瀧澤 道夫
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.20, no.1, pp.127-145, 2009-07-01

The beginning of modernization of Japan in history is uncertain although we may consider remarkable the introduction of western culture made by Mr Yukichi Fukuzawa who identified such technology as steam power, telecommunication, printing etc was the essence. Those are actually brought in Yokohama by the black ship when Commodore M.C. Perry exchanged Kanagawa Treaty of 1854 as the result of the expedition to Japan. The opening of two ports of Shimoda and Hakodate under Kanagawa Treaty is the output from the input of President Fillmore's letter to Emperor of Japan. Both of documents are two pages only which we could access easily today through internet. However, we have certain difficulty in reality if we try to understand what the black ship intended to aim through the expedition to Japan. This brief note is to approach to this basic inquiry in different ways from the various studies and attempts to emphasize the pioneer role for steamship in the Pacific Ocean.
上谷 香陽
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.27, no.2, pp.1-16, 2017-01-31

The purpose of this paper is to examine some key concepts of Dorothy Smith’s feminist sociologythrough reading her early study, “Institutional Ethnography: A Feminist Research Strategy” (Smith1987:151-179). In this article she re-raised the classical sociological issue about the relationshipbetween people’s local and particular experience and extra-local and general social relations, andsuggested an alternative sociology that explores how the everyday world of people’s experience isput together by social relations that extend beyond the everyday world. She argued that traditionalsociological method of inquiry translates people’s own knowledge of the world of their everydaypractices into the objectified knowledge to make everyday world accountable within sociologicaldiscourse. On the other hand, her sociology locates the starting point of inquiry within people’s actualexperience and their own knowledge. The key concepts of her sociology, such as ‘the everyday worldas problematic’ ‘standpoint of women’ ‘institutional ethnography’ ‘work knowledge’, make visible howpeople are connected into the extended social relations of ruling from people’s standpoints. Throughexamining these concepts, this paper develops the method of sociological inquiry into knowing thesocial from people’s actual everyday world.
上谷 香陽
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.28, no.2, pp.1-20, 2018-01-31

The purpose of this paper is to examine the idea of Dorothy Smith’s institutional ethnography(IE) through reading her article “The Standard North American Family:SNAF as an Ideological Code”(Smith 1999:157-171).In her sociological investigation, Smith re-raised the classical sociological issue about therelationship between people’s local and particular experience and extra-local and general socialrelations. And she suggested an alternative sociology that explores how the everyday world ofpeople’s experience is put together by social relations that extend beyond the everyday world.The point of the “SNAF” article is to explore the operation of SNAF as‘ideological code’ withinwhat she called‘ruling relations’. Ruling relations are internally coordinated complex of administrative,managerial, professional, and discursive organization that regulates, organizers, governs, andcontrols our societies. Within these relations, SNAF code operates to coordinate multiple site throughtextually mediated discourses.In the “SNAF” article, ideological code is regarded as a constant generator of procedures forselecting syntax categories and vocabulary in the writing of formal texts and for interpreting sentences,written or spoken, ordered by it. Smith argues that SNAF-governed texts are ubiquitous and givediscursive body and substance to a version of The Family, and mask the actualities of people’s livesespecially when they do not accord with SNAF.Through examining the idea of Smith’s ‘textually mediated discourses’ and‘ideological code’, thispaper tries to develop the method of sociological inquiry into knowing the social from people’s actualeveryday world.
上谷 香陽
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.29, no.1, pp.1-18, 2018-07-31

