鈴木 均
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.4, pp.35-41, 2017 (Released:2019-11-12)

The result of the November election of the US president has crucial importance for the future of several countries including Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, with different nuances pertaining to each country. In the case of Iran, contrary to the other two countries, the result of Donald Trump’s victory is disgusting, as he has openly denied the profits of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) from the outset of his election campaign.If Hillary Clinton were elected, she would have followed Barack Obama’s political legacy in many ways, including the policies that brought about his breakthrough in US–Iranian relations after the 1979 revolution. We could refer to many pieces of evidence, especially from M. Landler’s convincing work entitled Alter Egos (2016). President Obama’s unprecedented challenge in this regard was to change relations with Iran such that there is less emnity. Nowadays it seems very difficult to expect that this rare historical chance at a stronger US-Iran relationship will eventually materialize.In this very difficult situation, Japan should not hesitate to make every effort to convince the Trump Administration that it is crucial for the US to maintain diplomatic relations with Iran to keep the Middle East from entering a more catastrophic situation characterised by greater warfare. Japan is an important player in this situation given its uniqueness in having an alliance with the US while at the same time being trusted by Iran.
池内 恵 御厨 貴 牧原 出 宮城 大蔵 鈴木 均 小宮 京

中東における政治・経済・外交の非公式の人的ネットワークを現地の文献・文書資料の発掘と解読を通じて明らかにし、中東への日本の関与に関する官庁・企業の文書資料を発掘し、当事者へのオーラル・ヒストリー記録の採取を行なった。成果は「日本経済外交史プロジェクト・オーラル資料編: イラン革命と日系企業 第一冊 IJPC関係(2)」「日本経済外交史プロジェクト・オーラル資料編: イラン革命と日系企業 第一冊 IJPC関係(3): 永嶋達雄氏(元三井物産)」ケイワン・アブドリ編訳・解説(鈴木均監修)『抄訳 ハサン・ロウハーニー回顧録』、池内恵編『IJPC研究の現状と課題 資料の所在と公開状況』にまとめた。
鈴木 均
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2013, no.173, pp.173_98-173_111, 2013-06-25 (Released:2015-06-09)

Due to Japan’s flood of export during the 1970s and 80s, Japan and the EC (European Community) member states faced trade conflict. Because the common foreign trade policy was launched in January 1970, member states were to abolish bilateral safe-guard measures and agree with Japan on a common foreign tariff. Negotiation between MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan) and the European Commission, however, faced a deadlock. The Federal Republic claimed free trade and condemned France and Italy for keeping protectionist measures against Japan. Britain, however, took a unique position by both criticising Japan’s aggressive export as “abuse of free (trade) rules” on one hand, but also inviting Japanese companies, especially Nissan, to build a factory in Britain on the other. Margaret Thatcher decided to invite Nissan from the first day of her office. The British automobile industry, which had been heavily penetrated by car imports from Germany, France and Italy after Britain had entered into the EC in 1973, could export to the EC market vigorously and therefore reduce Britain’s trade deficit. A new Nissan factory would also reduce unemployment and boost economy in developing areas: Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Due to its ambition to overtake its impeccable rival Toyota, Nissan agreed to Thatcher’s invitation, regardless of the costs and risks: the overall investment cost of 200 million Pounds, required high local contents of cars produced in the new factory, reliability of Britishmade parts, and frequent labour disputes. Nissan’s advance into Britain made Thatcher’s administration into a fore-runner of EC common policies of welcoming foreign investment into the EC, acquiring Japanese management techniques, and furthering free trade. For such sudden and drastic change of Britain’s EC diplomacy, Thatcher and her office was condemned not only by France and Italy but also by Germany as a “Trojan horse of Japan.”
鈴木 均
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
中東レビュー (ISSN:21884595)
vol.1, pp.46-61, 2014 (Released:2019-12-21)

The recent rapprochement between Iran and the United States after Hassan Rouhani was elected president in June 2013 may represent an important geopolitical shift that would alter the politics of the Middle East. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate this political shift, examine whether the interim nuclear agreement between Iran and the United States would lead to some structural shifts in the Middle East, and analyze to what extent this change can be sustainable for both sides.The main Part of this paper is divided into three sections. The first section examines in detail the process of Iran’s Presidential election in June 2013, especially the sudden change of atmosphere which took place just three days before election day. The second section is devoted to analyzing the Obama administration’s shift to diplomacy with Iran. And the third section treats the on-going nuclear negotiations between Iran and P5+1, which is expected to reach a comprehensive solution.The paper argues that the dramatic shift in the US policy toward Iran is not limited to the bilateral relationships between the US and Iran, but it is related to several key issues in the Middle East, in particular to those in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. This changing process in Iranian politics and the path to diplomacy is profitable for Japanese national interest, and that Japan should also contribute to Iran’s return to the international community.
臼杵 陽 加藤 博 長澤 榮治 店田 博文 鈴木 均 三沢 伸生

本研究ではこれまで看過されてきた戦時期日本の戦略研究としての回教・回教徒研究を積極的に再評価し、戦後展開した基礎的な地域研究としての中東イスラーム地域研究との断続性よりもそれへの継続性に力点を置いて検討することを目的とした。本研究による研究成果としては以下の四つの領域に分類することができる。第一に、アフガニスタン関係資料として、尾崎三雄家所蔵資料の整理・公刊である。第二として、戦時期日本の回教・回教徒研究に関しては、早稲田大学中央図書館に所蔵の大日本回教協会の映像資料「大日本回教協会関係写真資料(Photography of the Greater Japan Muslim League)Ver.1」のCD-ROM化、また、2006年1月にトルコ共和国アンカラにおいて行なったシンポジウム「戦時期日本のイスラーム政策」の成果の一端を『日本中東学会年報(The Annal of the Japan Association of Middle East Studies)』第23号の特集「第二次世界大戦前の日本と中東(Japan and the Middle East before World War II)」として刊行した。第三として、大日本帝国領に亡命していたタタール系ムスリムによって刊行されていたタタール語等の雑誌・新聞類の整理に関しては、第二次世界大戦中に旧満州国ハルビンで刊行されていたタタール語紙『ミッリー・バイラク』に掲載された写真を一枚のDVDにまとめた『Photography Collection of Milli Bayrak(Mukden,1935-1945)Ver.1』としてDVDを刊行した。第四として、戦前日本の回教・回教徒研究を推進・組織化した東亜経済調査局理事長であった大川周明が第一次世界大戦後に多くの論考を投稿していた道会雑誌『道』に掲載された大川周明の論考をデータ化してまとめた。
鈴木 均 石橋 英次 森 良哉 野崎 正治 永井 進
vol.42, pp.53-54, 1991-02-25
