安藤 寿康 渡辺 恵子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.78, pp.171-198, 1984

序 : 遺伝と教育第1節. 知能は遺伝的影響を受けている第2節. 遺伝的すなわち固定的か第3節. 「相互作用」の混乱 (1) 種レベルと個人レベルの混同 (2) 遺伝率に関する誤解 (3) 相関(correlation)と交互作用(interaction)の混同第4節. 遺伝要因の発達的意味第5節. 一次元尺度を越えておわりにThe present paper tried to review the recent trend of the studies on the nature/nurture problem. (1) Several researches in the last decade have revealed that the genetic factor has a strong influence on the individual differences of IQ, even if the shortcomings of the traditional twin and adoption studies are revised. (2) Intelligence in the sense of Piagetian scheme, however, changes developmentally, and its developmental prosess is influenced successively by gene throughout one's life. (3) The belief that to be genetic implies to be stable should be discarded, if we distinguish between the perspective of individual differences and the persprective of species. In addition, confusion and misunderstanding in the usage of the terms "interaction" and "heritability" must be avoided. (4) Several aspects of correlation underlying the interaction pattern at the phenotypic level were reconsidered. (5) As an attempt to overcome the shortcomings of past studies which treated the character in terms of one dimension, an experimental study using multidimensional scaling was proposed.
宇野 善康
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.55, pp.97-142, 1970-03

一. 日本におけるTV受信機の普及過程Using 17 illustrations and 25 charts, studies of various aspects of the increase of the number of television sets in Japanese families are introduced. First, the spread is studied chronologically following each period and the trend of each stage is investigated. Especially, the factors closely related to the increase, such as, wide use of radio sets, number of television sets purchased, fluctuation of prices, numbers of new television broadcasting station established, expansion of coverage of television stations and increasing number of registered receivers in each period, are carefully studied. Next, geographical studies of the increase including study by prefecture, that of urban and surburban area, and that of local areas covering the conditions of cities, towns and villages, are presented. Also, relationships with developing mass media, such as, newspapers, magazines, movie films and music records, are considered together with changes of advertising expenses by each media. Then, research on the development of economic conditions and trends of the rationalization of Japanese farmer, which are enabling them to purchase television sets, are conducted. The research includes study of ratio between hours spent for farm labor and those for the rest of daily life. The increasing number of farming machines as their production properties has been also investigated. Finally, studies on the development of television sets by profesfion are conducted. Especially, the difference in ratio of the increase of durable consumer properties between urban laborers and farmers as well as the difference in the degree of the improvement of consumption standard and the changes of income between the two groups are carefully studied.
神山 四郎
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.27, pp.125-154, 1951-08

It goes without saying that there is nothing commensurable substantially between God and His creatures in the same genus. But, since creatures exist actually in participating with God, there is something to make possible to be commensurate both terms at least analogically. In order to remind us its possibility most positively, St. Bonaventure asserted such a doctrine of divine expressionism as God expresses Himself in His totality and perfection in the results of His creation-by this expressionism he believed to be able to make his own theocentrism perfect. Thus the creatures impressed God's image by God Himself should be similar to the totality of Him even to the personal relation, but not in the substantial participation, but in the expressed similitude. As the relation between the creatures and the Creator has the similar relation between a sign and its meaning, we can recognize God through the creatures as well as the meaning through the sign. St. Bonaventure explained us such a recognition by the term "contuitio," analogical intuition, that is a particular conception which has epistemological foundation on the theory of illumination of the Plato-Augustinism. According to the Pseudo-Dionysius' formula the creatures are disposed on the hierarchy which is diffusively emanated from a divine source. Analogical concejtion seemed to be situated in it-the material world that is far from the origin is "vestiglum," the spiritual world, nearer to the origin, is "imago," and sanctified spirit is "similitudo." "Ex tantis indiciis" we can see (contueri) God, and travel to God Himself following these vestiges-he said this travel "Itinerarium mentis in Deum." Put we cannot use these analogical conceptions as the method for the purpose of getting a conception of "being." It is because, by these analogical conceptions he intended not to define the term "being," but merely toresearch a vestige, of God "Fabricator" imaresied upon the creatures. So in a word it is a symbolical conception, threfore the contuition of St. Bonaventure contributed far less to the formation of the analogical conceptions in the scholastic logic, than to the foundastion of christian humanism as a symbolical mysticism which conserved firmly and made us conscious the principles of the primacy of spirituality, solemnity of person and sanctification of body.
東 敏徳
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.105, pp.137-154, 2000-12

