高田 淳
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho
vol.45, no.1, pp.69-92, 1962-06

So far the Nominalists (ming-chia 名家) have been studied on only through their character as a school of logicians who represented a very special field among many other schools of pre-Ch’in philosophers. This view on their character has been commonly accepted as a statement of plain truth, but it yet needs to be re-examined whether this view has a solid support in our sources. Fortunately, a work by Kung-sun Lung, so-called leader of li-chien-pai 離堅白 school, is still preserved, if not in its whole, in the form that permits us to observe the logic of a discourse, which the present author made use of in an analysis of the thought of Kung-sun Lung who served P’ing-yüan-chün 平原君 of Chao Kingdom as a protégé, in comparison with that of other thinkers. All the five chapters of Kung-sun Lung-tzŭ 公孫竜子 except the chapter Chi-fu 跡府 are analyzed from a consistent viewpoint; and it is examined what kind of reality consciousness of Kung-sun Lung was the basis of the epistemology by finger found in this text, together with the question of how to account for the discrepancy between his thought and the casuistry of the sophist described in the chapter T’ien-hsia 天下 of Chuang-tzŭ. Thus the present author makes an attempt at understanding Kung-sun Lung in connection with other philosophers as well as in his relation to the casuistry of the sophists.
高田 淳
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho
vol.45, no.2, pp.240-256, 1962-09

Hui Shih 恵施, also said to be a Nominalist in the same category as Kung-sun Lung, enjoys a high reputation despite the scarcity of information about his thought except for a few fragments quoted in the Chapter T’ien-hsia 天下 of the Chuang-tzu. In the present article, those fragments are interpreted in the light of the activity and thought of him as a prime minister of Wei Kingdom who advocated the anti-Ch’in alliance, as recorded in the Chan-kuo-ts’ê 戦国策, Lü-shih-ch’un-ch’iu 呂氏春秋, etc., and an attempt is made at understanding his thought in relation with that of Chuang-tzŭ, a friend of his with whom he used to have disputations.After all, what Hui Shih and Kung-sun Lung themselves called casuistry had in essence nothing too different from the elocution of other itinerant orators of the Warring States period, being an art of persuasion and not having relation with the logic in the proper sense, though it should be pointed out that, between the two, Kung-sun Lung was richer in epistemological elements. There still remains to be analyzed the question of the nature of the elocution of the orators toward the end of the Warring States period which caused our sophists to be tinged with casuistic color.
高田 淳
学習院史学 (ISSN:02861658)
no.34, pp.14-29, 1996-03

高田 淳
vol.15, no.1, pp.1-46, 1964-08-01

Mo-ching consists of four chapters; the first two chapters of ching (scripture) and shuo (explanation) and the second two chapters of chiug and shno. The first two chapters of ching and shuo are different from the second chapters in their contents and forms. As the first chapter of ching defines terms; the sentences are brief. So the shuo are written to supplement the sentences in ching. Accordingly, there are some differences between the explanations of terms in shuo and the definitions of terms in ching. As regards the contents of the first chapter of ching, it explains the terminology in the text necessary for the disciples of Mo-chia (墨家) school to study. The first chapter of ching begins with the explanation of Ku (故). It has two meanings; one is the reason of existence of things and the other is the things themselves. The one hundred articles of the first chapter of ching consist of the definitions of the terms. As is in the first chapter of ching, the second begins with the item of Lei (類) and it has the eighty-two articles in all. Lei means classifications of the things or analyses of the terms. Almost all the con ents of the second chapter of ching are the explanations of the themes of the sophists at that time. As being able to see the expressions of "shuo (explanation) exists in …." in the second chapter of ching, as it were, ching contains the explana tion of shuo in itself. For the complicate problems which cannot be made clear in such brief sentences as in the first chapter of ching, the second had to express its views for its own disciples and against other sophists. In this, we can point out this characteristic methode of recognition which is supported by the activities of Mo-chia school. Especially, there can be seen Mo-chia's standpoint and self-consiousness about the sophistic themes; in the second chapter, its viewpoints has come to be clearly and consiously established. The writer intends to study the development process from the first chapter of ching to the second and to try to
高田 淳
vol.23, pp.1-18, 1964-11-10
パーカー ジョセフ ドン 身内 賢太朗 水本 哲矢 西村 広展 奥 隆之 澤野 達哉 篠原 武尚 鈴木 淳市 高田 淳史 谷森 達 上野 一樹 原田 正英 池野 正弘 田中 真伸 内田 智久 服部 香里 岩城 智 株木 重人 岸本 祐二 窪 秀利 黒澤 俊介 松岡 佳大
波紋 (ISSN:1349046X)
vol.23, no.3, pp.218-222, 2013

