大谷 愛人
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.50, pp.23-46, 1967-03

第五十集記念号1. 状況2. 国教会の反ヘーゲル主義思想3. バイロン-ハイネの思想4. 個別性の思想むすびThe infinite depth and value of a thought are radically ignored under the schematized interpretation. The thought of S. Kierkegaard has especially been under such a treatment, because it is used to be interpreted under the simple schema : Anti-Hegelianism. Such a interpretation is not always wrong, but means that his thought is taken up only in relation to Hegel, which is merely one side of his thought. But we can not grasp the essence of S. Kierkegaard's thought from such a view-point. So we must try the other work in order to know the infinite depth and value of his thought. And yet we must pass many stages for the work. But one of them, the most fundamental work, is to clarify the thought-historical background and soil peculiar to his contemporary Denmark, in and from which his thought grew up. And this is the first work which we should try. This paper is a mere note of such a work.
三井 宏隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.95, pp.211-240, 1993-07

中絶論争 場外で加熱 共和党大会 '92米大統領選「中絶問題」とキリスト教各派 原理主義者 問題の経緯 米,中絶制限を撤廃 大統領命令 少女の中絶 国揺るがす アイルランドでレイプ妊娠論議紛糾 中絶法実施,一時停止 ドイツ連邦憲法裁 ポーランド 中絶規制法成立 中絶容認をバチカン紙非難中絶法の成立とその改正Roe vs. Wade 最高裁判決 中絶の自由,制限 米最高裁「規制措置の州法は合憲」 「中絶」に玉虫色判決 米連邦最高裁中絶問題と社会科学 「赤ちゃん殺すな」と医師射殺,中絶反対派の活動家This paper reviews the controversy over abortion in the United States. The Supreme Court's decision in Roe vs. Wade in 1973 changed the issue from a private one to a public one. Antiabortion groups were reorganized and a counterattack was launched. The activists involved (both prolife and prochoice groups) represent extreme and opposite ends of the issue and therefore offer little hope of compromise. The questions arise : Is abortion legal or not? When does life begin? Who can make a decision about life and death? It is not easy to resolve these questions or the issue as a whole, without looking at the underlying issues. These include the role of traditional values (including moral, sexual and familial values), which are in turn influenced by a male dominated society.
井筒 俊彦
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.27, pp.33-64, 1951-08

第一章. ベルナールの歴史的価値第二章. ベルナールの性格
山岸 健
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.37, pp.27-56, 1959-12

1. 序2. 芸術社会学の課題3. 家元集団の構造4. 芸道について5. 型ということ6. 結語By the word "Iemoto", literally an "original house", is here meant the "originator" of a school in characteristic Japanese art or ceremony, such as "Cha-no-yu" (tea-ceremony), "Ikebana" (flower arrangement), etc. The "Iemoto" system consists of an originator or head master and his pupils ar followers. In the "Iemoto" system there are so many rules which must be strictly observed by the members of the group. In the present essay the writer, from the sociological point of view sees into the relations between the head master and his pupils, studying some of the fundamental regulations that should be kept by the pupils. The "Iemoto" must keep the traditional forms of art and faithfully hand them down to posterity. The faithful observance of the forms means the maintenance of the traditions and authority of the original house. The present writer regards the pupils' respect for the traditional forms and the original house as the fundamental element to the "Iemoto" system. It may be said that the problems of the "Iemoto" system should inevitable be studied in relation to those of the characteristic Japanese family system. And as to this point the writer intends to make a thorough investigation in the near future.
松本 正夫
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.34, pp.149-178, 1958-01

