横山 智哉
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.95, pp.41-49, 2019-07-31 (Released:2019-10-25)

With the dramatic changes in the media environment in recent years, thetraditional models of mass media influence are being reconsidered. In this article,the author considers these research trends and introduces the empiricalinsights of survey experiments that examine the effects of information exposurein the current media environment. Specifically, the author introduces the argumentssurrounding the minimal media effects theory, which were first raised inthe 2010s. Next, the author focuses on the concept of cues that function as heuristics,and delves into the social consequences that result from changes in themedia environment by laying out the insights provided by survey experimentsrelated to the effects of media exposure. Finally, the author argues the importanceof explaining the insights gained through experimental research carriedout in the context of the real-world media environment by referring to thearguments surrounding the problems of external validity and exposure-basedpretreatment.
北村 匡平
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.88, pp.77-96, 2016-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The aim of this paper is to align Kyo Machiko's performance style as a vamp actress with the history of Japanese cinema, and explore postwar public consciousness and desire through her star persona. The voluptuous Kyo Machiko made her film debut in 1949 and went on to become one of the leading actresses of the postwar generation. Her rise to stardom was closely related to many of her roles that embodied social phenomenon amid a trend for kasutori culture, in the sexually liberated climate following the Second World War. In contrast to the intense characters on screen, she portrayed herself as modest and graceful, which enabled her to convey multiple messages within the context of her fame. She depicted a dual-star persona as a result of the contrast between her vamp characters in films and her modest, feminine personality in fan magazines; accordingly, she gained fame as a star across generations. Through the 1950s, she appeared in works by some of the greatest Japanese filmmakers, which catapulted her to international stardom. She was sometimes referred to as "the Grand Prix actress." Following the success of Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon (1950), a growing tendency to promote Japanese cinema overseas emerged, eliciting the gaze of Orientalism from Western spectators. International stardom led to an even more complicated gaze on Kyo Machiko's body. Star/Celebrity studies have developed certain methodological frameworks since Richard Dyer's Stars. From a theoretical perspective, this paper focuses on the film star Kyo Machiko as a cultural text, and analyzes how fans or critics viewed both her cinematic persona, performing acts of violence on screen, and her own persona, which represented traditional Japanese imagery in fan magazines. This research concludes that Kyo Machiko's cinematic body became a national body and functioned as an esthetic vehicle, reflecting both the desire of a trans/national identity and the desire to localize her star image for Japanese spectators.
長谷川 一
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.62, pp.98-115, 2003-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This paper criticizes the current situation of electronic scholarly publishing in the United States from a cultural politics point of view. In most of the humanities, monographs are the central media. Being their main publishers, the university presses have always been inseparable from the knowledge production system. However, the commercialization of the presses accelerated rapidly after the 1990s. This has not only made it difficult for untenured young scholars to publish monographs, but has also had a negative impact on the cycle of knowledge production. To solve the issue, various possibilities of electronic publishing have been discussed. The History E-Book project is expected to play a central role. This large-scale project has participants from many historical studies associations and leading university presses, as well as considerable foundation support. In this paper, I would like to present an outline of the project, which is led by the well-known historian Robert Darnton. It will become clear that Darnton has only replaced paper with electronic forms, without any structural changes. In other words, he has automatically shifted the structure of the present knowledge production system based on a codex to cyberspace. The fundamental element which forms the monograph is the idea of "work," a coherent concept or idea unique to the author. This "work" is secured by the codex as physical form. How then can the electronic monographs with no physical form sustain the idea of "work"? Furthermore, given the fact that the significance of humanities, including historical studies, has declined remarkably in the United States in the 1990s, the History E-Book project is also expected to redress the "humanities crisis." However, the project has no such potential. The current situation should be understood as a sign of conflict caused by changes in the constellation of modern knowledge.
