山本 昭宏
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.84, pp.9-27, 2014-01-31

The purpose of this paper is to propose a hypothesis about the process through which the media builds up collective expectations concerning nuclear power (the Nuclear Dream) and the transformation of such expectations. We focus on the Asahi and Yomiuri Newspapers and study not only editorials, but also regular features that are likely to have affected public opinion as much as editorials. The period targeted in this paper is the 20 years from 1945 to 1965. We divide these 20 years into three periods based on changes in the Nuclear Dream: the dream of war deterrence (1945 to 1949) ; the dream of peaceful use (1949 to 1957) ; and the dream of nuclear power generation (1957 to 1965). Japanese newspapers were unknowingly trapped in the Nuclear Dream that they built up through their own discourse; while they detached themselves from the Nuclear Dream in the late 1950s, they expanded the dream again in the 1960s. By describing this process, we examine how it is possible to meet collective expectations built up by the media.
樋口 喜昭
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.84, pp.67-88, 2014-01-31

This paper first examines how the Japan Broadcasting Corporation broadcasted in each region prior to the Pacific War, and how they regarded regional characteristics in each broadcast, based on data from journals such as The Japan Broadcasting Corporation journal from that time, in order to clarify discussion of locality in broadcasts prior to the Pacific War. From this research, it is clear that the locality of early radio broadcasts in Japan had three different aspects as follows: 1) the locality of broadcasting that existed initially, 2) the subsequent centralization of Japanese Broadcasting, and 3) the resumption of local broadcasting for wartime emergency broadcasts. The first aspect stemmed from the fact the Corporation organized entertainment centered programs and had been trying to provide programs to suit the taste of listeners in each region. The second aspect stemmed from the fact when the ratio of program leadership grew nationwide, regionalism in broadcasting was often emphasized by the Corporation through strengthening central control, and it was possible to broadcast relative to the political background of the time. The third aspect stemmed from the fact since it had become necessary to acknowledge practical issues such as increased production and promotion of the war, local broadcasts were once again emphasized. The first and third aspects prioritize local circumstances in broadcasting for different reasons. However, the second aspect deals with standardized local broadcasts, used by the Corporation, to influence the Japanese public.
田中 東子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.62, pp.40-57, 2003

This paper aims to reconsider how the body is gendered and represented in the media program, in particular the media program of the Olympic Opening Ceremony. And then to ask the idea that the body is in actual existence a priori and its representation is the reflection, echo and effect of that body previous to its representation, I adopt the approach that the gendered bodies are constructed by and through its repetitive representations in the media and being constructed with the repetitive performances by speech acts and physical acts in the relations between social and cultural power and the various cultural configurations. This "gender constructivism" approach makes it possible to clear the reason why we can interpret an certain body's representation as "the female body" without any suspicions and on the other hand how we can change the gendered flame in the media program.
田中 東子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.83, pp.75-93, 2013-07-31

This article discusses what type of analysis can be carried out to examine gender and media issues in the online age. Behind this discussion are two facts: the number of Japanese women working in mass media that have a position where they can express their opinions has not grown dramatically over the past 30 years while the number of Japanese women who publicly express themselves in the online space has increased over the past 10 years. Given these facts, this article: 1) clarifies the purposes and viewpoints of the analysis - mainly by researchers in countries where English is spoken - of women who express themselves in the online space, and 2) clarifies the framework for researching and examining online cultural activities of Japanese women, who have often not been given opportunities to express themselves in the traditional media.
川島 隆
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.69, pp.41-56, 2006-07-31

In my article I analyze first how the playwright Bertolt Brecht developed his famous "Radio Theory", which had been the product of his critical engagement with radio as a new medium. Then, the close relationship between Brecht's theory and the practice of the German citizen media including Open Channels and Non-Commercial Lokal Radios will be discussed. Recently there has been criticism against these alternative media, arguing that they may well be replaced by new interactive media such as Internet. On its contrary, Brecht warns that the technical development does not necessarily support democratic communications-and thus offers an apology for the activities of citizen media, especially concerning media education.
水越 伸
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.48, pp.35-53, 286, 1996-01-31

This paper examines the relationship between so-called new Media Activists and the established mass media in Japanese journalism. I focus on two new media fields in Japan, video journalism and internet journalism which appeared in the early 1990's. I maintain that primarily these new Media Activists and mass media organizations can create balance, making diverse layers in the media sphere. In Japan, however, a different dynamic movement occurred, which was a confrontation between the mass media and Media Activists, with the former even trying to eliminate the latter from the media sphere. I extract some important problematic issues from these relationships and analyze the potentialities and limitations of new Media Activists.
大石 泰彦
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.70, pp.17-27, 2007-01-30

The purpose of this article is to review select important studies (both books and articles) on ethics of mass media (or of journalists) published in the last decade in Japan. The themes of these studies can be categorized into three, which pertain to independent regulatory commission (e.g.press council), professional education for journalists (or for future journalists), and rules on routine newsgathering and editing. The most recent studies have focused more on social system of media ethics than on norms and behaviors of journalists.
加藤 文俊
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.50, pp.155-167,230, 1997

The present paper reports an on-going study on images of the Internet. By employing a content analytic approach, visual images of advertisement in a series of the"Internet Magazine" were coded and interpreted. It was found that the"conduit" metaphor is pervasive and seemingly privileged when we think and talk about the Internet. In it, communication is understood as a transfer of"information" from sender to receiver. I suggest that the Internet can be understood alternatively, from a"constitutive" view of communication, which perceives that meaning is constantly constructed, reconstructed, and maintained communicatively in occasions of social interactions.
岡田 朋之
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.70, pp.55-66, 2007-01-30

The most significant media changes of the last decade were in the appearance and popularization of the Internet and in the extension of cellular phone functions. In this paper, I will firstly indicate how telecommunication and broadcast has been theoretically positioned in the process of their convergence and then touch upon the fact that media theorists saw the maturation of web communication and the development of print journalism to BBS and then blogging, accompanied also by the enlargement of conventional mass media such as TV-broadcasting to enable active participation by the viewer, as coterminous events. I will then argue that under the spread of cellular phones and the innovation of their handsets and services, a fulltime intimate community has been constructed as a deeply intimate area neither restrained by place nor physical space. It is likely that various media communication services will soon be offered targeting this intimate sphere and the small public sphere it provides on the web. SNS (social networking service) which has seen increasing popularity in recent years is one such example, and apprehending this phenomenon is one of the most important issues which media theories must address.
大島 十二愛
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.70, pp.177-194, 2007-01-30

From the Meiji to the Taisho era, newspaper companies had undergone a particularly large growth in their enterprises. This paper focuses on "Kodomo Hakurankai" (the children's exhibition) held in 1926 and demonstrates how newspaper companies incorporated the issue of children's cultural programs into their corporate strategies. A special mention of this exhibition was that the first newspaper daily specifically for children was published in Japan. This fact is important in two senses. For one thing, considering that newspapers were regarded as for adults, the fact that a children's newspaper was published is significant. For another, the main occupation (publishing newspapers) was newly produced by the side job (various activities including the children's exhibition).