小林澄兄先生古稀記念論文集Since the translation of "The Mind and Heart of Love", a work by Rev. M.C. D'Arcy, was recently published, I tried to give a sort of comment and criticism on the several subjects I pickcd up from it. According to modern subjectivism, thing in itself is denied and thing as such is considered nothing else but an objectivation or projection of a central subject, in a word, it becomes merely a certain mode of subject itself. In such German idealism, just like in oriental monism, all is ego though it does recognize the difference between small and big ego and there is no room for the true existence of thouness. Thing in itself is exactly what the category of substance signified in the traditional philosophy and it occupied a highly estimated position in the field though modern philosophy lowered and dismissed it. Substance means simply that a thing is identical with itself solely by itself without any help from the other and does not mean necessarily that a thing is immutable and incorruptible in its essence. It is an assurance that some things can keep their own subjectivity in a perfect independence from conscious subject or ego. Therefore thing in itself is a necessary presupposition of thouness. It is said that true love exists between "I and you", not between "I and it". However even in the case of "I and it", "it" is not a merely projection of "I", "it" really transcends me as a thing in itself. In the case of "I and you", "you" transcends me as a thing in itself; yet here "you" is not only "in itself" but also "for itself", and so "you" is a subject (a mind) just like "I". Considering the difference between Eros and Agape, it is commonly admitted that Eros is self-immanent-love and Agape is self-transcendent-love. I am opposed to this doctrine and wish to say that the former is a love for man and the latter is a love for God. And in these cases of (1) thing-love (if admitted to say so) and (2) man-love and (3) god-love, both that self-immanent-love and that self-transcendent-love always coexist but in some different degrees as follows. In the case of (1) the former must be more and the latter less, in the case of (2) the former and the latter are almost equal in amount and in the case of (3) the former must be quite less and the latter must be the most part. This self-immanent-love is compared to animus, that is, the masculine character and this self-transcendent-love to anima, that is, the feminine character. According to Rev. D'Arcy, the former is further considered as an essential ego and the latter as an existential ego and humanism corresponds to the former and mysticism to the latter. Against this conclusion I suggested that there is no real division between both egos and their operations are mostly done together. So in a long run they must be considered one. Thus I emphasized the roll which animus takes in mysticism when not only anima but also animus, that is, the whole ego is overwhelmed by the gift from above. In the end I argued against Rev. D'Arcy's voluntarism which claims the immanent character of reason and the transcendent character of will, with the intellectualism which, to my analysis, depends on the fact of transcendency of reason and of immanency of will.
竹内 治彦
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.90, pp.73-99, 1990

社会史の流行がとりざたされるようになってから10年以上の歳月が過ぎようとしている.また近年,歴史的社会学(Historical Sociology)等の名称をかかげた雑誌が,とくに英語圏で発刊されている.それらに共通しているのは,歴史家サイドが,社会学ないし社会科学一般のもつ理論性や一般化に興味をもち,歴史学の可能性を拡げてゆこうとしていることである.ブローデル等の主張するような,歴史学を歴史的社会科学として再興しようとする姿勢がそれである.このような問題関心につきうごかされた歴史学の諸研究の業績は豊かなものであり,一定の影響力をもつものに成長を遂げているように思われる.これに対し,社会学のサイドでは歴史的な資料活用の可能性をめぐっての研究は残念ながら大きな潮流をなしているとはいいがたい.しかしながら,その研究がまったく途絶えているといえるものでもないし,近年,歴史学サイドの社会史の活動に触発されて,新しいアプローチを模索する研究も進んでいると考える.本稿では,そのような歴史社会学的研究を参照しながら,社会学に歴史的な観点を導入することによるメリットについて考えてみたい.そのさい,歴史社会学的な研究を,研究対象の拡がりにしたがって,文化論的アプローチに区分する.さらに,この四つのアプローチのうち,歴史社会学の可能性をめぐる重点が,段階論的アプローチと文化論的アプローチの対比にあると主張し,そのうちでも文化論的アプローチのもつ二つの利点を強調してみたい.それは一つには,生活主体の側から,社会の歴史を再構成する可能性をもっていることであり,またもう一つには,かって「近代化論の再興」が議論されたさいに問題となった伝統と近代の問題にたいし,文化論的アプローチが一つの解決を与えてゆく可能性をもっていることである.
唐澤 和義
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.54, pp.167-192, 1969-11

一. 社会体制論の有効性 : communityとassociationに関連して二. 政治体系論・政治体制論の諸説三. 正当性の背景 : ユートピア、イデオロギー、ビジョン1. Politics represents "authoritative allocation of scarce resources for a society." The appropriate maintenance of a total society requires authoritative allocation of scarce resources. Therefore it is necessary to organize this distribution. This organization is formed and executed by the social groups that make up the entire society. Conforming to their respective purpose, the organization and its norms give direction to society as a whole. Thus the relationship between social thought and social groups is extremely important for political sociologists. 2. The following theories concern interaction between an organization and its purpose. K. Marx pointed out an organization related to production as economic-social formation (okonomische gesellschaform). M. Duverger analysed the organization in the social situation. K. Loewenstein denned as the limit of effect about the organization, and classifed it through the rule. J. Watanuki regarded the organization as the political system which has coordinated function of both out-put and in-put. The connection of the purpose with the organization will manage to maintain itself in harmony with the total society. Namely this connection is systematized by the dominant purpose in the total society and the organized activity with some intention. The social regime has a character connected with the established purpose of the organization and which may be transformed into the different one when its effectiveness is lost by the change of the social situation. 3. Once they doubt the effectiveness of the social regime, then social groups with new purpose for maintaining society emerge. They attempt to obtain majority support, but are unable to organize and are inclined to lack the ability to execute their ideas. They end up as Utopian thinkers with the sole purpose and organization of social criticism alone. Ideology is the thought which would be supported by the majority in the total society and would form the organization of the new purpose into the different way and would clearly define a new organization more effectively than the former. When the new purpose of the organization is be dominant, it operates toward the self-preservation and maintenance of the total society. The self-preservation would adapt to the change of the social situation and develop flexibly the planning through the feedback which operates the organization. Vision is the thought which revises its purpose. The thought it-self would move the emphasis from future purpose to actual reform in accordance with the nature of it's thought. My subject of political sociology aims at the decision-making process which coordinates the connection of the purpose with the organization and the social situation.
椋尾 麻子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.112, pp.165-186, 2004-03

