小松原 正吉
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.90, no.1-2, pp.101-119, 1978-02-28 (Released:2009-03-30)

A pertinent procedure for preserving postoperative urinary and sexual functions was searched in the radical surgery for rectal cancer, from a neuroanatomical point of view, and the clinical status about disturbances of these functions was analized in relation with a mode of preservation of the lower hypogastric and/or the pelvic nerve among the patinet undergone the surgery applied this procedure. The result of the operation was also evaluated as for the influence of this procedure on the curability of the cancer.Results obtained were as follows:1. In the anatomical study with 17 necropsy cases, it was found that the most preferable mean for identifying the lower hypogastric nerve, pelvic plexus and pelvic nerve was to begin with isolating the upper hypogastric nerve dividing the posterior peritoneum along the lower abdominal aorta, and to follow the bilateral lower hypogastric nerves on the inner surface of the pelvic cavity down to the pelvic plexus, from which the pelvic nerves were able to explore by the retrograde approach to the sacral foramina. Since this procedure was able to be progressed in accordance with that of the radical operation by Miles, technical troubles were of eliminable.2. Urinary functions were examined on 47 cases out of 60 patients received the surgery with the nerve-saving procedure above.a) The period before the spontaneous urination occurred after the surgery was prolonged significantly by the bilateral injury to the pelvic nerve and this was not observed in the patient whose pelvic nerve was unilaterally injured, as well as in the patient whose lower hypogastric nerve was uni- or bilaterally injured.b) The result of cystometry and catheterization study showed that cystic hypotonia and urinary retention prolonged as long as 40 days or more, and 23 days in average in the patient with injury to the bilateral pelvic nerves, as compared to 8 days in average in the patient with bilateral denervation of the lower hypogastric nerve and also in the patient with unilateral injury to the pelvic nerve. Duration of sensation as to urinary retention was quite accorded with these results.3. Sexual function was surveyed making inquiries by the letter to 48 subjects and was summarized on 43 including 19 female with satisfactorily recorded answers.a) Ability of the erection was preserved in about 60 to 70% of the patient regardless of presence or absence of the denervation of the lower hypogastric nerve. However, it was impaired in all patients with bilateral injury to the pelvic nerve, although even the unilateral preservation saved the ability in all.b) Ability of the ejaculation was satisfactorily kept only in the subjects whose lower hypogastric nerve was bilaterally saved. Among those who had injury to bilateral pelvic nerve, only the patient whose lower hypogastric nerve was bilaterally saved preserved the ability, suggesting a close participation of the hypogastric nerve to the ejaculation.4. The decrease in the curability of the cancer under this procedure was not observed, compared with that in patients undergone the surgery performed without the positive intention to save the nerve but with the aim to eradicate the cancer.
松海 信彦
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.101, no.11-12, pp.1049-1061, 1989 (Released:2009-03-30)

The thermal damage threshold of brain tissue was estimated from the immediate and delayed histological changes caused by 2450 MHz microwave antenna and an antenna cooling system of a device used for interstitial hyperthermia treatment. An antenna within a cooling system was inserted through the small cranietomy under general anesthesia. The temperature at a reference point, 4 mm radially away from the surface of the cooling system, was maintained at 42 °C, 43 °C, 44 °C, 45 °C or 46 °C for 60 minutes. In a non-survival experiment, 18 animals were used and sacrificed immediately after the treatment. In a survival experiment, 9 animals were used and sacrificed seven days after the treatment. The histological changes were evaluated by microscopic examination with hematoxylin and eosin, Klüver-Barrera, or Bodian stainings. In the non-survival experiment, areas heated below 44 °C showed no obvious irreversible change. In the survival experiment, areas heated at 44 °C or above showed coagulative necrosis. Those histological findings indicate that the thermal damage occurs in normal brain tissue after heating at 44 °C or above for 60 minutes, and suggest that the safety limit for brain hyperthermia is 43 °C for 60 minutes.
池田 嘉一郎
岡山醫學會雜誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.32, no.371, pp.646-666, 1920

石津 日出雄 宮石 智 山本 雄二 高田 真吾
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.105, no.9-10, pp.839-845, 1993 (Released:2009-03-30)

A 63-year-old male died in the hospital from erroneous drip infusion of thrombin, a local hemostatic, after polypectomy for intestinal polyposis. At autopsy, thromboses were observed in the cutaneous veins of the right arm, the right axillary vein and the right subclavian vein, and soft fibrin clots in the superior vena cava, the right atrium, the right ventricle and the pulmonary arteries. Thrombi were also found in the rami of the arteries in both lungs under the microscope. Leucocyte infiltration was recognized in the thrombus, but no organization. This finding shows that the thrombi were fresh. The remainder (150ml) of the drip solution was analyzed for thrombin activity and 8 to 16 units of thrombin activity per ml were demonstrated. From these results, the cause of death was considered pulmonary thrombosis due to intravenous administration of thrombin.
国府島 泉 山本 洋 山本 マリリア明美 中村 知明 長町 栄子 寺坂 昌子 金政 泰弘
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.96, no.3-4, pp.385-389, 1984-04-30 (Released:2009-03-30)