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the idea of the social organization of textual realities in Dorothy Smith’s sociology.Smith’s sociology re-raised the classical sociological issue about the relationship between people’s local and particular experience and extra-local and general social relations. And shesuggested an alternative sociology that explored how the everyday world of people’s experience is put together by social relations that extend beyond the everyday world. She argued that traditional sociological method of inquiry translated people’s own knowledge of the world of their everyday practices into the objectified knowledge to make everyday world accountable within sociological discourse. On the other hand, her sociology locates the starting point of inquiry within people’s actual experience and their own knowledge.Based on Smith’s Institutional Ethnography (IE), this paper investigates institutional accounting practices which produce textual realities. According to IE, actual work processes are made accountable as text (factual account) through institutional ideological procedures which attend selectively to work processes, thus making only selective aspect of them accountable within the institutional order. For IE texts are integral because they organize the trans or extra-local relations that we participate in but cannot observe from our local site of being.This paper examines the way IE discovers and makes observable how texts enter into, organize, shape, and coordinate people’s doings as we participate in the objectifying relation of ruling. In so doing this paper tries to suggest the method of knowing the social from people’s actual everyday world.
齊藤 功高
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.26, no.1, pp.47-65, 2015-07

The military dictatorship ruled Brazil over a period of approximately 20 years from 1964 to 1985. Meanwhile, a number of human rights violations were carried out by the military regime. Were those of human rights violations settled in the period of transition to the democratic regime from the military regime? The 1979 Amnesty Law which was enacted as a temporary result in the reconciliation of Brazilian society has now become an obstacle to the settlement of human rights violations. Brazil's Supreme Court judged the Amnesty Law as constitutional in 2010. However, the Amnesty Law did not conform to the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights according to the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which was issued in the same year. Therefore, first, I will outline the actuality of human rights violations under the military regime. Second, I will describe the content of the 1979 Amnesty Law and what effect it has on the Brazilian society. Third, I will discuss the movement of relief for the human rights violations that took place under the military regime in the transitional period through the truth commission. Fourth, I will examine what degree of influence the activities of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission and the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights have had in the country of Brazil. As a conclusion, I will mention that the activities to overcome the defects of the Amnesty Law have begun in Brazil.
今井 真士
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies (ISSN:09173072)
vol.26, no.1, pp.17-32, 2015-07-01

Historical Institutionalist explanations / Comparative Historical Analysis approaches are inferences about the causes of specific outcomes in particular cases. They are intended to explain outcomes that have already happened, either in the distant past or in the recent past. The goal of the analysis is precisely to explain the specific past occurrences (Mahoney, Kimball, and Koivu 2009: 116). In Historical Institutionalist explanations, political institutions are seen as the developing products of struggle among unequal actors, and are mainly focused on the long-term processes of institutional building, change and thus divergence. In Comparative Historical Analysis approaches, this view is expanded into the one focused on various events including political institutions. While these approaches are developing in comparative politics after the middle of 1990s based on the qualitative methodology, some scholars emphasized on the methodological differences between the qualitative one and the quantitative one, and thus pursued their ontological foundations of philosophy of science (especially biology and complexity science); especially, without proposing empirical and useful methods, they have seen these differences of methodologies as ones of paradigms and scientific views. Recently, however, other scholars have avoided these pedantic arguments of the philosophy of science and thus attempted to propose the logical (but not biological) foundations based on the set theory. In this article, I argue the ontological development of the literature of Historical Institutionalism / Comparative Historical Analysis and focus on the conceptual and terminological change of “contexts”. Especially, I compare the usage of “contexts” in the five approaches; critical junctures, institutional evolutions, multiple contexts, critical antecedents, and permissive / productive conditions.
伊津野 重満
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.3, pp.19-30, 1993

After the USSR was dissolved, circumstances have qickly changed politically, economically and ideologically.Austria and Switzerland, permanently neutral states, which have been member states of the EFTA, have wanted to become member states of the EC since 1961. The USSR, Czechoslovakia and so on have, however, objected to their becoming member states of the EC because it would violate their legal status as neutral states. So permanently neutral states above mentioned and Sweden, ocasionally neutral states, could not become member states of the EC notwithstanding their wishes. That is because, if neutral states obtain membership in the EC, in the future they may be obliged by the EC to apply economic sanctions against belligerents due to it's common economic policy.But nowadays the concept of permanent neutrality ― immerwährende Neutralität ― and occasonal neutrality ― gelegentliche Neutralität ― is strongly affected by the dissolution of USSR and is changing.As is widely known, today the Republic of Russia as a successor of USSR is no longer a super power which could prevent neutral states from becoming member states of the EC, and has not the political motive to do so. It is therefore essential to consider for the future what the legal obligations of neutral states at present are.From the viewpoint of traditional international law, the auther tries to describe the obligations of occasonal neutral states in war time and permanently neutral states in peace time.
小泉 賢吉郎
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.9, no.2, pp.79-115, 1999-02

