山川 明子
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.8, pp.135-143, 2005

St. Augustine says in his early work "De Ordine" that liberal arts serve as the ladder of philosophical dialectic. By philosophical dialectic, man can enter the order of universe. This view of St. Augustine can be traced back to Plato. In "Republic", Book 6〜7, Plato explains how to educate a man to be a philosopher by simile of Line and Cave. According to the simile, philosophical dialectic is the final step of education, and liberal arts are preparatory training for philosophy, because they are systematic and have logical coherence like the world of ideas, reached only by philosophical dialectic. The world of idea's system isn't based on the visible world, so it is almost impossible to learn philosophical dialect without having learned liberal arts. Liberal arts help to appreciate the order of the universe and to reach the ultimate wisdom. St. Augustine doesn't state definitely in his work, but we can read and understand his view of liberal arts by comparing with Plato.
平野 恵子
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.8, pp.203-212, 2005

This paper poses a problem of Javanese "traditional" gender ideology, ibuism in Indonesia. Under Suharto era (1966-1998), the state mobilizes social organizations for the economic development under the slogan of 'stability' and 'development,' which were in turn used to legitimize the regime. Two themes have drawn scholarly attention to analyze the New Order Regime: "bureaucracy" and "family". In the Family part, women and men played a role as "Ibu (mother)" and "Bapak (father)". Ibu played important role within the theme of "Family" state. Under this era, all women were seemed to be along with Ibuism in which they were assumed as housewife. However what does it mean "traditional" Javanese pyiyayi (aristocracy) norm? Then I examine the process of dominant discourse about the 1937 debate on Monogamy toward maternal and companionate women within colonial Indonesia in 1930s. The article demonstrates that in response to ongoing processes of modernization or Westernization, Javanese gender perceptions were voiced in an Indonesian idiom of a moral character. By focusing discourse about Marriage Law (1974) and the Draft of Marriage Law (1937), this gender idiom was infused with the idea of harmony: harmony between Indonesian men and women and Islam within colonial context toward new political goal.
李 〓
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.9, pp.93-101, 2006

西浦 麻美子
人間文化創成科学論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.10, pp.161-168, 2007

田中 望美 セージ クリスティー
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.9, pp.113-129, 2006

本研究はSageとTanaka(2006b)によるTOEFL^[○!R] iBTとセンター試験の聴解を比較・対照した前研究に引き続き、テスティングを真正性の面からさらに深く考察してゆく。センター試験のための学生に対して不利になりうる教育を懸念し、センター試験の問いと基準(若しくは、対象言語領域)がこれまでの研究や理論及びTOEFL^[○!R] iBTの特徴に基づいて、厳密に調査されている。本研究の構成は、1)過去の研究における真正性と相互性に関する概念、2)テストにおける伝達能力の側面、3)センター試験とTOEFL^[○!R] iBTのテストの問いと対象言語領域の比較及び分析、4)聴解の真正性の今後の方向性と提案、となっている。要するに、TOEFL^[○!R] iBTが対象言語領域で必要とされる能力を測定している点、また統合テスト形式を採用しているという2点から、本研究はセンター試験の聴解はTOEFL^[○!R] iBTの特徴に倣ってさらに改定していくことができると示唆する。
金 〓〓
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.8, pp."3-1"-"3-12", 2005