投稿論文はじめにI. 問題の所在 : アリストテレスにおける徳と知II. アリストテレスの発達論と徳の習得III. 経験εμπεριαについてIV. 経験と徳の形成まとめThe revival of virtue approach to ethics has been accompanied by aconcern with the notion of community. The wide spreaded assumption of a link between community and virtue may be due to Aristotelian roots of virtue ethics. Aristotle emphasizes the fundamentally social notion of virtue which is the way in that particular forms of life are linkes withparticular virtues. I wish to explore some of the possible links between virtue and social life. Especially I wish to indicate the relation betweem Virtue and experience which people aquires in a social life. Εμπερια, experience is key term in order to understand the foundamental franework of Aristotelian way of thought especially about education. Because εμπερια gives the each person the understanding how to behave in each circumstance. First, I wish to suggest the differnce which was made by Aristotle between ηθικηs virtue and diavounos virtue and then to argue the role of εμπερια, experience, in the aquiring of virtuous life, especially in order to make people progress from ηθικηs virtue to διανοτικοs virtue. And finally I conclude that εμπερια, experience, in Aristotelian moral philosophy is important in moral education in order to make people virtuous.
吉川 孝
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.109, pp.47-70, 2003-03

投稿論文序1. 自然の現象学の方法上の前提2. 自然と精神の絡み合い3. 基づけの概念4. 自然への還元5. 事物の所与性6. 客観的事物の構成7. 身体との関係における事物8. 自然としての主観から精神としての主観へ結びE. Husserl hat in seiner regionalen Ontologie die sich verflechtenden und durchdringenden Realitaten Natur und Geist abzugrenzen versucht. Diese in Ideen II entwickelte Ontologie erforscht das Wesen von den sachhaltigen Gegenstanden, urn die empirischen Wissenschaften durch die Wesensgesetze zu rationalisieren und begrunden. Es ist hier bemerkenswert, dass die Phanomenologie ins Gebiet der Natur geleitet wird und sich als eine Art von Naturphilosophie bildet, obwohl sie sich noch immer als die Wissenschaft von dem reinen Bewusstsein bezeichnet und den Naturalismus, der das Bewusstsein naturalisieren oder realisieren will und damit fur seine Eigenart blind ist, radikal kritisiert. In der phanomenologischen Ontologie der Natur, wird sogar ihre Analyse methodisch in der naturalistischen Einstellung vollzogt. Von diesem Standpunkt aus, wird die ganze Welt als Natur gefasst. Und es zeigt sich, dass die materielle Natur im ersten Sinn die animalische Natur im zweiten Sinn (die das Geistige in sich schliesst) fundiert. Diese Fundierung des Geistes durch die Natur werden das Prinzip kann, aufgrund dessen die phanomenologishe Analyse die ursprungliche Natur fur sich herausstellt und sie von dem Geist unterscheidet. Die naturale Reduktion als der Ruckgang auf die Naturdinge schaltet die geistige Auffassung aus, und zwar in der Weise, ein Fundiertes auszuscheiden. Husserl als tranzendentaler Phanomenologe schliesst letztlich Ideen II mit folgenden Behauptung: Der Geist als das was der Natur Sinn gibt absolut sei. Aber er spricht andererseits von den Abhangigkeiten des Geistes von der Natur. Die Phanomenologie lehnt also den Begriff von der Fundierung nicht ab, sie will vielmehr dadurch die universale Welterkentnis vollfiihren, Natur und Geist von beider Seiten aus zu verstehen.
南 隆男 浦 光博 稲葉 昭英
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.86, pp.199-227, 1988

ゴルトン フランシス 北中 淳子 皆吉 淳平
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.114, pp.181-188, 2005-03 (Released:2005-00-00)

特集都市・公共・身体の歴史社会学-都市社会学誕生100年記念-A編 ゲデス・プロジェクト第III部 ロンドン社会学会の創立
浅野 光紀
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.109, pp.23-46, 2003-03

