大塚 忠義 谷口 豊
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.55, pp.15-30, 2022 (Released:2022-09-30)

生命保険文化センター(2016年)の調査によると、回答者の85.7%が自分の老後生活に不安を感じている。一方で、谷口・大塚(2020)で「全国消費実態調査」をもとに行ったシミュレーションでは、80%を超える世帯が生存中に貯蓄が枯渇する可能性が低いという結果を得た。このような差異は、現役世代が老後生活に対して感じている不安感は実態より悲観的であることを示唆している。 本稿の目的は、貯蓄ゼロの蓋然性が低いにもかかわらず老後生活に不安を感じる世帯の属性を分析し、老後生活費への不安感の要因を明らかにすることである。その結果、次のような知見を得ることができた。 生存中に資産が枯渇する可能性が低いにも関わらず不安感を持つ要因は年齢ではなく世帯年収であり、不安感をもたらす世帯年収は年齢とともに低くなると考えられる。また、老後生活費を公的年金に依存している割合が高いほど老後生活の不安感は高い傾向にあると推測される。逆に、農林漁業者等定年がなく老後も勤労所得により生活費を賄える世帯については加齢とともに不安感が減少する傾向にあることがわかった。
岩本 朋大
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.52, pp.79-100, 2020 (Released:2021-03-31)

都市や地域を結ぶ交通網は年々改善している。空間経済学の理論では輸送コストの低下は人口集積を招くとする。したがってそのような改善は人口移動を誘発させていると考えられる。本稿では航空・鉄道・バス・自家用車による移動時間の改善が地域間人口移動を増加させるのかを都道府県間平均移動時間のデータを用いてグラビティモデルの手法で分析する。 分析の結果、航空と鉄道での移動時間の短縮が人口流出を加速させることが確認された。さらに若年者の人口移動に限り分析を行うと、航空と鉄道での移動時間の短縮は人口流出を増加させ、さらにバスでの移動時間の短縮も人口流出を増加させる傾向を確認した。
丸山 桂
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.55, pp.159-178, 2022 (Released:2022-09-30)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the major factors affecting gender gap in children’s financial literacy by empirical analysis using microdata set. Even in lower elementary school grades, there is a difference in experience of talking about money or finance with their parents between boys and girls. More frequent parent-child discussion about money or finance has a positive impact on financial behavior and financial knowledge even in childhood. In this analysis, girls are less financially knowledgeable than boys. The reason is that girls tend to answer ‘I don't know’, rather than possibly answer a question incorrectly, compared to boys. The differences in response patterns to questions about financial knowledge are persistent between boys and girls from their elementary school period. Furthermore, those children who answered ‘I don't know’ tend to have lower financial literacy and financial attitudes, lower abilities at mental arithmetic, not having personal bank account, and live in households with less cultural capital and parent-child discussion about money and finance. It is necessary to consider the effects of encouraging discussion and questioning gender-based attitudes and roles in both the home and school education.
久米 功一
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.29, pp.33-43, 2009-03-31 (Released:2016-11-30)

To examine the causality between subjective happiness of individuals and their earnings, we estimate effects of happiness on the earnings by using panel datasets. Specifically, following an empirical method proposed by Graham et al (2004), we used residuals of the happiness regression as unobservable subjective happiness to estimate earnings equations. The empirical results show that the degree of subjective happiness is determined by relative income position and prospect for the future, and that unobservable happiness can be regarded as cognitive biases which have different effects on earnings by gender and income levels. These evidences suggest that we need to pay more attention to prospect, relativity and unobservable happiness in the future happiness research.
金 東煥
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.38, pp.11-26, 2013

The present paper examines empirical analysis on how the lock-in effect of capital gains tax raises Korean land prices, based on the theory that the effect deters the efficient land uses. At first, this paper constructs a simple model of land development from agricultural land with reconsidering of capital gains taxation under perfect foresight. Then the tax rate will be changed by simulation to confirm whether it affects the lock-in effect on the Korean land market. As the result, it makes clear that the lock-in effect of capital gains tax deters the efficient land uses of Korea's land, it also affects sudden rises of Korea's land prices.
南地 伸昭
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.21, pp.43-57, 2005-03-30 (Released:2016-11-30)

In the Meiji era, the new government established small-scale banks nationwide, aiming to encourage community industries through making regional finance smooth, having adopted the small banking principle of the United States National Banks. These small-scale banks had a common feature that the local potentate, a "shizoku", a merchant, a landowner, an industrial person, and municipalities positively participated in establishing banks. Moreover, they have coexisted with community by supporting the creation and the development of regional commerce and industry through making regional finance smooth. Such historical details agree with today's situation in which regional financial institutions nationwide grapple with a variety of management problems along "Action Program concerning enhancement of Relationship Banking Functions" aiming to rebuild regional businesses and to activate communities. Because regional financial institutions share the fate with the community, their most important mission, according to the various characteristics of each regional economy, is to attempt the activation of the regional economy by the establishment and the development of the local industry.
神野 真敏
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.27, pp.77-86, 2008

