松岡 喜久次 桑原 希世子
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.75, no.2, pp.119-124, 2021-04-25 (Released:2021-06-30)

The Capitanian (Permian) radiolarians were found from a siliceous tuff block within volcaniclastic rocks in the Sumaizuku Unit of the Northern Chichibu Belt in the Kanto Mountains. The Sumaizuku Unit is composed of chaotic rocks consisting of exotic blocks of chert and mafic rocks in Jurassic clastic matrix. The rocks of studied area consist of limestone-basalt conglomerate, lime-sandstone, volcaniclastic rocks and chert. The volcaniclastic rocks are composed of clasts of basalt lava and volcanic glass accompanied with clasts of limestone, siliceous tuff and fragment of plagioclase. The clasts of siliceous tuff containing radiolarian tests are angular pebble to boulder. The siliceous tuff is regarded as blocks which were mixed in volcaniclastic rocks by slumping. We consider that the volcaniclastic rocks deposited immediately after Capitanian age, and this deposition formed on the lower flank of a seamount.
秋山 雅彦
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.61, no.1, pp.1-20, 2007-01-25 (Released:2017-05-16)

梶原 良道
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.48, no.4, pp.299-315, 1994

根本 直樹 佐藤 正洋
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.67, no.6, pp.183-195, 2013

秋田県北部,二ツ井地域の天徳寺層上部及び笹岡層下部からの有孔虫化石を検討した.検討した区間からのGloborotalia inflata(sensu lato)の豊富な産出は,この区間が上部鮮新統のNo.3 Globorotalia inflata bedに相当することを示唆する.また,その産出は温暖な中層環境を示す.いくつかの層準からのGlobigerina quinquelobaの産出は,本地域の表層が時々低塩水に覆われたことを示唆する.天徳寺層上部産化石底生有孔虫群集の多くは,上部漸深海帯での堆積を示唆する.天徳寺層最上部の堆積の間,本地域は温暖な水塊の影響を受けた.笹岡層下部は,温暖な水塊の影響を受けた外部浅海帯に堆積した.
室生団体研究グループ 八尾 昭 茅原 芳正 別所 孝範 鎌田 浩毅 山本 俊哉 渕上 芳孝 石井 久夫 森山 義博 西尾 明保 寺戸 真 八尾 昭
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.62, no.2, pp.97-108, 2008

秋山 雅彦
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.58, no.3, pp.139-147, 2004-05-25 (Released:2017-07-14)

秋山 雅彦
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.61, no.1, pp.1-20, 2007

井尻 正二 秋山 雅彦 後藤 仁敏
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-18, 1991-01-25 (Released:2017-06-06)

The purpose of this paper is to indicate a biological misunderstanding on the neoteny doctrine and a danger of the biological determinism inevitably included in the doctrine. The neoteny doctrine discussed in this paper is used in a broad sense, including Bolk's fetalization, Montagu's neoteny and Gould's retardation theories. A general understanding of the term (concept) of neoteny is a mixture of the above-mentioned three, though exemplifications of their characters for neoteny are not always same. Morphogenesis is classified into the following eight types by de Beer; 1) caenogenesis, 2) deviation, 3) neoteny, 4) reduction, 5) adult variation, 6) retardation, 7) hypermorphosis, and 8) acceleration. According to this classification, Bolk's fetalization and Montagu's neoteny correspond to neoteny, and Gould's retardation is to retardation and neoteny. Anatomical characters of Homo sapiens are enumerated in Table 1, where characters identified as neoteny by Bolk, Montagu and Gould are marked with circles. However, the critique of the neoteny doctrine should be focused on the anatomical characters for bipedal walk in erect posture, since this posture is the most important biological character of Homo sapiens. Bipedal walk in erect posture consists of erect posture, bipedalism and walk. The most fundamental characters are sigmoidal flexure of a vertebral column for erect posture, shape of a pelvis for bipedalism, and plantar arches for walk. If the neoteny doctrine is correct, those fundamental characters of Homo sapiens should appear in fetus or infant stages of anthropoids. Anatomical and comparative embryological examinations reveal that those characters are not observed in these stages. It is, therefore, concluded that the above-mentioned characters of Homo sapiens do not support the neoteny doctrine. Since the fundamental characters of Homo sapiens do not support neoteny, discussion on the other characters hitherto related to neoteny seems to be unnecessary. However, we discussed such characters as cranium, cranial flexure and direction of vagina so far regarded to be representative for neoteny, and proved that these characters are not to be neoteny. All of those who support the neoteny doctrine of Homo sapiens believe the human body as a perfect (harmonic) reality without any contradiction and are, at the same time, lacking in historical (geohistorical or phylogenic) viewpoints to human body constituent organs. Moreover, the neoteny doctrine originates in neglect or disregard of the importance of 'human society' in the course of humanization of the genus Homo. Lastly, we discussed the background for the birth of the neoteny doctrine and suggested the existence of biological determinism behind. We insist that organically unified natural and social sciences could become only the science in the 21 century.
相坂 冀一郎
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.47, no.5, pp.445-453, 1993-09-25 (Released:2017-06-06)

In this paper, I discussed about the fact that infant of anthropoid has alredy tendency to keep erect posture, and that human erect, too. So I wish to assert that characters of hominids and infant of hominoids are homology, and that hominids is neotenic species of infant of hominoids: This is a reason why human keeps erect posture and bipedal walk.
小泉 斉
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.26, no.1, pp.19-25, 1972-01-25 (Released:2017-07-26)

