八村 広三郎
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.22, pp.1-12, 2014 (Released:2017-02-15)

本稿では, 舞踊や祭などの無形文化遺産のデジタル・アーカイブに関する話題について述べる. 無形文化財は人間の身体動作が大きな要素になる. 身体動作の計測には, おもに人体の関節部分の動きや関節角度を計測するモーションキャプチャシステムが利用される. 舞踊の身体動作の計測には, 光学式モーションキャプチャシステムが広く利用されている. 一方で, 舞踊で特に重要な, 衣装などをつけた踊り手の表情などを含む 「見え」 を, 3次元情報として記録するシステムも開発されている. ここでは, これらのシステムについて紹介した後, これらを, 舞踊を中心とする無形文化財のアーカイブに利用することの意義および課題などについてふれる. さらに, モーションキャプチャにより計測した身体動作データを対象にして行うデータ解析やデータ検索の手法について述べる. 最後に, 世界遺産にも登録された大規模な祭りである, 京都祇園祭の山鉾巡行という文化遺産を対象にしたデジタル・アーカイブの試みについても紹介する.
村田 宗紀 藤井 範久
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.22, pp.155-166, 2014 (Released:2017-02-15)
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硬式テニスにおいて, サーバーは様々な回転や速度のサーブを打球することで相手に球種を予測されにくくする. これまでに球種の打ち分け技術に関するkinematics的分析から, 球種間のスウィング方向の差は上肢によるスウィング操作ではなく, 主にインパクト時の上胴の姿勢の差に起因することが報告されている. そこで, 本研究では上胴の姿勢を決定する主要因であろう下胴と下肢のkineticsについて検討することを目的とした. その結果, 右利き選手の場合, 左脚は主にヘッドスピード獲得のための力学的エネルギーを発生し, 右脚は力学的エネルギーを発生するだけでなく, 回転を打ち分けるために胴部の姿勢を調整する役割も担っていることが明らかとなった.
湯 海鵬 阿江 通良 横井 孝志 渋川 侃二
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.10, pp.107-118, 1990-09-10 (Released:2016-12-05)

Twisting from a somersault is one of the most used techniques in sports with airborne components such as diving, gymnastics, and so on. The purposes of this study were to investigate the effect of arm swing on the production of aerial twist during somersault and to identify factors affecting the production of the twist. By using a model composed of three rigid bodies, the mechanism of the production of twist from a somersault was confirmed theoretically. Then, quantitative calculation was done based on the model. In the calculation a performer was assumed to swing one arm downward from the symmetrical position with both arms above the head. To validate the model, twisting somersaults of two male skilled gymnasts were filmed and analyzed with 3-dimensional cinematography (DLT method) to compare with the model. The performances were forward twist-somersaults of 1/2, 1 and 3/2 revolutions from a vaulting horse. The factors affecting the generation of twist are discussed based on the results of computer simulation and film data. The results are summarized as follows: 1) An asymmetrical arm swing could generate a twist about the longitudinal axis of the body from a somersault. This arm swing tilted the principal axes of the body away from their original positions. The axis of the angular momentum that was initially established did not change in the airborne phase, but the momentum resolved into two perpendicular components, one about the body's principal longitudinal axis and the another about the body's frontal axis (principal axis). Thus, the somersaulting motion around the frontal axis will continue even though the frontal axis is now tilted from its original position, and in addition the body will begin to twist about its longitudinal axis. 2) The direction of the twist depended upon the initial directions of the somersault and/or arm swing. 3) Large angular velocity of the somersault before the change in the posture and large swing angle of the arm were effective for the generation of twisting. The smaller the moment of inertia about body's longitudinal axis, the larger the twisting that was produced.
石田 明允 今井 祥二 野城 真理
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.10, pp.63-70, 1990-09-10 (Released:2016-12-05)

The instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) is a basic quantity for describing planar motion of rigid bodies and useful for analysis of anatomical joint motion. For example, the ratio of sliding or spinning and rolling at the articular surfaces of the joint has a direct relationship with the location of ICR. Reuleaux's method has been used to determine ICR. So far the position of segments has been measured by means of several X-ray photographs. Reuleaux's method and other methods use data at two consecutive positions. These methods are very sensitive to position error of segments, and therefore few reliable ICR data on joint motion have been reported. However, it has become possible recently to obtain sufficient position data using several electronic techniques including photo-sensitive semiconductor and magnetic sensor. Therefore it is expected that ICR error can be reduced using these data. In this paper, we propose a method of calculating ICR based on smoothing technique. That is, to determine velocity and angular velocity of a segment, we adopted numerical low-pass differentiation. Then we analyzed the error of this method and discussed the optimal sampling interval of position data. We compared this method with other methods by computer simulation, and we applied this method to temporomandibular joint motion.
増田 健 龍野 友吾 竹田 敏幸 山口 峻司
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.17, pp.79-85, 2004 (Released:2005-04-15)

Postural control may be performed on the basis of certain reference frames. Two kinds of reference are usually adopted, one based on the support surface and the other, head-centered reference. In usual cases, these two may be flexibly and dynamically integrated. To understand such integration, we investigated the air-righting movement in rats. Because of lack of a support surface during falling, air-righting may be evoked by a control system based on the head-centered reference.Air-righting movements were evoked in male Wistar rats. In some rats the cerebellar vermis was ablated in various degrees (decerebellate animals). Righting movements and muscle activities were analyzed. Righting movements were recorded on a videocassette recorder (30 frames/sec). Video pictures were captured into a computer frame by frame. Muscle activities were recorded from axial muscles (m. longissimus thoracis) on both sides.Air-righting consisted of three kinds of movement in rats with intact brain: head and upper body rotation against the lower body, lower body rotation against the upper body, and four limbs extension in the prone posture. These movements occurred sequentially in the above-mentioned order. After the head and upper body rotations, the head almost righted in space, and the hip maximally twisted. This torsion of the hip was removed by the second movement, the lower body rotation. After the second movement, the whole body righted and the animal could take a prone posture. Then, the third movement, limb extension, occurred.In decerebellate animals, the same basic movements were induced during air-righting. However, the magnitudes of rotations were different from those of intact rats. Sometimes magnitudes of rotations were so small that air-righting movements were incomplete (undershooting). In other cases, rotations were so large that air-righting was excessive (overshooting). In extreme cases, decerebellate rats rotated their bodies more than twice during a single fall. In both undershooting and overshooting, the removal of axial torsion of the body at the hip seemed to take place; thus, the whole body in such cases inclined along the long axis after the second movement. In such cases, the third movement was not evoked. To elicit the third movement, the animal was assumed to be in the prone position.
酒井 美園 大渕 修一 柴 喜崇 上出 直人
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
no.17, pp.87-98, 2004-08-25
2 1

The purpose of this study was to examine postural control against perturbation during treadmill walking. In addition, we hypothesized a strategy of postural control in such a situation and suggested the effect of aging on postural control. Ten young and twenty-nine elderly subjects participated in this study. We used a separated-belt treadmill, and perturbations were produced by rapidly decelerating one side of the walking-belt for 500 ms while walking. To young subjects, two types of the perturbation were given five times each in three minutes of walking: 50% deceleration of the initial speed (moderate perturbation) and 100% deceleration of the initial speed (strong perturbation). To elderly subjects, moderate perturbations were given five times in three minutes of walking. The electromyogram responses of leg, thigh, and trunk muscles on both sides and acceleration at the pelvis were measured. We classified subjects from reaction patterns of muscles, and compared them. Four reaction patterns of muscles were observed: "ankle strategy," "mixed ankle and hip strategy," and others. Comparing the ankle strategy seen in young and elderly subjects, the response of tibialis anterior on the perturbed side after the perturbation was significantly delayed in elderly subjects. The "mixed ankle and hip strategy" observed in this study did not change with advancing trials, although the mixed strategy in standing is defined as the transitory pattern to pure ankle strategy or hip strategy when the stimulus exceeds the control limit. We therefore concluded that the mixed strategy observed in this study was different from the mixed strategy seen in standing. The pattern of muscle recruitment was immediate antero-distal muscle activities followed by postero-proximal muscle activities after perturbation. This pattern resembled whiplash. We suggest this mixed strategy be established as a new strategy. It is thought that the posture of a subject moves like striking a whip since this new strategy showed the ankle strategy followed by the hip strategy, and we considered this new strategy to be a "whiplash strategy". Also, this new strategy was seen when the body shake was large, so it is suggested that it is an important strategy for subjects who have low ability of postural control. From these results, we concluded that there is a specific postural control strategy in walking, and there are differences in postural control ability between elderly and young subjects.
岡 久雄 北脇 知己 岡本 基 市橋 則明 吉田 正樹
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.21, pp.219-230, 2012 (Released:2017-02-15)

