ネリー ナウマン
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.39, no.4, pp.277-297, 1975-03-31 (Released:2018-03-27)

Though mostly spoken of only in generalizations, it is commonly accepted that Jomon clay figurines bear some religious significance. By elucidating the hidden meaning of these figurines we should, therefore, be able to gain insight into the religious thoughts of Jomon people. This study is a first attempt in this direction. Because only a detailed interpretation can serve this purpose, a very small number of figurines coming from a locally and temporally limited area are taken into consideration, namely figurines of the Katsusaka type of pottery (in a broad sense) of the Middle Jomon period. Some features of these figurines are also present in the pottery of the neolithic Yang-shao culture of China as well as in the pottery of precolumbian America. The face of the "weeping deity" is even present in one of the oldest ceramic cultures of Mesopotamia. This "weeping deity" is sometimes connected with the serpent, as is the case with a small figurine from Tonai (Nagano). There is evidence that the iconographic unity presented by these figurines - consisting in an uplifted, dishlike, sunken face, nose and connected eyebrows slightly raised and strokes leading down from the eyes, while a serpent may be coiled up on the head - represents a moon deity.
江上 波夫
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.13, no.3, pp.278-284, 1949 (Released:2018-03-27)

Many prehistoric forts (the so-called gorodishches) have been found in Russia, particularly in the Volga-Kama area and in Western Siberia, which some date as far back as 800 B. C., most are from the turn of the Christian era, that is, Bronze and Iron Age. They are believed to have been built by ancient Finno-Ugric peoples. These forts resemble the Aino chash or chashkot very closely, both in ground plan and construction of the forts, and in the abundant bone implements which they contain. The author is therefore inclined to conclude that ancient Finno-Ugric culture elements may have been transmitted to the Aino, or conserved by them with other Continental culture elements from the West.
煎本 孝
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.53, no.2, pp.125-154, 1988-09-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

小林 高四郎
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.20, no.1-2, pp.36-46, 1956-08-10 (Released:2018-03-27)

As formerly Prof. Egami published an article titled "On the beverages and foods of the Hsiungnu (匈奴), Mr. Hotta recently dealt with the same problem in detail also (vide "The Shigaku", Vol.27, No.4, a journal of the Keio University). But owing to the anbiguousness of the Mongolian language and the inaccuracy of the Chinese documents, we are not yet able to understand exactly the substances and their Mongolian names. So some questions remain uncertain still. Accordingly the present author aimed to explain the real meanings of such Mongolian words as "airan", airaq, araxi, esug, cigen, kumys etc., and the identity with the Chinese characters denoting the above mentioned beverages, 酪 lo, 馬酪 ma-lo, 賣 su, 阿児赤 arci, 哈刺赤 haraci, 馬〓子 ma-nai-tzu, 醍醐 ti-hu etc., principally from the philological points of view. The results led us to the correction of the opinions of Mr. Hotta, late Prof. Ramstedt, and Prof. Karlgren. Moreover the author explained the Mongolian words, 'sarχud', 'bisilarγ' and 'bor'.
板橋 作美
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.43, no.2, pp.156-185, 1978-09-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

Y is a village in the southwest of Gumma Prefecture, consisting of 181 households, rearing silkworms and planting konjak (devil's tongue). Y villagers believe that extremely lucky success, especially economical success, of neighbors can be attributed to two kinds of supernatural forces. One is mystical power of osaki, a folk-zoological term for a small animal resembling a mouse or a weasel, which, by order of his master or his own will, thieve silkworms, cocoon, wheat powder or other properties of neighbors and make his master wealthy, or possess neighbors who then become mentally or physically ill and at times die. Those who keep osaki in their houses are called osakimochi or osaki-holders, and they are segregated in terms of marriage, for osaki-holding is believed to be transmitted to all relatives of the spouse of the osaki-holder and to all the children of the osaki-holders, paternally and maternally. Another is evil magic of sanrinboo, who are believed to practice magical rites secretly in order to deprive properties of neighbors. Usually they are very stingy but on the day of sanrinboo they present food to neighbors generously, and if neighbors receive it, all their wealth wil be taken away. Y is devided into 13 koochi, small local units whose members are bound in co-operative mutual aid relations. These units, however, vary in terms of their social cohesion or solidarity. Koochi which have few or no osaki-holders and sanrinboo keep, in general, strong social cohesiveness, while those koochi which have many osaki-holders and sanrinboo and suffer from much osaki-possession have a looser social structure. These koochi have been increasing in the number of households by new comers from outside and branch families from other koochi. They have co-operative mutual aid relations and religious relations with the members of other koochi, rather than own, and their relations between main and branch families cut across the koochi boundaries. Moreover, the socio-economic hierarchy in such koochi is unstable : old families become poorest and new families become wealthy suddenly. In contrast, those which have few osaki-holders and sanrinboo maintain their social hierarchy or order : old families keep their social and economic prestige, new branch families are organized in patrilinial kinship, mostly in their main families' koochi. As mentioned above, the beliefs of osaki-holders and sanrinboo seem to be related to the weakness and instability of social structure of the local community, and seem to regulate and make clear the individuals' ambiguous social position caused by such social circumstances. The osaki-holders and sanrinboo are believed to be wealthy. In fact, those who are suspected as sanrinboo are rich and, moreover, they have become rich suddenly, mostly by unfair and not traditional means of acculating wealth. On the other hand, the socio-economical status of all osaki-holders are not high, but notorious osaki-holders, whose osaki-spirits have possessed neighbors frequently or brought much misfortune on neighbors, have become remarkably rich in a brief period of a few decades. In most cases of osaki-spirit posession, osaki-holders belong to the middle or high classes economically and victims to low or middle. This fact may be interpreted as : alleging the occurrence of osaki-possession, the victim may try to accuse a neighbor of extremely rapid accumulation of much wealth by immoral economic activity.
宮田 登
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.33, no.1, pp.32-44, 1968-06-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