近藤 和都
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.87, pp.137-155, 2015-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

In traditional research on film reception, the cinema experience has been defined by the time period and the space in which audiences experienced the film. However, audiences also experience the cinema before and after going to the movies through the media, such as through film magazines, trailers, posters, and so on. Understanding how the film is received by audiences, researchers should consider other forms of media surrounding the film-going experience. From this perspective, this paper focuses on brochures that were published by almost all of the prewar movie theaters and analyzes the reading practices of audiences. We first compare exhibition practices by movie theaters with those by opera theaters, and argue that movie theater brochures were formed out of Western modern theater publications. The results show that prewar film exhibitors struggled to contextualize the movie into traditional theater exhibitions because cinemas were considered to be of a lower social standing than prior theater exhibitions. After exploring the origin of brochures, we focus on the contributors' column in which audiences expressed their opinions and differentiated themselves from each other to elevate their status. These contributions were regarded as a kind of literature and audiences usually read them before and after watching films. Some audiences were attracted to brochures and collected them. In particular, brochures published by movie theaters in Tokyo gained popularity. Because of the distribution system, a considerable number of films were only shown around the Kanto region. Instead of receiving original text, rural audiences experienced films vicariously through reading the brochures. Through the analyses above, we conclude that the way of watching films during 1920s in Japan was related not only to the film's text but also other practices such as writing and reading and audiences experienced something beyond the screen.
金 成玟
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.76, pp.237-254, 2010-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The purpose of this study is to examine the influences of‘ broadcast spilloverfrom Japan’ in Pusan, Korea in the 1950-70s and understand the culturalmeaning of the historical process. Japanese broadcast by spill-over not only hasinfluenced on Korean broadcast system deeply, but also has been enjoyed bypeople as a kind of popular culture in everyday life in the situation that it hadbeen banned to import Japanese popular culture. What this study showed wasthat a number of attitudes, gazes, and strategies on political, economical, socialand cultural levels have been involved complicatedly in this issue.
北村 智
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.95, pp.51-63, 2019-07-31 (Released:2019-10-25)

With the spread of information and communication technology, variousforms of log data are constantly being accumulated. In this article, the authorexamines the use of log data in quantitative media studies. First, in the context of the growing amount of social focus on log data, orbig data, the author offers a general view of computational social science, whichhas been proposed as a field of research that uses big data in social scienceresearch. The author also examines the relationship between computationalsocial science and media studies. Based on this, the author outlines the problemof how the approach of computational social science alone is insufficient on thebasis of concern regarding media studies. Finally, as a solution to these problems,the author introduces case studies of a comprehensive analytical approachthat tie together statistical social survey data and log data.
松山 秀明
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.80, pp.153-170, 2012-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The majority of research on television in Japan has concentrated on its influence and effect as a medium. There has been little research about content ; i.e., the television programs themselves. This research demonstrates the potential of studies into television utilizing television archives. Through extensive use of the NHK archives, it focuses on the way television, especially documentary programs from the 1950s to 1960s, have portrayed Tokyo as an urban space. The transformation of these images of Tokyo from the 1950s to 1960s is demonstrated through an analysis of the content of television programs and their context. The television documentaries of the late 1950s portrayed Tokyo as an urban space of the lower classes. The first television documentary series, entitled Nihon no Sugao [The Real Japan] (1957-64), presented images of Tokyo from the viewpoint of the lower classes. In other words, this series featured the lives of people living in the outskirts of Tokyo, portraying them in a condescending way. In the early 1960's, the images of Tokyo in documentary programs underwent a great transformation, as these programs began to take on the character of public relations. The reason for this change was that the 1964 Summer Olympics were held in Tokyo and its image needed to be clean and orderly so as to portray Tokyo as a city ready to host the Olympic Games. Thus, following the announcement of the decision to hold the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, the images of Tokyo began to shift from internally oriented to externally oriented ones and images of Tokyo as an urban space of the lower classes were excluded. The analysis of archival television images of Tokyo from the 1950s to 1960s reveals the historical context by whether or not the images portray the city from the viewpoint of the lower classes.