The purpose of this article is to offer an alternative explanation as to why and how Japan was able to become a technological power. My approach is a cultural one. I first examine how the Japanese regarded imported technology historically in the context of a traditional, premodern society. It was adopted and applied freely and without external economic, political, or cultural restraints. This situation abruptly changed after Japan's encounter with the West in the latter half of the 19th century. Threatened, as China had been, by Western colonization, Japan came to form a national view, a framework, a methodology and goal defined as Eastern Ethics and Western Technology, which meant to them that Japan is superior in morality, but the West excels in technology. This framework subsequently evolved into a self image or self definition under the label Japanese Spirit and Western Knowledge. These key words or national mottos made it possible for Japan to import Western things while retaining their culture and values. It led to a wholesale copying of Western technology for the purpose of catching up with the West. And catching up with the West technologically was essential if Japan was to retain its national independence. This was a convenient framework, but at the same time it greatly limited the development of technology in Japan. It meant Japan viewed technology only in the same terms that the West did. The only possible direction that technology in Japan could go therefore was toward replication of the technology of the West. This situation lasted until Japan's defeat in the Second World War. After the war with the prewar Wakon or Japanese Spirit completely discredited, the Japanese began looking for a new identity, a new raison d'etre that could replace the old one. The Japanese were greatly influenced by American culture under the American postwar occupation of Japan, especially by its materialistic aspects. Through a complicated process the Japanese began to identify culturally with the affluent materialistic goals of American society and focused on manufacturing technology, one of the basic aspects of materialistic culture, at which they could excel. This new national mission led to a liberation from the upward and onward, faster, more powerful, high-tech direction of Western technology, and the Japanese rediscovered that technology can be innovated or improved endlessly--and that this in itself was a national goal worth cultivating and worthy of a national self identity. The issue of innovation as creativity, not copying is addressed. 第二次世界大戦が終わったとき、日本と欧米の間の技術力はどれくらい離れていたのだろうか。一口に技術力といっても技術の範囲は広大であり、基準もはっきりしないし、また、まとまった資料もないので、これを知ることはほとんど不可能に近い。が、散見する印象記を集めてみると、やはりその差は想像を絶するほど大きく、容易に埋めがたいとの感じが強い。 たとえば、ある技術者は第二次大戦中に実際に経験したこととして次のようなことをいう。日本軍の鉄砲は温度がマイナス25度になると、引き金が凍ってしまい、撃てなくなってしまったが、そんな寒さのなかでもソ連軍は撃ってきた。これを見て、日本軍には温度に関する科学がないのではないかと思ったほどであった。また日本軍の弾丸はすぐにさびた。それに対してイギリス軍の弾丸はまったくさびなかったが、イギリス軍の捕虜から聞いた話では、イギリスでは弾丸の腐食試験が行われており、これに合格した弾丸だけが実戦に使用されるとのことだった。 第二次大戦中、日本は潜水艦をドイツに何度か派遣し、彼らの進んだ技術を入手しようとした。ほとんどの潜水艦が途中でアメリカの軍艦の攻撃にあって撃沈され、この作戦の成功度は低かったと伝えられているが、潜水艦イ8号がこれに成功し、当時の日本にとって大変に貴重な技術をいろいろ持ち帰った。そのなかに高速魚雷艇エンジンMB501あり、これを見たある技術者は、このエンジンをそっくりそのままモノマネして、量産をすれば、アメリカに対抗できるのではないかと考えた。そしてこのドイツ製のエンジンを実際にバラバラに分解して、いろいろ調べてみたところ、このエンジンは、そっくりそのまま模倣することが不可能なほど精密に作られていることがわかった。