投稿論文1. 問題の提示 : 二つのパラドクス2. 心の分割論について : 若干のコメント3. 自己欺瞞の具体例と論点の整理4. メレの解決法とその問題点5. 信念のパラドクスの解決6. 意図のパラドクスの解決In this essay, I shall deal with self-deception in its most literal sense, namely "to deceive oneself intentionally into believing what one knows to be false". Admittedly, this phenomenon has long been recognized to be psychologically perplexing and philosophically paradoxical. How could one person knowing the truth get himself to believe the opposite and, as a result, simultaneously hold the contradictory beliefs ? Moreover, the knowledge of one's own intention to deceive oneself should make the project self-defeating because no one can be deceived if he knows the deceiver's intention and motives whether or not they are one and the same person. What follows is an attempt to resolve these problems and clarify the nature and etiology of self-deception. Examining carefully a variety of ways in which desire can influence beliefformation by biasing our cognitive processes, I propose a coherent description of self-deception which is real and common in our daily life. In due course it will be shown that our ability to know our own mental states is limited and we can be mistaken about and unaware of the reasons on which we act.
渕上 恭子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.119, pp.337-372, 2008-03

第2部 民俗宗教から観光研究まで投稿論文序「シバジ」 : 韓国の代理出産母のルーツI. 「シバジ」の民族誌 : 映画『シバジ』にみる朝鮮時代の代理母出産と祈子習俗II. 「シバジ」の身分層形成の時代背景 1. 父系血統主義 : 血筋のよい「借り腹」としての「世襲シバジ」 2. 「七出三不去」の礼法 : 女性に対する儒教教化と両班に対する離婚抑制策 3. 「庶孽禁固」 : 両班の妾の子孫達に対する差別III. 韓国朝鮮の文献史料にみる「シバジ」 1. 「シバジ夫人」 : 韓国の代理母出産研究の先駆 2. 朝鮮時代後期の実学派にみる「シバジ」研究の系譜 : 男尊思想の定着による祈子習俗の浸透IV. 「現代版シバジ」の群像 : 生殖技術の発達による「シバジ」の変貌おわりに 韓国の代理母出産問題の根源を探る「シバジ」研究'Ssi-baji' means, literally a 'womb for rent', so-called a 'surro-gate mother'. In Chosun era (1392-1910), because of Confucian morals, it had been regarded as the most important obligation toward ancestors to give birth to the son to carry on the paternal family line. The 'yang-ban' (the governing classes in Chosun era) nobleman who had not been blessed with his male heir to hold the Confucian service for his ancestors employed a 'ssi-baji' woman to have sexual relations with him on behalf of his lawful wife unable to conceive in order to make her bear his son. She had secretly borne a baby boy in order to hand over it to him after giving birth, pretending that his lawful wife had borne his son. A 'ssi-baji' woman who was a surrogate mother giving birth to a male heir "by profession" for a respectful 'yang-ban' family got a lot of reward such as arable land when she had borne a baby boy. However, she could not get anything but a bite of grain as the expenses for bringing up her child if she had borne a baby girl. The baby girl was taken home together with her and her daughter also became a 'ssi-baji' woman like as her mother. The social status and occupation of a 'ssi-baji' woman had been succeeded by the maternal line, and 'ssi-baji' women who rent out their wombs to live had been actually existing until before the liberation from Japanese colonial rule. In my paper I'll examine the historical backgrounds that a 'ssi-baji' woman who was not a secondary wife but a professional surrogate mother giving birth to a male heir had been needed among respectful childless 'yang-ban' families in Chosun era. In the age of Chosun-Dynasty, it was actually impossible for respectful 'yang-ban' family member to divorce or keep a mistress even though his lawful wife was unable to give birth to a son be-cause of the reputation of his family. In those days the descend-ant whose mother was a mistress had been prohibited from holding a government post even if his father was a 'yang-ban' noble-man. It was no use keeping a mistress in order to obtain his son, for his descendants from the illegitimate would have no chance of success in 'yang-ban' society. Therefore, in the 'yang-ban' society in Chosun era that paternal line had been highly estimated, a 'ssi-baji' woman of noble descendent blood whose biological father was a 'yang-ban' nobleman and whose origin didn't surface was suitable for a surrogate mother of a respectful 'yang-ban' family's male heir. Although the class system in Chosun Dynasty was officially abolished in 1894, a 'ssi-baji' woman, as a means of obtaining son, didn't actually disappear in Korea where 'son-preference' due to Confucian tradition since Chosun era had been deeply rooted. Since 1950s infertility treatments such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization have been introduced in Korea, gestational surrogacy with these infertility treatments have come to be carried out by a surrogate mother so-called 'a present-day ssi-baji' woman, in place of a former 'ssi-baji' in Chosun era. The technology of infertility treatments have made it possible to conceive without sexual intercourse, and recently highly developed assisted reproductive technologies have made it also possible to 'rent' only a womb in order to bear a baby boy with sex-selection technology of IVF (in vitro fertilization) surrogacy. The development of assisted reproductive technologies has made a former 'ssi-baji' woman in Chosun era change into 'a present-day ssi-baji' to rent her womb and bear a baby boy which is not related to her by blood, a literal 'womb for rent', which has been causing serious bio-ethical problems on surrogate mother-hood in contemporary Korea. In my paper I'll study these bio-ethical problems on the 'ssi-baji' surrogate motherhood in contemporary Korea from the standpoint of ethnology.
渕上 恭子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.119, pp.337-372, 2008-03 (Released:2008-00-00)

