石川 卓 黒崎 将広 鈴木 一人 石井 由梨佳 彦谷 貴子 ワックスマン マシュー 徳地 秀士 彦谷 貴子 リー トマス 那須 仁 クー ジュリアン アダムス マイケル スクーヴィル ライアン

鈴木 一人
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.70, no.1, pp.1_56-1_75, 2019 (Released:2020-06-21)

鈴木 一人
北海道大学公共政策大学院 = Hokkaido University Public Policy School
年報 公共政策学 (ISSN:18819818)
vol.6, pp.139-158, 2012-03-30

This article discusses the chronological development of EU's energy security policy and its problems. Because energy security is primarily a responsibility of national governments, the European Union (European Commission in particular) was not able to formulate unified energy policy. But at the same time, due to the lack of natural energy resources, EU member states needed to cooperate in order to increase bargaining power against energy rich regions such as Middle East or Russia. The problem of international negotiation became clear when Russia and Ukraine increased the political tension, and in order to secure supply of natural gas from Russia, EU launched the discussion with Green Paper which resulted the first comprehensive energy policy in 2007. Furthermore, the "Energy 2020", a new policy document suggested the necessity for EU to influence the process of rules- and standard-making to secure the free trade environment for energy resources. However, the division of competence between member states and EU still make it difficult to formulate comprehensive energy policy. Furthermore, dynamic change of international environment such as "Arab Spring" and Russo-Ukraine conflict, and different reactions and interests of member states complicated the EU strategy for energy rich regions. This structural contradiction of EU's energy security policy implies that EU may not be hegemonic power in international arena, but their role as a giant consumer of energy would have a power to shape international energy market.
鈴木 一人
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2022, no.205, pp.205_1-205_13, 2022-02-04 (Released:2022-03-31)

Globalization connects the economic activities of the world even though the world is becoming more contested and confrontational. The rivalry between the US and China increases the political frictions while they are deeply connected through global supply chain. Both the US and China are weaponizing trade relations as if they are at war without shooting a single bullet. The concept of “Economic Statecraft” emerged in such circumstances.A quick definition of the “Economic Statecraft (hereafter, ES)” is “achieving diplomatic and strategic goals of the state by using economic means”. Under this definition, the article examines the measures used in ES such as sanctions, export control, trade restrictions and aid. These measures have different effects on delivering political message to the target state, but they are taken in accordance with the aim and objective of the ES exercising state.The aim and objectives of the states are threefold. First, the ES is used to change the behavior and action of target state. For example, ES can be used for improving human rights conditions or halting nuclear programs by adding economic pressure. Second, ES is effective for announcing the malign activities and setting up norms of behavior. It is a message to add not only economic pressure but social pressure as well. Third, ES may have an effect to improve international and national solidarity and claim its legitimacy for implementing market distorting measures. If a state exercise ES, it may have negative effect on the economy of its own by cutting trade and investment or not licensing the export from its territory.The condition for the success of ES does not depend on the size of economy but the monopoly position in the global supply chain. If other countries have no option but to depend on the product from particular state, that state will have the power to use such a product as a leverage. Also the size of the market may create dependence. States in proximity of a large economy tend to fall into this category. Also state which controls the international currency can use such a position as a leverage.The article also examines the difference between the concepts of “economic security” and ES. The difference is that “economic security” focuses on the defense from economic coercion by improving national autonomy, while ES is an offensive tool for imposing political will on other states.
有間 俊彦 吉田 伸二 鈴木 一人 長谷川 浩 山本 敏克 中川 善博 石井 謙二 伊坪 徳宏
日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集 第7回日本LCA学会研究発表会
pp.38, 2011 (Released:2012-02-16)

鈴木 一人

本年度は中国における宇宙開発を中心に研究を進める予定であったが、昨年度に引き続き、本年度の前半はアメリカ・プリンストン大学の国際地域研究所への長期出張が継続しており、現地で最新の国際政治学の研究に触れながら、グローバル・コモンズとしての宇宙空間のガバナンスについての研究を行った。しかし、本年度の途中で国際連合安全保障理事会の下にある1737委員会(通称イラン制裁委員会)の専門家パネルの専門家として任命されることとなり、やむなく本研究に対する補助金の廃止を申請することとなった。とはいえ、本年度も多くの研究成果が残すことが出来た。宇宙関連の政官学の主要人物が世界中から集まるアメリカのNational Space Symposiumで本研究の報告をすることが出来たほか、ヨーロッパ研究の世界最高峰と言われるEuropean Union Studies Associationで宇宙のグローバルガバナンスにおけるEUの役割について報告したほか、日本EU学会においても、共通論題の報告者として本研究の成果を発表した。また、インドのマニパル大学において、日印戦略対話の一環として、インドとの宇宙協力の問題について議論し、新興国であるインドと日本の関係について論じた。著作としては『国際安全保障』に「宇宙空間の軍事的重要性の高まりと宇宙安全保障」として、宇宙空間のガバナンス問題を取り上げ、途上国・新興国の台頭に伴うルール作りの必要性を論じた。また、外務省の外郭団体である国際問題研究所のグローバル・コモンズと日米同盟プロジェクトに参加し、その報告書の原稿(近刊予定)を執筆し、ミネルヴァ書房から出された『国際関係・安全保障用語辞典』の宇宙関連の項目を合計11項目担当した。
鈴木 一人
北海道大学公共政策大学院 = Hokkaido University Public Policy School
年報 公共政策学 (ISSN:18819818)
vol.6, pp.139-158, 2012-03-30

This article discusses the chronological development of EU's energy security policy and its problems. Because energy security is primarily a responsibility of national governments, the European Union (European Commission in particular) was not able to formulate unified energy policy. But at the same time, due to the lack of natural energy resources, EU member states needed to cooperate in order to increase bargaining power against energy rich regions such as Middle East or Russia. The problem of international negotiation became clear when Russia and Ukraine increased the political tension, and in order to secure supply of natural gas from Russia, EU launched the discussion with Green Paper which resulted the first comprehensive energy policy in 2007. Furthermore, the "Energy 2020", a new policy document suggested the necessity for EU to influence the process of rules- and standard-making to secure the free trade environment for energy resources. However, the division of competence between member states and EU still make it difficult to formulate comprehensive energy policy. Furthermore, dynamic change of international environment such as "Arab Spring" and Russo-Ukraine conflict, and different reactions and interests of member states complicated the EU strategy for energy rich regions. This structural contradiction of EU's energy security policy implies that EU may not be hegemonic power in international arena, but their role as a giant consumer of energy would have a power to shape international energy market.