図子 浩二 高松 薫
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.40, no.1, pp.29-39, 1995-05-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
5 6

Rebound drop jump index [RDJ_&ltindex&gt=(1/8・g・RDJt_a^2)/RDJt_c] was developed to evaluate the ability to perform the ballistic stretch. shortening cycle (SSC) movement. The RDJ_&ltindex&gt consists of ability to jump higher (RDJt_a) and that to shorten the contact time (RDJt_c) in rebound drop jump (RDJ), a typical SSC movement. The former is affected by leg strength and counter movement jump ability but the factors affecting the latter case have not yet been well established. This study examined the factors to shorten the contact time with special reference to two important views, i.e. work done by the lower limb joints and anticipation of the landing. 1. Relationships between work done by the lower limb joints and RDJ_&ltindex&gt, RDJt_c, and RDJt_a in RDJ from height of 0.3m were examined in ten college male athletes. There was a significant correlation between the ratio of negative work at the ankle to total work done by the lower limb joints and RDJ_&ltindex&gt (r=0.726, p&lt0.05), and RDJt_c (r=-0.823, p&lt0.01) but not RDJt_a (r=0.226,ns). Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between the ratio of negative work at the ankle and maximum plantar flexion strength (r=-0.329,ns). These results suggested that the rate of energy absorption at the ankle joint in former contact phase was one important factor to shorten the contact time in RDJ but not affected by plantar flexion strength. 2. RDJ_&ltindex&gt, RDJt_c and RDJt_a in two RDJs with or without visual information to inhibit temporal and spatial anticipation of landing were compared in six college male athletes. As compared without and with visual information, RDJt_c was longer, RDJt_a was shorter and RDJ_&ltindex&gt was lower, significantly. These changes were greater in subjects showing the higher RDJ_&ltindex&gt than those showing the lower RDJ_&ltindex&gt. Furthermore, changes of RDJ_&ltindex&gt, RDJt_c and RDJt_a in series of nine RDJs without visual information at thirty seconds of rest intervals were compared between subject A showing high RDJ_&ltindex&gt and subject B showing low RDJ_&ltindex&gt. RDJt_c decreased and RDJt_a increased slightly, and RDJ_&ltindex&gt increased by repeated trials even without visual information in subject A but not in subject B. These results suggested that temporal and spatial anticipation of the landing were another important factors to shorten the contact time in RDJ. These finding seemed to be beneficial for establishing strength and power training methods for jumper and ballgame players who are required ballistic stretch-shortening cycle movement.
津田 龍佑 篠崎 徹 田神 昭 後藤 邦夫 高松 薫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.5, pp.405-417, 2007 (Released:2007-10-25)

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of playing mini-games of soccer for improvement of physical fitness. The subjects were 21 students at I junior high school (I Group) and 22 students at S junior high school (S Group). Group I played a mini-game with changed rules, whereas group S played the full game, each over a period of three weeks (6 physical education classes). Before and after the classes, skill tests (passing and dribbling), fitness tests (150m sprint with changing direction ; 25m×6 times, rest interval 30s), and a test game were conducted. In addition, an after-class questionnaire on knowledge, how to learn and skill of soccer was conducted. The main results were as follows : 1) The results of the passing and dribbling tests were improved significantly after classes using the mini-game. There was no significant improvement in the results of the first set of 150-m sprints with a change in direction after classes in both group, whereas the mean time for 6 sprints was improved significantly after classes in both groups. 2) There were no significant differences in the number of ball touches, heart rate or RPE in test games after classes in both groups, whereas the total movement distance was decreased significantly after classes using the full game. 3) In the questionnaire after the test game, almost every item on technique (coordination), physical fitness and mentality tended to have a higher score after classes using the mini game. On the other hand, after classes using the full game each mentality-related item tended to have a higher score, whereas items related to technique (coordination) and physical fitness tended to score the same or lower. 4) In the questionnaire after the class, there was no wide difference in knowledge of soccer between both groups, whereas items related to how to learn and skill of soccer tended to score higher in the former than in the latter. These results suggest that improvement of energy-related physical fitness could be obtained without compromising students' interest, volition and attitude regardless of whether they played the mini-game or the full game, although use of the mini-game led to an effective improvement of technique (coordination) without decreasing students' consciousness of how to learn soccer skills.
崔 鳥淵 高橋 英幸 板井 悠二 高松 薫
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.47, no.1, pp.119-129, 1998-02-01
2 8