第2部 民俗宗教から観光研究まで投稿論文 序「シバジ」 : 韓国の代理出産母のルーツI. 「シバジ」の民族誌 : 映画『シバジ』にみる朝鮮時代の代理母出産と祈子習俗II. 「シバジ」の身分層形成の時代背景 1. 父系血統主義 : 血筋のよい「借り腹」としての「世襲シバジ」 2. 「七出三不去」の礼法 : 女性に対する儒教教化と両班に対する離婚抑制策 3. 「庶孽禁固」 : 両班の妾の子孫達に対する差別III. 韓国朝鮮の文献史料にみる「シバジ」 1. 「シバジ夫人」 : 韓国の代理母出産研究の先駆 2. 朝鮮時代後期の実学派にみる「シバジ」研究の系譜 : 男尊思想の定着による祈子習俗の浸透IV. 「現代版シバジ」の群像 : 生殖技術の発達による「シバジ」の変貌おわりに 韓国の代理母出産問題の根源を探る「シバジ」研究 'Ssi-baji' means, literally a 'womb for rent', so-called a 'surro-gate mother'. In Chosun era (1392-1910), because of Confucian morals, it had been regarded as the most important obligation toward ancestors to give birth to the son to carry on the paternal family line. The 'yang-ban' (the governing classes in Chosun era) nobleman who had not been blessed with his male heir to hold the Confucian service for his ancestors employed a 'ssi-baji' woman to have sexual relations with him on behalf of his lawful wife unable to conceive in order to make her bear his son. She had secretly borne a baby boy in order to hand over it to him after giving birth, pretending that his lawful wife had borne his son. A 'ssi-baji' woman who was a surrogate mother giving birth to a male heir "by profession" for a respectful 'yang-ban' family got a lot of reward such as arable land when she had borne a baby boy. However, she could not get anything but a bite of grain as the expenses for bringing up her child if she had borne a baby girl. The baby girl was taken home together with her and her daughter also became a 'ssi-baji' woman like as her mother. The social status and occupation of a 'ssi-baji' woman had been succeeded by the maternal line, and 'ssi-baji' women who rent out their wombs to live had been actually existing until before the liberation from Japanese colonial rule. In my paper I'll examine the historical backgrounds that a 'ssi-baji' woman who was not a secondary wife but a professional surrogate mother giving birth to a male heir had been needed among respectful childless 'yang-ban' families in Chosun era. In the age of Chosun-Dynasty, it was actually impossible for respectful 'yang-ban' family member to divorce or keep a mistress even though his lawful wife was unable to give birth to a son be-cause of the reputation of his family. In those days the descend-ant whose mother was a mistress had been prohibited from holding a government post even if his father was a 'yang-ban' noble-man. It was no use keeping a mistress in order to obtain his son, for his descendants from the illegitimate would have no chance of success in 'yang-ban' society. Therefore, in the 'yang-ban' society in Chosun era that paternal line had been highly estimated, a 'ssi-baji' woman of noble descendent blood whose biological father was a 'yang-ban' nobleman and whose origin didn't surface was suitable for a surrogate mother of a respectful 'yang-ban' family's male heir. Although the class system in Chosun Dynasty was officially abolished in 1894, a 'ssi-baji' woman, as a means of obtaining son, didn't actually disappear in Korea where 'son-preference' due to Confucian tradition since Chosun era had been deeply rooted. Since 1950s infertility treatments such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization have been introduced in Korea, gestational surrogacy with these infertility treatments have come to be carried out by a surrogate mother so-called 'a present-day ssi-baji' woman, in place of a former 'ssi-baji' in Chosun era. The technology of infertility treatments have made it possible to conceive without sexual intercourse, and recently highly developed assisted reproductive technologies have made it also possible to 'rent' only a womb in order to bear a baby boy with sex-selection technology of IVF (in vitro fertilization) surrogacy. The development of assisted reproductive technologies has made a former 'ssi-baji' woman in Chosun era change into 'a present-day ssi-baji' to rent her womb and bear a baby boy which is not related to her by blood, a literal 'womb for rent', which has been causing serious bio-ethical problems on surrogate mother-hood in contemporary Korea. In my paper I'll study these bio-ethical problems on the 'ssi-baji' surrogate motherhood in contemporary Korea from the standpoint of ethnology.
吉川 孝
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.111, pp.31-60, 2004-03