特集家族とその社会的生活世界の探求研究ノートはじめに社会構築主義(社会問題の構築主義的アプローチ)ポスト構造主義的アプローチローティのネオ・プラグマティズムおわりにThis essay is a study of the "anti-essentialist" approaches as the methodology in the realm of sociology and human sciences, which have become prevalent for recent years. Here, I would like to examine the following three types of "anti-essentialism": 1) the social constructionism which has been developed mainly in a sociology of social problems; 2) the post-structuralism such as the feminism, cultural studies and post-colonial studies; and 3) Richard Rorty's Neo pragmatism. They all have a great deal of studies evolved under the impact of so-called the linguistic turn. It appears, however, they sometimes come into conflicts as their targets and goals are not common to but different from each other. My primary concern is to review comparative studies of these approaches extensively, and thus to explore the potentialities and/or limitations of the "anti-essentialism" in a sociological perspective. Talking about the narratives of the "anti-essentialist" theory, special attention is given to the positionality of the speaker-including analyst/researcher. In this context, it may be recognized as a new method in sociological research distinct from preceding approaches and dislocating them. Such a stance, I presume, rather signifies the thoroughness in theoretical setting of sociological issues.
水野 宏美
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.106, pp.59-91, 2001-03

特集変容する社会と家族投稿論文1. はじめに (1) ルソーの夢 (2) 本稿の目的と構成2. ピアノ文化の外的要因 (1) 気候的要因 (2) 技術的要因3. ピアノ文化の内的要因 (1) 近代家族のイデオロギー (2) 経済的要因 (3) 教育的要因 (4) ジェンダー的要因 (5) 資本的要因4. ピアノ文化における親子関係の変容 (1) 19世紀近代家族のピアノ体験 (2) 20世紀近代家族のピアノ体験 (3) 四つの要因5. おわりに (1) 19世紀近代家族 (2) 20世紀近代家族 (3) 近代家族の揺らぎ (4) 近代家族の規定力The purpose of this thesis is to consider the relation between parent-child relations and culture in modern family. My concern here is mainly children's practice on the piano, so-called, piano culture and its parent-child relations. I would like to emphasize certain similarities of piano culture in the type of modern family. Piano culture existed from the very era when the modern family was formed, and was supported historically by the modern family both in the West and the East. Modern family has an ascetic Ethos to the education of children in the family. So, it is not unreasonable to think that piano culture is a symbol of modern family and a device to perform modern family. I attempted to adopt Kamakura city for my case study and interviewed 10 residents. It is generally considered that the socialization in modern family had a feature that the parent played a main role in socializing the child. With the advent of historical and economic developments, the parent-child relation have been diversified. The conclusion is that parents tend to desire the child-centered socialization or have the child take his or her own responsibility and control by himself or herself.
長門 裕介
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.133, pp.149-165, 2014-03 (Released:2014-00-00)

投稿論文 Over the past few decades, some philosophers have argued for the importance of temporal structures in any discussion of the meaning of life or a theory of happiness. Contrary to the notion of sum-ranking, much work has shown that the estimate of well-being or self-esteem varies with context and the role that narrative understanding plays in the whole of human life.With this position in mind, I focus in this paper on two intentions that are used for understanding one's whole life from the viewpoint of the self. First, this understanding involves one's intentional stance toward past time. This stance plays a role in the integration of various human experiences into a coherent plot or a story-line (called the "narrative mode) on the basis of a particular perspective. Another intentional stance sets the appropriate means-ends connection in human life. To make one's whole life intelligible, these two intentions must have a complementary relation.Based on this perspective, I present some suggestions for the practical estimation of one's whole life.
山岸 健
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.100, pp.213-237, 1996-03

