結城 佳子 鈴木 敦子 太田 知子 小林 美子 坂田 三允
紀要 (ISSN:18817440)
vol.3, pp.23-29, 2009-03

城 佳子
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.34, pp.63-72, 2012

The effects of self-disclosure and perceived social support from friends on perceived acceptance were investigated among undergraduates. In addition, the effects of promoting self -disclosure skills on those processes were also examined. Participants were 144 undergraduates who completed a questionnaire that measured their self-disclosure to friends they spent time with at university , perceived social support, perceived acceptance , and self-disclosure skills. Results showed that social aspects of self-disclosure affected perceived social support and that perceived social support affected perceived acceptance. Moreover, self-disclosure skills affected all elements of those processes, and theoretical model was validated. 大学生を対象として、友人への自己開示、知覚されたソーシャルサポートが被受容感に及ぼす影響を検討した。加えて被開示スキルがこの課程に及ぼす影響も検討した。大学生144名に対して、学内で時間を共有する程度の友人に対する自己開示と、知覚されたソーシャルサポート、被受容感、被開示スキルについての質問紙に回答を求めた。その結果、社会的自己の開示がソーシャルサポートの知覚に影響を及ぼし、ソーシャルサポートの知覚が被受容感に影響を与えていることが明らかにされた。さらに、被開示スキルは自己開示、ソーシャルサポート、被受容感のいずれにも影響をおよぼすという結果が得られ、仮説モデルは検証された。
城 佳子
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.30, pp.57-66, 2009-03-01

The purpose of this study was to develop a self-report instrument of mood states consists of eight factors based on a three-dimensional model. The three-dimensional model consisted of energy, tension, and hedonic tone. Eight factors were defined to be influenced by three dimensions; energy, tension, and hedonic tone. The Three-Dimensional Checklist of Affect (3DCLA) was administered under four conditions: after doing relaxation training, after watching an amusing video, after taking a test, and after attending a lecture. An instrument called the 3DCLA with 7 subscales was developed. The reliability and the validity of each scale were investigated. Results have shown that the subscales are highly internally consistent and factors valid.
加藤 千恵子 廣橋 容子 石川 貴彦 笹木 葉子 南山 祥子 佐々木 俊子 長谷川 博亮 結城 佳子 Cieko KATO Yoko HIROHASHI Takahiko ISHIKAWA Yoko SASAKI Shoko MINAMIYAMA Toshiko SASAKI Hiroaki HASEGAWA Yoshiko YUKI
紀要 = Bulletin of Nayoro City University (ISSN:18817440)
vol.12, pp.63-76, 2018-03

妊婦100 人を対象にマイナートラブルの症状と指尖脈波の非線形解析の手法を用いて,妊娠前期,中期,後期の特徴を検証した。指尖脈波は,心の外部適応力(元気さ)の指標となる最大リアプノフ指数( LLE: Largest Lyapunov Exponent) と,交感神経と副交感神経の状態から自律神経バランス( Autonomic Nerve Balance)でストレスとリラックスの状態がわかる。その結果から,「理想ゾーン」36.3%,「準理想ゾーン」51.0%,「憂鬱ゾーン」3.9%,「本能のままゾーン」2.0% ,「気が張り詰めているゾーン」2.9%,「気が緩んでいるゾーン」3.9% の6 つの領域に分類できた。高ストレス者は3.0% が該当した。LLE 値の平均値は,妊娠前期5.18,中期4.84,後期4.05 で,妊娠経過に伴い心の元気度が有意に低下していた(p= 0.010)。また,疲労と抑鬱の測定値は有意に増加し(p= 0.027, p=0.006),リスクは増していた。妊娠初期のつわりの症状が,「倦怠感」「胃の不快」「面倒さ」に影響したことが示唆された。妊娠後期,一部の者は,経済的負担感が増していた。過去1か月間の疲労・不安・抑鬱の症状を自覚する割合に比べ, 現在の指尖脈波の測定値の方が有意に高く,疲労・不安・抑鬱のリスクは増していた。妊娠初期から人的・経済的基盤を中心とした支援を強化する必要がある。今後,妊婦健診などで指尖脈波やマイナートラブル評価尺度を活用して,可視化・客観視できる結果をもとに妊婦と共に振り返り,活用することが重要である。
田中 愛治 川出 良枝 古城 佳子 西澤 由隆 齋藤 純一 吉川 徹 小西 秀樹 船木 由喜彦 今井 亮佑 品田 裕 飯田 健 井柳 美紀 遠藤 晶久 清水 和巳 Jou Willy 千葉 涼 日野 愛郎 三村 憲弘 村上 剛 山崎 新 横山 智哉 加藤 言人 小川 寛貴 坂井 亮太 中西 俊夫 劉 凌