The purpose of this article is to analyse several types of renewal concepts of the Japanese folk. (1) In the harvest festivals on Yaeyama island, Okinawa, we can discern orgy elements. At these festivals which may be called rituals for yearly renewal, people enthusiastically enter into fertility dances for the coming new year, expressed as "the year of the Miroku", that is, the year in which the utopian world begins with the appearance of the Miroku (a visiting deity). We can find the same elements in the scenes of "the Okageodori" and "Eejanaika" which were recorded in documents of the Edo period. This is one type of renewal concept which was based on agrarian rites. (2) The rites which ward off the world full of evil spirits and welcome the new world, are found in the practices of "Torikoshisyogatsu" in various parts of Japan. These practices have functional force in facilitating the coming of the new year by repeating the new year festivals within the course of the year. In the middle of the Edo period there occurred several Miroku years and in the turbulent Middle Ages "the year of the Miroku" occurred quite frequently, especially in the Kanto district. In this district people warded off evil spirits at the Kashima shrine (Ibaragi prefecture), and hoped or believed that the fertile world of Mioku came from Kashima. In the Kashimaodori and Mirokuodori dances which are still held as divine services, these ideas are expressed ritually. This is another type of renewal concept, by which evil spirits are warded off and the world is purified and cleansed. (3) In Japan renewal through fanatic eschatological concepts did not exist. But the lower classes thought that earthquakes or floods signified renewal because in such disasters people could expect assistance from the authorities People thought that the causes of earthquakes were as follows: the occasion on which the Kashima deity ordinarily presses down upon the sheatfish with a secret stone (Kanameishi), thus causing the earthquake (i. e, reform), sometimes, however, the sheatfish appears as a servant of the gods who revolts against the god of Kashima, changing the earth's axis and bringing catastrophe upon the world.
水野 信男
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.65, no.1, pp.42-61, 2000 (Released:2018-05-29)

ウンム・クルスーム一この歌手の名を知らないエジプト人,ひいてはアラブ人がはたしているだろうか。実際そうおもえるほど,彼女はいまなお,彼らのこころのなかに生きている。中東地域の音文化のフィールドワークをつづけるうち,筆者はしばしば,ウンム・クルスームの名を耳にした。なかには,その歌の旋律を得意気にくちづきむ人もいた。すでに没後 25年になろうというのに,今なおカイロ放送は,ウンム・クルスームの往年の名歌をことあるごとに電波にのせているし,テレビもまた彼女の生前の演奏会の映像をながしつづけている。 エジプトばかりか,アラブ諸国を旅するごとに,ウンム・クルスームの歌が,そこに住む人びとのなかにつねに新鮮に息づいていることを実感する。ウンム・クルスームに関する音源資料はいまだに各地で続々とリリースされ,文献さえもあらたに刊行されている。ウンム・クルスームをして,これほどまでに現代にその存在を印象づける理由は, 一体何なのだろう。中東の旅でのこの素朴な疑問が,はからずも筆者をウンム・ クルスーム研究へと駆り立てた。そしてそのウンム・クルスームの芸術のなかに,中東の人びとが長年にわた ってつちかかってきた音文化が,さまざまのかたちで脈動していることに気づきはじめた。本稿では,ウンム・クルスームがその生涯をとおしてうたったおびただしい歌曲のレパートリーを追いながら,そこに投影するアラブ・イスラームの伝統をあとづけてみたい。
小田 亮
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.62, no.2, pp.184-204, 1997-09-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

本論文は, 文化相対主義を「理論」としてではなく状況や発話の位置に左右される「戦略」として再構築することを目的とする。自文化中心主義に反対する真の文化相対主義は, 浜本満(1996)が明らかにしているように, 自文化中心主義的な文化相対主義および自文化中心主義的普遍主義と対立するものであり, むしろ真の普遍主義に類似している。理論として再構築された文化相対主義は, 自文化と異文化双方の否定を介して第三の共通の基盤を開く弁証法的運動として捉えられよう。しかし, 普遍主義と共有する, そのような弁証法的運動は, 西欧近代に特有のものであり, 西欧のヘゲモニーの下では, 西欧近代だけがその第三の地平を専有する西洋中心主義に陥る。戦略としての文化相対主義は, 第三の地平を普遍的な真理としたり, 自文化や他文化より一般的な概念枠組としたりする普遍主義や理論としての文化相対主義とは異なる。さらに, それは, グローバル化による異種混淆性の賛美や, 文化の構築における操作性や主体性を評価する議論に共通する「記憶の抹消」にも反対する。戦略としての文化相対主義は, 文化の違いを一般性に規定された特殊性としてではなく, 文化の純粋性に先行する雑種性による文化的差異を単独性として語るものでなくてはならない。その一つのモデルは, 「戦略的本質主義」であるが, 戦略と結び付いた発話の位置が, 近代の知と支配のシステムが依拠する「種的同一性」によって規定されるものと捉えるならば, それは植民地主義/帝国主義の言説と変わらなくなってしまう。種的同一性には捉えきれない普通のひとびとの実践と, 雑種性や文化的差異を排除せず記憶が生きている「生活の場」における文化の真正性に留意することこそが, 近代の知と支配の体系への無意識でしたたかな抵抗を可能にし, 「相対主義のニヒリズム」やグローバル化による異種混淆性の無批判な賛美に陥らないことを可能にするのである。