坪井 りん
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.66, pp.111-128, 2005-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This paper examines what kind of roles journalism played on the foundation of Modern “Art” at the Meiji era in Japan. It first looks at how arts were reported by journalism when it had not yet been established as a system and discusses the intimate relation between two. It then examines how the relation gradually changed with the commencement of art exhibitions, focusing on the newspaper coverage on the “Hakubakai” exhibitions. Finally, it looks at the Bunten, the national art exhibition held by Ministry of Education, and discusses how journalism shifted to overheated reports, naturally resulting to affect the viewers.
橋本 晃
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.62, pp.165-177, 2003-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The U.S. Military exercised almost perfect media control and propaganda during the Persian Gulf War. How did they develop their skills of media control at a time of limited wars during the Kosovo War? This study attempts to answer this question and should be suggestive of media control and propaganda in future limited wars conducted by the United States. A critical review of the literature, including items collected in Belgrade during the war shows that a tendency toward "invisible war" has emerged, in which the military does not have to introduce any media control.
浜田 幸絵
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.79, pp.111-131, 2011-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This article examines media representations of the 1932 Olympic Games in Japanese newspapers. In Japan, the Olympics attained a certain level of popularity for the first time in 1932. Previous studies have shown that the Japanese mass media, particularly after the Manchurian Incident of 1931, played an important role in the militarization of the country. On the other hand, idealistic universalism has been claimed globally in the realm of international sports. This research attempts to explore the relationships between extreme nationalism and internationalism in Japanese media coverage of international sports in the early 1930s. Methodologically, the study uses both quantitative and qualitative textural analysis. First, the coverage of the 1932 Games in three newspapers (Tokyo Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun, and Yomiuri Shimbun), and that of the 1928 Games in Tokyo Asahi Shimbun is analyzed quantitatively. Second, newspaper articles about the departure of the Japanese team, the opening and closing ceremonies, and the victory of a Japanese athlete, are analyzed qualitatively with a view to explore the roles of Olympic media reports in reconstituting nationalism. The results suggest that Japanese media coverage of the 1932 Olympics, differing from that of previous Olympics, was characterized by (1) the frequent appearance of national symbols of Japan (for example, the national flag, the national anthem, and representations of the emperor) and deictics (for example, "our athletes" and "homeland"), (2) the differentiation of "Others" (for example, stereotypical portrayals of non-Japanese athletes admiring "our Japanese athletes"), (3) the frequent use of the metaphor of warfare, and (4) representations of social relationships in Japan (for example, the dramatization of Japanese athletes and their families). Rather than being merely jingoism, this contains two elements: one is a discourse that makes people feel a belonging to the nation, which is a part of the international community, and the other is a discourse that is essentially nationalistic and patriotic, emphasizing the divinity of the Japanese national symbols.
北田 暁大
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.53, pp.83-96,213, 1998-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

Offering the proposition "Media is the messages, " Murshall McLuhan indicated that the modality of media consumption can define our kinetic sense and thoughts. The unfortunate acceptance of McLuhan's arguments invited the lack of the sociological scrutiny. This paper will rethink the theoretical implication of McLuhan's proposition from the viewpoints of social system theory developed by Niklas Luhmann. His theory clarifies the theoretical difference between face-to-face communication and mediated communication, and the concept of "observation" will give us the alternative idea of "Medialiteracy".
