山口 登志子
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.51, pp.175-177, 2009-03
石井 由理
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.43, pp.29-38, 2001-03

Norway revised its National Curriculum in 1997 as part of a thorough educational reform. Since Norway is a world leader in terms of the policy and practice of education aimed at promoting better international understanding and moreover shares some features with Japan, how it interprets recent social, economic and political development in the new National Curriculum is worthy of study. The paper briefly introduces the term "Education for International Understanding" and the rationale for studying the Norwegian curriculum. The content of the Curriculum is discussed in terms of raising awareness of global citizenship.
高林 友美 佐々木 輝美
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.57, pp.137-146, 2015-03

現在のICT社会においてますます注目をあびる自律的学習の研究は,教育心理学,言語教育,成人教育,など,いくつかの領域に分かれて行われている。本研究はこれらの研究を領域横断的にまとめることで自律的学習に重要な要素を明らかにしようとした。各領域の代表的な特徴としてモチベーション,対人コミュニケーションの積極性,自己理解といった要素を発見し,それらに関係する新しい要素として学習のためのメディアという視点が導かれた。更に,この視点に関して関東圏の大学生300人を対象とした調査を行ったところ,メディアリテラシーやイノベーティブネスといった学習メディアの利用の傾向と自律的学習の間にある程度の相関が認められた。Studies of autonomous learning are attracting increasing attention in current ICT society, and are spreading into various disciplines and domains such as educational psychology, language education, and adult education. Summarizing the results of autonomous learning studies in these disciplines, this study explores the elements of autonomous learning. The results indicate the positive attitudes toward personal communication, self-understanding, and motivation constituting the representative characteristics of each discipline; in addition, a new viewpoint emerges called 'learning media.' This new viewpoint was researched in a survey of 300 university students in the Kanto area. The results revealed a moderate positive correlation between autonomous learning and learning media usage, measuring with media literacy and innovativeness.
水田 洋子
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.57, pp.91-98, 2015-03

自然言語量化子を2つ以上含む文は,量化子のスコープの違いに起因する曖昧性を持つが,更なる曖昧性を持つ場合もある。本稿では,自然言語量化子 most および two を含む文 Most travelers visit two citiesとその受身形 Two cities are visited by most travelers の読みの非対称性を示し,議論する。Most ではなくall を使ったもの(All travelers visit two cities)では,能動形と受身形が同様の曖昧性を持ち,文の 2 つの意味は量化子(all とtwo)のスコープの曖昧性に帰着できる。しかし,mostを使ったものでは,受身形が更に第 3 の読みをもち,能動形と受身形の読みは非対称となる。それらの読みについて経験的および論理的な観点から議論する。また基本文のバリエーションについての考察および,日本語データとの対照考察も行う。Sentences with natural language quantifiers (e.g. every, all, most, two, a few) exhibit an ambiguity attributed to the scope ambiguity of the quantifiers used. However, the sentence may have further ambiguity.This paper investigates the readings of the pair Most travelers visit two cities and its passive version Two cities are visited by most travelers and shows the asymmetry between them. The version with all (i.e. All travelers visit two cities and its passive version) share the same ambiguity between the active and passive sentences, which is attributed to the scope ambiguity of the quantifiers all and two. In the case of the sentences in question, however, there is a third reading in the passive sentence. The details of the three readings and their distribution are investigated on empirical and logical bases. The paper also investigates several variations of the basic sentences (e.g. Most of the travelers visited two cities; Most travelers are attracted to two cities) and discusses the different distribution of the readings. Furthermore, a contrastive analysis with relevant Japanese data is conducted.
陳 碧珠
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.48, pp.195-202, 2006-03

スタンディッシュ ポール
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.44, pp.243-262, 2002-03