城島 博宣 白河 桃子 幸田 達郎 城 佳子
生活科学研究 (ISSN:02852454)
vol.34, pp.149-158, 2012-03

近年の日本における社会問題の一つに少子化の問題がある。少子化の一因として、女性の非婚化や晩婚化の問題がしばしば取り上げられる。女性の非婚化や晩婚化が進んでいる背景には、女性のライフスタイルが多様化した事が考えられる。 そこで本研究では、女性から結婚観やジェンダー観、職業観に関してアンケート調査を行い、女性の結婚観や職業観、そこにズレが生じているかを調査することを目的とした。その結果、本研究の調査対象となった28%の女子大学生が、結婚観や職業観の間にズレが生じている事が明らかになった。また、本研究の調査対象となった女子大学生の望むライフコースは、ゆるく働き続けつつ、早期に結婚し、出産するということ、もしくは子育て期間中は一時的に家庭に入り、子育て後にパートなどで復帰するという事が明らかになった。今後はさらに多くの大学や学年において調査を行い、検討を進めていく必要があるだろう。
古城 佳子
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
no.115, pp.94-109,L13, 1997

The purpose of this article is to examine what kind of logic was behind the demand of defense burden-sharing toward Japan by the United States in the late 1950s and 1960s. This article presents the following viewpoints. First, US demand of defense burden-sharing was colsely related to the problem of US balance of payments deficit from the late 1950s. Second, in order to better understand the problem of US-Japan defense burden-sharing in the late 1950s and 1960s, it should be analyzed in the context of US policy towards the allied nations, rather than just in the context of bilateral relations.<br>In the late 1950s, in the face of gold outflow the Eisenhower administration began to realize that the balance of payment deficit would impose serious problem on the United States. This administration created the scheme of burden-sharing among the allied nations. This scheme was reinforced by Kennedy administration, which claimed that the US balance of payments deficit would restrain US policy of protecting "the Free World, " thus harm not only the United States but also the allied nations.<br>In this context, the US administrations tried to defend dollar position by focusing on two points expanding US export to increase trade surplus, and reducing external spending, in particular, foreign aid and military expenditure. The US administrations asked the allied nations to share the cost of US foreign aid and military spending. This is the origin of the burdensharing scheme. In other words, since the late 1950s the allied nations were asked to increase foreign aid and military spending. For evaluating which country should share the burden, the US applied two economic measurements; balance of payments surplus and sufficent foreign exchange reserves.<br>West Germany was the main target of the US demand of defense burdensharing because of the large US military presence in West Germany and its rapid recovery of economy in terms of balance of payment surplus and large foreign exchange reserves. The United States started to ask West Germany to share the defense cost as early as in the late 1950s. The negotiation of offset payment agreement between Germany and the US shows the US tough policy towards West Germany.<br>In contrast, the US did not put much pressure on Japan to share the defense cost until the mid-1960s. This US lenient attitude toward Japan compared to policy towands West Germany was partly because of Japan's domestic political instability relating to the revision of the US-Japan Security Treaty in 1960 and partly because of Japan's economic indices which were short of US criteria; balance of payment deficit and small foreign exchange reserves.<br>However, in the mid-1960s, the US demand of defense burden-sharing toward Japan increased because Japan's economic situation had improved. The demand was intensified by the US increased involvement in the Vietnam War. Japan, as well as West Germany, was asked to buy US arms and US Treasury bill to contribute to improve US balance of payment. Since this period, the US claim that the United States provided "public goods" for "the Free World" became problematic for the allied nations.