投稿論文1. 志向性と認識論2. 現象学的突破3. 所与性の拡大と構成問題4. 世界の超越論的問題5. 初期空間論における世界問題6. 空間論の転換とその後の展開7. 心と世界Die Frage nach der Welt 1st das Zentralproblem der Phanomenologie Edmund Husserls. Was er unter dem Titel Welt verstanden hat, ist aber noch nicht so klar. Es ist deutlich, dass der Ausgangspunkt der Phanomenologie Husserls die Erkentnistheorie oder-Krithik ist. Wie kann die Erkentnis iiber sich hinaus gehen und ihre Objekte treffen. Die Erkentnistheorie will, wie die Erkentnis ihren Objekte trifft, aufklaren. Aber das Weltproblem ist nicht das Erkentnisproblem, das auf Grund von dem Begriff Intentionalitat gelost werden kann. Innerhalb der Frage nach der Welt, wird zum Ratsel eben die intentionale Korelation zwischen Erkentnis und Objekt (Seele und Welt). Husserl sagt: die selbstverstandlich seiende Welt wird unversta'ndlich oder ratselhaft, sowie sie sich einmal auf die Bewusstsein-subjektivitat bezieht. Es ist nun ein Widersinn, dass die menschliche Subjektivitat als der in der Welt seiende Teil die ganze Welt selbst konstituiert, sozusagen verschlingt. Diese Unverstandlichkeit klar zu machen, ist die Aufgabe der phanomenologischen Weltproblemathik, die als das transzendentale Problem bezeichnet wird. Und Husserl findet darin eine Moglichkeit des Gegebensein der gesamten Welt in dem Bewusstseinsleben, dass Leben standig In-Weltgewissheit-wach-leben ist.
三雲 夏生
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.35, pp.267-285, 1958-11

杉本 助男
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.50, pp.361-374, 1967-03

第五十集記念号実験 : その方法実験 : 結果の総合In space flight, the lack of sensory stimulation is one of the unavoidable problem to be solved. The study in author's laboratory, therefore, is carried out on analyzing the psychological and physiological alteration which may be produced by isolation from, or less exposure to, the sensory stimulation, particulary on the effect of long lasting application of weak and monotonous visual and auditory stimulation. It seems, however, that the suitable indicators for the experimental analyzing have not been established yet. In this paper, a summarized view of this problem is made refering our studies so far done, especially subjects' behavioral and electroencephalographic changes. Seven male university students were placed individually in a cylinder shaped isolation chamber for a period of three days. The behavior of the subjects was monitored at all times by a closed-circuit television system. Electroencephalographic records were taken by eight channel machine for two minutes every fifteen minutes during sensory deprivation experiment. It was found by every subjects that ego control level were gradually lowered in experiment progressing. In forty hours going by, logical thinking was broken off and hallucinations were occured by some subjects. And finally severe motivational losses were observed. EEG activity is also changed corresponding with behavioral impairments. It must be emphasized that EEG patterns in sleep showed marked differences between the first night and the last night during sensory deprivation.
柏原 勤
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.128, pp.207-234, 2012-03 (Released:2012-00-00)