本稿ではまず初めに,市民教育における最近の動向の文化的背景を素描する.続いて,正邪の問題をめぐる教師の自信喪失という道徳教育の問題に取り組む,イギリスとウエールズにおける試みを紹介し,これを批判的に吟味する.次に,1990年代後期における道徳教育から市民教育への関心の推移という傾向に関連して,1998年に英国で発行されたクリックレポート,『市民性のための教育と学校における民主主義の教授』について簡潔に論ずる.このレポートが首尾一貫し良識あるものであることを認めた上で,本稿は,特に社会への包括(social inclusion)に関し,市民教育の考え方についてより幅広い問いを投げかける.結論として,本稿で考察してきたすべての動向において,倫理,そして市民性についての矮小化されすぎた考え方が浸透しているということを指摘する.人々の生活を特色づけこれに意味を与えている,身近で,局所的で,互いに絡み合い,そしておそらくは葛藤をもはらむ諸々の忠誠の形を重んずるような形で,公的世界と私的世界の関係をとらえ直すことが,特にグローバライゼーションの時代においては必要である.このことは,教育実践全体に関わるものである.
武田 清子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.9, pp.1-54, 1962-12

In the history of modern Japanese educational thought, the Pestalozzian movement was once influential throughout the nation. This was during the Meiji period. Originally Pestalozzi had a unique structure of thought composed of a profound understanding of man based upon Christian concepts (though he was influenced by Rousseau), a deep interest in helping poor children to realize their true humanity in spite of the distorted conditions of their existence, and a new educational method or technique of accomplishing this. However the technique of Pestalozzianism has often been adapted without the underlying philosophy of concern for humanity. Takamine Hideo, a graduate of Fukuzawa's Keio and later a principal of Tokyo Normal School and promoter of Pestalozzianism, was educated at Oswego Normal School which had adapted "Pestalozzianism" with its special emphasis on the method of "object lessons ". This method was introduced through England which had a unique emphasis on pedagogical techniques, and whose methods easily spread all over America in the time of industrial growth after the Civil War. In this paper I intend to re-examine and analyze the nature and problem of the type of liberal education which was labeled as the "Pestalozzian movement" and which was regarded as contradictory to nationalistic education in modern Japan, but which as a technical method of education, having been cut off from its spiritual root, was rather easily integrated with the moral education based upon Confucianism and Emperor worship and with the Japanese mythical view of history. I also contrasted this kind of adaptation with the educational thought of two Japanese Christian educators: Ishii Jyuji, the founder of the Okayama Orphanage, and Tomeoka Kosuke, the founder of the "family school" for juvenile delinquency, who in their understanding of man, their basic motive and method of education had much in common with that of Pestalozzi, although they have been almost entirely neglected in the history of modern educational thought in Japan.
チェ スッキョン
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.56, pp.141-146, 2014-03

ソーシャルネットワークサービス(SNS)は大学生にとって重要な生活の一部となりつつある。特にフェイスブックは世界的に人気のあるサービスであり,高等教育における教育利用の研究が増えてきている。SNSの教育利用では,学習者間の相互作用を高め,人間関係を深めることによる学習効果が期待されている。しかしながら一方ではプライバシーの問題により学習に用いることに抵抗を示す問題も生じてきた。そのため,本研究はSNSを大学教育に導入するにあたって,その果たし得る教育的役割と考慮すべき点を明らかにすることを目指した。この目的のために,本研究では大学生を対象としたオンライン調査を実施した。特にフェイスブックに焦点を置いて、大学生がどのようにフェイスブックを用いているか,日常的な状況と教育的用途について調査した。また,フェイスブックを授業を支援するツールとして用いることについてSD法を用いて学生の認識を分析した。結果として,フェイスブック等には交流促進機能,情報のやり取り,共同作業の場としての機能が認められる。しかし,学生は教員とフェイスブック等を通して相互作用することに抵抗を感じていることから,この問題を解決するための指針を考察した。Social network services (SNS) have become an essential part of college student life. Facebook in particular is considered to be the most popular media, and much research has highlighted the values of Facebook in higher education. On the other hand, debates are heating up over students' privacy and negative attitudes toward the use of personal SNS for learning. This study attempts to discuss both the educational effects and limitations to be considered when incorporating Facebook into an educational context. To achieve its goals, this study surveys college students. Specifically, it investigates how students use Facebook in terms of both personal and educational applications. In addition, it analyzes the students' perceptions of Facebook as an instructional support tool, with a particular focus on the semantic differential scale. This paper concludes that Facebook can support learning and teaching by facilitating interaction between students and by providing an environment for information sharing and collaboration. It has also been revealed that students feel burdened when interacting with teachers over Facebook, however. This study provides guidelines on how such burdens might be relieved.
立川 明
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.44, pp.1-15, 2002-03

