早島 瑛
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.59, no.1, pp.4-48,201-202, 1993-05-25 (Released:2017-07-01)

Es ist von E. Kehr darauf hingewiesen worden, die Geschichte der deutschen Historiographie sei "nicht eine Geschichte fur sich selber, sondern beruhrt an jedem Punkt die allgemeinen sozialen und inneren Verhaltnisse." G. G. Iggers ist mit Kehr einer Ansicht, wenn er schreibt, er sei sich "daruber in klaren, daB die Geschichte der Geschichte niemals als eigenstandige Entwicklung der Disziplin verstanden werden kann". Es geht ihm daher darum, daB sie vielmehr den sozialen, politischen und institutionalen Zusammenhang aufzeigen muB, in dem Geschichte geschrieben wird." In der vorliegenden Studie wird versucht, diese methodischen Ansatze von Kehr und Iggers auf die Geschichte der <Sozialgeschichte> in Deutschland anzuwenden. Wir gehen dabei davon aus, daB die Geschichte der <Sozialgeschichte> auch sozialhistorisch zu untersuchen ist. Die Geschichte der <Sozialgeschichte> in Deutschland laBt sich in drei Epochen einteilen, in denen sie jeweils als kritische Wissenschaft gegen den in der Fachhistorie Historismus in Erscheinung trat: 1) im deutschen Kaiserreich um die Jahrhundertwende im Zusammenhang mit den Werken von E. Gothein und K. Lamprecht; 2) in der Weinarer Republik in den Werken von E. Kehr und H. Rosenberg u. a., und 3) in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den 1960/70er Jahren im Zusammenhang mit der historischen Sozialwissenschaft von H.-U. Wehler und J. Kocka u. a. In der ersten Epoche stand sowohl in Gotheins "Wirschftsgeschichte des Schwarzwaldes" als auch in Lamprechts "Wirtschaftsleben im Mittelalter" nicht das Individuum im Mittelpunkt, sondern ein breiter geographischer Raum und das materielle Leben der Menschen. In der zweiten Epoche analysierten und kritisierten Kehr und Rosenberg die Gesellschaftsstruktur des deutschen Kaiiserreiches. Es gelang ihnen jedoch nicht, die feste Mauer des Historismus zu brechen, der eher offensiv war. G. v. Below wollte die "Axt gebrauchen", um den "morschen Baum" Lamprechts zu fallen, wahrend G. Ritter Kehr als einen "ganz gefahrlichen 'Edelbolschewisten'" bezeichnete. Erst in der dritten Epoche gelang es den jungen Historikern wie Wehler und Kocka, die aus den Schulen von Th. Schieder, W. Conze und H. Rosenberg u. a. kamen, "jenseits des Historismus"(W. J. Mommsen) die <Sozialgeschichte> als historische Sozialwissenschaft zu institutionalisieren. Die Voraussetzungen dafur waren der mit der Fischer-Kontroverse ausgebrochene 'Burgerkrieg' in der Historikerzunft und die daraus resultierende Entstehung des neuen NationalbewuBtseins, das den Sozialstaat und die Ostpolitik schlieBlich anzuerkennen vermochte. Hinzu kamen zwei gesellschaftliche Faktoren: das Ende des von P. Moraw so bezeichneten "klassischen Zeitalters" des Hochschulwesens und der "Zerfall des Bildungsburgertums"(K.H. Jarausch), wodurch es in den 1960/70er Jahren auch kritischen Sozialhistorikern insitutionell moglich wurde, "jenseits des Historismus" in den Neugrundungen einen Lehrstuhl zu erhalten, was fruger weder Kehr noch H. Rosenberg moglich gewesen war.
鷲崎 俊太郎
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.73, no.2, pp.147-162, 2007-07-25 (Released:2017-06-09)

山本 勇造
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.38, no.5, pp.560-577,588-58, 1973

How much did Japan invest in colonial chosen and Taiwan? We could not answer to this "simple" question in spite of the fact that the problem of colonialism has long been an integral part of the analysis of Japanese capitalism. The purpose of this paper is to give a provisional estimate of the above amount. Our estimates are composed of two parts : the amount of capital flows from Japan, and the amount of capital stock possessed by the Japanese in its colonies. We found that the latter was considerably greater then the former. which indicates that the wealth of the Japanese in colonial Chosen and Taiwan was largely obtained without the flows of capital from Japan. We try to explain this situation by exploitation and the reinvestment of colonial profits. Our conclusion will answer to the question : Why was it possible for Japan to export capital, while it struggled with the lack of capital initially? In the case of Japan, the capital export did not accompany the actual flows of capital into its colonies.
上野 喬
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.37, no.5, pp.495-517,530-52, 1972