100集記念号Trivial round of daily life is not trivial but full of dramas, episodes, and spectacles. Lived body is a dramatic stage of various world experiences. Also this body is always a zero point of perspectives, SENS, behavior, and social action. Everyday world is our intersubjective social cultural world. Reality construction is our life-long daily experiences. We are living in daily world building and identity building. Landscape experiences are one of our basic world experiences in personal life history and identity building. Always human being is in a process of becoming. Human being is living in a world of imagination as well as in a practical everyday world. One genre of culture, painting is a original colourful perspective of our everyday world and human world. Human world consists of natural cultural social experiences, personal memory, and individual imagination. Constructing humanistic sociology, it is necessary to understand multiple realities and human world experiences which are sources of meanings and SENS.
加田 哲二
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.3, pp.1-88, 1927-12-25

一. シュタインの生涯二. シュタインの業績三-四. シュタインの社会学史上の地位並にその思想の背景五-一八. 「仏蘭西社会運動史」に現われた社会学的思想
輿水 辰春
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.107, pp.169-187, 2002-01

特集文化人類学の現代的課題論文1. はじめに 1-1. 民俗芸能と伝説・昔話 1-2. 地域概略と問題点2. 雛鶴姫伝説 2-1. 伝説 2-2. 考察 2-3. 習俗と伝説3. おわりにThe purpose of this paper is to consider the legend Hinaduru-Hime Densetsu that tells of the origin of folk-performing-art Dainenbutsu and some social taboos. Dainenbutsu is a ritual dance to exorcise a human body of evil spirits. A representative social taboo is prohibition of setting up the New Year's pine. According to the legend that deals with the Nanboku-cho era (the 14th century), both are very old and traditional customs. But my researches reveal that the legend is formed in the modern age. Therefore, it is Invention of Tradition. My concern here is mainly formation and function of the legend. Formation and transition of the legend originate from reflection and reasonable interpretation of people's memory that join some places, and customs. Generally, legend is thought traditional and static. But, in modern contemporary society, legend is dynamic and variable. I attempted to explain the process of formation of the legend. This process shows people's sense of large and small history that is far and familiar. And function of legend is to give people some taboos and customs. People are under restrain. But this function is an un-finished product of those idea and thought.

2 0 0 0 IR Quineの集合論

大出 晁
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.46, pp.83-108, 1965-02

I. パラドックス Cantorの定理 順序数の定理II. Quineの体系III. NFにおける自然数と数学的帰納法IV. NFにおけるCantorの定理V. NFと選択公理VI. MLの利点 1. 数学的帰納法 2. 自然数の集合N 3. Cantor, Burali-Fortiのパラドックス 4. MLと選択公理VII. NFとMLとの関係 : 相対的無矛盾性VIII. MLとNFにおける個体の問題橋本孝先生古希記念論文集
岡原 正幸 木田 邦治
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.94, pp.25-46, 1993-01

荻野先生の略歴0. 荻野恒一先生を追悼する1. 慶應義塾時代の荻野先生2. まよい出づる旅の思想Professor med. Dr. Kohichi Ogino, ein immer uns alle stutzender und von neben uns out der Reise zur echt wissenschaftlichen Uberlegung begleitender Lehrer, 1st am 15. Okt. 1991 mit Tode abgegangen. Es lag auf der Hand, dass wir alle in tiefste Trauer und in grauen Schock versetzt wurden. Aber deswegen ist unbedingt notwendig, daruber hinaus eine neue Beziehung mit unserem grossen Lehrer, die nicht mehr "wirklich" sondern seelisch und wissenschaftlich sein muss, mit aller Kraft zu stellen. Wir beide sollen, semen Tod betrauend, diesen Aufsatz mit dem Ziel schreiben, etwas Wichtiges fur unsere Gesellschaft vom psychiatrischen (phanomenologischen, Daseinanalytischen, vergleichend, trans-kulturellen) Denken Oginos heraus in die sozialwissenschaftliche Diskurse uberzuleiten.
三井 宏隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.84, pp.243-266, 1987-05

譲る,譲らない,譲れないシルバーシートここは私の席 : 着席権とは何か少し待て,早過ぎるのでは : 電話口での礼儀,作法割り勘,おごる,おごられる : レジの前の社会心理学要約In this paper, some kinds of behavior occurring in the daily life are taken up as examples of the rule-following behavior. If we take a casual glance at them, they seem to be unsystematic and confused. But a close investigation of them will reveal the rules which people follow implicitly to smooth the human relations and to reduce the conflict among them. If it were not for such rules, the strain of human relations would tire people out, because the difficult decision-making is required at any moment in the social situation. People are unaware of them in many cases, but if they are broken, people feel insulted and get angry. For that reason, they are called the implicit rule of social behavior.

