all orientation scores for elementary school students were significantly higher than those for the older groups. In Study 2, the participants were 195 university students. Covariance structure analysis revealed that content-related motivation (i.e. the practice, discipline, and fulfillment orientation factors) in particular predicted the use of a behavioral change technique to promote exercise participation. Moreover, fulfillment orientation was directly related to the duration of exercise participation. The results of these studies suggest that content-related motivation promotes exercise participation via the use of a behavioral change technique.
森丘 保典 伊藤 静夫 持田 尚 大庭 恵一 原 孝子 内丸 仁 青野 博 雨宮 輝也
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.48, no.2, pp.181-190, 2003-03-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
1 2

本研究の目的は,異なる種目を専門としながらほぼ同等の400m走能力を有する被験者群(SPR、MID,DEC)を対象として,間欠的な漸増負荷走行テスト(MART)を行い,Laから推定されるパワーと400m走記録との関係を検討することであった。結果の要約を以下に示す。1)MARTにおける安静時から速度増加中のLaおよびPBLaにおいては,SPRが最も高く, MIDが最も低かった。この結果,PBLaはSPRがMIDに比べて有意に高い値を示し,P3mM,P5mMはMIDがSPRに比べて有意に高い値を示した。2)400m走記録とMARTにおけるPmaxとの間(r = -0.662,P<0.05),およびP60%Laとの問(r = -0.662,P<0.05)には,いずれも有意な相関関係が認められた。以上のことから,MARTは400m走能力を反映するテストとして有用であること,また,P60%Laは400m走能力を反映する評価指標の一つとして用いることができることなどの可能性が示唆された
森丘 保典 伊藤 静夫 大庭 恵一 原 孝子 内丸 仁 青野 博 雨宮 輝也
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.3, pp.285-294, 2003-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
1 1

本研究の目的は, 中距離走者を対象に間欠的な漸増負荷走行テスト (MART) を行い, La動態から推定されるパワーと中距離走能力との関係を検討することであった.結果の要約を以下に示す.(1) V800m, V1500mと実験時の走力を表す最大パワー (Pmax) との間に有意な相関関係が認められた.(2) V800mとピークLa (PBLa) の60%値 (60%PBLa) を基準に算出したパワー (P60%La) , V1500mとPBLaの40%値 (40%PBLa) を基準に算出したパワー (P40%La) およびP60%Laとの間に有意な相関関係が認められた.以上のことから, MARTが中距離走能力を反映するテストとして有用であること, また, P60%Laが800m走能力, P40%LaおよびP60%Laが1500m走能力を反映する評価指標の一つとして利用可能であることなどが示された.
森丘 保典 持田 尚 内丸 仁 青野 博 雨宮 輝也 伊藤 静夫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.2, pp.117-124, 2006 (Released:2008-01-25)

本研究の目的は, 十種競技者を対象に間欠的な漸増負荷走行テスト (MART) を行い, La動態と走能力との関係を検討することであった.結果の要約を以下に示す.(1) V400m, V1500mおよびTPRとVmaxとの間にそれぞれ有意な正の相関関係が認められた. また, V400mとPBLaとの間に有意な正の相関関係が認められた.(2) 十種競技者の走能力 (V100m, V400m, V1500m, TPR) は, VRLaとの間にVALaよりも高い有意な正の相関関係が認められた.(3) VRLaは, 無気的能力の向上 (最大下のLa濃度およびPBLaの増加) によるLa動態の変化を, トレーニング効果として評価することができた.以上のことから, MARTが十種競技者の走能力を反映したテストであること, また, PBLaおよびVRLa (V20%La, V40%La, V60%La) が, 個々の競技者の生理的特性やトレーニングによる無気的能力の変化を考慮した, 十種競技者の走能力評価の指標として利用可能であることなどが示された.
森丘 保典 杉田 正明 松尾 彰文 岡田 英孝 阿江 通良 小林 寛道
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.3, pp.414-421, 2000-05-10

This study was conducted to clarify the relationship between features of change in velocity and performance of world class athletes in the men's 400-m hurdle race(400mH).Nine final races of 400mH were videotaped with several video cameras panning from the start to the finish at 60 fields/s.After the time indication had been superimposed on each field of the VTR images, the time at touchdown immediately after hurdling was obtained.Using the flash of the starter's gun recorded on the VTR image, each hurdle touchdown time from the start, and each section thme(from each hurdle to the next)was obtained.The results of regression analysis showed a significantly high correlation (r=0.90, p<0.001)between 400mH performance and mean section velocity from the 5th to the 8th hurdle(H5-8), and a significant correlation(r=-0.61, p<0.05)between 400mH performance and te rate of deceleration in H5-8.These results indicate that in 400mH it is important to avoid decreasing velocity and to maintain a high velocity in H5-8 of the race in order to attain a high performance.