つまりデッドコピーができない技術のかたまりだったのである。たとえばシリンダーは一万分の一ミリという精度で作られていたが、当時の日本の技術ではこれは不可能であり、「肝をつぶした」と当時の関係者は語っている。明治維新以降、西洋に追いつこうとして日夜努力してきた結果がこれであった。 戦後においても技術力の差については、ほぼ同じような状況が続いていた。1953年にはじまった戦後のビッグプロジェクトの一つ、佐久間ダム建設は関係者の間では大変にむずかしいとされていた。ところが、これは日本の技術を使った場合の話であって、もしアメリカの技術が使えるのであれば、建設できる確率は高いと判断された。実際、大型の機械を数種持ち込みアメリカの技術者の助けを借りて工事が行われ、予定通り3年間で完成した。関係者の回想によると、もし日本の技術だけを使っていたら、5年はかかっていただろうという。ダム建設の関係者はこの際に使われたアメリカ製の機械の大きさに驚愕している。ちなみに、戦後初の技術白書には、たとえば溶接技術の分野では約30年の遅れがあると書かれている。 以上は、個人的な印象をいくつか集めただけであり、これでもって日本と欧米の技術力の差は正式に論じられないものの、模倣さえできないほど精密に作られていたという証言を聞くと、愕然とするし、やはり敗戦の時点において相当な差があったものと考えざるを得ない。これに加えて、終戦後の食うや食わずの混乱を考えると、戦前のレベルを回復するだけでもかなりの時間がかかると考えるのが妥当だったと思われる。ところが、その後の状況を見ると、敗戦からわずかの期間に元に戻っただけでなく、とくに、技術、なかでも製造技術は異常なほど発達した。「異常な」という表現を用いたのは、アメリカに脅威を感じさせるところまで発展したことを強調したいからである。アメリカ自身が、技術のある面において日本より遅れていると感じはじめた。 とくに1980年代、ハイテク摩擦と呼ばれた問題が日本とアメリカの間で顕著になった。それ以前にも貿易摩擦というかたちで、繊維、鉄鋼、テレビ、自動車などの分野において摩擦問題があったが、ハイテク摩擦は、ちょっと違った側面をもっていた。というのは、アメリカが日本の技術水準に脅威を感じはじめたからである。たとえば、レーガン大統領によって悪の帝国と名付けられた旧ソ連の存在より、日本の強力な技術力を背景とした経済力のほうがアメリカにとって脅威だと見なす人が増えたことがあげられる。また、エレクトロニクスや新素材などの分野でアメリカの軍事技術が部分的に日本の民生技術に依存するようになったことに対しても、危惧の念が表明された。ただし、こうしたアメリカの反応には誤解に基づくものもあった可能性がある。アメリカと違って軍事用と民生用に分離して発達してこなかった日本では、いわゆるデュアルユース、つまり軍・民両用の技術が高度に発達し、軍事上と民生用の間に高い壁は設けられなかった。普通、軍事用の技術の方がはるかに高いため、日本で民生用に高い技術が使われているのを見て、脅威を感じた可能性があるからである。 とはいうものの、80年代に日本が世界中から、とくに技術において異常なほどの注目を浴びたことだけは事実である。いったいこれはどう理解すればよいのだろう。明治以降、育成だけを念頭に、政府、とくに通産省の主導のもとに強力な産業育成政策を実施してきた賜物なのか、それとも日本的変容を受けた儒教が国民を動かしたからなのか、あるいは技術が国の安全保障にとってもっとも大切であるとのテクノナショナリズムのもとにデュアルユースの技術システムを作り上げてきたからなのか、それとも技術革新の社会的ネットワークを作り上げ、技術情報がスムーズに流れるシステムを形成したからなのか。以上のような考え方の延長として製造技術の「異常な」までの発展を説明できるのだろうか。本稿では、もう一つの考え方を提案してみたい。 この論文は、構造的に少し込み入っており、誤読される恐れもあるので、まず最初に、簡単に梗概を述べておきたい。第二次世界大戦前に存在した和魂洋才と呼ばれた文化的枠組みは、日本的なものを保持しつつ、西洋の優れたもの、なかんずく科学技術を移入することができ、うまく機能している限り、便利な枠組みであった。これに加えて、日本が近代化に成功すれば、その理由として、「洋才」でなく「和魂=日本精神」の優秀性をあげることもできた。戦前の日本人は、この文化的枠組みに満足していたといえる。 ところが、敗戦によってこの枠組みは崩壊し、日本人は、それまで心の拠り所だった「和魂」を失った。敗戦後、勝利者であるアメリカの、物質的なものを強調する文化が登場し、このなかで日本は、モノ作りを学習した。その時点まで、例えば、西洋からの技術は、あくまで使いこなすための対象でしかなかった。すなわち、日本人が優れた和魂の持ち主であるという理由によって、技術は自由に使いこなせる対象として認識された。もし改良するならば、より安価にするか、日本人にとってより使いやすいようにするかであり、いくらでも改良できる対象として認識されていなかった。ところが、敗戦によって自由に使いこなす主体である和魂が消滅してしまい、代わって登場した新しい文化のなかで生存のために必要となったモノ作りと取り組むうちに、技術の改良に魅せられてゆき、技術改良自体に自らのアイデンティティを見出すようになったというのが私の主張である。 つまり、この新しい文化のなかで枠組みの大きな変化が起こったのである。戦後、モノ作りと改良作業が和魂を失なった日本人の心のなかの真空を埋めていった。戦前の古い和魂洋才の枠組みのなかでは西洋に追いつき・追い越せだけが目標となり、技術の発展は、低い段階(日本)から高い段階(西洋)へと進むことを決定づけられてしまっていた。しかし、敗戦後、和魂洋才の崩壊と新しい枠組みの出現によって、技術発展の方向に変化が生じたのである。もちろん、依然として低度から高度への方向性は不変であったが、のちに見る伝統社会のなかの技術発展のように、多様性が見られるようになった。日本人がモノ作りの過程に自らのアイデンティティを見出してゆくなかで限りなく改良できる技術の存在を発見したからであった。これはまた技術革新の新しい意味の獲得でもあったといえるが、このように多様性の存在が可能になったために、技術開発の多様な在り方が可能となり、製造技術の興隆を見たのである。 以上の主張を検討するために、まずはじめに技術と技術革新の性格について考察し、とくに技術革新の概念が固定された存在でなく、時代とともに変化する存在であることを確認したい。実際のところ、技術革新という言葉がはじめて日本で使われたのは、1956年の日本初の経済白書のなかであった。次に、伝統社会における技術について簡単に見たい。鉄砲技術と木造建築技術を取り上げ、外から入ってきた技術に対して日本の伝統社会が示した反応についてみたいわけであるが、その目的は、この社会には技術発展の方向を決定づけるものはなく、技術は多様な発展の仕方を許されていたことを指摘したいためである。 ところが、この多様性は、江戸時代末期の本格的な西洋との出会いによって崩れてしまった。東洋道徳、西洋学芸の枠組みの誕生とともに、低度から高度へと発展する技術の方向が選択されてしまったのである。状況は、東洋道徳、西洋学芸が和魂洋才へと変化しても同じであった。敗戦だけがこれに変化をもたらした。もちろん、依然として西洋に追いつけ・追い越せのために技術発展の方向性は、決定づけられたいたが、さきに呼べた理由によって多様性が誕生したのである。
椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.27, no.1, pp.39-55, 2016-07-31