2 0 0 0 OA 新實在論序説

島原 逸二
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.7, pp.1-11, 1930-12-30

藤田 弘夫
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.114, pp.199-221, 2005-03

特集都市・公共・身体の歴史社会学-都市社会学誕生100年記念-B編 身体と公共の歴史社会学論文第一節. 人間の夢と科学・技術第二節. 人類の発展と地球環境第三節. 人類の進歩と社会の進化第四節. 生命への挑戦と豊かな生活第五節. 科学・技術と未来の神話While man realized the dream, he found out (lack) continuously and made a new dream. Man's dream is restricted and spreads that there is nothing. Man's greatest dream is release from the "death" which cannot be escaped as long as man is a living thing. Therefore, religion is securing a life in the next world, and established mighty power among people. However, man is going to live a present life the comfortable thing. And man has developed science and technology. Science and technology changed to God and have realized people's dream. However, development of science or technology does not have the use most important for anyone. The merits and demerits of science or technology are complicated. Man has realized various desires by picturing a dream to oneself. People's dream not only leads parents, a friend, and books, but now, it is transmitted through electronic media, such as television, a telephone, and a personal computer. The business by realization of a dream is acting [ man-like ] as man. Man can see various dreams also from not only the encounter with other human beings but one copy of mail, or one-sheet public lottery. Now, in the rich country, the birthrate is falling rapidly. Is this world such the pleasant world that it is difficult to induce for it and a child whether it is the world which does not deserve living? On the other hand, the poor country shows the high birthrate, it is going to tell man's importance-or is the child born in order to escape poverty? In advanced nations, while injuring health by overweight by delicious food, eating disorders, such as anorexia, have spread. However, in the developing country, health is injured by a poor meal and too much labor.
三井 宏隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.91, pp.567-590, 1990-12

本稿ではAttorney General's Commission on Pornography (Meese Commission)の答申を取りあげることにより,社会科学(行動科学,社会心理学など)がポルノグラフィーの法的規制という問題に対して,如何なる処方箋を提示し,それがどのような形で社会政策に活かされたのかということについて,社会科学と社会政策といった観点から検討を加えることにする.Attorney General's Commission on Pornographyとは1985年5月20日,Reagan大統領の支持のもとに,司法長官Edwin Meese IIIが設置した諮問委員会のことである.この委員会は一年間の審議を経て,「暴力による性関係の強要といった内容のポルノグラフィー(sexually violent materials)を見たり,読んだりすることと,女性に対する攻撃行動の増進との間には明らかに因果関係が見出される」との結論に到達し,それに基づいて「ポルノに対して,より厳しい法的手段を講ずるように」と答申したのである.この答申は内容的には1970年9月30日に提出されたPresidential Commission on Obscenity & Pornography (Lockhart Report)の結論を否定するものであったが,政治的にはmoral majority conservativesとanti-pornography feministsが新に手を結んだ妥協の産物とも解釈されたのである(Williams, L. 1990).一方,Meese Commissionの理論的な裏付けてとして引用されたのがNeil, M. MalamuthやEdward Donnersteinらの研究であった.彼らは主としてsexually violent materialsが与える影響について精力的な研究を重ねてきたが,その知見の解釈をめぐって,Meese Commissionとの間に対立が生じることになったのである.所謂,「実験結果や調査結果を現実の社会問題に適用しようとする場合,その限界をどこに求めるべきか」という妥当性の問題を巡っての対立である.この古くて,新しい問題に対して一般論を云々してもあまり益する所はないと思われることから,本稿ではMeese Commissionの活動を通して,社会科学と社会政策の接点はどこに求めるべきかを論ずることにする.
都留 竜馬
哲學 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.52, pp.257-266,303, 2001

In his famous paper "Outline of a Theory of Truth, " Kripke claimed that in order to say that a theory of the liar paradox is presented, one should set up a formal language which contains its own truth predicate. In fact Kripke himself set up such a language (i. e his theory of truth). Since then, many theories of truth have been presented as theories of the liar paradox. But what relationship is there between such a formal language and the liar paradox? In this paper I explain this relation and consider problems of those theories of truth. I take up two problems. The first is the problem about proof theory, and the second is the problem of the Revenge Liar. I shall show that the problem of the Revenge Liar is extremely difficult and that the solution of this problem is hardly possible.