骨格筋の収縮機能を評価するには, 生化学的検査や画像診断の他に筋電位信号がよく用いられるが, これは筋を収縮させる入力側の信号である。筋音信号は筋収縮に伴う振動, すなわち出力側の信号であるので, 両者を計測・比較することによって筋の収縮様相を正しく評価できると考えられる。筋疲労や筋力トレーニングを行ったときの変位筋音信号を測定したところ, 速筋線維の寄与率変化が示唆された。さらに変位筋音信号を簡便に測定するために, フォトリフレクタを応用した小型・軽量の変位筋音センサを開発した。本センサはエルゴメータ運動やトレッドミル歩行中でも筋音信号の測定が可能で, 単収縮波形を算出することができた。
小島 輝明 高本 俊一 森岡 賢次 山本 晋平 綿貫 雅也 長谷川 光彦 三宅 仁 塩野谷 明
Society of Biomechanisms
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.16, pp.231-241, 2002

It is effective to determine running pace in advance, based on individual ability, in order to demonstrate the highest performance in long-distance running. The evaluation indices for a long-distance runner are maximum oxygen uptake, lactate threshold (LT), and ventilatory threshold (VT). These, however, are mostly used stastistically, so results may differ from real ability in a personal equation.<BR>The purposes of this study were to construct an energy-metabolism model and to optimize the running pace of long-distance running using a genetic algorithm (GA). The energy-metabolism model constructed in the study was composed of an anaerobic energy feeder structure, an aerobic energy feeder structure, and the section to be run. These elements were expressed as differential equations and restricted inequality formulas. The running speed for each subject, calculated from the best time for 300 meters, the amount of oxygen uptake, and running speed at the VT in each subject were used as parameters for the energy-metabolism model.<BR>VT was measured by a gradually increasing speed exercise using a treadmill because it was difficult to measure during field running. There are many differences between treadmill running and field running, however. In this study, the subject ran continuously on a treadmill with traction to his back using a rubber tube. The running speed for treadmill running was adjusted to that in field running based on heart rate.<BR>The energy-metabolism model had two controlled variables, and running speed could be controlled by these variables. We tried to optimize the energy-metabolism model by determining the two controlled variables using a GA. The spurt start point was also determined during optimization. The GA determined the spurt start point based on the energy-metabolism model.<BR>The running speed in 5000-meter races was optimized as follows: (1) speed ascends immediately after the start of the race, and then descends by a constant degree; (2) speed ascends again at 1000 to 1400 meters before the goal; and (3) almost 1 minute later, running goes to maximum speed then descends again by a constant degree all the way to the goal. This optimization result corresponded closely to the actual racing of the subject, who trained for improved ability in long-distance running.
小島 輝明 高本 後一 森岡 賢次 山本 晋平 綿貫 雅也 長谷川 光彦 三宅 仁 塩野谷 明
vol.16, pp.231-241, 2002-06-25