電子レンジによるおしぼり付着菌の殺菌効果について検討した.菌付着おしぼりを1本ずつ照射する実験ではE. coli, S. aureus, P. aeruginosaの細菌類は2分間程度のマイクロ波照射で殺菌された.真菌類のC. albicansも3分で殺菌された.しかしB. subtilisの芽胞は5分間のマイクロ波照射でも10%の生残が認められた.実際面を考慮しておしぼり10本程度を同時に行なう場合は,効率的にやや長時間を要するが,芽胞以外のものを対照にする限り5分照射で充分である.電子レンジによるおしぼりの殺菌は手軽に短時間にしかも効果的になされることが判明し,自家処理おしぼりの殺菌にはもちろんのこと業者処理おしぼりの追加殺菌にも有用であると考えられる.
牧山 宏志
Okayama Medical Association
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.71, no.6-1, pp.3077-3084, 1959-05-01 (Released:2009-03-30)

On the basis of the findings on the relationship between tubal muscles and the Eustachian tube as described in the previous report, the actions of various tubal muscles on the Eustachian tube are discussed, and the observations carried out by the methods described below on the movements in vivo of the naso-haryngeal orifice at the time of phonation and of swallowing reveaied the following results.1. Observations were carried out with the use of a nasopharyngoscope.2. Observations were done on the patients who underwent the radical operation for the cancer of maxillar sinus. As the inferior nasal concha was already removed at the time of the operation, it was possible to insert a small nasal mirror into the posterior nasal cavity of the operated side to catch the whole view around the tubal orifice of healty side.3. For the children over 5-6 years old with cleft palate, observations were carried out directly on the pharyngeal orifice through the mouth cavity (motion pictures were taken in this instance).At a result it has been found that the nasopharyngeal orifice of the tube is widened because the posterior lip and the mucous membrane of the base of the Eustachian tube move slightly outward at the time of swallowing. In anatomically summarizing these observations the author arrived at the following conclusions.At the time of swallowing the tensor muscle of the palate dilates the Eustachian tube at the points near the middle part and the anterior part of the tube. The levator palatini muscle assists the opening action of the tensor muscle by fixing or by drawing the base of the tube slightly toward the inferior-interior side. The salpingopharyngeus muscle or the salpingopharyngeal fold, being drawn inward by the cephalopharyngeal muscle and pahryngopalatine muscle and widening the nasopharygeal orified, assists the dilatating action of the tensor muscles.When the muscles are relaxed, the Eustachian tube is closed probably by the elasticity of the lateral cartilaginous lamina and by the pressure of the tissues surrounding the tube.
田村 於兎
岡山醫學會雜誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.31, no.352, pp.385-392_1, 1919-05-31 (Released:2009-03-31)
池田 嘉一郎
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.32, no.371, pp.646-666, 1920-12-31

岡崎 昌一
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.72, no.5, pp.1351-1357, 1960-07-30

By selecting 4 oxime compounds possessing pyridine nucleus in the molecular construction, namely, PATD, PPATD, PPAPD, and PAD, the author compared their therapeutic effects on alkylphosphate poisoning with the effect of PAM. 1. As for the therapeutic effect on alkylphosphate poisoning in mice, when administered in the maximum safety dose, PATD and PPATD are superior to PAM, but on scrutinous examinations there can be recognized not any significant difference. Effect of PPAPD is about the same as that of PAM. 2. Both PAM and PATD are most effective when administered concurrently with the intravenous administration of alkylphosphate, but as the time before or after the administration of alkylphosphate lengthens, the effect of drugs decreases proportionately. 3. Atropine used concurrently with these oxime compounds yields no better results than without it. 4. The effect of PATD is slightly more lasting than PAM, but the difference is not significant. 5. PATD has been proven to possess a reactivating action on rabbit blood cholinesterase just as PAM. Consequently it is assumed that the effective mechanism of both drugs is same. 6. When an equal dose of PAD and PAM is administered to the mice with ethylparathion poisoning, PAD is inferior to PAM in improving the mortality rate of the mice. 7. There seems to be no benefit in administering intramuscularly 15 mg/kg PAD concurrently with the administration of various oximes.
大重 彌吉
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.66, no.5, pp.951-957, 1954-05-31 (Released:2009-08-24)

From the data gathered by myself and other investigators up to 1954 in every district of Japan, I have chosen those of the mother population according to the law of X2-distribution and from their average value have concluded that the corrected frequency of principal psychoses in rural districts of Japan is as follows:-