特集 : 社会学 社会心理学 文化人類学投稿論文 The purpose of this investigation is to regard "2 -channel thread editing blog" as a new form of news communication, to identify the characteristics and processes of the news communication, and to present the possibility that these blogs can be examined from the perspective of several mass communication theories. "2-channel thread editing blog" is a famous blog genre for many Japanese Internet users. It contains articles whose recourses are selected from threads on "2-channel", the most popular anonymous bulletin board in Japan.This study classifies these blogs and its articles into two groups, "news" and "non-news", and considers the former a new form of news communication. This type of blogs functions as a news media by mediating news articles reported by traditional media, or reporting social events particularly occurring on the Internet.As a novel type of news media, "2-channel thread editing blog" presents some potentialities to be studied from the point of and by methods of mass communication theories or news communication researches, such as double geetkeeping, media effect theories, and so on.
三井 宏隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.81, pp.99-120, 1985-12

問題提起スティグマが相互作用活動に及ぼす影響 Kleck, Ono Hastorfの研究 手続 結果 Comer Piliavinの研究 手続 結果 Carver, Glass Katzの研究 手続 結果社会的ハンディキャップとしてのスティグマ Farina, Sherman Allenの研究 手続 結果 Mills, Belgrave Boyerの研究 手続 結果 Bullman Wortmanの研究 手続 結果スティグマを生みだす心理過程In this paper, the phenomena of social stigma, particularly the interaction between physically disabled persons and the nondisabled, were discussed in terms of experimental studies. The, main point of the discussion is that stigma is seen as a product of definitional processes arising out of social interaction, and not as an attribute that people automatically have when they acquire a trait or quality that may be discrediting. That is, stigmatization is regarded as a process in which particular social meanings come to be attached to categories of behavior and to individuals. The following things were found through the review of experimental studies which were conducted in different situations. (1) The reactions of the normals to the stigmatized are ambivalent. They can be either hostile and rejecting or sympathetic and helpful, depending on the circumstances of contact. (2) Physically disabled persons not only have the problems of coping with their physical handicaps, but are likely to experience social handicaps as well. One social handicap disabled persons face is that, in initial encounters, nondisabled persons tend to avoid social interaction with them. In this situation, one technique available to the disabled person is voluntarily to mention his handicap.
千葉 恵
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.73, pp.1-24, 1981-12

In Post. Anal. A4, Aristotle enumerates four Kinds of "Per Se" which designate four kinds of necessity between subject and predicate. Many commentators exclude the last two "Per Se" from their concern as irrelevant to Aristotle's inquiry of the demonstrative theory. I think, however, that, as far as a necessary S-P relation, all four kinds of "Per Se" are, for Aristotle, indispensable to his theory of demonstration. In this paper, I try to investigate his true thought when he manifests four "Per Se" and to show the principal role of each of the last "neglected" two as follows. 1. implies tautological necessity which we acquire from the linguistical point of view. This must be relevant for positing a genus which each science has as its domain. 2. implies causal necessity such as is valid, in fields of nonmathematical sciences.
立野 清隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.35, pp.141-162, 1958-11