本研究では, 筋力トレーニングにおける一般的な手段であるパワーアップ型手段とバルクアップ型手段の筋の形態および機能の面からみたトレーニング効果の相違を, 膝伸展運動による週2回, 8週間のトレーニング実験を通して比較検討した.被検者には, 健常な一般成人男子11名を用いた.パワーアップ型群 (5名) には, 1RMの90%の負荷で5セット行わせた.セット間には3分間の休息をとらせた (レペティション法) .一方, バルクアップ型群 (6名) には, 1RMの80~40%の負荷で9セット行わせた.セット間には30秒~3分間の休息をとらせた (インターバル法・マルチパウンデツジ法) .<BR>おもな結果は次の通りである.<BR>1.大腿四頭筋全体および大腿四頭筋を構成する各筋の筋断面積の増加率は, いずれもバルクアップ型群がパワーアップ型群より有意に高い値を示した.<BR>2.1RM, 等尺性最大膝伸展力および等速性最大膝伸展力 (角速度, 60・180・300deg/sec) の増加率は, 実測値および筋断面積あたりの相対値ともに, パワーアップ型群がバルクアップ型群より高い値を示した.このうち, 1RMの実測値, 60deg/secの角速度による等速性最大膝伸展力の実測値を除くすべての項目に有意差が認められた.<BR>3.等速性平均膝伸展力 (角速度, 180deg/sec; 試行回数, 50回) の増加率は, 実測値および筋断面積あたりの相対値ともに, バルクアップ型群がパワーアップ型群より有意に高い値を示した.また, 連続50回にわたる等速性膝伸展力の低下率は, トレーニングが進むにつれてバルクアップ型群では小さくなるのに対して, パワーアップ型群では顕著な変化は認められなかった.<BR>上述の結果は, パワーアップ型手段はおもに筋力・無気的パワーの増大に, バルクアップ型手段はおもに筋肥大および無気的持久力の増大にそれぞれ有効であることを示すものである.これらの結果は, 筋力トレーニングでは, 特性の異なるパワーアップ型手段とバルクアップ型手段を, 各人の目的に即して適切に使い分けることが重要であることを示唆するものである.
池田 達昭 村岡 誠 向井 直樹 高橋 英幸 高松 薫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.6, pp.783-791, 2006-11-10

本研究では,同一の競技チームに所属し,日常的に同様な筋力トレーニングを実践している集団を対象にし,1RMの個人差の小さい等質的な集団であるか否かを確認した上で,(1)1RMと3種の%1RMにおける繰り返し回数およびI-N slopeとの関係を検討すること,(2)N_<total>とI-N slopeの相違を神経-筋機能と筋の組織化学的特性の面から検討することを目的とした.検討に際して,1RMの個人差の大きい異質集団を対象とした著者らの先行研究(池田・高松,2005)との比較を行った.上述の目的を達成するために,健康な男子大学生サッカー選手(1年生)15名(年齢:18.8±0.4歳,身長:174.3±3.4cm,体重:66.1±2.9kg)を対象として,等尺性最大膝伸展力(Isom.max)とIsom.max発揮中における力の発揮速度(RFD),動的最大膝伸展力(1RM)と1RMの90%,70%,50%での負荷強度における繰り返し回数(N_<90>,N_<70>,N_<50>),大腿四頭筋の筋断面積(CSA)および筋の組織化学的特性を測定した.なお,本研究における1RMの変動係数は,著者らの先行研究と比較して低値を示したこと,およぴ,2つの研究における1RMの分散は異なることが認められたことなどから,本研究の被験者は1RMの個人差の小さい等質集団であることを確認した.本研究における主な結果は以下の通りである.(1)著者らの先行研究では1RMとN_<90>,N_<70>,N_<50>およびN_<total>との間にいずれも有意な負の相関関係が認められたが,本研究では1RMとN_<90>との間にのみに有意な負の相関関係が認められた.(2)著者らの先行研究ではN_<total>とI-N slopeとの間に有意な正の相関関係が認められたが,本研究では2つの指標間に密接な関係は認められなかった.(3)本研究では,N_<total>とRFDとの間に有意な負の相関関係が認められ,I-N slopeと%Fiber area (TypeI)との間に有意な正の相関関係が認められた.以上の結果から,1RMと3種の%1RMにおける繰り返し回数,N_<total>およびI-N slopeとの関係は,対象とする被験者の1RMの個人差の大きさによって影響を受けること,N<total>とI-N slopeは,それぞれ繰り返し回数に関わる異なる能力を評価していること,などの可能性が示唆された.
勝田 茂 高松 薫 田中 守 小泉 順子 久野 譜也 田渕 健一
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.34, no.2, pp.p141-149, 1989-09