What is sexuality ? It seems that the word sexuality in Japanese cannot be counted as a Japanesevocabulary. Some Japanese dictionaries refer to sexuality as something to do with the sexual.Something means essence, consciousness, physical action, representation, impulse, orientation,interest, capacity, appeal, expression or desire and so on. But what in the world is the sexual ?According to some dictionaries, the sexual means something connected with the state of being maleor female, the state connected with sex desire, something connected with both sexes, or somethingconnected with men and women. However, what does do this “sex” mean in the first place ? Commonsense in Japanese tells us that sex is “male and female essential”, instinct, lust, or intercourse. If so,what is the difference between the concept sex and the concept sexuality in Japanese ? Is the wordsexuality an euphemism for the word sex ? It seems that the concept sexuality is unnecessary inJapanese, and the concept sex will do in Japanese. This paper investigates whether or not it is thecase.
上谷 香陽
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies (ISSN:09173072)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1-14, 2012-07-01

This paper considers girl zines as feminist alternative media. Girl zines were participatory media produced through grass roots feminist movement in US in 1990s. In following discussion, I review American girl's cultural creating activities in relation to the history of modernization and industrialization in US and gender norms. In so doing I examine the difference between consumer oriented girl's "bedroom culture" and girl zine's culture. Through these considerations, this paper tries to understand the problematic posed by this young feminist movement in the 1990s. Following the study of Stephen Duncombe, Chapter 2 discusses the defi nition of zines, their origin and their main concerns. Chapter 3, following the study of US girl culture by Mary Celest Kearney, locates girl ziens within US history of girl's cultural creating activities. Chapter4 and 5 analyze the relation between girl zines and feminist movement in US since 1970s. This paper suggests that girl zines don't simply mean zines made by girls. Rather, they are alternative media for women who demonstrate the unconformity against dominant values in modern society, such as male-centrism, hetero-sexism, white-centrism and consumer capitalism. Based on punk's DIY ethos and feminism, girl zines challenge mainstream girl culture, "bedroom culture", which is lead by corporate culture industries. At the same time girl zines are the site where girls explore what does it mean to be an American girl or American woman.
上谷 香陽
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.20, no.2, pp.1-15, 2010-01-01