In summing up the activities of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group in the thirties, we can point out their conservative characters on all fields. For instance the Gorup had taken a share of about 11 per cent in the world crude oil production constantly and had enjoyed a sound financial result in this hard decade. In this essay the author sketches a short economic and business history of the Group in terms of their cartel or cooperative movements in the thirties and wants to add a short supplement to the famous International Petroleum Cartel (1952). In the middle of the twenties the world economy had been growing year by year, but things changed gradually in the petroleum industry. Among many firms the Group was the quickest to see the writing on the wall, overproduction of crude oil, and to persuade cooperation to each other. By their effort the 'Achnacarry' or 'As is' Agreement of 1928, the spirit of the most comprehensive cartel agreement in this industry, was shown. The petroleum industry consists of crude oil production, reffining, transportation and marketing. As time went on the essence of the 'Achnacary' Agreement was spread over all these fields. Without this in their integrated fields, the international petroleum cartel could not attain their purpose.With this Agreement the Big Three-Standard - NJ, Anglo-Persian and the Group - tried to limit the competition in production (Middle East and Venezuela) and in marketing (Europe artd Asia). The depressing thirties were the time of development of petrochemical industry and the time of technocrats. In petrochemical field the Group was running the top, and in this field cartels or patents had played the most important roles. Moreover cartel movements were not limited in these firms, IG Farben, ICI and Du Pont also wanted to make international and inter-industry cooperations among one another. As for technocrats the Group owed much to them. By Kessler, Cohen, De Kok and Pijzel the Group succeeded to establish MEKOG in Holland and Shell Chemical in California. Last but not least, tanker transportation has been the most important means of carrying oil from producing to consuming countries, and the Group was the biggest tanker owner oil company at that time. But even for them it was essential to keep tanker freight rates as high as possible. In 1934, after the failure of the Tankskibscontralen of Norwegian, the International Tanker Owners Association was started, and it was entirely certain that if the Majors of oil companies had not entered in, this cartel, its success would have been doubtful. In this tanker pool the Kessler plan came into being at last.
田中 光
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.79, no.3, pp.353-372, 2013-11-25 (Released:2017-05-17)

田中 光
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.78, no.1, pp.119-141, 2012

小野 浩
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.79, no.2, pp.191-212, 2013-08-25 (Released:2017-05-17)

友部 謙一
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.72, no.6, pp.695-717, 2007-03-25 (Released:2017-08-09)

Research on secular trends and short-term fluctuations of the mean age of menarche in Japan from the 1880s to the 1980s has revealed the following facts: 1. From 1920, Japan's mean age of menarche began an obvious decline, which continued until 1945, with some short-term fluctuations. But it rose soon afterwards and again began to decline drastically from 1950; 2. The mean age of menarche of schoolgirls and mill girls declined from the 1910s to the 1930s. Because both of them were in relatively disadvantaged positions within the Japanese household system of 'ie' in terms of nutritional intake, the decline in mean age implied possible improvement of the general standard of living in Japan during the period; 3. Analysis of peak height velocity of elementary and secondary school boys and girls showed PHV during the 1920s, and their tendency to grow in height continued to the 1930s. These findings allow us to reconsider the evaluation of economic conditions during the interwar period in Japan, especially from the 1910s to the 1930s.
齋藤 翔太朗
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.79, no.2, pp.235-252, 2013

三木 さやこ
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.66, no.1, pp.67-84,123, 2000

This article will explore the dynamism of indigenous trading systems in Bengal under colonial control through a case study of the grain trade. In 1794 the government attempted to stabilize prices and to prevent famines by establishing state-run grain storehouses, but these policies were unsuccessful. Two major factors contributed to this failure. First, the government had not fully understood the spatial geography of the Bengal grain trade ; second, there was strong resistance to market intervention from native traders. To understand the background factors that led to this failure, we need to examine the operation of the indigenous trading system which was centered on wholesale grain markets, known as ganjs. The ganjs played an important role in linking producing areas and town markets. The traders in ganjs held stores of grain in their granaries, and by using their knowledge, trade experience, information and trading networks, they controlled both prices, and supply and demand. In other words, although the expansion of Company rule brought major changes to the overall economy, indigenous trading systems adapted to the new situation and continued to play a significant economic role.
加藤 健太
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.79, no.4, pp.521-543, 2014-02-25 (Released:2017-05-17)

青木 健
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.77, no.2, pp.227-248, 2011-08-25 (Released:2017-05-24)

宮川 淑
社会経済史学 (ISSN:00380113)
vol.29, no.1, pp.27-50, 1963-09-25 (Released:2017-08-10)

The level and the trends of the per acre yield of wheat in England from the middle ages down to date were ingeniously demonstrated by M. K. Bennett in his article contributed to the Economic History in 1935. But the progress of the study of English economic history since then has rendered some of his conclusions untenable. The writer intends to make necessary modifications of Bennett's curve, the result of which is seen on the chart prited on p. 23.