Attempts were made to clarify whether or not fiber composition of the m. vastus lateralis could be predicted with running performance. Biopsy samples from 32 well-trained and 17 untrained adult males were examined for the percentage area of fast-twitch (FT) and slow-twitch (ST) fibers which might be related to the physical performance better than the fiber type distribution. In addition, each subject completed 50-m sprint and 12-min run tests. A multiple regression analysis revealed that in the trained males predictive accuracy (R^2) for the percentage area of FT fibers (% areaFT) from the ratio of a 50-m sprint speed to a 12-min run speed (50 m・S/12 min・S) was higher than that from most of other variables,e.g. 50 m・S, 12 min・S, or the combination of 50 m・S and 12 min・S; R^2 of 50 m・S/12 min・S was 80.3%(p&lt0.05). A positive correlation between 50 m・S/12 min・S and %areaFT also existed for the untrained subjects (R^2=63.7%, p&lt0.05). The linear regression equations of %areaFT (Y) on 50 m・S/12 min・S (X)were Y=-68.6 + 76.2X (r=0.896, p&lt0.05) and Y=-47.5 + 61.1X (r=0.798, p&lt0.05) for the trained and untrained males, respectively. There was no significant difference in the regression equations between the trained and untrained males. For all subjects, the equation was Y=-59.8 + 69.8X (r=0.876, p&lt0.05) and the standard error of estimate of %areaFT on 50 m・S/12 min . S was 8.86%. These results suggest that the performances of a 50-m sprint and a 12-min run are valuable indicators in, accurately, easily and noninvasively, predicting the percentage area of FT and ST fibers of the m. vastus lateralis from adult male.
前村 公彦 鈴木 康弘 高松 薫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.50, no.4, pp.415-424, 2005-07-10

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sprint training (30-s maximal cycle ergometer sprinting) on bicarbonate buffering capacity and anaerobic capacity. Fourteen healthy males were assigned to either a training group (TG; n=7) or a control group (CG; n=7). The TG performed sprint training 2 days per week for 8 weeks. Before and after training, exercise performance (mean power) and excess CO_2 output (ExcessCO_2) were measured by 30-s maximal cycle ergometer sprinting, and maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) was measured by 2-3 min exhaustive cycling test. Mean power (pre: 8.5±0.9W/kg, post: 9.3±0.8W/kg, p<0.01), ExcessCO_2 (pre: 93.4±12.8ml/kg, post: 102.3±12.2ml/kg, p<0.05), and MAOD (pre: 59.6±14.4ml/kg, post: 68.2±11.0ml/kg, p<0.01) were significantly increased after training in the TG. A significant correlation was demonstrated between percentage change in ExcessCO_2 and that in MAOD (r=0.755, p<0.05). Before and after training, mean power was significantly correlated with ExcessCO_2 and MAOD, respectively. These results suggest that the increase in ExcessCO_2 caused by sprint training may enhance the energy supplied from anaerobic metabolism, and improve short-duration intensive exercise performance.