In a signaling theory, learning ability and productivity are often considered to be similar and a clear difference between them is not assumed. This paper shows that an assumption of the difference between them makes it clear that a correlation between them is important for one's educational background to signalize one's ability. This paper also discusses the problems associated with liquidity constraints when students signalize one's own ability.
櫻井 秀彦 古田 精一
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.43, pp.1-12, 2016

Improving patient satisfaction is a goal of many pharmacies in Japan. However, it has been shown that in the case of chronic diseases, the outcomes of medical treatment are not always clearly perceivable, and may not necessarily lead to patient satisfaction. Issues such as reduced medication adherence and unused drugs have been indicated. In this study, we simultaneously measured the degree of patient satisfaction and medication adherence, issues which have been handled separately in previous studies. We then investigated influential factors.A questionnaire survey was conducted on out-patients in pharmacy. Patient satisfaction and medication adherence as well as factors considered to affect these parameters were measured with quantitative scales. Path analysis was performed to examine differences in degrees of influence on satisfaction and medication adherence with multiple group analysis of each patient attribute and disease group.The patient satisfaction level was affected by understanding of effect and medical staff. The adherence scale was most affected by burden followed by understanding of effect. Ultimately, in most cases, no correlation was found between patient satisfaction and adherence, and the contributing causes were found to vary, so improving these various vectors would seem to require respectively differing strategies.
伊藤 敦
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.40, pp.15-27, 2014-09-30 (Released:2016-11-30)

As a result of a case survey of Ashiya hospital to verify effectiveness of municipal hospital reform by the in-hospital practice method, two facts are revealed. First, this reform is recognized effective for all of Ashiya hospital, a clinic unit, and patients. Ashiya hospital improved the sickbed occupancy rate, and also remarkably reduced degree of deficit because it was enabled to add up commissions and rent followed by the hospital and clinic cooperation. The clinic unit lowered the initial cost and has many introduced patients, which results in good financial status. The patients reduce the access burden and medical expenses. Secondly, in order to succeed the in-hospital practice, it is recognized that it is indispensable to construct an integrated management structure. However, the current medical system works as an obstructive factor to prevent sharing the entrance, the reception, the waiting room, and so on by a hospital and a clinic unit. The in-hospital practice method is effective, and a flexible system operation needs to be approved in order to develop to other hospitals hereafter.
上村 一樹
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.36, pp.73-84, 2012

In this paper, I investigate the effect of health condition on labor hour and labor supply. Particularly, as previous Japanese studies exclusively focus on the elderly people (over forty five), I focus on youth and middle age (from twenty to forty four). I use Keio Household Panel Survey (KHPS) and empirical results are summarized as follows. Firstly, in case of both genders, there seems no effect of health on labor hour. In case of male, this is not consistent with previous studies which focus on elderly male. This is perhaps because loss from disemployment is larger for younger people than elder people and thus they cannot change their labor hour even if their health condition becomes a little worse. Secondly, as for both genders, there is also no empirical evidence for effect of health on whether they work ornot. As youth and middle age rely on labor income, this also seems plausible.
吉見 憲二 樋口 清秀
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.35, pp.69-81, 2012

In the present study, it paid attention to the word of mouth marketing guideline that The Word of Mouth Japan Marketing Association had announced on March 12, 2010. And, examined how this guideline had effectiveness. Firstly, the definition and the previous work about the word of mouth marketing were confirmed. After that, picked up the guideline and analyzed cases that work or not. As a result, it reached the conclusion that the effect from the viewpoint of the consumer protection is limited. Finally, it paid attention to the case of penny auction. If stealth marketing is suspected, the guideline had not functioned effectively. As the reason, the guideline has stopped at moral regulation, and it was mentioned that things, such as a punitive clause or a research function, do not exist like U.S. regulation.
青 幹大 村田 治
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.25, pp.47-63, 2007

Recently, Japanese society has been getting to be a stratified one. This paper concerns with a problem of the income disparity. Especially, we would like to clarify the relation between the higher education and the income disparity. We will investigate the internal rate of return about 55 colleges and show that the differential of the internal rate of return among the colleges does not change from 1972 to 1997. Moreover, we will examine the relation between the internal rate of return and the level of the difficulty of entrance exams and show the positive correlation between two. Additionally, we will investigate the income level of parents and point out the positive correlation between the level of the difficulty of entrance exams and the income level of parents. Finally, from these two positive correlations, we will bring out the negative spiral between the income level and the education level, in other words the negative spiral between the income disparity and the differential of education.
齊藤 由里恵 上村 敏之
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.26, pp.31-43, 2007