This paper considers some critical discussions about the sex/gender dualism. They argue that the dualism presupposes that on one hand there is crucial difference between women and men ; on the other hand there is crucial similarity among women (or men). This presupposition overlooks the difference among women (or men) and accepts the idea that there issome essential difference between women and men by assuming a natural sex without any social, cultural and historical contexts. Against the sex/gender dualism, an alternative view of gender has been discussed since 1990’.This view argues that, whether physically or socially taken, who is a ‘woman (or man)’ and what doesthat category mean are determined in a specifi c context. This view helps to reconsider the concept of gender which assumes the analytic distinction between sex and gender and argues that dividing someone into woman and man is itself a social, cultural and historical matter, namely “gender”. Adopting this view of gender, we can respecify the issues on the sociological investigationof gender. How division of sex can be articulated in each context can be itself an important issueon the sociological investigation of gender. Being a woman(or man) is produced through some activities and in itself a social phenomena. This paper explores a kind of view of language in these reconsiderations of the concept of gender. From this view of language, identifyng, recognizing or naming someone as a woman or man is not simply representation of some given object with language, but is itself doing something, namely a language ?use-practice. Being a woman (or man) is not a given social fact but a socialphenomena constructed in and through people’s language-use-practices. Through these examinations, this paper raises some issues on the sociological investigation of gender about what gender is and where we should fi nd the social phenomena of gender.
中村 緋紗子
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-18, 2005-07

小林 勝法
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.16, no.1, pp.91-101, 2005-07