Endops yanagisawai (Endo & Matsumoto) gen nov. 1) Dorsal shield oval. 2) Glabella urceolate, strongly expanded forward with a flat marginal border, granulose. 3) Occipital ring rather with tubercles stand in a line. 4) Preoccipital lobe small, length-ways elongate, trigonal. 5) Eyes large, reniform, half long as grabella. 6) Free check rim inflated or slightly rounded. 7) Genal spines short. 8) Thorax consists of ten segments. 9) Pygidium semicircular, axis composed of 8 to 9 segments, pleurae about 6 or 7 segments, rather, finely granulose.10) Occurs in the Yabeina zone of the Upper Permian, in G2 valley, Takakura-yama, northwest of Tamayama Mineral Spring, Yotsukura Town, Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. Nipponaspis takaizumii Koizumi, gen. et sp. now. 1) Dorsal shield elongate oval. 2) Cephalon semicircular; geneal spine short. 3) Glabella lengthways elongate, narrow in the middle, widest at the posterior. 4) Lateral glabellar furrow in four pairs, shallow and short. 5) Frontal part of glabella without flat marginal border, but a narrow preglabellar field present. 6) Occipital ring rather wide with a tubercle. 7) Eyes very large, reniform, two thrids as glabella. 8) Genal spine short. 9) Thorax consists of 9 segments. 10) Pygidum semicircular, axis composed of 12 to 13 segments, pleurae composed of about 8 segments. Fringe of pygidium wide. 11) Occurs in the Yabeina zone G2 valley, Takakura-yama.
古山 勝彦 長尾 敬介 笠谷 一弘 三井 誠一郎
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.47, no.5, pp.377-390, 1993-09-25 (Released:2017-06-06)

K-Ar ages of 21 Quaternary basaltic rocks from the Kannabe Volcano Group and adjacent monogenetic volcanoes in the east San-in district were determined. In the Kannabe Volcano Group, the oldest ages, 0.7Ma, were gotten from the Nishiki Volcano. There was a long rest (about 0.5 Ma) of the volcanic activity after the eruption of the Nishiki Volcano. After that, from 0.22 Ma to recent, 6 volcanoes, if including adjacent volcanoes, 9 volcanoes, erupted intermittently. The east San-in district is the most active district of the basaltic volcanism in the San-in and Chugoku area, southwest Japan, in the present day.
磯田 喜義
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.42, no.3, pp.p109-123, 1988-05

The strata distributed in the lower Agatsuma River, northwestern part of the Gunma Prefecture, Central Japan, consist of the Miocene Yago Formation and the Pleistocene Onogami Formation. The marine middle Miocene Yago Formation is composed mainly of coarse-grained tuffs, accompanied partly with pumice tuffs and mudstones. The aqueous sediments of the Onogami Formation deposited in early Pleistocene covers the Yago Formation with anguler unconformity and is divided into four members in ascending order: the Shimoichishiro Breccia Member composed mainly of debris flow deposits, the Sakaizawa Pumice Tuff and Mudstone Member, the Iwaido Tuff Breccia Member composed of andesitic hyaloclastites and its fragmental deposits, and the Horinouchi Sandstone and Mudstone Member characterized by slump beds. After the deposition of the Onogami Formation, several andesitic and dacitic dykes intruded with direction of WNW-ESE; the lower Omogami Formation had fold axes of WNW-ESE and NNE-SSW. The Onogami basin in which the Onogami Formation was deposited is a structual collapsed one recognized as a type of the Island Arc disturbance advocated by Fujita in 1982. It was proved that the Onogami basin had been restricted by several tectonic lines estimated below the surface of the northwestern margin of the Kanto Plain.
河内 洋佑 渡辺 暉夫
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1-10, 1974-01-20 (Released:2017-07-26)

ACF and similar other triangular and tetrahedral diagrams have been used widely to analyze mineral parageneses of metamorphic rocks. Listed parageneses, however, are contradictory to the accompaying diagrams in many papers; that is, they result in crossing tie lines and/or more number of phases than each compositional triangle/tetrahedron of the diagram can show. This contradiction has been commonly ignored or explained as such that the rock consists of far more numbers of components than the diagram can show or that the rock is in disequilibrium, However, as long as the assumptions employed to reduce the number of components into three or four are valid, the diagram should show perfectly the parageneses under consideration. When we take minerals in mutual contact under the microscope as paragenetic, but exclude minerals not in contact however closely they occur, an ACF diagram constructed from phases occurring side by side can represent successfully all the parageneses observed in the same metamorphic grade. This leads to a result that a series of ACF diagrams obtained from a progressively metamorphosed terrane can be arranged so as to represent a series of univariant reactions (WATANABE, in press; WATANABE & KAWACHI, in preparation). Thus each metamorphic isograd will be denned by respective univariant reaction. In low grade rocks, as the equilibrium is reached only within a few to several tens of microns, a grain of mineral should often be considered to represent a domain having bulk composition of that mineral. A wide variety of metamorphic mineral assemblages occur in basaltic lava flows in contrast to much simpler variety in tuffs intercalating with the former in the Mesozoic rocks of the Akaishi Mts. in Shimanto belt, central Japan (SEKINE & MATSUURA, in preparation): lava consisting of many small domains (phenocrysts and groundmass etc.) of different bulk compositions while tuff a few domains (laminations with small chemical difference). HASHIMOTO (1972) stressed that an actinolite overgrowth on relict clinopyroxene does not represent actinolite isograd while actinolite in a matrix of mafic rock does. This seems to be a matter of definition rather than an equilibrium as HASHIMOTO has claimed: either an isograd is based on a rather unusual bulk composition represented by relict clinopyroxene or an ordinary bulk composition represented by mafic tuffaceous matrix.