高橋 一成 辻 貴孝 中西 泰人 箱崎 勝也
情報処理学会研究報告モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信(MBL) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2001, no.108, pp.1-8, 2001-11-15

近年、携帯電話や電子メールなどの様々なメッセージングツールの普及に伴い、いつでもどこでもコミュニケーションを行えるようになり、場所や時間の制約がなくなった。その一方で、通信のコンテクストの複雑度は増加するばかりであり、スムーズなコミュニケーションが行えない場合も多くなりつつある。そこで我々は、ユーザの位置情報とスケジュール情報を用いて、WWWブラウザ機能付きの携帯電話に受信者の通信のコンテクストに応じた通信環境の優先順位を動的に提示し、それをユーザどうしで共有するシステムであるiCAMSを構築した。本稿では、サークル活動を行う10名の学生のグループおよび雑誌編集を行うSOHOワーカ10名のグループを対象とした運用実験について報告する。In recent years, with the spread of various messaging tools, such as a cellular phone and an E-mail, we became able to communicate with others anytime and anywhere and have gotten free from the restriction of time and the place. However, the degree of complexity of a communicative context has increased so that we can not have communicated with others smoothly. So, we constructed the system which presented the most suitable communication environment that users shared corresponding to the context of the communication of the receiving person dynamically by using the position information and the schedule information. In this paper, we describe the experiment for the group of ten SOHO workers who perform magazine edit and the group of ten students who perform club activities.
桑田 喜隆 高橋 一成 白樫 和明 有村 忠朗 藤本 浩
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第20回全国大会(2006)
pp.53, 2006 (Released:2006-12-07)

矢澤 正好 高橋 一成 内田 秀和 長谷川 有貴
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌) (ISSN:13418939)
vol.139, no.9, pp.289-295, 2019-09-01 (Released:2019-09-01)

In general, beer degradation is evaluated by sensory test, however it depends on the subjectivity of an inspector. Therefore, it is highly required that an objective evaluation method is developed. It has been clarified that the degradation degree of beer proceeds mainly by oxidation of components derived from malt and formation of non-electrolyte trans-2-nonenal. In this study, we developed LB film taste sensor using metal complex for evaluating the degradation degree of beer with trans-2-nonenal concentrations. In addition, the physical properties of three metal electrodes and sensing film surface were evaluated with AFM and FT-IR, and these results and the sensor response characteristics were compared and discussed for improving the sensitivity as a sensor for beer degradation evaluation.
細谷 和輝 高橋 一成 大家 渓 岩森 暁
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.862, pp.17-00561, 2018 (Released:2018-06-25)

Surface modification of polystyrene (PS) dish used as a cell culture substrate is an indispensable strategy to enhance cell adhesion. In general, plasma treatment is employed to enhance the hydrophilic nature on the PS dish surface, and sterilization treatment of the PS dish is performed after the plasma treatment. We reported on a simultaneous process of surface modification and sterilization on the PS dish in a sterilization bag by using active oxygen species (AOS) generated via ultraviolet (UV) lamps, whose wavelength are 185 and 254 nm respectively. Herein, we attempt to investigate the dependency of the distance between UV lamp and PS dish on the surface modification by using the AOS. After exposure of AOS, the oxygen content of the PS dish was increased, whereas the water contact angle was decreased along with the decrement of the distance between PS dish and UV lamp owing to increase in the AOS concentration. Cell adhesion was also enhanced with decrease of the distance between PS dish and UV lamp compared with untreated PS. Especially, chemical states such as atomic concentration and chemical bonding affect cell adhesion rather than the surface wettability. Illumination of the UV lamps and AOS concentration at the PS dish surface affects the resultant cell adhesion.
高橋 一成 桑田 喜隆
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.1, pp.2-15, 2007-01-15

近年,通信技術の進展を背景に新しいコラボレーションサービスへの期待が高まっている.本研究ではセンサネットワーク技術やモバイル通信技術を活用したコラボレーションサービスである,ユビスタイルを提案する.ユビスタイルは,人の位置や状況,モノの状態などといったプレゼンスを自動的に取得し,人間に意味のある情報に加工したうえで共有することで,コラボレーションの効率向上を目指したサービスである.ユビスタイルの有効性検証のため,オフィスでのコラボレーションを例題として取り上げた.プレゼンスとして,人の位置や状況,会議室の利用状況を自動的に収集し,パソコンや携帯電話から参照するサービスを試作した.試作サービスを利用し,社内で160 人規模の実験を行ったところ,人とのコンタクトの際や会議室の予約の場面で有効性が確認できた.また,被験者のアンケート分析によりプレゼンスを公開する際の抵抗感を減らすための考察を行った.It is expected that new collaboration services become popular in our daily life with new ubiquitous computing technologies. For more efficient collaboration, we propose "Ubistyle", that make use of sensor-network and mobile-computing technologies. Presences in Ubistyle, which include locations and status of people, status of objects, and so forth, are collected automatically by sensors, analyzed and converted to the form that people can understand, and are shared among users. In order to evaluate the usefulness of the concept of Ubistyle, we implemented a prototype system for office environments. The system offers a service that the office workers can refer the locations and status of co-workers and meeting rooms as presence. We carried out a large-scale experiment in our office, in which more than 160 people are involved. We found that the service is of advantage for both the contact to co-workers and reservation of meeting rooms. We also analyzed the acceptability of people to expose their presence to co-workers.