It is effective to determine running pace in advance, based on individual ability, in order to demonstrate the highest performance in long-distance running. The evaluation indices for a long-distance runner are maximum oxygen uptake, lactate threshold (LT), and ventilatory threshold (VT). These, however, are mostly used stastistically, so results may differ from real ability in a personal equation. The purposes of this study were to construct an energy-metabolism model and to optimize the running pace of long-distance running using a genetic algorithm (GA). The energy-metabolism model constructed in the study was composed of an anaerobic energy feeder structure, an aerobic energy feeder structure, and the section to be run. These elements were expressed as differential equations and restricted inequality formulas. The running speed for each subject, calculated from the best time for 300 meters, the amount of oxygen uptake, and running speed at the VT in each subject were used as parameters for the energy-metabolism model. VT was measured by a gradually increasing speed exercise using a treadmill because it was difficult to measure during field running. There are many differences between treadmill running and field running, however. In this study, the subject ran continuously on a treadmill with traction to his back using a rubber tube. The running speed for treadmill running was adjusted to that in field running based on heart rate. The energy-metabolism model had two controlled variables, and running speed could be controlled by these variables. We tried to optimize the energy-metabolism model by determining the two controlled variables using a GA. The spurt start point was also determined during optimization. The GA determined the spurt start point based on the energy-metabolism model. The running speed in 5000-meter races was optimized as follows: (1) speed ascends immediately after the start of the race, and then descends by a constant degree; (2) speed ascends again at 1000 to 1400 meters before the goal; and (3) almost 1 minute later, running goes to maximum speed then descends again by a constant degree all the way to the goal. This optimization result corresponded closely to the actual racing of the subject, who trained for improved ability in long-distance running.
國澤 尚子 新村 洋未 小川 鑛一
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.17, pp.195-205, 2004 (Released:2005-04-15)