The livelihood assistance allowance is considered the last safety net of the social security system in Japan. The aims are to guarantee a minimum standard of living and independence support for low income families. In recent years there have been some proposals about the livelihood assistance allowance. The number of the cover welfare family has been increasing due to expansion of nonstandard employment and a rise of the unemployment rate. This paper argues for the necessity of reforming the system from a viewpoint of working support. This paper evaluates the livelihood assistance allowance by estimating marginal effective tax rates. The main results of this paper are as follows : (1) Marginal effective tax rates of 100% within a bracket of deduction of earning income and falling ratio of deduction of earning income against the gross income increasing may be obstructed to work. (2) It seems likely that the marginal effective tax rate has exceeded 100% at the connection point of the livelihood assistance allowance and income based taxes disturb the labor by "the border line class" who has low income around the livelihood assistance standard. The reason is because the minimum taxable limit is lower than the livelihood assistance standard.
山本 信一 井上 麻央 米山 高生
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.45, pp.53-64, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)

The aging population has resulted in the percentage of GDP allocated to healthcare costs reaching about 10%, and further increases are expected. To manage this issue, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare is attempting to improve the population's lifestyle and to moderate healthcare cost increases by conducting medical checkups and providing health guidance for lifestyle improvements. The study data comprise medical prescriptions and medical examinations of 24,725 people who have developed diabetes and 13,453 people who have developed high blood pressure (data from the Japan Medical Data Center). Based on a multiple regression analysis, we compare people with good lifestyle habits and people with bad lifestyle habits to examine how the increases in their healthcare costs changed as a result of their diagnoses. For people who developed diabetes, those who properly controlled their BMI and LDL cholesterol levels, refrained from smoking and drinking, and exercised regularly (i.e., practiced good lifestyle habits) were able to maintain satisfactory medical examination results (diabetes). Based on these results, we prove statistically that the increase in healthcare costs is less for people who keep good lifestyle habits, even if they develop diabetes. Similarly, people who developed high blood pressure and practiced good lifestyle habits were able to maintain satisfactory medical examination results (high blood pressure). Again, the increase in the healthcare costs for this group was less, even if they developed high blood pressure, although, in this case, exercising regularly was not a relevant factor.
佐野 潤子
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.57, pp.61-81, 2023 (Released:2023-09-30)

本研究では、ジェンダーギャップ指数が世界3位と高いノルウェーの夫婦(カップル)の金融資産状況を比較することで、現役世代の夫婦の金融資産額の差の要因にジェンダー意識(性別役割分業意識)が関わっているかを検討した。 ノルウェーでは、夫婦の金融資産額の差は、夫と妻の年収の差に比例していたが、日本は、特に妻の就業形態がパートタイムと専業主婦の場合において、夫婦の年収の差と比較して、夫婦の金融資産額の差が小さくなっていた。 日本における夫婦の金融資産額の差は、妻年齢が高いほど大きくなり、妻年収と妻家計意思決定度が高いほど小さくなっていた。日本では、家計の意思決定権が収入の多寡ではなく、ジェンダー意識(性別役割分業意識)によって支配されていた。すなわち、日本ではノルウェーと比較して、夫の収入は夫のものではなく、家族のものだとする回答が多かった。生活費、貯蓄プラン、資産運用に関しては、ノルウェーでは、夫婦二人で決めているという回答が半数を占めるのに対して、日本では、夫婦二人で決めているという回答が1/4程度と少なく、生活費や貯蓄プランは妻が決めているという回答が過半数を占めていた。 有償、無償の貢献がともに資産保有に反映される仕組みは、夫名義と妻名義の金融資産額の格差の是正にはつながっており、一見不平等を感じさせないが、夫婦の金融資産額を合わせた世帯の豊かさにはつながらない。世界有数の長寿社会で生き抜くには、ノルウェーのように夫と妻のそれぞれの資産形成をすすめ世帯金融資産額を高めることが必要である。
品田 雄志
生活経済学研究 (ISSN:13417347)
vol.57, pp.15-28, 2023 (Released:2023-09-30)

本稿では、信用金庫における収益と資産構成の変化が経営健全性に与える影響について考察するため、2001年度から2020年度までの20年間のデータを使用して検証した。当該期間は、収益の多様化ならびに資産構成の多様化がほぼ一貫して進行していた時期に当たる。分析に当たっては、一般化モーメント法(GMM)を用いた。 分析の結果、収益多様化の進展や資産構成の分散化が経営健全性に資するという結果は得られなかった。このことからは、信用金庫経営において、範囲の経済性やポートフォリオ理論が必ずしも機能していないことを示唆している。また、預貸率の上昇が経営健全性に資するという結果となったことから、まずは預貸率の上昇に注力するべきとの示唆を得た。