Toshiko Tamura and Myung-soon Kim flourished in 1910-20 in Japan and Korea. In those days it was an act of a man to write. The feminine was demanded above all to the thing which a woman wrote by the literary world and the society, so that woman does not invade a domain of a man. A lot of studies about that the motherhood is one of a model of feminine, it was used to mobilize a woman for war, while militarism advances. Then is what kind of position was there the femininity at socially and culture in Japan and Korea which had a relation such as an empire and a colony. A purpose of this paper is what did such a demand of feminine have influence on works and the strategy of two woman writer. The work of Toshiko, "The woman author (ONNA SAKUSYA)", depicted a woman writer who immersed herself in "coquetry" by wearing white face powder as part of the creative process of writing novel. It is a unique method that the only woman was able to write, and "The woman author" became one of her representative work because the text is so feminine. But Myung-soon was criticized her work and her personality, too feminine to her mother was concubine that her work smell of face powder when a prostitute make up. A difference of evaluation for a work of two writers was a difference of a woman of an empire, or a woman of a colony. And, it was same in Japan and Korea that the prostitute is perceived as immoral, a danger, a threat to 'normal' femininity and, as a consequence suffers social exclusion, marginalisation and 'whore stigma'. But, in the case of Toshiko she was married, and she write a "Woman author" like prostitute to express her identity, it was only a performance, not her personality. In the case of Myung-soon, she wrote to overcome 'whore stigma', but the man gaze did not forgive that, she cannot acquire her identity. This shows that the woman writing is not same, and it is difficult to acquire her identity in marginal.
下村 道子
人間文化創成科学論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.14, pp.87-95, 2011

The aim of this paper is to analyze the descriptions of precious stones in A Treatise Concerning the Arte of Limning by Nicholas Hilliard. He was the renowned artist of portrait miniature, which was then called limning, in the Elizabethan court of late 16th century England. He was also a skilled goldsmith. He discussed precious stones in relation to the seven principal colours of miniature painting; amethyst for murrey (colour of mulberry), ruby for red, sapphire for blue, emerald for green, topaz for yellow, and diamond for white and black. Unlike the traditional lapidaries of the Middle Ages which enumerated their virtues and mysterious powers, he put an emphasis on the beauty of precious stones, viz. pure colour and brilliance of gems. In addition, the treatise explains the importance of the perfection of gem-cutting for the maximum brilliance of diamonds. He also described the individual reactions of gemstones against fire or heating, which might cause the change of colours. All of these topics are the issues of today's gemmology. It can be considered that the treatise of Nicholas Hilliard is the herald of m\odern gemmology.
倉田 芳弥
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.8, pp.277-288, 2005

In this research, it aims to clarify discourse management of contact situations in chat conversations by focusing on Japanese native and non-native speakers' backchannels. It first observes whether Japanese native situation and contact situation differs. And then, compares backchannels used by native and non-native in contact situation. First, backchannels in two situations were analyzed using four viewpoints, 1) frequency, 2) function, 3) appearing position, 4) message composition. As a result, difference was seen. Second, contrast of backchannel usage between native and non-native was examined. Native show discourse management transmitting backchannels and substantial remarks together for a certain turn-taking, avoiding complicated conversation. Meanwhile, non-native use more backchannels than native to distinct speaker and listener clearly. Third, as for the common characteristics of native and non-native backchannel usage, both show participants' consideration and avoid inconsistent message by time lag in the point of turn-taking. Moreover, using many backchannels of "content understanding" and "feeling expression", participants incline to indicate strong understanding and positive reaction. In conclusion, native and non-native in chat conversation present various types of discourse management in contact situations. Both not only show attitude of understanding but also control clear conversation development, handling back channels effectively.
鶴岡 明美
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.8, pp."1-1"-"1-11", 2005

In the late Edo period, the government took on the topographical survey for the area around Edo under their direct rule. Shinpen Musashi fudoki (a record of Musashi province, executed in 1828), which I am taking up in this article, is the first fruits of the project and confines many illustrations of topographical points. The purpose of this article rises in constructing the base for examining how such representations created by the project relate the state power through the analysis of the illustrations for Shinpen Musashi fudoki. As a result, the author found that its style was under the strong influence of meisho-zue, a series of illustrated guidebooks having prevailed at that time. The influence is significant in the composition and the depiction of such details as trees or mountains. On the other hand, Shinpen Musashi fudoki is almost irrelevant to various aspects of meisho-zue other than the style for the depiction of scenery. For example, such illustrations as cityscape which are frequently inserted in meisho-zue are scarcely seen in Shinpen musashi fudoki. It derives from the fact that the purpose of its edition is totally different from meisho-zue's one. It was to reconstruct the history of the area following the viewpoint of the ruler at the time, Tokugawa.