The purpose of this study is to clarify a process that Awa dance developed into tourist resources and the factors that it spread out in all over Japan. Consideration was made with the memory magazines, newspaper articles of each place and many results of a historic study about Awa dance. Results of consideration are as follows.1) It was a phenomenon to be seen nationwide that the Bon festival dance became an entertainment in spite that it was originally a religious event. Especially in Tokushima, the Bon festival dance was so great and grand that prohibition laws often appeared. And later, they became to dance at except a Bon festival in Tokushima. To change in name "Awa dance" from "Bon festival dance of Tokushima"was also a big change in reality. Awa dance became to be danced anytime and anywhere. 2) As a result of having worked on various invitations to pull in tourists with the Bon festival dance as tourist resources, Awa dance became to be known nationwide. The movies such as "Dance girl of Awa" and "Awa dance" were made. It may be said that they succeeded in making a brand. 3) With developing as tourists resources, Awa dance which was a simple dance originally, developed to have new dancers, unified costumes, and a stage dance. The styles of dance diversified and the skill of dancing became high. As a result, a charm as tourist attractions was to rise up and up. 4) Awa dance is suitable for the festival at a shopping street because of its characteristics such as"marching style", "cheerful and light tempo", "various styles of dancing" and "multistoried skills of dancing". Shopping districts of the whole country imitated success of Koenji in Tokyo and Awa dance spread out in all parts of Japan.
中村 緋紗子 青木 武信
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.19, no.2, pp.83-92, 2009-01

寺沢 セシリア 恵子
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.21, no.2, pp.51-65, 2011-01

アルゼンチンにおいて日系と呼ばれる日本人移民の子孫は、現地で生まれ育ち、社会に溶け込んでいる例がほとんどである。興味深いことに、彼らはネイティブとしてスペイン語を話すと共に日系社会、つまり少数言語コミュニティの中で独特の言語の使い方をしている。具体的には、自分たちの親の母国語である日本語を上手くスペイン語に取り込み、表現の幅を広げている。これは、日本語が全く話せない日系人にも共通してみられる現象である。 1980 年代後半から、アルゼンチンから日本への「出稼ぎ」が著しくなった。比較的学歴が高い日系人であっても、日本での仕事は建築現場や工場などを中心としたブルーカラーの仕事しか出来ないのが現状であった。これは、彼らの日本語能力が不十分であったからというのが主な原因であると推測する。もし十分な日本語教育を受けていれば、もっと日本での職業の選択の幅が広がったのではないかと考えられる。このように日系社会における日本語教育の必要性がある一方で、アルゼンチンで生まれ育つ日系人にどのように日本語を継承していくか、その教育方法が今後の重要な課題となるであろう。 本論文では、アルゼンチンへの日本人移民の歴史を振り返り、日系社会の中でどのような形で日本語が継承されているかについて論ずる。具体的には、アンケートの結果を通し、アルゼンチンの日系社会におけるスペイン語がどのような変容を受け、またどのように日本語と融合しているのかを言語学的視点から分析・考察する。
荒井 宏祐
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.15, no.1, pp.27-46, 2004-07

In this paper, I try to compare Newton with Rousseau on relationship between Nature and God, by pointing out four aspects as follows. 1 Who creates the Universe ? 2 What are the attributes of God ? 3 What is the relationship between studies of natural philosophy and moral science including political philosophy ? 4 Can we believe in the goodness of Nature ?Finally, after examining Newton's Mathematical principles of natural philosophy and Optics, and Rousseau's "Profession de foi du Vicaire Savoyard"in & Eacute;mile, I conclude that Rousseau studied Newton's natural philosophy, but from his own research of nature, Rousseau designed a new social plan without a king, in contrast with Newton whose natural philosophy contributed to supporting social and political change with a king after the English Revolution.
杉山 富士雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.10, no.1, pp.39-52, 1999-10-01