I 哲学,慶応義塾創立百年記念論文集Man kann die Grundeigentumlichkeit der europaischen Philosophie im intellektuellen Essentialismus befinden. Es vollendet sich im allgemeinen beim Aristotelischen-Thomismus. Das Aristotelischen-Thomismus (die scholastische Ontologie), das die Identitat zwischen das Denken, Seiendes und Wesen, und das Identitats-Widerspruchsprinzip als das hochste ontologische Grundprinzip betrachtet, erfahrend die Gewissheit des Seins des denkenden Ich, d. i. das neuzeitlichen subjektiven Selbstbewusstsein, wendet es sich hierauf in die Metaphysik des subjektiven Willens, welche in der Hegelsphilosophie des absoluten Geistes und Nietzsches-Philosophie des Willens zur Macht zu Ende kommt. In diesem geschichtlichen Entwicklungs-Prozesse vom intellektuellen Essentialismus zur Metaphysik des subjektiven Willens kann man gewiss das Wesen der europaischen Metaphysik begreifen. Aber das intellektuellen Essentialismus, das Identitats-Widerspruchsprinzip fur das hochste ontologische Grundprinzip haltet, ist nur noch eine analytische Erklarung der erscheinenden Welt oder eine reflektierende verstandliche Auslegung, der mit der unmittelbaren Bejahung des Anwesen der wirklichen Welt beginnt und endet. Deshalb gehorte es durchaus nicht zur Sache, die existierende Moglichkeit des Anwesen der wirklichen Welt zu fragen; die existierende Welt und die in der Welt anwesende Seiende in den absoluten anfanglichen Woraus und den schopferischen zukunftigen Wozu sich selbst aufbrechend zu fragen. Ich wollte die innere Geschichte darstellen, in der sich die Ausbildung und die Zerstorung der Herrschaft des Denkens als ratio der Logik uber das Sein des Seienden vollzog.
高須 大 横尾 剛
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.109, pp.273-289, 2003-03 (Released:2003-00-00)

研究ノート 1. 導入2. 主観説とダッチ・ブックの論証 2.1. 主観説の方策 : 信念の度合いから確率への2段階の置き換え 2.2. 賭けの一般形式と賭け指数 2.3. 第1段階 : 信念の度合いと公平な賭け指数 2.4. 第2段階 : 公平な賭け指数と確率 ダッチ・ブック定理3. 結論 : 第1段階と第2段階の統合付録 ダッチ・ブック定理の証明 Lots of efforts have been paid for interpreting the concept of probability by another familiar concept such as ignorance, degree of a partial logical entailment, degree of belief, frequency, and propensity. In this paper the subjective theory is addressed. According to this theory, probability is interpreted as coherent degree of belief of a particular individual. This interpretation is achieved through following the two-step replacements: (1) Degree of belief is interpreted as fair betting quotient; (2) Fair betting quotient is interpreted as probability. The first replacement is based on the claim that in a bet (decision-making in an uncertain situation) a bettor's degree of belief whether an event will occur can be measured by a real number which she gives through her judgement on the fairness of the bet. The second replacement is based on the fact that when a bettor makes bets on events, in order to be guaranteed not to lose whatever happens (in order to be coherent) she should assign her betting quotients in accordance with the probability axioms, and vice versa. It is the so-called Dutch Book Theorem that guarantees this fact mathematically. The purpose of this paper is to clarify and confirm the contents of the subjective theory in terms of betting systems along the following approach (Ramsey (1931), de Finetti (1937), Howson Urbach (1993), Gillies (2000), etc.).
熊坂 賢次
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.66, pp.75-97, 1977-09

3. レジャー領域の確定 (1) レジャー不要社会 (2) 偏レジャー出現社会 (3) レジャー抑圧社会 (4) レジヤー開花社会In what sense do we consider leisure as a social problem for the mass in contemporary society? In an attempt to answer it, four categories of leisure society are constructed and examined. Leisure society is a concept applied to the whole society from the viewpoint of leisure activities. It contains four typologies : (1) Leisure non-necessary society, where leisure is not needed as a part of social life system because the work of the society contains the components of play (consummatory act) as well as instrumentality. (2) Distorted two-facet leisure society, where leisure is possessed by the upper class only while the lower class is specialized to a little more instrumentalized works. (3) Leisure suppressed society, where lesure is completely suppressed in order to achieve the societal goal, ie., modernization. (4) Leisure prospering society, where the mass get leisure and its chances owing to the social justification and economic affluence. After examining them, the diagram on leisure industry vs passive mass is drawn as today's social problem. Now, we must seek for the possibilities to transcend this diagram from a value-relational standpoint. They are following : (1) voluntarity of play, (2) mass having aristocratic orientation, (3) leisure as an impetus of social solidarity, (4) recurrence to commune on denying leisure activities dialectically. These four possibilities, as well as the diagram, are sociologically important components to determine "the domain of leisure" in contemporary society, Hence is the need for the sociology of leisure to achive a new and meaningful "leisure society".