西村 馨
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.48, pp.161-174, 2006-03

アーランソン アルビッド
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
vol.52, pp.97-110, 2010-03-31

本研究は,新しい道徳的態度尺度 Moral Attitude Questionnaire( MAQ)を作成し,その信頼性を検討した.MAQは,結果主義的態度と常識的道徳と一致する非結果主義的態度を対比させることによって道徳的態度と予期された行動における個人差および文化差を測定する尺度である.1 つのカテゴリーにつき 5つのストーリーを作成し,5 カテゴリーから成る計25ストーリー設定した.結果として,「作為‐不作為」に対する態度および「家族への贔屓」に対する態度に関しては十分な信頼性が得られたが,「因果応報」に対する態度および「理性的な自殺」に対する態度における信頼性は予測よりも高いものではなかった.また,「犠牲者数の重視」に対する態度における信頼性は低かった.回答者は,一般的に道徳的態度としては家族への贔屓はよくないと考えていたが,実際の行動としては家族を贔屓する傾向があった.さらに,男性回答者は女性回答者より態度レベルでも予期された行動レベルでも家族を贔屓する傾向が示された.The reliability of the newly constructed Moral Attitude Questionnaire (MAQ) was tested in this pilot study. The MAQ aims to assess individual and cultural differences in moral attitudes and expected behavior on a broad scale, contrasting typically consequentialistic attitudes with typically non-consequentialistic attitudes congruent with common sense morality. Five representative categories with five stories in each were tested. It was found that attitudes towards the intentional act/foreseen omission doctrine and attitudes towards family partiality could be measured in a reliable way. The stories measuring attitudes towards retributive punishment and attitudes towards rational suicide showed mixed inter-correlations. Attitudes towards the moral weight of "number of victims" could not be measured in a reliable way. Participants reported expecting themselves to behave with greater partiality than they believed they should from a moral perspective. Male participants revealed a greater degree of partiality than female participants on both the attitude and the expected behavior levels.
石本 菅生 寺田 祐二
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.26, pp.153-180, 1984-03