片山 慶隆
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.86, pp.161-180, 2015-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The purpose of this article is to investigate Japanese newspaper reports on the Korean Secret Mission to the Second Peace Conference at The Hague and the Third Japanese-Korean Treaty in 1907. This paper analyzes ten Japanese Newspapers-Osaka Mainichi Shimbun, Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun, Miyako Shimbun, Yorozu Cyoho, Tokyo Niroku Shimbun, Osaka Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo Asahi Shimbun, Kokumin Shimbun, Jiji Shimpo, Hochi Shimbun-especially Osaka Mainichi Shimbun. Although there has been much academic research on the history of Japan-Korea relations in the past, there have been few media history studies. Takaishi Shingoro, special correspondent at The Hague for the Osaka Mainichi Shimbun, reported the Korean Secret Mission to the Second Peace Conference at The Hague objectively. Three Koreans accused Japan of ruling Korea in the newspaper Courrier de la Conference. Some Japanese newspapers feared that foreign journalists expressed sympathy with Korea. Much of the Japanese press supported the Third Japanese-Korean Treaty. In contrast, much of the Japanese media criticized The Second Japanese-Korean Treaty in 1905 and few newspapers insisted on Japan's Annexation of Korea. Almost all of the Japanese media were calmer then compared to two years ago. Probably foreign journalists' sympathizing with Korea influenced this change in much of the Japanese media.
韓 永學
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.85, pp.123-141, 2014-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The objective of this article is to explore the status of the right to know in the special secrecy law. I found that the law gives much attention to safeguarding "special secrets" but has no regard for the people's right to know. Firstly, the law virtually admits its classification of what is a special secret is too wide-ranging, but restricts the declassification and disclosure of such secrets. Also the law has a chilling effect on whistle-blowing. Secondly, there is little guarantee of the Japanese Diet, the court and third party organizations checking on the enforcement of the special secrecy law. Thirdly, the provision in consideration of press freedom in the law does not have a substantial effect. In view of these serious defects, the law should be abolished or radically amended.
山腰 修三
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.90, pp.47-63, 2017-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This paper argues for the need to draw on political and social theory in the field of media and communication studies. Hegemony is the main focus in this paper. This theoretical term was introduced into media and communication studies in Japan through cultural studies in the 1980s. Stuart Hall, who is the theoretical figurehead of cultural studies, applied the concept of hegemony in media and communication studies. His theoretical model, “encoding/decoding,” became one of the “standard” theories in this field. However, since the decline of cultural studies, media and communication studies in Japan has not concerned itself with the theoretical development of this concept. This paper examines how new theories of hegemony and discourse were developed by political theorist Ernest Laclau. As pioneers of the theory of radi
田辺 龍
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.68, pp.42-53, 2006-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

'2ch (2 channel)' is the most popular anonymous BBS in Japan. It consists of hundreds of categories called 'ita (board)', and each ita also consists of hundreds of threads. Occasionally many responses are noted on some threads instantaneously, but most of these phenomena are regarded as consummatory communications like so-called 'matsuri (festival)' not as public opinion. But some of these have possibility of becoming public opinion when these are referred by other web sites, covered by mass media. So the inter-media relations can make anonymous BBS rouse public opinion, when an argument in some thread is cited by other media one after another.
福間 良明
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.76, pp.3-5, 2010

<p>We reached a point to look back at a history after war by passing more</p><p>than 60 years after the end of the war. Nostalgia for Showa period recently can</p><p>be the one of the example. However, while the image of nostalgic Showa period</p><p>is still alive and people comfortably recollect the past, some memory was</p><p>pushed away and some memory is meaningly selected. And then, this phenomenon</p><p>has not seen only recently.</p><p> Before the war, during the war, after the war, also Showa period, what</p><p>kind of memory has been selected and pushed away. Focusing this kind of phenomenon,</p><p>the theme of this special edition gives us some thought of the politics</p><p>of the story of Showa period.</p><p> In addition, these points are focused for the discussion among our academy.</p><p>In the spring academic meeting 2009, the title of the first symposium was" The</p><p>memory of Showa period and public opinion or popular sentiments". Also the</p><p>workshops such as" War and journalism"( media history academic project) and</p><p>"Visual image of 'the memory of war' and archive" have held under similar</p><p>theme.</p><p> This special edition has been projected including the study trends above.</p><p>6 papers in this journal have been written independently, however, we can find</p><p>out some similarity of examining of' Showa' and' the booms of Showa' in the</p><p>view point of media study and mass communication study.</p><p> I wish to activate the discussion in this field after the publication of this</p><p>special edition.</p>