The objectives of the current research were to clarify differences in beginners' and nurses' techniques for manipulation of a syringe and to propose methods of education for mastering quick and accurate techniques. In this paper, differences in techniques for manipulation of a syringe by nursing students and nurses are discussed from two perspectives. One is the effects of combining the syringe and injection needle in terms of the pressure in the syringe. The other is differences in methods of grasping the syringe. Based on these results, problems relating to adjustment of the force used by a nurse to manipulate a syringe and contact of the fingertip with the plunger become apparent.For measurement of the pressure in the syringe, a processed syringe is connected to a strain gauge type of force conversion device and strain is converted to pressure. For pressing of the plunger, hypodermic injection and extrusion of a drug solution into a vial were performed. For drawing of the plunger, collection of blood and suctioning from a plastic ampule were performed.With regard to pressure in the syringe, the maximum gauge pressure was large for a finer injection needle when the syringe was the same size in all techniques for nursing students as well as nurses. In simulated hypodermic injection, nursing students had a larger maximum gauge pressure with a larger syringe with the same injection needle. However, nurses considered the effects on the body and adjusted force so that the maximum gauge pressure did not increase. Because extrusion from a syringe and suctioning from an ampule are techniques that do not insert a needle in the body, nurses added substantial force and manipulated the syringe in a short period of time. In addition, limits for the addition of force were also considered.Based on classification of patterns of waveforms with regard to drawing of the plunger in suctioning from an ampule, nursing students often had multiple valley-shaped waveforms. Patterns produce waveforms like this because the syringe is passed from hand to hand. Differences in the appearance of waveforms due to the size of the syringe were noted for nurses, indicating separate use of methods of manipulating a syringe plunger as needed.With regard to the grasping of a syringe, nursing students grasp it so as not place their fingertip in contact with the plunger. This is because they are taught in class not to make contact with the plunger based on the perspective of preventing infection. However, a majority of nurses make contact with the plunger when drawing the plunger. That is, making contact with the plunger for drawing of the plunger is a technique in which the plunger is easy to manipulate. Nurses may have adopted an efficient method in clinical settings. Even if the stance that contact with the plunger should be avoided to prevent infection is learned, making contact with the plunger as experience is acquired leads one to conclude that education in techniques for manipulation of injections is vague. Having nurses change the techniques they have acquired is difficult, so sterile gloves should be worn as a general rule when manipulating a syringe.In the future, force added to the suction head of a syringe plunger will be measured and the relationship with internal pressure will be verified.
青木 慶 山崎 信寿 井上 剛伸 山崎 伸也 三田 友記
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.17, pp.217-226, 2004 (Released:2005-04-15)
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This paper describes the optimization of hip joint characteristics of a hip disarticulation prosthesis. We attempted to optimize the characteristics for improved ability to walk using our passive walking model, which can walk by utilizing mechanical properties of rigid body segments and joint resistance.In order to understand how the hip disarticulation prosthesis gait is performed, we interviewed two hip disarticulation prosthesis users. The interviews showed that practical gait in daily life is different from the gait at a training stage. These two types of gaits were named “practical gait” and “training gait.” Users indicated that the training gait velocity was slower than that of the practical gait. Moreover, in the practical gait the heel contact on the prosthesis side was more natural in comparison with the training gait.Gait measurements showed that the lumbar angle pattern has rapid extension and lateral bending involving the swing prosthesis in training gait. Step length on the sound side is in agreement despite the different types of gait. In practical gait, step length on the sound side agrees with that on the prosthesis side. Gait velocity in practical gait compared with training gait was 28% faster with subject 1 and 7% faster with subject 2. Therefore, practical gait has an improved gait velocity by swinging the prosthesis, as step length on each side is the same. Motion of prosthesis is achieved not by sound lower extremities but by lumbar flexion, extension, and lateral bending. Furthermore, practical gait reduces lumbar motion as much as possible, and reduces muscle force around the lumbar area.We developed a passive swing model by applying the above characteristics. This model is composed of eight rigid segments: upper torso, pelvis, upper extremities, thigh, shank-foot. Each joint has passive resistance by ligament. The sound hip and lumbar joint have active moments by muscle, which were obtained from measurement. The objective function for practical gait is defined by the following parameters: (1) difference of each step length, (2) amplitude of active moments, (3) difference of cycles between gait patterns and active moments. As these parameters are minimized, postures of segments, translational velocity, angular velocities and cycle, and amplitude of active moment are recorded. In comparison of subjects, calculated motion patterns on the prosthesis side were well in agreement, so this model is available to estimate hip joint characteristics.When this model simulates a condition of the current hip elastic characteristic weakened by half, the gait velocity is 6% faster and amplitude of lumbar lateral bending moment is reduced 26%. For this reason, weakening current elastic characteristics around the hip joint can easily control the swing of the prosthesis. As a result, adjustment of the hip elastic characteristic can improve the walk capability.
山田 宏 松村 仁 森田 大作
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.17, pp.173-184, 2004 (Released:2005-04-15)
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This theoretical investigation of the mechanics of the vascular endothelial cells that line the luminal side of blood vessels focused on two points. First, we formulated a hypothesis on the orientation of stress fibers, i.e., bundles of actin filaments, under cyclic deformation, and used numerical simulation to predict their orientation under various types of substrate deformation. Second, we created a finite element model of cultured endothelial cells adhering to a substrate, i.e., a silicone membrane, and a vascular endothelial cell on the luminal side of a vascular wall, and used finite element analyses to determine the stress and strain under various types of deformation.To predict the orientation of stress fibers, we hypothesized that they are oriented only in the direction in which the strain component in the fiber direction does not exceed the strain limit, either with maximum deformation of the substrate or during deformation of the substrate. We found that stress fibers have a minimum length during the process of substrate stretching, and investigated the importance of considering substrate deformation during cyclic stretching. The numerical simulation showed that the effect is small over the physiological range of cyclic deformation experienced in blood vessels. We also predicted the out-of-plane orientations of stress fibers during cycles of simple elongation, pure uniaxial stretching, and equibiaxial stretching. With cyclic equibiaxial stretching and the assumption of a certain cell height, the predicted orientation of stress fibers agreed with the reported range of orientation of the actin cytoskeleton.Second, using finite element modeling and analyses, we modeled a cell adherent to a substrate and a vascular endothelial cell on the luminal side of the vascular wall. We assumed that a cell consists of a nucleus and cytoplasm, and that both are incompressible, isotropic, hyperelastic materials. We also assumed that the bottom surface of the cell completely attaches to the substrate surface. The analyses of the stress and strain in the cell showed that the strain was greatest at the substrate and decreased in higher positions in the cell; the amount of strain in the top region of the cell depended on its shape. Moreover, the existence of the nucleus caused a complicated distribution of stress and strain in the cytoplasm. This result provides important information for predicting the orientation of stress fibers with nonuniform deformation of a cell.