The purposes of the study are: to clarify the effects of the use of a microcomputer to facilitate reading speed, and to develop a microcomputer based training system for practical use. Sets of NEC' PC-8000 microcomputer system were used in the experiment as a speed reading training device (SRT). The experimental subjects were forty ICU freshmen. Twenty of them were for the Exprimental Group, and another twenty, for the Control Group. In the first session of the experiment, the subjects in the both groups received an initial test which required them individually to read a material in conventional speed reading classroom fashion. Time spent to finish up reading was recorded for each subject. From the second session through seventh session, the subjects in the Experimental Group received training by making use of a microcomputer training system. The subjects of the Control Group were trained, in every session, in the same manner as in the initial session. A short quiz was given to the subjects in the both groups at the end of each session. A post test was administered individually when each subject completed a series of training lessons. The test material was the same text used in the initial session, and it was given in the same manner. At the conclusion of the post test, subjects were also asked to respond to a questionnaire designed to examine their attitude toward, the interest in, and the impression of the method and the device used for the training. The major findings were summarized as follows: 1. While little improvement in reading speed was achieved in the Control Group, a statistically significant progress was observed in the Experimental Group. 2. The training contributed to the comprehension of the reading material, however, the subjects in both groups made progress to the almost same degree. 3. Comprehensive reading efficiency was observed, and the efficiency in the Experimental Group was higher than the one in the Control Group. This proves that the SRT is an effective device for the training. 4. More than two-thirds of the subjects reported that immediate feedback of results of comprehension quizes was essential for the training. 5. There was few subject whose attitude toward computerrized SRT was negative. 6. All subjects in the Experimental Group responded that the training system was "not so easy to operate". The fact implies the need for further improvement of the SRT system, even though the most of them expressed their interest in the method of training applied. 7. The impressions expressed by the subjects in the Experimental Group support the findings described in 1-3. Namely, many of them considered "got speed" in reading, however, "no change" in comprehension. Based on these facts it can be said that the effects of the SRT is more than equal to the effects of the training method applied to the Control Group. 8. The most of the subjects in the Experimental Group complained that the text materials displayed on the TV screen was a little difficult to read compared to the hard copy print of the same material. 9. The range of the choice of speed (from 100wpm to 200wpm with 10wpm interval) was adequate to the most subjects. 10. Most of the subjects considered that individualized training was effective for improvement in reading speed, because a learner was isolated from others and he could read in his own pace. These findings of the training experiment were carefully examined, and a speed reading training system was designed and developed for TRS-80 Model 1 microcomputer equiped with two floppy disk drives and a printer. System softwares developed are a file conversion program and a speed reading trainner program. A commercially-developed word processing software and its spell-checking software (SCRIPSIT and CHECK/CMD) play an important roll in the system. The performance of the system, the legibility of the display, and the ease of operation were all improved besides improvement of text creation process which utilized word processing and spell-checking software programs. Only reasonable typing skill is required on the part of text file creator or teacher, and special instruction is no more needed for anyone who learns with this system.
金 泰勲
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.50, pp.41-53, 2008-03

武田 清子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.8, pp.34-71, 1961-12

The Democratic movement of the Taisho period (1912-1925) is one of the most important movements in the development of the democratic trends in modern Japan. The generation who served as the national leaders during the establishment of postwar democracy in Japan were the products of this movement who struggled and survived the pressure of the militaristic fascism. Thus Japanese postwar democracy was not a gift of the US Occupation but was a national product from within. Sakuzo Yoshino, a Christian professor of political science and leading democrat, was the central figure of this movement. Under the Meiji constitution, without denying the Emperor System he worked for the right of the people as much as possible within that framework, having been attacked on both sides by the extreme nationalists and the extreme leftists. First of all, I would like to study and analyze the nature of this attempt of democracy. Secondly, this period is called, at the same time, a period of humanism when Christianity took root in the cultural and social soil of Japan. Having been received within the bosom of the culture and even losing itself in it, Christianity sought to bring about a renewal of the common man and society. The individuals of this type were Inazo Nitobe, Toyohiko Kagawa, and Sakuzo Yoshino. In Yoshino the basis of democracy was definitely Christian faith, and particularly Christian concept of man. I would like to evaluate the understanding of "Man" and its role as the basis of Taisho Democracy.
廣瀬 悦子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.45, pp.159-168, 2003-03

金 泰勲
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.49, pp.31-42, 2007-03

ビアルケ(當山) 千咲
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.46, pp.153-161, 2004-03

The purpose of this article is to review the development of qualitative studies on school and childhood as well as youth in Germany. The focus of this review will be on studies dealing with the changing experiences of students at school in the post modern age. Moreover, comparable changes in the relationships between students and school in Japan will be also taken into consideration. Studies on this issue in Germany are characterized by the following two points: The first is that perspectives of the studies on school as well as those on childhood and youth are converging increasingly. The second is that research perspectives on the macro, meso, and micro levels are connected with each other. This article deals with two topics which contributed in 1980s to forming the basis of the actual trend mentioned above: "individualization theory" discussed by U. Beck as well as "narrative analysis" developed by F. Schiitze. Then, light will be thrown upon the development of life story studies of students which have been forming the main stream of qualitative research in Germany. Finally, implications of this research trend in Germany for Japanese contemporary situation will be discussed. It indicates the necessity to pay attention to subjective perspectives of individual students who have their own life stories and to explore what they experience school.