In South-East Asia, one can see the phenomena at work with the Japanese company's investments accompanying a technological transfer to local workers and managers. Why does a Japanese company invest in this area? How does a Japanese company's manager recruit his staffs? How does he educate and train a lot of workers in the time of his factory beginning to operate? To investigate these problems, I went to South-East Asian countries and had an interview with managing-directors of a Japanese company.\n 1980年代後半からの急速な円高を契機として、日本企業は生産拠点を東南アジアに移転し、グローバルな経営展開で、生産技術及び日本的な生産管理方式を現地に定着させる努力をしてきた。しかし、日本で開発された技術や生産方式を東南アジアに移転するためには、これまで様々な阻害要因に直面しなければならなかった。そして今後は、現地の経済成長にともない新たなボトル・ネックに直面することが予想される。そのような中で、より一層現地サイドの希望するような技術移転を進めるためには、現地社会との共生をめざした経営の現地化・ローカライゼーションがこれまで以上に必要とされる。 そこで、日本企業が何故当該地域に進出したのか、現地でどのように人材を募集し、どのような方法で育成しているのか、また技術移転をどのように開始し、どのくらいのレベルまで推進してきたのか、企業内で生産管理および品質管理を行うために、どのような訓練および人材育成をしているのか、経営の現地化をどのように実施しているか、現在どのような阻害要因に直面して技術移転が進まなくなっているのか、今後技術移転を進めるうえでの課題は何か、というような問題点を考察するために、東南アジアに生産拠点を持ち、ほとんどの製品をシンガポール経由で世界市場に輸出するT社の事例研究を行った。 T社は、マレーシアのマラッカやインドネシアのバタム島に工場を持ち、シンガポールのオフィスを資材調達の拠点とするパソコン周辺機器メーカーである。それは、現在の東南アジアの経済成長を支える輸出志向型産業の典型である。T社の個別事例研究を取り上げることで、アジアに進出する日本の多国籍企業に対する、現地政府の外資優遇措置やインフラ整備策、親会社のアジア経営戦略、さらには日本的経営の現地での定着可能性などを特徴的に解明する糸口になると思われる。 筆者は、1999年3月にシンガポール、マラッカ、バタムの現地調査に赴き、3か国それぞれのT社現地法人社長にインタビューを行った。以下の内容は、それを基に筆者が論文として体裁を整えたものである。なお、本研究は、日本私立学校振興・共済事業団の学術振興研究資金助成を受けて行われた。
千葉 克裕
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.28, no.1, pp.57-65, 2017-07-31

Extensive reading has recently been recognized as an effective means of enhancing L2proficiency, and there are numerous studies that report statistical significance in reading speed.However, very few studies explain the relation between the number of words read and readingspeed. In this study, the relation between the number of words participants have read and readingspeed was analyzed. A very strong correlation between the two was observed (r=.776, p=.000). Theresults showed that the more words learners read, the faster the learners’ reading speed increases.Moreover, it is found that there is a huge difference in reading speed between readers of five hundredthousand words and readers of one million words; the former is a little faster than the averagereading speed of non-native speakers (128.44 wpm), but the latter (242.67 wpm) is that of nativespeakers. The current article concludes that ER can enhance reading ability which is not measuredby the standardized tests.
丸山 鋼二
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies, Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.11, no.2, pp.129-155, 2001-02

Islam sects in Modern China are generally called "Three-big Sects and Four-big menhuan". The first Islam sect "Sufism brotherhood(menhuan)" was shaped 300 years ago, though Islam was introduced into China in 7th century. In opposition to the appearance of menhuan(jahariyah、Khufiyyah、Kubrawiyyah、Cadriyah), muslims who had maintained the traditional ceremony and system from old times called themselves "Qadim". Its characteristics is tolerance. In early 20th century the two sects were differentiated. One is a new sect "Ikhwani", which criticized both Qadim and menhuan strictly as unfaithful to the Koran. The other is Xidaotang, called "Chinese classics Sect". The doctrinal difference is not great among Islam sects in China. There are distinguished differences in the unessential problems of the religious ceremony and customs. Those differences frequently gave rise to a quarrel of bloodshed between Ikhawani and other sects in Modem China.