<p>We have developed a prototype time-resolved neutron imaging detector employing a micro-pattern gaseous detector known as the micro-pixel chamber (μPIC) coupled with a field-programmable-gate-array-based data acquisition system. Our detector system combines 100μm-level spatial and sub-μs time resolutions with a low gamma sensitivity of less than 10<sup>-12</sup> and high data rates, making it well suited for applications in neutron radiography at high-intensity, pulsed neutron sources. In the present paper, we introduce the detector system and present several test measurements performed at NOBORU (BL10), J-PARC to demonstrate the capabilities of our prototype. We also discuss future improvements to the spatial resolution and rate performance.</p>
大東 延久 清地 正人 綱脇 恵章 藤田 雅之 今崎 一夫 中井 貞雄 三間 圀興 車 信一郎 後藤 道夫 小久保 正之 中尾 直也 山中 千代衛 加瀬 貞二 青山 誠 赤羽 温 中野 文彦 松岡 伸一 山川 考一 大前 吾一 八木 隆志 伊藤 紳二 文 雅司 和泉田 真司 小野 晋吾 劉 振林 大竹 秀幸 猿倉 信彦 耿 紀宏 和田 智之 浦田 佳治 田代 英夫 南畑 亮 児玉 英範 田上 潤一 河仲 準二 窪寺 昌一 佐々木 亘 黒澤 宏 寺嶋 克知 田中 宏和 久保 博一 鈴木 徹 太田 毅 榎波 龍姫 若林 理 溝口 計 大部 彩子 渡邊 隆之 中野 真生 堀 司 西坂 敏博 伊藤 貴志 小島 哲夫 今野 進 藤川 周一 安井 公治 吉澤 憲治 森 勇介 佐々木 孝友 田中 光弘 岡田 幸勝 島村 清史 Namujilatu 福田 承生 松原 健祐 田中 歌子 今城 秀司 早坂 和弘 大向 隆三 占部 伸二 渡邊 昌良 大場 正規 加藤 政明 丸山 庸一郎 小矢田 康晴 山本 修平 平野 嘉仁 Pavel Nicolaie 佐藤 聡長 伊藤 篤史 大島 広明 吉田 弘樹 阪上 幸男 挾間 寿文 西岡 一 鬼澤 敦子 上原 昇 植田 憲一 西村 昭彦 宅間 宏 常包 正樹 田口 昇 稲場 文男 関田 仁志 RUTHERFORD Todd TULLOCHI Bill 笠松 直史 BYER Robert 松井 宏記 江口 武芳 川田 安男 金辺 忠 山中 正宣 中塚 正大 井澤 靖和 神崎 武司 宮島 博文 宮本 昌浩 川嶋 利幸 岡田 康光 菅 博文 秋山 靖裕 高瀬 智裕 高田 淳 湯浅 広士 小野 明 吉田 史朗 中山 通雄 佐藤 雅夫 内藤 真哉 町田 久忠 家久 信明 軽部 規夫 西畑 実 鈴木 伸孝 太田 忠喜 藤原 弘康 市位 友一 木村 信二 木村 美紀雄 庄司 康浩 今城 正雄 柳澤 隆行 内野 修 永井 智広 長澤 親生 住吉 哲実 荒井 恒憲 佐藤 俊一 石原 美弥 菊地 眞 バサ ニレシ 岡田 龍雄 前田 三男 水波 徹 松岡 直哉 岡崎 豊 菊池 健 山口 滋 南里 憲三 藤岡 知夫 森 啓 鈴木 薫 中田 順治 嘉成 和孝 小平 裕司 内藤 靖博 永野 宏 蓮池 透 谷脇 学 清水 幸喜 熊谷 幹郎 高島 洋一 遠藤 雅守 川上 政孝 武田 修三郎
The Laser Society of Japan
レーザー研究 (ISSN:03870200)
vol.27, pp.23-24,27, 1999
杉浦 哲朗 高田 淳 公文 義雄 竹内 啓晃

ピロリ関連免疫性血小板減少性紫斑病の病態解析からピロリ成分が血小板に結合することを見出した。そこで、その血小板結合成分をLC-MS/ MS解析を経て、11の候補蛋白から最終的に1つの菌体膜蛋白の同定に成功した。そのHis融合蛋白を作製し血小板との反応性解析から、本蛋白が明らかに血小板を凝集し活性化することを証明した。さらに、患者検体から本蛋白検出に必須な特異性の高い抗体をウサギ免疫から獲得することができた。